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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55571315 [View]
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LINKbros, how to stay positive amidst all of the FUD?

>> No.55569077 [View]
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Poorfags, how do you go about investing into crypto?

>> No.55560884 [View]
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>tfw DCA'ing since Dec 2021

>> No.55556686 [View]
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Tech in general is fucking dogshit.

Take this from a former techie (coder for 5+ years who quit from burnout). Here's a simple list of issues with the tech industry:

> EXTREMELY oversaturated (now at least) thanks to YouTube and TikTok spawning the tech bro culture
> Did I say oversaturation? Oversaturation is the death of profits - more saturation = depressed wages
> Vile management who only got promoted into those positions through strictly nepotism - the management is horrifically out of touch with every teams' issues and whenever management screws up, the whole team suffers with extra work, unpaid overtime, on-call, etc.
> Cybersecurity seems like an appealing escape job that's easy, but it's hard to get into without prior tech experience and connections
> The interview process for ANY tech job these days wants to give you a stress test code monkey white board quiz, even if it's a non-coding job. This is the state of the tech industry now.
> Extremely high turnover, extremely recession prone
> Despite horrific job conditions and corporate culture, the wages are fucking horrible now, hardly any room for promotion any more.

I can go on and on. Just leave tech for good like I did. I suggest everyone else do the same before they get canned from their "cushy" tech job one day without warning.

>> No.55178563 [View]
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> Why didn't I take the PPP loan when I had the chance?
> Why didn't I cash out on the last crypto bullrun top when I had the chance?
> Why didn't I buy $100 ethereum when I had the chance?
> Why didn't I buy pepe when it was first listed on CMC when I had the chance?
> Why didn't I browse biz back during the glory days of shib being introduced when I had the chance?
> Why didn't I switch majors from horrid CS over to something else when I had the chance?

I mean fuck, there is no way a man like me can be this unbelievably unlucky, and it's all thanks to me being a megaton fucking pussy.

Low prenatal testosterone in any man = it's over before it even began

>> No.55127393 [View]
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I only have one bros. Reply S to spit on me

>> No.55106670 [View]
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How'd an nitwit like you get so tasteful?

>> No.55063179 [View]
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I want to compile a list of careers that are demoralizing (based on either your personal experiences or what your friends/family have described, etc. - don't link stupid blogposts that mention nothing).

I'll start:

> Mechanical Engineer
> Coder
> (anyone else want to fill up this list?)

>> No.55004245 [View]
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This is the most blackpilling thing about the corporate world.

We were always told growing up that working hard will help us move up the corporate ladder faster.

In reality, if you work harder, you're simply seen as the "useful autist" that management and coworkers can exploit at will. If anything, since management views you as an autist, they'll come up with every excuse to not promote you, with excuses such as, "you work diligently and volunteer for over time, but you don't communicate with the team enough", and "you only live in the moment!" I know this because this was my exact fate at my old job before I finally gave up and quit after 5 years of working for the same company.

The only way to get ahead in the corporate world is by being Mr. Popular, just like it was in Middle + High School. And yes, sexual dynamics also play a role in this phenomenon, just like high school (women get promoted way easier than men do).

Hell, I remember some dude from my same apprenticeship class who managed to skyrocket at least several ranks above me to System Designer while I remained stuck in Programmer Level 2 purgatory. He was actually quite stupid & incompetent and he simply skyrocketed up the ladder simply because he was popular and the funny guy on campus.

tldr; be buddies with management, the "class clown" amongst normies *cough* your coworkers and you'll skyrocket up the corporate ladder faster than you know it.

>> No.54906357 [View]
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Literally lost all of my Shib (1b+) gambling on shitcoins, which of course dumped while everything else I was too scared to jump in did a 10x+:
> MrsPepe - literally sold right before the megapump thanks to whales shaking me out
> Bobo - got some refund money back, but again, missed out on the big pump due to shakeout
> 4chan token - this shit fucked me hard, this is where I lost 70% before capitulating
> HER token - last chance at getting my money back, and of course, it kept dumping as presalers fucked me aka I was too late

That's my luck in a nutshell. Basically lost 10 grand due to my horrid luck with gambling, while I sit on the sidelines and watch people get 10x's like they're candy and making it.

My mental health is fucking dogshit btw, thanks for asking.

>> No.54701118 [View]
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Here's my advice:

Ditch the resell video games idea...hell, ditch ecommerce altogether and find another business model that's more service or subscription based.

When I started entrepreneurship, I tried the resell video games route but I got assblasted by the constant browsing online and driving around to thrift + game stores trying to find good game deals to flip. I found a good deal to flip once in a full moon but it just wasn't a sustainable business model at all. Gave up on it after several months of trying. Game stores already know about pricecharting.com (that's where they get their prices from), thrift stores hardly ever have games, and good luck trying to find any good deals on amazon/ebay/etc.

As for other ecommerce, the market is WAY oversaturated now for any kind of profitable business adventure. I know because I've already had a few failed businesses, each ecommerce.

I'm just trying to help the noobs around here who are trying to turn their lives around for the better.

>> No.54658633 [View]
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WOJAK !!!!!!



>> No.54493235 [View]
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This was my boss literally when I quit early 2022. My team lead and a senior level guy with over 30+ years experience were about to quit, and we were already down to a skeleton crew of about 5 total people on our team.

Funny thing is, when I handed in my two weeks, the one other guy (non team lead) remaining immediately switched jobs and also handed in his two weeks. We both knew what was about to go down.

This is likely the reason why a huge portion of "working age men" decided to quit in 2021-2022. It's not the lack of work ethic - it's the unbelievably shitty management (and really greed from execs+management) that got us to this point.

>> No.54361391 [View]
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But bitcoin keeps going down the toilet. :(

It'll only go back up again when I finally give up and forget about it. Stupid faggot whales.

>> No.53863677 [View]
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Here's the reason why, from the perspective of someone who quit their job during COVID:

Many of us had a chance to reflect during our time of WFH during covid, and we came to the conclusion that working 30-40 years alone wasn't going to give us a good life. A huge reason for this is the skyrocketing cost of living overall, with the real estate market skyrocketing being a major catalyst to the cost of living debacle.

In short, we're seeing it as:
> Work harder and harder every year for that promotion, but in reality, we're working harder and harder every year for less and less pay when you consider inflation and the cost of living being at the very tip top of the inflation problem

So yeah, inflation is a huge reason why many of us got demoralized and quit. Also, boomers quitting in masse are making it substantially more difficult to fill the gap, which only exacerbates the problem even further.

>> No.53740585 [View]
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And you can thank YouTube for it. Many people lost their jobs during the pandemic (or WFH), so a lot of them lazed around watching yt vids out of boredom, with many of these vids telling them how working a 9 to 5 is a massive scam and how entrepreneurship is a quick and easy route to money. This is why it's nearly impossible to succeed with the meme business ideas such as dropshipping, affiliate marketing, amazon fba, ebay, social media marketing agencies, etc.

As for the practical service business that everyone knows about (electrician, car repair, plumbing, etc.), these fields also got oversaturated thanks to the pandemic (again, thank Tiktok, YouTube, people trying to think outside of meme business models as their strategy, etc.)and now you don't stand much of a chance anywhere of standing out, since customers' natural inclincation will be to go with the already established businesses with reviews on Google - this leaves hardly any chance for you to stand out in a crowded field. And no, there's no such thing as a unique entrepreneur idea anymore - ALL IDEAS HAVE BEEN TAKEN/SATURATED THANKS TO THE PANDEMIC!

So that's it lads - either gamble with crypto or casino and get lucky, or suck it up and deal with wage slavery.

It's over for those of us who want to entrepreneurmax and either haven't started yet or have tried multiple times in the past few years and failed miserably with each business (aka me) due to bitch as oversaturation no matter where you look.

>> No.53563445 [View]
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I don't know what crime I committed to deserve this level of severe punishment.

Every single job decision I make, every single startup business I make, every stock/crypto trade I make, always ends up not just failing, but straight up backfiring at me:

> Start multiple Etsy businesses - the only way I make sales is to suddenly attract the right customer at the right time - no ecommerce expert ever tells you that it's pure luck when it comes to total sales you can make. Same goes with every other type of sales
> Fell for the HODL meme - self explanatory
> Already know that YouTube "how this millionaire made it" vids only give out blue pilled generic advice meant to mislead poor misfortuned people like me with the intention of destroying any competition those millionaires might have in the future
> When I try to day trade or swing trade, just forget it - I always have bad luck with this
> My college degree ended up being in a field I absolutely despise (computer science) - already had a coding job but it was soul destroying to the point I never want to code again

I can go on and on but those are a few concrete examples of my absolute dogshit luck. I know I'm not the only one out there with this level of bad luck either. I can't help but seethe uncontrollably whenever I see a stupid bobo or zestimate stacy on this board with users (don't know if they're larping or not but irrelevant if it makes me seethe anyways) gloating about how lucky they are.

I'm at a wits end. I know I'm to blame for all of this, but I can't help but feel there are outside forces out there that are determined to prevent me from succeeding.

P.S.: I'll ignore any "just get a job" replies - we're all wise enough to know "just get a job" in 2023 won't allow you to make it - we have bills to pay after all. Not even high paying jobs cut it anymore, WE HAVE TO GAMBLE JUST FOR A SMALL CHANCE OF MAKING IT!

>> No.53546353 [View]
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This same exact shit happened to Rubic and QANX - both famously shilled biz coins.

You're starting to notice a pattern here. If it's CONSTANTLY shilled on biz, then avoid it like the plague:

>LINK, AVAX, Terra Classic, QANX, ALBT, Rubic, ICP - notice the puke worthy price action on of these? They're all constantly shilled on biz!

The key to finding a gem on biz is if it gets shilled for only a couple days before it randomly stops getting shilled.

>> No.53393513 [View]
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I'm just gonna DCA into AVAX and SOL and call it a day.

>> No.53369111 [View]
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The only true boomer advice is to buy Litecoin

>> No.53348733 [View]
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I doubt biz is the place to go to ask this question, but here it is anyways:

Every time I see a success story video, whether it be CNBC, YouTube, etc. (ie: how he was able to retire before 40), I can't help but uncontrollably seethe deep down. I know this is extremely unhealthy, but I can't let go of that rage.

Also, I get a lot of it is mindset. The problem is that every time I look for an opportunity and I think I finally have a semi-original idea that has potential for huge success, I come to find out that niche is already ultra saturated and it's simply too late to get anything going on it. It's a constant war of doubt in my head and I just want it to stop. :(

Really what I'm asking also is - where do I go to look for opportunities that normies don't already know about? When a normie already knows about an opportunity, the hive mind already knows about it and by then, you're WAY too late to that opportunity.

And no, simply "just start a real estate construction business bro" isn't going to cut it. Starting a business in a saturated field like that will require serious skills in 2023 to be successful.

Any ideas or starters, anyone? I'm getting desperate.

>> No.53044466 [View]
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Think about it:

> If you rent out your property to people you originally trust but they turn out to be trash, you're out of luck - you're on the hook for missed payments and repairs
> If you live in your house for several years then sell it, then don't go through a realtor - the realtor's fees will literally fuck all of the principle you built up through all of those years.
> Any net profits you make out of selling your house is pure luck - equity, which is largely determined by supply and demand and based on when you bought your house vs the value now.
> Don't even think about building up a "real estate empire" when you're taking out mortgages - a select few bad renters will cause the whole house of cards to collapse aka you can't make your payments and you're stuck, possibly facing a domino effect of foreclosures and possible bankruptcy.
> Speaking of mortgages, Powell will continue to fuck us with interest rake hikes, so good luck getting any kind of good monthly payments these days, and yes this includes in flyover states.
> You have spend tons of money on renovation and repairs if you live in a house (which would take away from the net profits you'll make from selling your house) - this is based on personal experience, and yes I'm talking about houses that are ready to move into when you buy them. Realtors and sellers are never upfront about all of the hidden issues each home has, and you're out of luck when those issues finally come back to haunt you.

There's many more points I'd like to make and I know this will make the real estate investors on this board snark at me, but this is just surface level of the nightmares of real estate investing.

The boomers truly fucked us like we wouldn't even believe.

>> No.52541224 [View]
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Why is BTC dumping so damn hard? Fuck I hate the whales.

>> No.52406088 [View]
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Stock market is green, the FTX saga has come to a wrap with SBF arrested.

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