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/biz/ - Business & Finance

Search: Alpacafinance.org

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>> No.55378765 [View]

It looks pretty good. Loads really fast. Chart is nice and big. It's good being able to see other peoples positions. It seems like it might only work on Arbitrum and Polygon though ? I'm not sure. It doesn't actually say what chain it is for on the home page. Unfortunately i can't actually try it out right now as I had to withdraw my money today but i'll try it out in the future

Here's an example of some bad platforms if you wanted to see. This Alpaca one. It's so slow and unresponsive that it's basically unusable
The pancake one is similar, it takes minutes to load sometimes

>> No.55210150 [View]
File: 92 KB, 431x408, alpaca ltc doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick LTC
>Select Sub Account
>MM Account 1, MM Account 2.. 3 4 5
You can apparently loan LTC and Doge for ~7.5% APR, then borrow against your loan collateral like 40% of its value and I guess use that to trade with or something. This shit just got so complicated I dont even anymore. The withdraw button is on another page and I thought I couldnt withdraw so I almost puked I got so anxious. Anyways if you understand this its too complicated for me to feel comfortable with.

>> No.30395805 [View]


>> No.30315737 [View]
File: 461 KB, 1590x2826, 1613538604070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first posted about this @ 400m locked, then again at
600m, 900m, 1b, 1.2b and now here I am posting about it at 1.4b TVL.

The whales know something.


>> No.30252862 [View]
File: 151 KB, 1400x933, 1614481193712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the future.
1b locked.
Binance soon.
CZ approved.

>> No.30190562 [View]



>> No.30116095 [View]

>Whale here.
>I'm not supposed to disclose this outside of my group but I managed to become a whale thanks to /biz/ shilling me link in 2017.
>So I'm here to return the favor
>alpacafinance.org just launched last week but already has 780m in tvl
>We know what you don't
>Godspeed anon
as a rule these threads are shill threads by the groups. nothing organic about it. kys nigger

>> No.30112117 [View]



>> No.30111728 [View]
File: 7 KB, 497x183, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale here.

I'm not supposed to disclose this outside of my group but I managed to become a whale thanks to /biz/ shilling me link in 2017.

So I'm here to return the favor

alpacafinance.org just launched last week but already has 780m in tvl

We know what you don't

Godspeed anon

>> No.30100686 [View]
File: 578 KB, 1562x1734, Alpaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based team. 100% liquidity locked so no rugpull. Frictionless yield farming. Hit $10 before listing with huge room for growth.

$20 EOW easy.

>> No.29886079 [View]
File: 25 KB, 240x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've been priming for a major liftoff all day. Buy now or cry later, this is a real project on BSC and staged to be huge. An experienced development team brings Leveraged Farming to BSC for the first time!
>Lender: Deposit your assets (2 to start, will grow to 14+) to lend them to yield farmers needing leverage
>Yield farmer: Earn high yield with a leveraged position
>Bounty hunter: Call a contract to claim pending rewards and reinvest them back into the pool, receiving part of the reward in return
>Liquidator: Monitoring the pool for underwater positions and liquidating them when they become too risky

The ethereum equivalent to alpaca is Alpha Homora. That token now sits at a $200 million marketcap. Alpaca only just launched today and is at $3mil

Medium rundown: https://medium.com/alpaca-finance/introducing-alpaca-finance-d6e858896efd
App: https://app.alpacafinance.org/
pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x8f0528ce5ef7b51152a59745befdd91d97091d2f
BSC: https://bscscan.com/token/0x8f0528ce5ef7b51152a59745befdd91d97091d2f

>> No.29870542 [View]
File: 14 KB, 384x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Leveraged Yield Farming platform on BSC, just launched
Medium rundown: https://medium.com/alpaca-finance/introducing-alpaca-finance-d6e858896efd
App: https://app.alpacafinance.org/
pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x8f0528ce5ef7b51152a59745befdd91d97091d2f
marketcap: $888314 with 240 holders
Alpaca offers 4 different ways to participate in the network:
Lender: Deposit your assets (2 to start, will grow to 14+) to lend them to yield farmers needing leverage
>Yield farmer: Earn high yield with a leveraged position
>Bounty hunter: Call a contract to claim pending rewards and reinvest them back into the pool, receiving part of the reward in return
>Liquidator: Monitoring the pool for underwater positions and liquidating them when they become too risky

Alpaca is basically Alpha Homora on BSC, this will grow to be one of the largest apps on BSC. Fair launch, no presale, no secret farming, no marketing even. Oh and the devs already burned the LP tokens so there's no chance of a rug.

>> No.29834649 [View]
File: 111 KB, 512x512, 1614361584197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hidden gem, probably the next ALPHA.


Farming will be released in a few hours. Grab your bag now or FOMO in tomorrow, your choice.

>> No.29794609 [View]
File: 111 KB, 512x512, 1614361584197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hidden gem, probably the next ALPHA.


Farming will be released tomorrow. Grab your bag now or FOMO in tomorrow.

>> No.29788452 [View]
File: 68 KB, 700x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Leveraged Yield Farming platform on BSC, launching on the 28th!
Medium rundown: https://medium.com/alpaca-finance/introducing-alpaca-finance-d6e858896efd
App: https://app.alpacafinance.org/
pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x8f0528ce5ef7b51152a59745befdd91d97091d2f

Alpaca offers 4 different ways to participate in the network:
Lender: Deposit your assets (2 to start, will grow to 14+) to lend them to yield farmers needing leverage
>Yield farmer: Earn high yield with a leveraged position
>Bounty hunter: Call a contract to claim pending rewards and reinvest them back into the pool, receiving part of the reward in return
>Liquidator: Monitoring the pool for underwater positions and liquidating them when they become too risky

Alpaca is basically Alpha Homora on BSC, this will grow to be one of the largest apps on BSC and it hasn't even started yet. Fair launch, no presale, no secret farming, no marketing even. I'm only posting this because another anon shared it earlier and after looking into it more I realized how huge of an opportunity it is. Oh and the devs already burned the LP tokens so there's no chance of a rug, you can buy ALPACA now and prepare to farm as soon as it opens up.

>> No.29787682 [View]
File: 111 KB, 512x512, 1614361584197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found about this, 60 holders apparently, liq burned, but never heard of it, does anybody know anything?

Farm coming soon (tomorrow), this a hidden gem /biz/.

>> No.29771610 [View]
File: 111 KB, 512x512, logo512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found about this, 60 holders apparently, liq burned, but never heard of it, does anybody know anything?


>> No.29769245 [View]
File: 13 KB, 512x96, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


40 holder, just launched and having a WORKING ledning platform. Farming starting tommorow.


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