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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.7847710 [View]
File: 160 KB, 904x1280, photo_2017-12-13_07-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin is gonna explode in 2018.

>0 Fee transactions
>Transactions confirmed in seconds
>Infinitely scalable
>Coded from scratch in Golang
>6 years of development, originally started as an effort to fix the security vulnerabilities of bitcoin
>New consensus algorithm replacing PoW and PoS
>New UXTO based blockchain structure
>Allows to have a truly decentralized network without miner or stakeholder influence
>Increasing business adoption, companies that don't want to maintain a blockchain of their own or use Ethereum (solarbankers, spaco, MDL, some more starting up)
>Actually secure and private, unlike most shitcoins advertising as such
>Untraceable transactions because of Coinjoin
>Holding Skycoins generates extra income in the form of coinhours
>Massive ecosystem of applications running on Skywire. Including decentralized exchange, social media, file sharing and VPN apps.

>New openflow based networking protocols, lower latency and more secure than tcp/ip
>Will function through a decentralized wireless meshnet that ISPs have no control over
>Encrypted by default
>Bandwidth aggregation is possible, prividing nearly unlimited internet speed(this sounds far fetched but the tech is already there - https://www.ubnt.com/airfiber/airfiber5/))
>Wireless meshnet that is literally faster than the legacy internet
>Running hardware nodes, providing bandwidth and storage gets you coins
>Coins are spent to get a priority of network resources over others
>Immune to all currently known network based attacks, exploitation and manipulation tactics of ISPs
>No throttling, censorship or service outages
>Plebs will be able to connect through regular wifi
>No learning curve, they won't even know they're using it

It's one of those coins that will actually change the world.

>> No.5572152 [View]
File: 160 KB, 904x1280, photo_2017-12-13_07-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you buy it in the first place? If it's because of fundamentals, why would you sell fundamentally good coin when it's cheap? baka desu

>> No.5461067 [View]
File: 160 KB, 904x1280, photo_2017-12-13_07-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally free decentralized internet for everyone
no isp bullshit
no tracking no censorship no fucking datacaps
it already works miners getting shipped

im so glad i found out about this couple of days ago

>> No.5202949 [View]
File: 160 KB, 904x1280, photo_2017-12-13_07-34-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Skycoin will be like a paper cut to ruling elite or that most of them will find it beneficial if not inevitable development for various reasons. From the elite perspective the only reason we have slavery is not because of a pathological malicous all powerful ruling elite, but because of a vast majority of apathetic, unthinking people willing to accept the conditions of their slavery and servitude. Therefore changing the system would require a change to human nature.

I have talked to semi high level people and basicly, they knew this was coming in the 70s. And it is just part of the gestalt of the "age if transitions" we are living through. It is in the spirit of the time and a predictable and ultimately inevitable development.

Skycoin was designed to function because of and inspite of human nature. Not to change it.

If we gave people coins to dig holes, they would dig holes. If you gave them coins to compute sha256 hashes, then they will compute sha256 hashes no matter how useless and pointless it is. So we merely intend to try to incentivize people to do something useful that others might pay for.

I would not describe the skycoin philophy as "democratic" but is rather aristrocratic and elevates federation and individual choice and judgement over "democracy" or a war in the arena of public opinion and influence.

We believe strongly in making the best choice, not in making the most popular choice. Which means protecting and mediating the interests of stakeholders, instead of catering to the mob.

The biggest risk for Skycoin is weqponized divide and cobquer social tactics like "the blockchain size", to fragment, distract and divide the community and focus attention on irrevelent things. Weaponized social and political issues are a greater threat than technical attacks.

Voting does not work because anyone can flood the network with as many nodes and have as many "votes" as they want. While federation is immune to vote stuffing and mob rule.

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