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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.6895938 [View]
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pathetic anon are you so weak that you can´t endure life, what would your ancestors say when you meat them in Helheim. I know life can be hard but most of the time we are the reason for it. Life sucks if you made it that way that's what I´m saying

>> No.6570957 [View]
File: 306 KB, 562x817, 12242334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the BCC lending is closed but they said you will get all of your money back at a rate of 363$

so now the site is down but when it will went up again you can exchange your bcc for that fixed price at 363$

so now people ar fudding hard on it and the price is down to like 20-40$ so buy the dip and exchange it back when the site is back again

search for the article i saw it 5h ago on their site but now i gues with all the poeple trying to accsess their wallet and stuff the site is slow/down

link to the officalsite dont work but here you can read the detail on the 363$ thing


youtube vit that shoes its on the officalsite

BUY the dip

>> No.6561226 [View]
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well lunch money i´ve come in to crypto with like 200$ just testing it and so far im good thanks man

>> No.5314013 [View]
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1 comment

>I agree with the facts of your video in that LN is going to be for the banks and a disaster for BTC. However it is not all just the block size that is what really happened even though it is what everyone has been in an uproar about but was merely the icing on the cake. The real subversion happened in March of 2015 wherein they added RBF or replace by fee which broke zero-conf and first seen. https://theflippening.github.io/open-letter-to-bitcoin-miners-from-another-miner/ "Due to the constant high fees and network congestion, they introduced an anti-feature called Replace By Fee (RBF) https://medium.com/@octskyward/replace-by-fee-43edd9a1dd6d (Mar 28, 2015). The aim of this was to allow users to pay a higher fee for transactions that were stuck and unconfirmed. This broke a critical feature called Zero-Conf which meant merchants could reliably accept a low value transaction with no confirmations as long as it was the first transaction seen on the network. Merchants could monitor key nodes around the network and reliably detect double spends with very good accuracy which allowed them to accept transactions with high confidence within 10 seconds and not have to wait minutes or hours for confirmations. Zero-Conf worked great for Brick and Mortar stores like buying your morning coffee. With the RBF feature, now users could pay for their goods, leave the store, then send the same transaction again but this time with a higher fee and send the amount back to their own wallet and rob the merchant in broad daylight. This feature robs Bitcoin of being a useful Point of Sale transaction mechanism." 1/2

>> No.5232335 [View]
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Maybe ppl are realizing that bank are buy btc for their scamy play in the long run and now the flee to BCH?

>> No.5156371 [View]
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NO become REALY woke

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