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>> No.29264404 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORBIv2 is going to do a 1000x.
Orbicular dev is making that the main currency in a new Prediction Market that will compete against PredictIt and BetFair.

See the general thread: >>29264070

>> No.28625701 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of losing gains to rugpulls?
Addicted to gambling?
Want a hedge against a [LINK/AMPL/RUBIC/Recent FOTM Token] dev, founder, or whale dumping on everyone?

You can do all of this using Orbet.
Orbet is on the Ropsten testnet right now, interface at https://orbicular.io/orbet
Due to go live on the Mainnet TODAY.
Orbet will let anyone create a bet that any wallet will fall below any threshold number of any tokens, by any time. Anyone can participate on either side of any bet.
For example, you could bet that Sergay will dump LINK within the next week, or you could bet against this. Bet creators and bet finalizers are awarded a small percent of all bet rewards.

>ORBI History
ORBI peaked at $0.02/ORBI shortly after it was listed at, I shit you not, $0.00001. This is a gain of 199,900.00% at peak, otherwise known as a 2000x.
Proof can be found with this ORBI price chart :https://beta.dex.vision/?ticker=UniswapV2:ORBIUSD-0x840336E57708B8Ba1E864B2b7dB78AAbEEba1691&interval=60
And this initial liquidity transaction: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xec86e64abebbf86e855c6c2f271e78b40a5abbb4e5ac90b555fc420b36d0ea67
Orbet is an even bigger idea, so who fucking knows where this will go.
The ORBI dev has also never sold ANY of their own tokens.

>Helpful Links
Telegram: t(dot)me(slash)OfficialOrbicular
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0x2de27d3432d3188b53b02137e07b47896d347d45
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoOrbicular

>> No.28568039 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next pump is going to be ORBIv2.
Orbi dev just released a contract that lets anyone bet on dumps or rugpulls.
Token has less than 50 holders and is sub 100k mcap.
More at t me OfficialOrbicular

>> No.28566343 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orbet is a new system that allows betting on rugpulls/dumps.
Orbet was just released on Ropsten today, interface at orbicular.io/orbet
Orbet is due to go live tomorrow.
Learn more or ask questions at t me OfficialOrbicular

>> No.24189433 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Developer has almost completed the first piece of OrbiDAO, allowing ORBIv2 holders to vote to increase/decrease the intensity of rebases for ORBIv2, AZIZv2, and ARSUv2
>All new contracts, increased security, longevity, and decentralization
>Staking with exponential rewards with AZIZv2 and ARSUv2 for the first 6 months, then logarithmic rewards for the next 6 months, tapering off to a fixed supply
>Supply of one twin token (AZIZv2) rises while the other (ARSUv2) falls
>7 day inflation - 7 day deflation cycle for each
>Sell one at the end of the inflation cycle and buy the other at the start of its inflation cycle for infinite growth
Developer has added ROI percentages to the staking interface so you can view USD-valued returns.

>> No.23933931 [View]
File: 170 KB, 1090x1280, photo_2020-10-24_23-47-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I can funnel my money into ORBIv2
not joking, I am the developer and I've never sold a single token

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