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>> No.8020837 [View]
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>> No.3721604 [View]
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I have mixed thoughts on Red Pulse. Part of it is because I'm still iffy on China projects until everything is settled down. I'm also hesitant because I don't believe in NEO; most of the volume is from the West, and I question Da Hongfei's supposed CCP connections.

As for the project itself, the fact that Binance will list RPX quickly is encouraging. And NEO will try to do what it can to see that its first ICO succeeds. Throw in the low cap and white list, and it might make a good flip.

What worries me is the long term. Red Pulse currently has 50 institutional clients that pay, along with tens of thousands who receive the free newsletter. It's got a decent reputation and tackles a real issue (information transparency in China). What I wonder about is the 10% annual token inflation (half going to RPX holders), that the research platform won't be ready for quite awhile, that the business doesn't really *need* a crypto token to work, and if they can successfully get retail investors to pay for data. So I'm neutral on it.

Depends on the whitelist.

If I have/had my way, around 20 to 25 ETH. Gotta see how much I can free up.

Wouldn't try flipping! People who partook in the pre-sale got a huge bonus; up to 115%. So I'm legitimately afraid there might be dumping.

As for the long term, it depends on adoption. If they can get games to use ENJ tokens and work out the technical details of integrating them into various games, it'll make a bundle. If they can't, they're kinda screwed.

So keep an eye on who they're talking to and from what company.

Honestly? No idea. I feel like its being pumped right now, both artificially and because the devs are hinting that a high-volume exchange listing is coming up (so people are buying in anticipation). Thats awesome and all, but I worry there might be a dump.

Keep a close eye on the volume and the trade size.

>> No.3408796 [View]
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*Hai hai!~*

Just came over because someone brought this thread to my attention. I never supported Aventus and I invite you to look through the archives to find an instance when I did.

I personally opted against buying Aventus on the grounds that ticket venues don't have an incentive to kill the secondary market. And if they were interested in killing it, they wouldn't necessarily need blockchain tech to tackle it.

>> No.3381932 [View]
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My usual strategy is stock up on something, hold until its around 4x to 5x, sell a chunk to recoup my investment (plus some profit) to put into other projects, then hold the rest long term.

We're only in the relative start of the blockchain business. Now is a good time to buy platforms and protocols and hold onto them for 2 years. The winners will come out rich.The main worry at the moment though is that everyone is a flipping frenzy, which is usually a sign of a bubble (remember how everyone wanted to flip real estate leading up to '07 and '08?).

Numerous things, but it'll paint the broad strokes
>people dumped a lot of MBRS after the snapshot because a) they only wanted to hold until they got the free tokens, b) DOM is the most valuable of the airdropped tokens, and c) lock in some gains
>the main dev is still testing a project called SlipStream (we'll get the token for that, SLIP, in a later airdrop) that is supposed to facilitate airdrops themselves. In fact, the airdrops we're getting are part of the research/testing/debugging process
>the main dev discovered one of those "the-system-worked-as-intended-but-still-caused-an-error" bugs where someone was accidentally sent twice as much DOM as they were supposed to get
>it was a substantial amount
>he politely asked the guy to send it back within a given time frame or else he'd just reissue DOM from a new contract
>no response
>decided to go forward with the new contract, was going to do it yesterday
>some idiot in the Telegram mistakenly sent all his MBRS to the contract address, thereby delaying the entire process
>FINALLY, DOM is being distributed today

>> No.3288170 [View]
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Anon anon, I have no idea what you're talking about!

MBRS, in my view, is doing well! Still quite up from when I pitched it around 5 to 7 cents. Their website (and those in its ecosystem) are being updated as we speak (and going on to tomorrow and possibly Saturday).

Furthermore, the token distribution for their third (and arguably most valuable) token, Domain token (DOM) is going to take place tomorrow at 12pm central time! 100 DOM for every 1 MBRS you hold in your wallet. It's why some people are buying now and pushing up the price a bit. Plus, Radar Relay (going live on its Beta version tonight) should list MBRS once it leaves Beta.

Buuuut~ Since you seem to want a "moon mission" and not a long term platform hold, then I refer you to an earlier post where I commented about upcoming flips: >>3285427

>> No.3279330 [View]
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Now now anon-san~

I'm not that easy. I'm the kind of person who needs to be wined and dined, while gradually being comforted into a relationship. Alas, 3 anons have already confessed to me and one of them is actually rather sweet.

>> No.3263978 [View]
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Well anon-san, seeing that people have been *literally spamming the slack* asking if they can buy a pre-sale spot or join in on one (I suspect some of the more desperate anons might have done this) and the devs haven't really acted against it, I'm not sure they're in the crackdown mood. if anything, they seem to be looking the other way. So at this point, I think we can consider the pre-sale to be the unofficial ICO!

That's correct! Once the ICO ends though, not just the pre-sale. The ICO is (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) on September 7th.

Nope! As I explained above, we got into a different pool we formed. This link just arrived for me recently and was a spare. So I figured sharing it with /biz/.

AND AGAIN EVERYONE: be mindful of how much is going in. It can't go over 300 ETH, or else everyone gets refunded!

>> No.3146633 [View]
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Guys guys, I appreciate the...appreciation... but I want it to be about the cryptos and the mono-making opportunity, *not* about me.

Trying to avoid commenting too much in any one place (on /biz/ and on Discord), so I can keep things fair for everyone. And my original explanation for MBRS is here: >>3096144
Because of a problem on Etherdelta's side though, it's currently listed as EMB. The problem is being addressed, but understandably some people are hesitant about buying right now.

>> No.3131870 [View]
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Well, that's where it becomes a matter of debate. Bancor, 0x, and Kyber all tackle the same issue but with different approaches. 0x goes halfsies by using off-chain order relays with on-chain settlement. Kyber does on-chain exchange by leveraging reserves. Some argue that it's competition, but other argue that they can complement each other. However, given the zero-sum state of markets, most people just openly assume competition.

0x's advantage is that they're actively working with a number of other Ethereum-related projects that will serve to increase the value of Ethereum as a whole (we've got DNT, ANT, MakerDAO, Dharma, Melonport, etc). It's great for the community, but as a token holder you have to wait for usage to increase to see gains in value, as I understand it.

Kyber though has Vitalik advising (remember how that went for OMG?) and, from what I gather on the slack, a large amount of Chinese interest. They're kinda treating like competition against 0x like NEO is against ETH.

I'm still doing research on the matter, so don't take anything as I given, other than "keep an eye on where things are going."

>> No.3096218 [View]
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1) Long-term potential. The team has a *pretty* good handle about the various elements of their ecosystem, and the framework they've put together for their distribution/collaboration/social-networking platform is pretty sensible. While it's still being worked on, the roadmap indicates that their "Minimum Viable Product" release will be ready by October, with an open beta to test several features of the platform. And by Q1 2018 (ie, January, February, and March), the full thing should be ready for iOS, Android, Windows, and WebApp. So clear targets to measure progress!

2) It's a platform. I strongly believe that blockchain platforms tend to be safe bets, at the very least up to $1 or $2. It's been the case with every single one so far: ETH, NEO, Stratis, Waves, Lisk, and ARK. So the same reason why I'm doing Obsidian: why not get in now while its cheap?

3) Distributions. You see anon-san, MBRS has been acquiring small projects and been integrating into their ecosystem. For example, there is Domain Token, which wants to decentralize the domain name market and make it easier to buy, sell, and lease domain names without paying too much. So basically decentralized crypto-based GoDadday!

Instead of *just* integrating or holding ICOs for these startups though, MBRS instead decided to distribute the tokens of these projects to all holders *FOR FREE*. If you held MBRS on August 1st, you got 2 IDEA tokens for every 1 MBRS you held. Same with Tokenverse tokens during the distribution the day before yesterday. The third distribution will be Sept. 1 with a 100:1 ratio, so 100 Domain tokens (DOM) for every 1 MBRS you hold. There will also (according to the devs) be a 4th and 5th distribution in the future.

This is free money anon, because you'll be able to dump it when the other tokens get listed! FREE MONEY!!

(cont, most important part coming up!)

>> No.3080545 [View]
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To all the anons who are thinking about selling on EtherDelta, have you seen what people are betting the price is/will be on hiBTC? You might be surprised~


>> No.3049858 [View]
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Now now anon-san, I don't know about being a "whale" or the like... But I am committed to OSD (having bought in on day 1) for numerous reasons.

First, it's a platform. Now, I don't know if you've noticed, but platforms for building dapps tend to have a good track record in terms of rising in price: Ethereum, Neo, Waves, Stratis, Ark, Lisk, etc. If anything, I consider platforms to be amongst the safer investments you can make with crypto. ICOrating itself considers Obsidian to be a "low risk" ICO. So why not get in on the ground floor?

Next, they've got a working product: their first app, which is an encrypted decentralized messenger service on par with Signal and others, possibly better in some regards. Yes, it's in testing, but as pointed out in this thread its a nice change of pace compared to other ICOs. They've been working on it for 3 years or so. You can go try it out yourself if you want: https://github.com/obsidianplatform/OSMAlpha
And take a moment to appreciate what this (a decentralized IM app) means: you can't take down the servers because there aren't any. You can take down 99% of the network and messages can *still* be sent! By the way, messages are free for casual. Power users pay (It's an anti-spam measure.), but even then the price for a text message would then be in the order of $0.000023 or so.

The team is great. The CEO is really friendly and has good history (including a year in the Forensics Service at the London Met Police). It's also possibly the most responsive team on Slack I've ever seen, and their handles are conveniently listed on the Obsidian website. You have a question? They'll answer it.

I've got plenty of other reasons (funds set aside for partnerships, announcements and new services at the end of the year, etc) for backing this but I'll stop now. Do know though that their project manager said last week (on the 4th if I recall) that they're going to shoot for Bittrex once the ICO is over. So flipping opportunity, ho!

>> No.3030910 [View]
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Oh. That makes sense I suppose!

Well, I'm not sure how to answer those questions OP-kun. But I *do* know that there are some sites/services that help you build a crypto exchange. Maybe you can ask them?


>> No.3019575 [View]
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Now now, anon. Sure, the price change may be a bit upsetting, but try to keep some perspective.

Would you have bought Stratis for $0.13 when it came out? Because it was at $0.138 upon trading it and reached $0.25 a mere three days later. Now it's at $8. Lisk, which we know is unfit even for a dog, was trading between $0.13 and $0.17 earlier this spring. Now it's, what, $2.20? More than it deserves given lack of progress. Heck, look at DNT: it's also a platform (though for markets and communities instead of dapps) and its price is now shooting up (more due to listing hype, sadly, than faith in the actual platform potential).

My point being anon that platforms tend to do well. From "mid $0.10s to over $2" range well. Isn't best to diversify your holdings? And wouldn't buying in early into a platform be a smart choice, especially if some of the experts rate it as "low risk" and they have projects in the pipeline? If you want to wait until it's being traded, go ahead! But at least keep it in mind then.

Anon-san, if I wanted to *actively* shill something, I wouldn't need to fake some unrelated OP post to do it. I can just deliver the pitch myself.

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