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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.11318124 [View]
File: 146 KB, 678x960, 1530939443211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>organizing thirsty virgins isnt hard to do
>yeah but turning them into elite top 1% players am
>we gonna be BiS and skipping MC in first two months
kekimus maximus, your high expectations will be your downfall

>your answer is good but you forgetting JUSTICE
>just because C was born poor doesnt mean he should die for no reason
no, it means his parents should not have given birth to a burden they could not handle in the first place, but instead you want me to be punished for child C's parents's mistake?
fuck right off, no wonder you supported a second clinton presidency

>>Me no look down on anyone ;_;

>>not wanting to be American Alexander
alexander was shit, he had no long term planning skills

exibit A: his diadochi

augustus is better than julius, but Sulla was truly based as fuck

>become dictator for life
>purge the senate of corruption
>make regular prescription lists
>see that his reforms have helped the republic
>retires 2 years into his lifelong dictatorship, restoring the republic
>lives out the rest of his years retired on some choice farmland with his 20/10 tier perfect wife, dying peacefully of old age many years later

no, you gave you responsibility, never forget that

glad to have you here tho


proving once again that you are bro-est of the bro tier

>>Wtf why aren’t I a richfag like Bill Gates?
because you have not found your microsoft yet

>> No.10708066 [View]
File: 146 KB, 678x960, 1533682784910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous generations have already built up so much in Europe, that we now have a generation that can afford to just live off what others have built before them. Why take a risk, when you can just get that seemingly secure government job that pays well enough?

There also tends to be a sense of cultural pessimism amongst many Europeans that tends to discourage entrepreneurship. Why built something up from the ground when you have lost all hope that you, or your culture has something worthwhile to offer to the world? If you have no positive image of yourself, and no positive vision for the future then you will probably also show less initiative in the economic sphere.

>> No.10596080 [View]
File: 146 KB, 678x960, 1533260039277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was the free maket that made Jones such a powerhouse. People liked what he said and he acquired a huge following because of that.

The censoring of Jones is the exact opposide of free market mechanics; it's the intervention of it.

Lawsuits are being prepared. His accounts will be restored and millions are going to be paid. Take a good hard look at pic related. On top of that, we're doubling down and we're going to fucking OWN the cryptospace and persue that with religous fervor. We will SPAWN a whole new domain on the internet, free from the graps of those leftist fascist silicon valley progressives. You have no CLUE what you are awakening. You're pushing it too far. The consequences will be yours. And you'll have NOBODY to blame BUT yourselves.

I will dedicate my fucking LIFE to it. Screenshot this faggot.

Will post again in 2020. Promise.

>> No.10180568 [View]
File: 133 KB, 678x960, 0bc48b5199613e64464d24fc52a33153[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because everyone doesnt begin with the same amount of wealth

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