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>> No.3386197 [View]
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So you haven't noticed that every big name in Bitcoin merchants has been alienated or straight up cut off by Bitcoin Core?

Bitpay: Core cut all ties for supporting NYA

Openbazaar: Bringing in support for BCH among others

Yours: Left BTC for LTC then for BCH

Tipbot: Resurrected with BCH

Mixers: Resurrected with BCH

Zero-conf: Resurrected with BCH

Core has the LTC Devs, Bitfury, and Slushpool. Basically every other business has already left or plans to either leave/support both.

Once the SegWit2X shit hits the fan and Blockstream goes full retard yet again there's going to be nobody building on SegWit and everybody switching to BCH.

>> No.3186231 [View]
File: 191 KB, 520x666, aYte7sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shit anon

Blockstream now has SegWit jammed into BTC and it can't be removed, next they're going to lower the blocksize and force everyone into SegWit transactions and LN so everyone is stuck using bank-run LN hubs because they're the only ones "cheap" enough to send a transaction under $1,000

You will pay a sub fee, submit to AML/KYC, and pay your fees to bankers instead of miners.

Enjoy your new shitcoin, should have bought Cash.

>> No.3166827 [View]
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SegWit increases blocksize when SegWit addresses are sent by SegWit transactions to other SegWit addresses.

Maximum functional increase is .7MB

Core shills keep grasping at straws because average blocksize increase is likely to be .3MB after weeks of use

Meanwhile BTC is bleeding market cap, bleeding hashpower, and bleeding users

Nice try shitstain, go back to shilling on r/bitcoin

>> No.3106042 [View]
File: 191 KB, 520x666, aYte7sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest news from the Bitcoin Core clown show:

Bitpay has released instructions for its customers to upgrade to SegWit2X software in preparation for the fork. In response Blockstream has come out calling them fraudsters for misleading their customers.

Yes Bitpay the biggest Bitcoin payment processor.

Blockstream has now removed references to Bitpay from their websites and are censoring Bitpay discussion on r/Bitcoin.

Their smaller investors are already screaming bloody murder for burning $20,000 per month on their satellite PR stunt.

SegWit2X still has supermajority support from miners, exchanges, and some of the biggest businesses.

Blockstream now considers "Bitcoin" to be the Bitcoin Core software ie. SegWit1MB, regardless of miner support, economic support, or public opinion.

They have made themselves irrelevant and have vaulted past dishonesty to straight up lying to users of r/Bitcoin, anyone who follows their Twitter feeds, and readers of several op-ed articles.

BCH or SW2MB is irrelevant as they must compete with each other, meanwhile Blockstream edges closer to criminal negligence and conspiracy to commit fraud.

This gets more entertaining every day, and I'm up with my BCH to boot!

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