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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10352038 No.10352038 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, biz. Today I would like to address and share with you some pretty straight forward facts and some opinions.

When it comes to ICON I know you're going to hear a lot of memes with things like "GOOKED" - and I'm sure people will even reply to that in this thread. But that's a good thing. It really is. The more negativity this thing gets and the more people open the door and insist that it's never coming back up is a fantastic thing. General social media and market sentiment is incredibly low right now. Paired with the price which is the lowest it's been since December.

So should you buy at these levels? I don't know, it could very well go lower here. But I'll explain my reasoning for why I believe ICON to be one of the first coins to see extremely strong gains in the short to mid term, but before I do that I think it's important to address some of the FUD.

There is currently FUD with the CEO of their parent company, token swap took forever/is still taking place, and there was a pretty abhorrent smart contract bug recently that put a sour taste in a lot of mouths. It's also worth noting that general sentiment for the coin is very low right now. Take that as you will.

However - ICON has dropped more than almost any other coin in its class and has continued to fall. It fell hard and it fell fast. Remember what I said about sentiment? That's a good thing. Antshares looked similar before the rebrand and it took off.

The price hasn't been this low since December and quite frankly the chart looks fantastic. It could still fall lower, yes. But it's not always the best play to try and buy the absolute bottom - that's a good way to get burned.

If you've watched the charts recently you know there is very clearly price suppression. You can tell this both by looking at the daily/weekly volume as well as simply watching the order books. Whales are accumulating, this is not a matter of subjectivity.


>> No.10352044
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Dan Morehead, the founder and CEO of Pantera Capital said recently in an interview that ICON is their single largest position. This is now relatively old news by now, yes.

However, whales continue to accumulate ICX and hold. There are plenty of examples if you look at Etherscan and who is holding what. A very recent and prime example is a wallet here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x039a19afdbbcbbb8205fe3aa201a26111385b0ec#tokentxns

ICON is being treated similarly to how Ripple is structured. They're positioning themselves and focusing as a business that will stand the test of time through this crypto boom. They have a vast staff on payroll and continue to seek talented developers.

They currently have one of the most impeccable group of partnerships in the game that are also continuing to be expanded on as well. You can look into that yourself, I don't have to exactly shill ICON partnerships, they speak for themselves.

To top it all off Teeka also recommended ICX today in the latest PBC stating: "The ICON Project is a decentralized transactions network. It aims to connect independent blockchains with dierent
governance so that they can transact with one another without intermediaries.
ICON did its ICO using an ERC-20 token. It’s now in the process of doing a token swap, which will convert the ERC-20
tokens to its mainnet’s tokens and usher in the ICON mainnet era. That’s expected to be completed by September.
In the meantime, ICON continues to forge new partnerships. One is with Kyobo Life, a South Korean life insurance
company. They are collaborating on blockchain-based insurance claims. Another is with the Korea Customs Service and
eight aliate
companies to create a blockchain-based customs clearance platform."

As of right now the current risk to reward for ICX is phenomenal. If you have any legitimate criticism or insight I'd be happy to hear and discuss as I'd really like this post to not be your traditional shill piece on biz.


>> No.10352106

Kys, bagholder.

>> No.10352136

Bob's Burgers is a shit series. Kill yourself.

>> No.10352149

>posting Bob's Burgers pics
That show sucks. Unironically kill yourself my dude

>> No.10352169

Bob's Burgers is certified garbage. KYS

>> No.10352173

kill urself

>> No.10352188


>> No.10352197

Please... you need to unironically kill yourself for reminding me that Bob's Burgers exists

>> No.10352226
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>> No.10352261
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>Whales are accumulating, this is not a matter of subjectivity.

>> No.10352273

I remember watching like one episode a long time ago and couldnt get a single laugh out of it. seems to be a common theme with all of these cartoons. what is the appeal supposed to be?

>> No.10352303

You're so professional. Good thoughts. End any and all statements with a period. Ok.

Have some fucking self awareness

>> No.10352359
File: 69 KB, 1133x513, falling-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer xlm

>> No.10352367

Bob's Burgers is enjoyable but not really funny

>> No.10352417


>> No.10352472

>There is currently FUD with the CEO of their parent company, token swap took forever/is still taking place, and there was a pretty abhorrent smart contract bug recently that put a sour taste in a lot of mouths.

What FUD fren? Nobody talks about this shitcoin in here. It get like 5 or 6 threads a week. Stuff like Link, Zrx and Ven get hundreds of threads.
To me, it just seems like no one cares about ICX.
But whatever, just my 2 cents.

>> No.10352498

the amount of deluded poorfags in this thread. buy icon or you will most certainly regret it brainlets

>> No.10352502

ill buy when it drops another 50%

>> No.10352607

No thanks. You on the other hand, have to buy ICX. Because I say so.

>> No.10352615
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>> No.10352879


First of all how dare you.

>> No.10352892
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>> No.10353200

We'll find out in a month or so, I suppose.

>> No.10353253

I’m all in ICON. I went all in day 1 of the Binance listing.

It was the singlehanded worst idea in crypto to do. And I’m fucking dumb that I didn’t sell the summit. I didn’t learn my lesson and got attached.

Although the fundamentals are good, the problem is this:

1) the team has delayed too much that people lost confidence and sold
2) because the ICO was so cheap and it mooned, there is a small group of people who dumped fuck tons of this the past 6 month and completely fucking killed the big pressure and confidence of this project. So lucky for them, they made a lot of money.

I would have sold my stack back in March if I knew they were going to fucking delay everything all the time. Would have bought EOS instead when it was $5 and made 6 an easy 100k on the run up. But no, ICON was supposed to swap out the coins for their ICO release. Welp that was delayed and now I’m down.

So fuck ICON. Although I appreciate your input and shilling, most people (non whales) on biz feel the anger I have where we assumed the fundamentals were strong but the team let us all down. So now we’re just holding a bag and down on our investment, angry and bitter.

There was whales with hundreds of thousands of it just chillin. There’s too big of a separation with the wealth on this coin.

So it’s not point to shill ICON. On biz, it’s a dead coin.

>> No.10353264

Lot of typos because mobile but you get the idea

>> No.10353611

>not realizing the potential
>muh delays

>> No.10353670

Holy shit there are actually retards on biz

>> No.10353676

Whew that's some extensive COPE

>> No.10353727
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screen capping these for six months time.

Obvious whale fud.

Thread sounds like reddit, where everyone acts as if they're on the board of directors. 100% autsimo adhd imho

>> No.10353801

We don't want your bags. This coin is dead. Who's publishing those main net blocks anyway? Some server in a nuclear war bunker outside Pyongyang?

>> No.10353840



>> No.10354057

>wont buy coin at ath's, too expensive I'll wait for the dip
>won't buy coin at the dip, it's a dead coin

>> No.10354172

Oh believe you me I have owned Icon. I bought down to $2 and got out at $5 thank goodness.

Now please remind me who is producing those blocks?

>> No.10354206

Clittyboi checking in. My boipussi gets so wet when I read stuff like this. Thanks OP