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10901244 No.10901244 [Reply] [Original]

Why is our government not doing anything about the scam which is student loans? Not even student loans but the insanely high price of college tuition on it's own?

>> No.10901274

Who is this woman?

>> No.10901276
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>> No.10901279

>why are the people who profit off of this injustice not doing anything to stop it from happening?

>> No.10901289

Because it's optional and there's shittons of advice not to go.
Really if you go to college just because you deserve your shitty debt.
"But we get told all the time to go!!!!"

Take my advice and kill yourself since you're neither independent nor intelligent.

>> No.10901290

well this is the nature of loans...
when you take a loan out you borrow prosperity from the future and increase the money supply.
since you increased the money supply and demand you increased the price.
econ 101. should have spent some on tuition after all...

>> No.10901292

Because the American government only supports private money. This year they gave a massive tax cut to corporations. Instead of raising wages, the corporate CEOs bought back their own stocks in mass amounts and made themselves even richer. Following, the government canceled the pay raise for federal workers. The American government doesn't care about you. The more in debt you are, the easier you are able to control and turn into a complacent consumer.

>> No.10901294


>> No.10901297

It's okay, free market will fix this

>> No.10901308

Just because you're a miserable incel doesn't mean you have to attack people with student loans. The whole system is fucked

>> No.10901316

Lol cause they in on the scam silly dummy boy

>> No.10901318

College is expensive because of guaranteed payment of loans by the government. How is this complicated to you brainlets? Most goods and services have been cheaper when adjusted for inflation. The surety of payment to the college and banks by the fed only bolsters their lack of regard for price. Banks can cut any retard with an 80 iq a loan and not have to worry if he will graduate and get a job. Where they should be looking at your credentials like you would if you applied for a mortgage.

>> No.10901329

unless someone tinkers with it... as soon as the money supply tries to contract people try to save and tighten the belt the printing presses rev up and start throwing money at the market. this prevents deflation but also prevents the free market from fixing inefficient systems bad investments and overvaluation.

>> No.10901343

He's right though. College is a joke. Everything you can learn in college you can teach yourself from books, working on your own projects, and by joining groups in your surrounding area (if you live in a city). Why would you pay $750,000 in college loans for something you can just teach yourself for free. If you have to go to college to learn, you already know your future; a complacent, beaten down wage slave. The ones who set the trend, who build their own path, are the ones who take the initiative to learn and build on their own, out of their own passion. They don't need to pay someone to do it for them and go into massive debt doing so.

>> No.10901359

The whole system is absolutely and completely optional.
You chose this.

>> No.10901370

i'm a dropout still had to pay back student loans.
i got no issues with the loans themselves.
but i'm so glad i stopped buying into the college meme and got a job started saving and investing.

>> No.10901378

This is worse than buy high and sell low.

>> No.10901386

You can both be right but also be able to admit that student loan debt bubble is a massive societal problem that needs a nation-wide solution.

>> No.10901392

As much criticism as the government deserves, they truly are stuck between a rock and a hard place with college tuition.
If they do not offer easy access to student loans, they will be criticized for blocking poor and non-white kids from higher education.
If they do open the floodgates to student lending (our current situation), we expose students to predatory lending that does not consider the borrower's ability to pay.
The government should have just subsidized private loans to keep the interest down and give some protections to private lenders. But they went ham and made student loans federally-backed and non-dischargeable in bankruptcy.

>> No.10901399

jesus. if you go you might as well finish. otherwise you have literally just wasted $30-60k on one term already.

>> No.10901418

People personally decide to make a stupid decision.
The college I went to gives you a booklet and you have to confirm that you understand what you're getting into when you borrow. This is federal money so you did too.

You're a fucking brainlet that signed on the line saying "gib Moni" without and now your stupid ass is getting handed to you.

It's social Darwinism. I'll let it work itself out so there's less fucking idiots running around.

>> No.10901438

K. You're a miserable incel unable to listen to reason. Understandable

>> No.10901440

College is not a joke. It's just that the smart kids go to college not to "learn how to think", but with a plan to enter a field that has a strict barrier for entry. It's essentially like a trade union ironically.

>> No.10901453

I could go to community college for my white privilege and black history classes but I want to go to a 40k a year college for that instead so I can be around people of color in a city like NY or LA. Damn these college prices!!!

You people are retarded

>> No.10901458

Did you need someone to hold your hand while you typed that so you didn't mess up? Like what you're asking for student loans?

Do you need someone to read this for you? I understand I typed more than you can read and use words that confused you.

>> No.10901465
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Your government needs you fat, stupid, distracted and in debt. I thought that was clear.

>> No.10901494

You'll get a girlfriend some day bro. Just bee yourself :^)

>> No.10901506

Waste of money.
Or do you want one because you hear you need it for happiness?
Please recognize the trend creating anger in your life.

>> No.10901510



>> No.10901519

Same. I went to university as a computer science major, information systems minor for a year and then left because it was a fucking joke and tuition was disgusting. Half the teachers only taught via powerpoints and multiple choice tests, the bulk of the student population was normalfag morons who were more focused on partying than studying, etc..

After about a year and a half of studying on my own, I had all the basics of computer logic down, and was doing various projects on a Thinkserver homeserver I built out and coding some cheesy Android apps to help generate some passive income. I joined a hackerspace near me and started working with people on projects there too. Two years after leaving college, I got a tech support job from a friend at the hackerspace and worked there for a year. I then got a NOC job and and stayed there for about another year, then got a Sys Admin job for a small company. That's where I am now and I'm pretty much the CTO at this point, doing a mix of mostly net and sys admin work. I'm making $104k + bonuses and can work from home a decent amount of time. I'm using some of the free time I have at work to studying more on DevOps, so I can switch to that eventually, as I know a lot of sys admin jobs are going that way.

College is a fucking meme. It's just a scam to con plebs who lack self sufficiency and the ability to learn on their own into owing massive amounts of debt. If you need to go to college to succeed, you have failed.

>> No.10901530

Where can I see more still images of her feet?

>> No.10901594

I went to college to be a doctor but it was stupid and there were a bunch of normies there so I quit and went home and read books and performed some surgeries on barnyard animals in my backyard and then a hospital contacted me and said wow you learned all that on your own that’s amazing and now I’m a surgeon even though I don’t have any degree

>> No.10901596

>Why is our government not doing anything about the scam which is student loans?
>Why is our government not doing anything

Your government fucked up with the free market and is what caused the student loans to get to these ridiculous prices. Why the fuck do you think that the solution for a government-caused problem is more government intervention?

>> No.10901662

going to uni was something that helped me level up on the learning skills greatly. that's what i got out of it. i dropped out because the material was decade old boring shit that had no relevance in the real world. so it was not a waste no, but is should have left sooner.

>> No.10901711

You guys are all fucking retarded. I guess no one in this thread ever stopped to think and ask the question, "Why is tuition so expensive in the first place?" Pro tip: tuition used to be dirt cheap, but gets more expensive each year as a direct result of government intervention.

It literally would. In a free market system, universities would compete with one another to be more efficient and less expensive, to attract more students and make more money overall. But in the current system, no one has to compete because government props them up with subsidies, grants, and federal loans to kids who are way too young to understand the implications of said loans.

>> No.10901738

It’s not a scam when you fucking acknowledge the terms and conditions of a contract. You gained something now pay it back.

>> No.10901745

Well said, although like any gibs, student loans are not going away. The recipients (academics) will make sure of it.

>> No.10901760

Why are blondes ALWAYS nigger lovers?
I take it they'll take out their own kind by themselves?

>> No.10901799

Because U.S population serves one purpose; Being cash cows for (((them)))

Making education part of the free market(same applies to health) is the most evil, and easiest way to milk cows.

>> No.10902109

>"If they do not offer easy access to student loans, they will be criticized for blocking poor and non-white kids from higher education."

I can't tell if you're trolling or that fucking retarded. How the fuck do you think the cost of college in the US got to this point in the first place? When there weren't any guaranteed loans, tuition was a fraction of what it currently is. Being able to pay a year's worth of tuition with a summer job was a real thing and not just some boomer meme. Ask yourself this, if universities kept tuition where it is without any guaranteed student loans, what percentage of their student body would still be enrolled? Considering most people in the USA don't have enough saved for $500 dollar emergency, I'd say it would be pretty fucking low. They would have to cut back on spending and slash tuition in order to get people enrolled in their programs. People living in poverty could still be able to afford college by working over the summer or through college if there were no guaranteed student loans.

>> No.10902302
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>he unironically thinks the free market should dictate university education, making them all purely for-profit, and thinks this would actually LOWER he amount of student loans

I’m fucking crying, is this /biz/ or /retard/

>> No.10902329

>over 1.5 trillion in total student loan debt
>”there is really nothing we can do,” says the only country where this actually happens

Meanwhile, anywhere in the EU you can get the same shit degree for 2000 Euros per year tops. Sometimes even free, other than administrative costs.

Muh free market

>> No.10902337


>> No.10902368
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>> No.10902373

Because look what happened to Venezuela

>> No.10902546

Oy vey, the goy is right

>> No.10902560

Cope harder you brainlet faggot.

>> No.10902583

The solution is pay back what you owe you entitled faggot. Hopefully not a single faggot who took out a student loan will be forgiven.

>> No.10902728

why is that ridiculously retarded way to wear a hat even a thing?

>> No.10902747

>actually being this economically illiterate
No wonder you faggots always lose money

>> No.10902786

when you're outside and the sun is behind you so you don't need the rim anymore. it's just like closing your umbrella when it stops raining.

>> No.10902968
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>government steps in to make sure everyone can get student loans and afford college
>by doing this ensures that in the long run no one can afford college

Government makes a lot more sense when you consider that everything they intervene in actually has the opposite of the intended effect.

>war on drugs
>middle east

>> No.10903025

And your parents made the terrible decision to have you, yet somehow we're stuck enduring your psychoses instead of them

>> No.10903154


>> No.10903184

It's the hide the fact he has no forehead.

>> No.10903223

This. College works if you have an actual plan towards a lucrative profession afterward, but we all know most people don't have the foresight to do that. Your local community college is honestly a better path for most people that don't know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.10903261

This is true, but it should also be mentioned that keeping higher education out of reach of more people will also help ensure a populace of complacent consumers.

>> No.10903263

Study things that can change the world and ignore this trade industry shit. Study AI and comp sci. You will never have to worry about money if you instead worry about that.
Latin poetry and 'premed' can't change the world. Not unless you use AI to research.

>> No.10903288
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What's his name again?

>> No.10903307

School where I’m at (FL) is only 6k a year tuition at my nearist uni.... as much as I would love to go to brown or Harvard it doesn’t seem like they have as good an ROI, 5 times as exspensive, but graduates make 5 times as much?

Also, the fact that student loans are non-forgivable makes me never want to get one.

>> No.10903308


>> No.10903342
File: 34 KB, 960x498, 1447572378757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is our government not doing anything about the scam which is student loans?
What do you think caused it? The Government offering 100% guaranteed loans to anyone is how so many people were able to take out more money than they could ever pay back. Most of these people should not have gone to college (because no loan available) and thus you wouldn't need a degree to do every little job, it would still only be the top 10 or 20% of people getting them and most people could live happily working 4 years earlier and never taking on debt.

Stop begging for the government to get involved in competition-based venues, the government causes these problems.

>> No.10903379

Dan ‘Beer Can’ Schneider
Dan ‘but mister I poop from there’ Schneider
Dan ‘hold her tighter, she’s a fighter’ Schneider
Dan ‘leave her wider’ Schneider

>> No.10903400

>Study things that can change the world
No you shit. Study something that has a strong need. If AI will change the world but about 300 people solve it themselves then the 180,000 other graduates THAT YEAR have no purpose. Study something that businesses need you to do, or that you need to do for your own business, that requires knowledge and skill.

The point of careers in general is to provide a service for money. Your main goal should be to be able to fill a service that will still need filling for the next 40 years.

>> No.10903409

Shut it down

>> No.10903424

Dan ‘tweet your feet’ Schneider

>> No.10903432

didn't mean the aggressive sage-name, was from a different thread.

>> No.10903446

You're preaching to the choir, anon. The people taking Latin American studies and Fine Arts classes today probably couldn't handle comp sci anyway.

>> No.10903458
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You fucking morons. You bitch and moan all day long about niggers getting 8,000 a year in medicade and foodstamps - ALL of which they put right back into the economy at walmart - you fucking asshole borrow 75,000 a year which you give to a fucking private university and then demand the loans be forgiven because you cant afford to pay back 200K on a 50,000 a year wagecuck job... i hope you all die in a fire.

>> No.10903462

>Why is our government not doing anything about the scam
why isnt this women sitting on my face?

>> No.10903528

Thats the goal of tradesmanship. Be one of the 300 to solve for AGI or one of the 180000 that know how to use narrow AI to become godlike. Or you can slowly deteriorate for 40 years in comfort while being a slave to others.

>> No.10903618

God damn that poor vagina.

>> No.10903919

Nigga you'll just be broke. Look what happened to lawyers in 2000, coastal doctors in 2010, and CS guys today.

>> No.10904454

ok im in love with her
i keep clicking this thread because shes so god damn beautiful

mods please dete that image, its driving me crazy

>> No.10904483

Education does not lead to wealth, wealth leads to education. Only way to resolve this is for people to understand.

>> No.10904495

you're in love or you want to fuck her? you fucking cuck

>> No.10904585

stupid loan

US is a meme

>> No.10904822

Because college tuition has always been high, it's just that the government used to cover more of it and now they don't. They passed all that on to the student and student loans are how they make back all the money they used to spend on ensuring there was an educated populace