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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10959426 No.10959426 [Reply] [Original]

That will be one lambo please

>> No.10959438

is this meant to be silver?

>> No.10959444

Sure, in 50 years when it's actually needed. Or some compound is created that can replace it altogether kek.

>> No.10959455
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silver - the only investment worse than shitcoins

>> No.10959459
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t.pic related

>> No.10959467

this is so true lmfao
Not even ashamed
will buy more silver

>> No.10959566
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>silver would need to go from $14 to $14,000

>> No.10959887

>tfw u buy the absolute top of a mineral easily found on asteroids


>> No.10959898

Oh gee, i sure hope asteroidfaggot don't find this thread.

>> No.10959921


>American Eagle
>Canadian Maple Leaf
>UK Britannia
>Chinese Panda
>3 Scottsdale Mint bars

Nice silver sampler you got there, buddy.

>> No.10959940

It's over

>> No.10959957

>stacking 100oz silver bars

going to make it

>> No.10959964

>No Austrian Philharmonics
>No Mexican Libertads

shit taste tbqh

>> No.10959992

He’s clearly a leaf, so that kind of goes without saying.

>> No.10961117

I know leafs are a meme but the maple leaf is a fucking nice looking silver coin

>> No.10961221


Too early anon.

>> No.10961231

Why is everyone buying so much silver lately?
Makes me wanna short it.

>> No.10961453

I mean at like 80:1 or whatever if you buy one ounce of silver along with every ounce of gold, I don't think we are going to neck ourselves, no matter what happens

>> No.10961484

Only buying the real PM, aka Gold. Silver is utterly shit.

>> No.10962274

Honest question: how can it be shit if it is literally just as rare as gold, and being used up at a much faster rate?

>> No.10962411

>how can it be shit if it is literally just as rare as gold,
its not!

look silver is a junk metal, it doesn't have any use case except anti microbial...gold thouugh, its in electronics & jewellery, the only ppl that buy silver are to poor to buy gold.

nothing is cheap/expensive...if its 'cheap' that is cause the market doesn't like it....if its 'expensive' the market likes it......

What you are basically sayin if you buy cheap is, the market is dumb & i know more than the market (with out having inside info)....

>> No.10962474

>silver isn't literally as rare as gold
>silver has no use case
>gold has electronic use and silver doesn't
oh i see, you're just a retard illiterate, never mind

>> No.10962497
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fuck man this one hurt

>> No.10962617

silver - 800 thousand tonnes
gold - 187,200 metric tons
Silver is 17.5 times more abundant in the Earth's crust than gold.

Gold is used far more in electronics! don't be retarded!

plz don't tell me you own this shit!
>oh i see, you're just a retard illiterate, never mind

>> No.10962676
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GTFO Peter Schill. Go dump your useless shiny metals somewhere else

>> No.10962693
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>Gold is used in more electronics than silver


>> No.10962694

>china increasing its presence on Africa
>extraction technology better than never
>muh gonna buy silver & gold

>> No.10962756


maybe things have changed...

>> No.10962825

Holy shit imagine actually believing gold is more useful than silver, the best thermal and electrical conductor of all metals.

I would do a knowledge dump on you rn but it's not even worth it. Keep buying gold my friend even tho the ratio is 80:1. More silver for me and the bankers

>> No.10962871

>Holy shit imagine actually believing gold is more useful than silver, the best thermal and electrical conductor of all metals.
i never said anything about conductivity! i was talkin about use case! Go ahead, its still got more room to dump!

Silver is the best conductor, but is expensive and oxidises easily, making it unsuitable for uses where it's exposed to oxygen or large amounts are required.

Gold doesn't oxidise*, but is expensive, which is why it's often used as a coating for electronic connections like HDMI cables.

>> No.10962880

>bull round

Just dont hang yourself when you try to sell those, pink wojack. Ain't no common deal got time for that unverified shit.

>> No.10962900

go ahead lets see this info...google seams to disagree with you...& you appear to be a FUCKIN TWAT

>getting married to a inverstment

>> No.10962922
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Silver is silver m8

>> No.10962956

Listen you fucking retard, virtually no gold is being used in industry, whereas rn :

>There are 1 bill oz of silver being used in industry a year. And the demand is increasing
> Only 800 mil oz is being mined, and the rate is falling
> Only 1.5 bill above ground oz, leading to a global shortage in less than 8 years from now

Gold can easily be subsituted for other inert materials, silver is used in a million different things which is why we are running out of it. The gold sitting in Putin's vault was probably mined thousands of years ago, it just stays there and rots. Silvers turn over is massive and rn it's basically at mining costs

Oh and it's historically undervalued relative to gold, oil, and stocks. Literally lower than it's ever been in all those metrics

>> No.10962994

>gold can easily be subsituted for other inert materials
i love how you change the subject!

>The gold sitting in Putin's vault was probably mined thousands of years ago, it just stays there and rots
> it just stays there and rots
> rots
top fuckin keks at proving yourself a tard


you literally started this shit now finish it!

>> No.10963023

copper is the best electrical conductor and heath conductor you reeeeeeetards, not gold not silver

both silver and gold are of historical significance because they do not corrode under normal conditions.

All other metals know to the ancients did corrode including cooper.

>> No.10963054

i do know that Anon, but lets not confuse the subject.....>>10962693 started something & i would like him to finish!

I have posted links & am prepared to post more!

>> No.10963073


I have literally nothing to prove to you autistic panjeets, there is no metal that has a greater industry use case to availability ratio than silver. FACT

Silver has also historically been the most common form of money. FACT

we are quickly running out of silver, but gold is just sitting and accumulating. FACT

Silver will outpeform gold, and gold will far outperform the market over the next 2 years

>> No.10963084

Coins that have a numismatic premium and have more appeal for collectors can enable him to increase his stack when he sells a few years down the line. The same cannot be said for your 1983 Generic Christmas bar... faggot.

>> No.10963088
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>> No.10963103

gold is used in connectors, because it does not corrode, BUUTTT it is vapor thin

if gold becomes too expensive for that, there are aluminum allows that can do the job too

buy uranium you retards

>> No.10963112

the amount of available silver and gold currently above ground is very comparable
but the silver supply is being continually burned through in a way that gold is not

>> No.10963121

>I have literally nothing to prove to you autistic panjeets
Then why reply in the first place
>Silver has also historically been the most common form of money. FACT
do you know what the dollar actually is? as in grains?
>we are quickly running out of silver, but gold is just sitting and accumulating. FACT
not what we were talkin about but OK fine
>Silver will outpeform gold, and gold will far outperform the market over the next 2 years
sounds like a opinion from some that can't prove what the fuck they are talkin about

>> No.10963138

Yeah because I'm sure uranium will make great money. I'll just throw a few uranium coins in my pocket and get testicular cancer no big deal

>> No.10963152

You're a retard you sell silver as rhodium gold.

>> No.10963158


>> No.10963172
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Why is /biz so pessimistic about silver? Look what happened in 2011, when it inevitably happens again within the next 10-20 years you're going to be looking back at this post and wishing you weren't such a moron for not buying silver right now.

>> No.10963226

>BUUTTT it is vapor thin
it certainly is! don't remember reading on packaging about silver connectors though...

>if gold becomes too expensive for that, there are aluminum allows that can do the job too
i am talkin about right now!

sweet really i did not know that, its >>10963073
did not know that either, thanks Anon

FUCK OFF, you are avoiding the subject again but you don't care. That is a futrue prediction...no one knows BUT what is known is what is used today...shame you can't provide any evidence but talk fuckin SHIT. STILL NO EVIDENCE from you that silver is used more than gold in electronics. when will you admit that you are simply speculating!

>> No.10963264

>rhodium gold
Hey Anon, did a quick search... can't see anything LINK?

>> No.10963283
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I have 200k physical oz, which I've accumulated at an average price of 15. I am the biggest silver bull on this board and I'm just here to troll and laugh at autistic pajeets like the guy here who genuinely believes silver has less industrial use case than gold because he found some obscure business major retard on an abandoned board from 2004 say that gold is indispensable in industry. TOPKEK

Gold will hit 10k before 2020, and silver 1k. Feel SO fucking comfy anons

>> No.10963318


Anons, don't invest in silver morons buy silver apparently, such a shame that the noble metal, gets bought by tards

>> No.10963390

hey it's silver-anon
I have 100 oz am i going to make it senpai

>> No.10963406

Why are you listening to him? he can't even prove his point?

>> No.10963485
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>this is what preppers actually believe.

Im telling you as a long term dealer, you will have to work hard to get a good price on misc rounds and bars because its dealt as junk unless you find someone who digs tony the tiger bars with purity not signed for by a government official.

>> No.10963495
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asteroid mining will dump all metals markets in the next century

>> No.10963498

>because its dealt as junk unless

>> No.10963501
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1oz = 1 lambo

You will make it my son

>> No.10963517

Hey tard see >>10963485

>> No.10963572

My silver is stored in Swiss Singaporean and canadian vaults, guarded by Cerberus, and inspected by Jew bankers (brothers) for purity, so blow me faggot

>> No.10963608

All precious metals hoarders are loser their asses. It was a Jewish con and you all fell for it because of Ron Paul and Peter Schiff. They literally sit in your closet and do nothing. Even if a stock goes down it at least pays dividends. Not to mention someone could just rob you off it.

>> No.10963619

Can you not read? who cares if your junk is guarded!>>10963485

Look you are the one that said>>10962693
ALL I WAS EVER ASKIN YOU TO DO WAS TO GIVE ME EVIDENCE!!!! you can't supply though...cause its not true...it might be in the future BUT RN you are wrong....why don't you just admit you are speculating! Literally, nothing wrong with speculating! except if your wrong of course....

Anon, do you know what a dollar is?

>> No.10963624


Let me give you an example, a free tip from my 20 years play time in this market.

Perth mint, pretty safe bet, gov backing, fixed runs, Perth not likely to fuck it up. bought up a crate of dragon/phoenix silver because that shit was obvious hot as anything to asians.

Tripled my money dripping them into the market, chinese love them, casual collectors love them, its a fucking dragon.

You won't get that with a modern panda or meme skull bar, you'll get scrap price. You need to know what you are doing to game collectors.

>> No.10963639

It's hand selected and verified by private bankers, I'm not a small time retard like you mings buying scrap

>> No.10963651

I'm stacking bullion not coins

>> No.10963667

>only 1/8th of an oz of silver for every human in the world

>> No.10963676

go to an asteroid and mine some then faggot.. oh wait

>> No.10963725

yea no alibaba selling fake buffalo rounds killed the generic market.

>> No.10963736

Checked. About 10 tril of cash in the world

10tril / 2 bill oz (upper estimate for above ground) = 5k/oz

>> No.10963757

>Gold will hit 10k before 2020, and silver 1k. Feel SO fucking comfy anons
no fucking way? why though? are you anticipating a financial meltdown?

>> No.10963768

Anon, as i have said many times, give me evidence that silver is used more that gold in electonics. that is literally how this all started!

>It's hand selected and verified by private bankers, I'm not a small time retard like you mings buying scrap
listening to kikes?
i think you are missing the point of...
Anon, do you know what a dollar is?

did you see the grain amount? gold v silver? grains are not coins....

look Anon, as i said if you want to speculate that is fine, but please don't percent that as if it was fact.....

you are gettin all butt hurt as you lack evidence to the reality of silver...not my problem

With that link i was hoping to show that, yes in the past silver was used as 'money' did you see the disparity in the amount of grains? the coin part is irrelevant & the fact that you can't see that = tard

I am not a asshole that will not admit that he is wrong, BUT you....

it makes you seam really less creditable...I know ppl like >>10963485 & this seams like basic industry knowledge....

why are you having such a hard time to admit you are a FUCKIN RETARD!

>> No.10963781

You would have to be an absolute brainlet to not see the massive cataclysmic once in a century financial shitstorm that will hit before 2020

>> No.10963795

I literally don't give a shit about proving anything to you, of you don't want to Google it for yourself and see the truth you don't deserve a fiefdom in elysium

>> No.10963822

I do see it coming. But what will happen to stocks and crypto?

>> No.10963832

are you retarded? silver is better conductor than gold. gold is more corrosion resistant for contacts. they are both used in high end electronics.

>> No.10963840

>I literally don't give a shit about proving anything to you
you do you replied to >>10962617 with >>10962693


IF you prove me wrong i will say that i was wrong & uninformed!

already answered this read more!

>> No.10963851

>Silver is 17.5 times more abundant in the Earth's crust than gold.
that's true but out in the universe silver is more rare than gold even if you count our entire planet silver is more rare than gold.

>> No.10963860

Get nuked except btc and xmr >>10963840
Sit down and shut the fuck up pajeet

>> No.10963867

Anon, not looking to start shit..BUT this is about what is used more in electronics...Gold v silver...Do you have evidence either way? >>10962693 started this...

>> No.10963868

>already answered this read more!
no you didn't

>> No.10963899

yea i did with >>10962617

>> No.10963909

Fucking kek

Enjoy holding those bags when it goes down to 5 an ounce

>> No.10963952
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Not with the way the Federal Reserve is churning out strips of cotton-pulp toilet paper since 2008.

>> No.10963954

Until it shows any signs of that, I'll keep shorting the fuck out of it and getting rich in the process

>> No.10963955

>As a conductor, gold is the best material as it has high conductivity and excellent resistance to corrosion. However it is more expensive than silver which is an even better conductor but can suffer from tarnishing and electromigration problems. Despite these potential difficulties, many hundreds of times as much silver is used as gold.


>> No.10963968


>> No.10964007

That looks like the holo lady.

>> No.10964025

>what is used more in electronics...Gold v silver
silver by a few magitudes

>> No.10964028

from that link (i didn't read it all yet)

>Gold is used in electronics mainly in the form of
electroplating chemicals, gold bonding wire and sputter targets. Smaller quantities are used in hybrid inks and solders. The largest use of gold in electronics is as an electroplated coating on connectors and contacts.

So on my first cursory look this is speculation article on silver.... i will get back once i have finshed

>> No.10964051

no gold is better for contacts and soldering than silver everybody out of elementary knows silver tarnishes. but it's the better conductor and cheaper bulk of wiring in high end electronics is silver.

>> No.10964062


>> No.10964074

>no gold is better for contacts and soldering than silver everybody out of elementary knows silver tarnishes. but it's the better conductor and cheaper bulk of wiring in high end electronics is silver.
i completely agree Anon! Evidence that silver is used more that silver?

>> No.10964119

>Evidence that silver is used more that silver?
sry, a bit drunk atm...that was supposed to be...Evidence that silver is used more that gold..in electonics?

>> No.10964342
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>blocks your path

>> No.10964372

she looks nothing like me!

>> No.10964500

k, silverfags I will be back in ~45 min if no evidence then every time you pajeets post a /thread on silver that i see i will post this! SIMPLY SUPPLY EVIDENCE!!!!!!!!! it shouldn't be difficult! Imagine buying something & supplying NO EVIDENCE of what you are talkin about! fuck these silver hodlers are dumb!

>> No.10964520

Yah If you read the Bitcoin Standard you understand why Silver lost out and will continue to go down. Once you use bank notes to represent gold no need for silver. If you are banking on industrial use I have bad news for you lol.

>> No.10964566

This. /thread

>> No.10965118
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ignoring conveniently? >>10963955
only 7% of the much less tonnage of gold is used by electronics. there is your proof. it's basically common knowledge do you want some proof about the moon orbiting earth now? imbecile!

>> No.10965177

can't believe this retard needs to be spoonfed information you can literally find everywhere.
80 tonnes of gold used by industry versus 6000 tonnes of silver used in electronics.

>> No.10965306

>80 tonnes of gold used by industry versus 6000 tonnes of silver used in electronics.
Gold is also 75x more expensive to produce than silver

>> No.10965312

I’m a geologist. I bought a meteorite in 98 for $5000. I can now get around 10k for it. Fuck off faggots.

>> No.10965410

Thanks Anon...see how easy that was. I seriously did not think you were going to come up with it after statements like>>10963851! your own electronic gold v sliver proves its wrong...


>> No.10965416
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The virgin golden faggot vs The Chad silver bullion

>more dense because too cuck to take up any more space
>silver man spreads all over your safe taking up more room and crowing out the little gold cuck Bois
>shiny as fuck, shiniest of all metals - literally shines so hard it can blind you. Used in mirrors to let you look at yourself and give you a confidence boost - always raise the packs spirits
>gold only used by pajeets to pay wedding dowry for street shitting carpet cunt pajeeta wives and for roasties to hang from their necks while giving head - literally watching in the background like the true cuck metal that it is
>silver had to overcome adversity through history being seen as the "second PM", well guess what? He has proved himself to be useful as fuck and blows goldboi out of the water
>electronics, catalytic converters, solar panels, medicine, antibacterial agents, Fucking your girlfriend
>meanwhile gold - looks yellow and shiny, keeps Jews pacified

>> No.10965420

I have to say i was thinkin this BUT i was referring to weight initially...so I WAS WRONG

>> No.10965878
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American Silver Eagle - The Patrician's Coin

>> No.10965887

no it's not wrong earth is a special place in the universe we got a lot of gold and even more silver on the surface.

>> No.10965971

>2011 $45
>2018 $14
the absolute state of silverfags

>> No.10966202

Anon...your universe comment is speculation though, haven't heard of any off planet mining ops going on...its a pipe dream ATM.

The reality of silver is it is going down atm....its way cheaper than gold, gold is ~x20 silver.
So if 7% of gold is used to that of silver (thanks for the numbers) but there is 17.5 the amount of silver than gold....
Why don't we mine more silver? most likely b/c demand is met/the mines want to inflate the price of silver...The price of gold v silver reflects (close to reality), gold is 20x in price but17.5x of silver exist more than gold.....

The nothing is cheap/expensive...if its 'cheap' that is cause the market doesn't like it....if its 'expensive' the market likes it......Silver is roughly in the correct average true range of total global supply by market standards.

The whole metal thing is 100% whale territory on my opinion so never been interested...ppl here bitch about some guppy selling btc & everyone following cause they wanna lock in profits. Imagine the HORDS of precious metals that REAL whales hodl!

>> No.10966281

>Anon...your universe comment is speculation though
no it's actually what scientists concluded based on the observable part of the universe our knowledge about how the elements are formed within the stars basically it's math. gold is by no means rare silver is about equally abundant out there. on earth gold is twice as abundant as silver but silver is more abundant in the crust of earth. this is all math and of course new discoveries could change things.

>> No.10966300

>gold is 20x in price
gold is about 80x to silver in price what are you smoking?

>> No.10966332

>what are you smoking?
its good, promise

>gold is about 80x to silver in price what are you smoking?
fuck me your makin gold sound even better

fyi I seriosuly don't know fuck all about precious metal...but not buying a deprecating asset, i already hodl crypto...

>> No.10966369

>no it's actually what scientists concluded based on the observable part of the universe
They still can't get it! it is literally theoretical! we can't even get to moon RN ffs....not looking to get into some shite moon debate but RN no silver mining is going on outside of this planet, end of those #s are TOTAL speculation

>> No.10966371

well it can mean a lot of things for some it means silver is awfully under priced others see it as a sign that silver is becoming industrial base metal.

>> No.10966395

>The nothing is cheap/expensive...if its 'cheap' that is cause the market doesn't like it....if its 'expensive' the market likes it......
so your sayin you know more than the market? with ppl dedicating there lives to it? Paid crazy money to figure out the next idea? Do you have some kind of inside info?

>> No.10966411

market says down.....why would i by another depreciating asset, i already have crypto...

>> No.10966415

>They still can't get it! it is literally theoretical!
well we know how fusion work we can observe a shittons of stars interstellar dust and planets. i think they got a pretty good idea about the distribution of elements based on the age of stars and whatnot. there is so much gold out there it's not even a joke. and earth is basically so rich in gold that it could cover the entire surface about a meter thick.

so asteroid mining is just a fucking meme imo. we are nowhere near of depleting earths gold reserves. the easy obvious pickings may be gone in a few decades. but if you look a bit harder there is so much gold on planet earth we could make a small moon out of it.

>> No.10966463

>so asteroid mining is just a fucking meme imo.
I said no one is mining outside of this planet! your argument is total speculation! that is simply what i was sayin...i never mentioned about it being possible....no one has actually done it in the real world, started a mine outside of this planet....when it happens that will be great, but it has yet to happen!

>> No.10966504

it's very much possible no doubt it's just won't make sense financially for a very very long time.

>> No.10966539
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Is silver the 1st shitcoin?

i only ask b/c i own about 22k USD of it and all my other cryptos are shitcoins i cant help it its my sin

>> No.10966550

bro that's like $50

>> No.10966616
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Stacker here, gonna buy about double what I have when it hits 12 no worries

>> No.10966849
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more like $150, but yeah, it's pocket change. couldn't even buy a gold 20 franc with that

lmfao, that's like 2 or 3 of my krugerrands

>> No.10967145

Fuck off with that maximalist bullshit. Silver is going to be more scarce than gold soon, above ground it already is. If silver is so shit compare to gold why does JPM have 600 mil TONS?

>> No.10967162
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>Silver is going to be more scarce than gold soon

>> No.10967194

It's being discarded at a rate orders of magnitude higher than gold, so blow me.

If gold is so great then go ahead and buy some over silver. I'll hoard my silver and so will the major american banks

>> No.10967221

The bitcoin standard is another fractional reserve scam that will collapse into a ponzi faster than the Madoff can drop the soap.

Fool me once.

>> No.10967258
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>silver is getting easier to mine, gold is getting harder
>demand for silver is falling, demand for gold is relatively stable
I'll keep stacking my krugerrands, you can keep stacking your monopoly tokens
we'll see who is better off next decade

>> No.10967462
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Surely, you must be implying you'll include pic related in your stack? I digress.

>> No.10967469

No, I'm done with silver. I sold it all at $18/oz to buy gold.