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File: 7 KB, 400x240, ripple-xrp-coinsph-400x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11178755 No.11178755 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize the only usecase for cryptocurrency is cross border payments, and that XRP will be the TRUE king.

dApps - no one cares. ETH/EOS have no users

Payment - too volatile, no one pays eachother with it

Store of value - too volatile. you are completely naive and stupid to think in an economic downturn, people will hedge their money in volatile imaginary meme coins. That is a meme and will never happen.

The only reason Coinbase doesn't list XRP is because XRP will be bought up by normies and overtake BTC. Easily. Brian from Coinbase is an Ethereum fag who believes in muh decentralization, so he supports shitty Ethereum. There's literally no other reason. They would make a killing from the fees associated with it. Ripple has all the normie support.

It's gotten this far without the easy USD buy on credit card that Coinbase has provided. When that happens, it's over.

>> No.11178764

bitstamp already offers xrp buy on debit/credit card

but coinbase has a lot more normie volume. xrp will probably be the next coin to get added to coinbase i agree

>> No.11178769

xrp is only good for pump and dumps

>> No.11178786

I realize this yes.

>> No.11178787

That was the use case that always made the most sense to me. One reason is that I just can't see normies ever becoming tech savvy enough to deal with cryptos the way we'd all prefer. Real adoption will probably be on an institutional level or not at all, and cross border payments is definitely where banks can save the most money.

Micropayments are also interesting though. I'd love to be able to stream money to someone on youtube or twitch as i watch instead of sitting through ads.

>> No.11178811

its had sustained buy pressure since yesterday retard. its not a pnd
banks/institutions will make it normie friendly just like they already have with regular banking etc.

>> No.11178821

Very possible. I think normies would trust banks as custodians more than anyone else. Maybe there needs to be some type of deposit insurance in place as well.

The anarchist crypto crowd will not be pleased though.

>> No.11178841

when I realized that scalability is only achievable through hardware.

>> No.11178849

correct they wont be pleased but the crypto that is the most normie friendly is the one that will be the most widely adopted. i understand the anarchist view but the reality is that its a pipe dream. there are too many low/average IQ people on this planet.

>> No.11178852
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>its not at pnd

>> No.11178954
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>using CMC chart
>using linear scale
holy shit the brainlet hurts. let me spell it out for you
MACD lines between XRP pump in dec and XRP pump now are nearly identical. also if it was a PND the price would have already fucking dumped below 40 cents, instead of finding support. jesus youre a retard.

>> No.11179005
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>using CMC chart
>using linear scale

>> No.11179014
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>> No.11179016

omfg. there is no help for you. coinmarketcap charts are literal NPC tier, and you're ignoring all the other fucking indicators that it isnt a pnd but at least you've proven that i can now ignore everything you have to say in this thread.

>> No.11179022
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This is the new pajeet tell (Patel?)

if I was paying these Street shitting sister rapers to FUD I’d be pissed about the laziness.

>> No.11179024

by your logic stellar is also a pnd. fuck off

>> No.11179042

one day xrp cryptocurrency will be worth $1000 a coin

>> No.11179069
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>> No.11179077
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> ignoring all the other fucking indicators

the other indicator is cnbc fast money using xrp as a pump and dump shit coin them selves


>> No.11179087

Looks like a good time to sell

>> No.11179096
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>> No.11179105

now fud me on binance coin

>> No.11179108

nah, binance coin is alright

>> No.11179114


Use VENMO or paypal faggot whats the fucking difference?

XRP is a centralized shitcoin controlled by banks. Kill yourself

>> No.11179128

>listening to cnbc

>> No.11179148

Not a good comparison. Ripple is trying to overhaul the bottom layers of the global payment system. Things like Venmo and Paypal don't address this. They just find ways to mask the problems and provide a better customer experience.

XRP certainly can't be controlled by banks in any case.

>> No.11179169

come on you fag respond to this

>> No.11179214
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>> No.11179221

kekked and saved

>> No.11179228

The only reason why Coinbase doesn't list XRP is because XRP is a security token kek

>> No.11179623

Why would you use xrp when swift will offer its services through chainlink?

>> No.11180264

$5 trillion per day transferred by swift
Divided by 24 is $208333333333 - per hour
Divided by 60 is $3472222222.22 per minute
Divided by 60 is $57870370.3703 per second

Divide this by total supply of 99 billion is 0.000585c per xrp is needed to perform these transactions per second.
If we multiple this number by 3 to take into account the 1/3 circulating supply we get 0.00175c per xrp is needed.
Now if we become even more generous and say that there must be 50% in reserve in order to allow for safety in transactions and multiple by 2 we get 0.0035c per xrp needed.
Now lets be even more generous and multiple this by 3 as xrp says that it can take 3 seconds for full settlement of a transaction before it recycles and we find ourself at 0.011c per xrp needed.
And remember this is if it replaces all of swifts transactions tomorrow.
Anything above 0.011c per xrp is speculation price

>> No.11180304

>being this much of a brainlet

Run those exact same figures with the United States Dollar using Euro values as a reference and work out how much it's worth in Euros according to your stupid calculation

>> No.11180312

>comparing a shitcoin developed by idiots to the currency of the two of the largest economies on the planet backed by actual things and used by billions

>> No.11180332

>developed by idiots

found the brainlet

>> No.11180342

>Store of value - too volatile.
if you bought bitcoin anytime before late 2017 it was a great store of value if you look at it now you retard.

>> No.11180355

Not my fault you have no understanding of global remittance systems. Enjoy your glorified SMS service, i'll continue trading its obvious PNDs. As with all cryptos its fundamentals are garbage.

>> No.11180356
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Big booooi yeeeah. You just wasted your time.

>> No.11180361

>Enjoy your glorified SMS service
anon I understand digital asset settlement

doesn't sound like you do

>> No.11180373

I think there isn't anyway we are going to persuade each other on this, so going to have to agree to disagree.
I'm just going to continue trading this, I'm just putting it out there - I don't think its anything special.

>> No.11180383

>I don't think its anything special.
Do you understand xRapid isn't a messaging service

>> No.11180421

I understand what xrapid is - i get the idea of xrp being used for settlement, i get the idea that its faster than traditional exchanges through nostro accounts. Many of the banks who trialled xrapid found that it wasn't better than what they had, western union even stated this publicly. The underlying price of the token needed for the liquidity of transfer is divorced completely from the speculative value seen on exchanges.

>> No.11180445

>Many of the banks who trialled xrapid found that it wasn't better than what they had, western union even stated this publicly.

WU isn't a bank and had an extremely limited trial

>underlying price of the token needed for the liquidity of transfer is divorced completely from the speculative value seen on exchanges

ROFL how do you come to this conclusion

Literally the value on public exchanges is a reflection of the liquidity which is used for settlement.

A bank in the USA sends USD over a domestic rail to a local exchange. They buy XRP. They send the XRP in 4 seconds to a bank in mexico. That bank sends the XRP to a local exchange in mexico. They sell the XRP and buy local currency which is then settled over local domestic rail.

xRapid coordinates this process. The value of XRP comes from its utility as a settlement asset. Value comes from utility.

>> No.11180466
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>>11180421 Do you even realize xrapid buys on public exchanges. Shit tier argument.

>> No.11180472

You are right, the WU trial was limited but it doesn't matter its not a bank, its still a money transfer service. They still decided it didn't offer any progress on existing technology.

In regards to the underlying value based on exchanges, show exactly how based on the current exchange price based on a 3 second transfer time before turn around given the liquidity needed that the price is justified. It doesn't matter which numbers you use, the exchange value is a speculative value not the real value.

In the last few years, i'm still to see anyone provide a full explanation with examples as to why xrp needs to be highly valued and that its price is anything other than speculative (much like eth, btc and other crypto btw, it isn't unique)

>> No.11180482

Thx just bought 10k

>> No.11180498

>it doesn't matter its not a bank, its still a money transfer service.

It does matter. Banks will save by freeing up the capital in their nostro accounts.

>the exchange value is a speculative value not the real value.

What is the value of a fiat currency? What determines its value? What is the value of gold? What determines its value?

>> No.11180506

Do you not realise that banks are not particularly happy about the idea of the volatility exchanges offer and larger remittance will likely occur on privately negotiated ledgers with predetermined values?

Did you not look into the fact that many of the banks already brought large amounts of XRP from ripple in order to facilitate this so they don't have to rely on volatility and can set their own internal pricing structure?

>> No.11180514

feels like the truth.

>> No.11180528

Again, i can't argue with your point on fiat. Fundamentally it has become divorced from its true value since the commoditisation and leverage of debt, hence why most economies find themselves in precarious positions and 2008 happened in the first place.

The volatility offered on an exchange does not benefit xrapid. You need one of two things. Either there is insane amounts of volume to facilitate these transfers and XRPs value goes up hugely to allow for this. In this scenario large amounts of money are given to exchanges in trading fees and the fact that certain players who have accumulated large amounts means that the price can swing enough to make significant effects to the value of the underlying transfer.
The other scenario is that actually banks who use xrapid have there own private transfer system with a predetermined value allowing for stability of transfer and therefore the exchanges become largely irrelevant and the value speculative.

>> No.11180532

>Do you not realise that banks are not particularly happy about the idea of the volatility exchanges offer and larger remittance will likely occur on privately negotiated ledgers with predetermined values?

This wouldn't provide an advantage over nostro settlement

The volatility at the 4s chart is actually very low, much lower than moving a USD payment over nostro across several days

>> No.11180550

Not sure I agree with that if significant volumes of xrp were to be used for transfers.
Also remember this all works on the presumption that somehow xrp and xrapid become the defacto settlement and transfer service with no competition or adaptation from original systems.

>> No.11180551

answer the question

what gives gold and fiat value

>> No.11180570

Agree or not these are facts.

XRP volatility over 4s period it takes to settle is less than USD volatility over the 2-3 day time it takes to settle over nostro.

"Private settlement" agreements at fixed rates is the same as having a system of credits between banks which is the same as a nostro system.

>> No.11180571

I already said to you fiat is assigned and presumed value - in essence it is speculative, as is gold to an extent as its value as a store of wealth is detached from its real value as a metal.

What changes here is that fiat still has trust, central bank backing, is tied up in traditional debt structures and leveraged products, trading of commodities, money transfer systems, payments systems and virtually every facet of life. It is then further backed by major private and public entities as well as armed forces.

>> No.11180576

They aren't facts - you can't prove what future volatility will be like, you are making an assumption based on current volatility of an asset which isn't used for its intended purpose.
Private settlement is exactly like the line of credit and nostro system - exactly why banks will likely favour this as this coupled with faster transfer time that xrapid may offer provides the best of both worlds.

>> No.11180638

I’m not talking about future volatility I’m talking about current volatility. And these are facts reported from the xRapid trials.

Banks need a system of settlement which does not require trust. If you can’t understand this then there’s no hope for you appreciating the value of digital assets and their role in international settlement.

As soon as one bank has to trust another bank now you have a pinch point. Only some banks trust other banks. Sending a payment between any two points on the Nostro network can involve numberous expensive and slow middle counterparties.

Digital assets allow banks to settle with each other in real-time without needing to trust each other and each others solvency. This is a huge deal.

>> No.11180688

This is where we just aren't going to make any progress. Anon you are clearly a switched on guy who knows his stuff and I genuinely wish you success with your investment.
You are going to continue to presume that because someone disagrees with you that they don't understand things - this isn't the case, I just don't have the optimism that you do for this asset and its role in settlement and neither do many traditional banks or financiers.
Maybe i'm stubborn, or may you are right and I truly am missing the bigger picture here, either way one of us will be right and we have already both picked our side.

>> No.11181833
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