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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.11676522

Congratulations on this,

>> No.11676532

Industry products. Holy shit

>> No.11676536
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I'm fucking hyperventilating.

>> No.11676590

>There are still people who think this is a scam

>> No.11676695

It doesn't even surprise me any more. It just all seems so surreal. Is this actually happening?

>> No.11676727

explains the smirk.

>> No.11676729

Viant for supply chain? But I thought everyone would use VeChain? Does this mean my THANOS FORTNITE XXX THUNDERNODE is not going to make me rich?

>> No.11676784

I thought about this too

>> No.11676949

Fukin lmao

>> No.11676954

>Chainlink marketcap is $500 million
>smart contract asks for node with $550 million in collateral
>oh shit! The node can’t provide sufficient collateral, EVEN IF they buy 100% of the supply
>mainnet screeches to a halt
>unironically ogre

>> No.11676970
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>> No.11677022
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>Link being over $1 defeats the purpose

>> No.11677110

Swingy linkies on suicide watch

>> No.11677145

>there really aren't
>they are shitposting to confuse newfags

>> No.11677273

>500 million collateral with 500 million market cap
>Put all of the tokens for collateral
>Some fluke causes a failure in consensus
>All of the chainlink in the world goes to one person
Has anyone actually thought about scenarios this?

>> No.11677305

Yes, the answer is that LINK doesn't make any fucking sense to have for the protocol and companies will be able to use stable coins instead.

>> No.11677379

When I'm old and on my death bed I'm going to be reminiscing about the times we spent on this Uruguayan bait and tackle image board. All the FUD, LARPS, shitposting and Sergey memes.

I won't be thinking about Christmas as a young boy with my family, I won't be thinking about playing high school football and making out with the prom king after his date passed out, nor will I be thinking about my college days. I also won't be thinking about my backstabbing whore wife who cheated on me and got throat fucked by a dark black nigger

I'm going to be thinking of all the internets fun that we had together

>> No.11677413

More to come, the idiots called it no news November, when in reality it is "comfy" November.

>> No.11677440

How many to make it? I have 10074...

Does not feel like I have enough.

>> No.11677454

This. One feels like looking out of the window of a train.
New things just go into your vision, to be passed by even more awesome things. While you sit comfy and enjoy the ride.

>> No.11677455

Literal who?

>> No.11677465


It's never enough m8.

t. 300k stinkies

>> No.11677478

Which smirk

>> No.11677486
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>> No.11677490

It's hard to prove, but I came up with that one. It was in one of my copypastas.

t. Colonel

>> No.11677502

Based Sergey. Kek's will be done.

Thank you fren.

>> No.11677508

>he didn't analise every recorded talk Sergey gave frame-by-frame
Back to r*ddit with you

>> No.11677518

Kek forgive me, but my autism is not to that level. But it means I'm more sociable than most bizraelis.

>> No.11677525


>> No.11677541
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The feels are strong in this one

>> No.11677576

I wonder which dick Adelyn sucked for getting LINK in a Forbes article

>> No.11677603

I wonder which dick Adelyn sucked for getting LINK in a Forbes article

>> No.11677654


If you insure a house, do you pay the full value of the house to insure it?

>> No.11677706

Mine t. Forbes CEO

>> No.11678005

Guys should I buy link

>> No.11678021

I don't know but when I buy my lambo for 400k I'll prob just ask the insurance guy if I can give him 200k straight up for it to be insured just so I don't have to bother with 3k a month insurance payments

>> No.11678326

Prom... king?

>> No.11678434
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>> No.11678514


>> No.11678532
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smug levels at 100%

>> No.11678557

if anyone can legitimatley spin this as fud i'll deposit 5 eth to your wallet as quid pro quo.

t. delphi admin

>> No.11678560

how many times chainlink mentioned in forbes

>> No.11678582
File: 122 KB, 400x500, forbes_billionaires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11678595

Exactly why you’ll never make it.

>> No.11678798

Another source reporting on this:

>> No.11679363

you know what to do

>> No.11679372

on it, marine

>> No.11679962

Fuck off Delphi

>> No.11679986

I would get some linkpool if I were you

>> No.11680066

Ctrl + f: chainlink

>> No.11680267

Adoption will be the DOWNFALL of Chainlink. Once the amount of collateral needed in USD value exceeds that available across all nodes, the network won’t fucking work anymore.
>Chainlink mcap is $500 million
>smart contract asks for node with $550 million in collateral
>oh shit! The node can’t provide sufficient collateral, EVEN IF they buy 100% of the supply
>mainnet screeches to a halt
>unironically ogre

>> No.11680287

>Nobody accepts the contract.
>Life goes on.
>OP mumbles something about selling at 7200 sats.

>> No.11680317
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linkies, i have it on good authority that a big game/dapp is launching in december that supports chainlink (airdrops it to players)

it may be a meme but it could legit be the cryptokitties of 2018, i predict $1 link eoy once normies start discovering their free link tokens.

>> No.11680321
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holy fucking BASED

>> No.11680340
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>> No.11680379


>> No.11680380

if companies are buying link to request jobs needing 550mil in collateral then you can guarantee theyve bought enough to drive the price up
> markets, how do they work

>> No.11680419

>price doesn’t budge
Yeah I agree but they’re not buying off binance it doesn’t look like

>> No.11680440

can you expand a bit on this "airdrop"?

>> No.11680484


in the game you join a clan/tribe (LINK, BNB, REQ, etc.) and whenever you attack another player you earn tokens from your clan.

its the sequel to ethergoo (u may have seen it at top of dappradar early 2018)

>> No.11680508

It's not a stablecoin you fucking brainlet.
By the time there's a need for $550m in collateral on a single contract, the market cap of LINK will be well above $500m.

>> No.11680525

The price of link is going up, this Forbes article has been really somenthing very good... dear god, we may see 1$ if Forbes keep on talking about it

>> No.11680527

Wow just keeps happening
>price will never see 70 cents ever again

Yeah man
Keeps on happening

The fucking absolute definition of delusion

>> No.11680542

Just peeped chart
Yall faggot niggas finna explode monday-tuesday

>> No.11680549


Still swinging trading? lol.

You are too greedy brò. Come on, sit on a stack of Link and don't swing trade as a retarded.
Time to swing trading was in the bear market. We're approaching to bull noow, te entire market is smelling fucking bull

>> No.11680557
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>> No.11680559

thanks bud.

>> No.11680571

yeah agreed i don't expect them to the either, probably some form of eth to link liquid in contracts

>> No.11680809

Can someone explain to me how does it benefit the company if they integrate their private blockchain to ethereum public blockchain?

>> No.11680882

unironically bullish