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11856778 No.11856778 [Reply] [Original]

UKfag here, got a job interview in pic related next week as an entry level data scientist with a good multinational company. Salary would be £16-20k. I got a job offer for £40k in London, but I checked the costs of living and I calculated that I would be able to save more money in Romania (assuming I'm not sharing an apartment, because I fucking hate that shit). Plus I don't want to live in London and the job in Romania is way more interesting. Am I retarded to consider moving to Romania?

>> No.11856807

>I calculated that I would be able to save more money in Romania
if gypsies don't steal your savings

>> No.11856897

Make sure your moving to Romania loicense is up to date

>> No.11856909

>burgers really don’t have passports

>> No.11856926

probably better off in romania bro, london is a diverse hellhole and will get much worse the more brown it gets, authorities are losing control
south london already looks like harlem

>> No.11856941

Don’t be fucking stupid.
Move to London and network and build a reputation as a data scientist. Get experience and you’ll be on 6 figures in no time.

Romania is a dump

>> No.11856943
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>> No.11856981

Romania is full of tasty Slav women and the locals hate the Roma gypsies even more than the Brits.

>> No.11857021

No, romania is probably comfy and you can have a much higher living standard there

>> No.11857025
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>Move to London

>> No.11857061

London is the center of European culture full of hot women

>> No.11857063


yes go to eastern europe, they have an inferiority complex and if ure a white brit you will have higher status and will be easy to get girls

>> No.11857067

I did some research on the city and it does look pretty comfy (it's not Bucharest).

>> No.11857071
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Its the centre of nigger culture

>> No.11857188

>Move to London and network
I have lived in london all of my life, the "move to london" to get somewhere meme is so fucking retarded.

The reason people think "London has jobs" and "You can make money there" is because the massive overpopulation makes it easy to hire and fire employees, and everything is fucking expensive as a result.

I was driving home from work today and saw that B.P. are charging 1 fucking pound for the air and water machine a cheap bottle of de-icer costs £2 and a bottle of evian £1.70.

Everything is fucked here, people are fucking miserable and trying to fuck everyone over, but cant see it because "I'm only here to make money and get out".
The elites use this mentality to get a cheap workforce who are too busy chasing their own tails to realise the shitty situation they are in.

>> No.11857213

>6 figures in no time
Maybe if you are contracting, yeah.

>> No.11857223

Well this is during Nothinghill festival, caribean jammin

>> No.11857558

Romanian females are probably the most horribly looking creatures with vaginas in the whole Europe proper. Since you're from UK, you'll feel right at home!

>> No.11857562

2k in romania or 4k in London.
Bro it's incomparable.
Romania all the way in quality if life.
However, long term...maybe you could meme up your resume by being a big shot from London and after a few years negotiate better offers. You can exploit cheap workforce and sell some shit in the UK or make some outsource contracts.

>> No.11857577


>> No.11857590

>an entry level data scientist with a good multinational company
>Salary would be £16-20k
fucking kek

>> No.11857592


are those larps about 100k data science jobs a meme?

>> No.11857594


the state of bizposters, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.11857595

If you are not poor, in Romania you could live pretty well. Romania sucks only in poor regions, in more developed cities the life is really good.

>> No.11857615

This faggot has literally never seen a Romanian. 80% of them look like gypsies.

>> No.11857623 [DELETED] 

Are you serious?

>> No.11857651

Are you retarded?
Look at this random romanian females from friends list:

Where do you see 80% gypsy looking?

>> No.11857653

Jesus how low can a once great kingdom fall?

>> No.11857661

I've never met a pretty Romanian girl (by Slavic standards anyway), and I've probably met dozens by now.
Go right back to facebook, and never return, nigger.

>> No.11857683

you know, europe is not the silicon valley. 100k data science jobs are rare here.

>> No.11857684

At least on Facebook retarded people are not speaking in public like you do here because nobody knows who you are

>> No.11857700

Lurk 2 years before posting, fucking newfaggot.

>> No.11857732

I'd go London with house share. Everyone is doing it. I did it for a decade even though I was earning 100k

>> No.11857736

I'm on 4chan for more than 5 years and I know what a shithole it is.

Look, right now someone is scamming people and nobody bats an eye. This is the state of 4chan.

>> No.11857754

I'm sure you are, you buttblasted gypsy.

>> No.11857758

Burger here. Just got back from Romania. Prices there are crazy cheap. Way better than London. Women can be hot too. Which city? Bucharest?

>> No.11857769
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come to Silicon Valley instead

>> No.11857847

Come to Romania. You won't have any problems with gypsies. Not even 10% of the population is or has gypsy roots and you won't have to interact with most of them. Also, the gypsies who would want to rob or steal from you go to London, they don't stay in Romania. On the other hand, if you look to London, you have a fucking gypsy mayor and half the population is gypsy, sandniggers or niggers.
If you want to know how Romanian girls look, just go to livejasmin, half(literally half) of them are Romanian and that's how young women tend to look in this country.
It is a shithole because of corruption and because most of the people are stupid and uneducated.

>> No.11857904

top kek 95% gypsy types

>> No.11858569
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I was born there. It is a shithole (poverty, corruption, bad education system, etc), BUT 90%+ of the population is white and it is generally much safer. I would say most of Europe has become a shithole anyway, so you just have to choose your poison

>> No.11858883

Do Romanian chicks expect you to wear a condom? I want to go bareback and fill up these gypsy hoes.

>> No.11858931

>Am I retarded to consider moving to Romania?
Depends on the location. Large cities are generally fine if a bit ghetto.

>> No.11858942

>I want to go bareback and fill up these gypsy hoes.
Enjoy your Aids.

>> No.11859096

Only homos, sodomites, and drug-users get AIDS. I'm going bareback and nothing will stop me.

>> No.11859160

some real life advice: romanian chicks in rural areas are hilariously easy to pick up, a western passport is all you need. i am a subpar-looking moderately autistic motherfucker, lost my virginity at age 27 to a girl in fucking jieţ. her parents hooked me up with their daughter after they invited me to spend the night at their place. we didn't do anal but we did fuck bareback.

>> No.11859216

boy or girl?

>> No.11859238

dunno lol

>> No.11859393


So (40k) - (16-20k) = 20-24k

And you can't live in London for under 20-24k...

You can't calculate a way to live on 20-24k before you even dip into your entire gypsy salary, nevermind Romanian living costs. And somehow you will save more... earning 20k.

And someone is hiring you for handling data?

Enjoy Romania.

>> No.11859461
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>thinking Romanian = gypsy

>> No.11859493

>be British
>move to fucking Romania for a job

The locals are going to laugh hysterically at you. You're going to be treated like a fucking retard, because you are one. What the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.11859509

I lived in Boston, Lincolnshire, we got all the immigrants before anyone else in the UK back in 2004 or so. I've met 'non-gypsie' Romanians. Guess what? They're still subhumans.

>> No.11860089

Brasov, i hope. Or sibiu, even. Otherwise no point. If it's cluj, enjoy he most meme-tier hipster town. Iasi is retarded loldavian

>> No.11860152

what about timisoara

>> No.11860204

I love there. Stinkiest fucking town. The mayor is retarded, utilities are shit because of him. No street liggs at night in 60% of the city. Public transport os shit. Traffic is shit, and if you plan on biking around during the day to commute prepare to have your ass blasted. Stay away.
T. planning to move to brasov

>> No.11860211

>i love there
"LIVE" ffs. Stuck on train, excuse my phoneposting

>> No.11860279

well yeah i have been to timisoara myself (by bicycle even) and i am tempted to a agree that it's a fairly generic romanian shithole. even the historic city center is kind of a joke.
i just keep hearing good stuff about timisoara by tourists on the internet, and there were even ads for timisoara by wizz air i think on national tv here (germany) not too long. i can't see the appeal. it sucks even compared to 2nd tier cities in hungary of similar size, say debrecen or pecs.

>> No.11860287

Hungary is great, no matter where you are. Brasov, though, way comfier

>> No.11860314

Hell, even novi sad right across the border in serbia is light-years ahead of timisoara

>> No.11860365

my dad is planning on hiking the entirety of the carpathian mountains in several stages. he started to walk from caransebes to sibiu two years ago, last year from sibiu to brasov over the fagaras, and then from predeal to piatra neamt this year. got bitten by a dog kek, proper romanian experience.

he told me all romanian cities are mostly exchangeable shitholes outside of the city centers, including sibiu and brasov. i myself have been to pretty much the entire western half of the country and am inclined to agree.

i don't want to shittalk romania though. the nature is some of the best europe has to offer, there's a ton of varied history to be discovered, the people are some of the nicest i've ever met (minus gyppos) and i find the rough eastern euro edges extremely appealingly. by any objective standard though it's definitely a shithole compared to western europe, or even poland, hungary and perhaps even serbia.

>> No.11860391

Everything you're saying here is on point. Romanian mountainside is top-tier. That is a good plan, he should stick to it. Even if non-center brasov and sibiu might be meh, you still get the bonus of the amazing surrounding nature.

>> No.11860400

Your salary will go a lot further in Romania but the country is a post-communist shithole. Take the London offer and move up from there. It'll be worth it in the long run.

Romania este iadul Europei

>> No.11860405
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>> No.11860410

It's only a shithole if you're poor, fren

>> No.11860451
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>That is a good plan, he should stick to it. Even if non-center brasov and sibiu might be meh, you still get the bonus of the amazing surrounding nature.

the transalpina was probably the the most awe-inspiring thing i've ever seen. what a fucking road lmao.
petrosani is also almost cool, a shithole for sure but it's got charme, and it's very conveniently located in the mountains.

>> No.11860505

Corrupt politicians won't be able to make me leave my beautiful country.

>> No.11860642
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i got a steam friend from romania who i frequently talk to. he moved to germany years ago and works in some fancy italiian restaurant in saarland. he says living in germany is obviously a lot better but he often feels lonely despite having friends and speaking german very well. dude's homesick and sometimes wishes to return to romania but objectively speaking it would be a dumb thing to do, and he knows it.

bit sad.

>> No.11860670

Also up "garana". And not for the meme jazz festival, but for the perfect scenery

>> No.11860687

"look up

>> No.11860734
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I lived in Bucharest for 5 years and London for 5 years. Romania is amazing. Assuming you aren't retarded and have at least some normie in you you can have great time. Anyone that's romanian and under 35 is chill. Go get fucked up with cool dudes and beautiful women.

40k in london is scraping by. 20k in romania is balling. London is a trash-tier city to live in unless you're making tons of money. Don't fuck this up, anon.

>> No.11861027

> 20k in Romania is balling
It was 10 years ago, but not anymore unless you’re living in a village.