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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 327 KB, 645x812, xogoddessr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11955855 No.11955855 [Reply] [Original]

Are subs a good investment?

>> No.11955881

yep got 3 of them myself

>> No.11955895

That contract would get destroyed in court. I wonder is there any way to profit from that....

>> No.11955905
File: 28 KB, 492x449, It's All So Tiresome (Cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11955925

33k a year is what being a sugar daddy normally costs. this guy is just being weird with his fetishes about it.

>> No.11955955

Time to start reporting findoms to the IRS

>> No.11955972

fucking this

>> No.11955978

These women should be enslaved and beaten for this.
If anything I'm starting to think the Muslims are right about everything practical.
Like obviously they are wrong religiously but their treatment of women is spot on.

>> No.11955982

She's likely inventing this particular 'client' in order to get her other, actual subs to step their game up, or to build her client base.

>> No.11955988

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11955989

what's a sub?

>> No.11955996

Findom sniping just like the Thot Audit

>> No.11955998

Someone report this fucking filth to the irs alreafy

>> No.11956007

>tfw no daddy to send money to

>> No.11956009

How is this the woman's fault? These beta cucks should be wiped from this earth

>> No.11956021

lmao so rich losers pay women money for a feeling?


you can't make this shit up

>> No.11956023

Remember, the annual gift tax exclusion for 2018 is $15k. If she didn't hire an accountant after hiring that lawyer, she's probably only on the hook for taxes on $18k.

>> No.11956024

Damn that's a few k in taxes.

>> No.11956027

I can guarantee you findoms are raking in way more from dedicated subs than the average snapchat whore.

>> No.11956033

This, just seeing this poor fucking cuck do this to himself is too sad and pathetic. Plus this scumbag of a control freak bitch needs to pay taxes for this.

>> No.11956041

Yeah. They get off on giving their money away to sluts and getting nothing in return.

>> No.11956050

What are you waiting for report her and get 30% of Ks!

>> No.11956053

I mean I paid women for sex before and regret it because I didn't want to deal with relationships and was an idiot. So I see where they're going but this shit is one on a whole nother level

>> No.11956063

This twisted game needs to be reset.

>> No.11956079

I've been doing some thinking about what could possibly lead someone into becoming a paypig and I think it has to do with the breakdown of the traditional family and all that other gay conservative stuff. These men are absolutely desperate subconsciously to support someone to make themselves feel useful since they are too broken down to ever possibly find a mate and start a family of their own so they give in to this degrading habit and pass it off as a fetish since letting everyone know what gets you off is the only way these pathetic subhumans know how to create anything resembling an identity.

>> No.11956097

it's mental illness, the sub and dom
they offer nothing to the world, useless trash

>> No.11956100

It's actually zero confidence on top of zero relations with females, leads to a femdom fetish, which eventually leads to findom.
>t. paypig

>> No.11956105

This shit is stupid.

>> No.11956107

Out of curiosity, I have to ask: Why don't you fucking hang yourself?

>> No.11956116

You're not wrong, but the women are exploiting weak people and making their lives worse (even if the betas get some sort of pleasure from it). They're basically like drug dealers encouraging junkies to indulge in bad behavior that ultimately destroys their lives.

>> No.11956122


>> No.11956132

I haven't actually gave money away. The closest I got was when I almost paid a girl to game with me on the mic. My fetish is her playing me and being really good at whatever game and beating me so I'd have to pay her money.

>> No.11956155

> Men freely give away their money and derive pleasure from doing so
> It's the women's fault
Your brain is a large and fluffy pretzel

>> No.11956157

kys faggot

>> No.11956176

I'm not the one patrolling fucking twitter and instagram out of some bizarre combination of insecurity and jealousy lmao what a fucking nerd you learn not to snitch in the third grade

>> No.11956187

the fact that there is huge amounts of money being transferred makes this a huge fucking problem honestly.

it's like creating a system that doesn't give anything but just consumes and destroys. Lol that's what we need in today's world

>> No.11956199

You're just providing even more reasons for why you should kys.

>> No.11956203

>you learn not to snitch in the third grade
You only learn that in school if you live in the ghetto.

>> No.11956213
File: 66 KB, 840x560, Jerome Powell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that there is huge amounts of money being transferred makes this a huge fucking problem honestly.
Do you realize you just pointed out that findom is good for GDP?

>> No.11956227

sick riposte my dude maybe save it for some girl whose only talent is being able to wear lingerie (and yet is still more successful and happy than you)

>> No.11956229

how exactly is a bunch of young sluts milking people psychologically for money have any actual BENEFICIAL impact on GDP?

does the government get all the money when they OD or commit suicide? Is that what you're getting at?
Or do you actually think bubbles are a good thing for GDP?

>> No.11956245

> the transfer of money in exchange for services is bad for GDP

>> No.11956258

Can the stupid incels go back to /r9k/ please? The only discussion going on should be how to roleplay as a woman online and get free shit from losers who don't deserve their posessions anyway.

>> No.11956264

More successful financially? Maybe. Happier? Clearly you're an incel who doesn't know what goes on in the minds of thots like this.

>> No.11956269

lmao, do these bitches get taxed for this? Is this a legitimate business in America?

>> No.11956275

private prisons go toward GDP as well..

>> No.11956283

I was gonna rip you for the self-own, but I'm actually kinda impressed with the self awareness. You're still a huge fuckin nerd, but maybe you brush your teeth sometimes -- who knows

>> No.11956291

See >>11956023. There's a cap on the amount of money you can just give someone tax free (to avoid people dodging the estate tax) so you can report any amounts above that and get like a 15-30% cut from the IRS of the taxes paid.

>> No.11956300

What happened to 4chan? Why the fuck aren't there raids and shit here any more?

>> No.11956446

Because genetic failures like you are too busy making shitty reactionary webcomics or whatever the fuck it is you do on your parents' dime

>> No.11956477

kek I can see scared rich cucks do this

I guess it is somewhat beneficial for the GDP

>> No.11956485

You must be really lonely.

>> No.11956499

I am unambiguously more successful than insta girls in lingerie lol nerd

>> No.11956521

hell, I'd report them for free
it'd get them to buy Bitcoin and Monero

>> No.11956525

The IRS is coming a knockin'

>> No.11956526

Nah man, I can see right through you. It's cool.

>> No.11956540

A better idea would be to report these whores to the IRS and get up to 30% of their taxed income as reward. Far less work.

>> No.11956546

I mean yeah you're a high-IQ brain genius who knows "what goes on in the minds of thots" lol damn man wanna let me in on the secret

>> No.11956555

Let's focus on you. How's life?

>> No.11956557

meh more retards giving away their money I am sure their grandchildren will live to regret these actions

>> No.11956565

How can you argue the women play no part in this? The moral thing to do would be telling them "don't give me money and degrade yourself." Or at very least not encourage them to do it in the first place. Not everything that's pleasurable is good. I'm not the one saying to report them or anything, my only point here is that they're acting unethically.

>> No.11956571

Not raging hard on the shift key about how we should call the government on girls for being bad, so p. good I guess: >>11956122

>> No.11956572

>incel detected
Its the men who are the fucking retards who should know better... if you fall for a woman at your own detriment its your own fault

>> No.11956577

Seems like a double-standard, but okay. Do you have the same response to companies that are known to use slave labor?

>> No.11956578


>> No.11956585

>he's going to let women get away with being whores.

No wonder your country is failing.

>> No.11956586


kys faggot

>> No.11956593

Lol expecting ethical practices from companies and individuals under capitalism must get exhausting

>> No.11956597

Has anyone confirmed to have gotten a reward yet from any of this?

>> No.11956602

Rage harder my guy

>> No.11956611

Quite comfy actually.

>> No.11956623

americucks and britfags never cease to amaze me with their weird shit
cant even be mad at these roasties for exploiting it. you have to be the ultimate cuck to be into findom

>> No.11956625

I fully expect unethical behavior, but I don't have to like it and can point it out. Even if there's not much I or anyone else can do about it. It does get very tiresome though, yeah.

>> No.11956640

Painful to witness.

>> No.11956708
File: 158 KB, 467x465, 1543370135114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so should these roasties.
You're basically saying that the metastatic tumors should be removed and not also the underlying cause of the cancer.

>> No.11956723

I feel that.

>> No.11956826


>> No.11956837

so... no one actually checked and saw the twitter account doesn't exist?


>> No.11956934

Not if it's being sent to the Ukraine

>> No.11957008

This is the real goal.

>> No.11957015

Is it legal to loan money and then just gift to someone?
What If I loaned 100k, gave it to my parents and then declared bankruptcy only for my parents to give me the 100k?

>> No.11957035

No one on this board has any morality when it comes to money, don't kid yourself. We'd all sell our grans for a shitcoin pump.

>> No.11957085

Morality is completely made up. I think these dumb cuck paypigs deserve to be taken advantage of, who gives a fuck if some slut gets money from them. Men will always provide women with this shit.

>> No.11957236

I'm not mad at them, shit I'd probably do the same if I were born with a decent set of tits.
inb4 you have tits

>> No.11957315

hint: this guy is angry because he's running a findom account with his girlfriend's on demand pics and vids
more than half of findom accounts are manned by the boyfriend, it's very obvious if you know anything about linguistics. blaming thots is pointless, the desire comes from men and the service is provided by men. pimps and cucks, dregs of humanity well suited for each other

>> No.11957451

these strong independent womyn but especially the beta cuck orbiters are fucked up in the noggin
and this comes from a guy who has never had a gf or sex and a good amount of money and would like to have a gf in the future

>> No.11957476

Thinking that all dom-like services are offered to powerful men who know they need to humble themselves in light of how awesome they are.

>> No.11957508

>Morality is completely made up

Have fun in your ideal society without morals.

>> No.11957516

>if you know anything about linguistics
What does linguistics say about male/female language

>> No.11957538


>> No.11957732

>tfw into findom
>tfw into gay findom
I am too far lost

>> No.11957842

Doesn't change the fact that it's made up, a literal phantasm

>> No.11957857

In the same way a building is completely made up, yet stands there and provides important functions.

>> No.11957872

yes that is exactly equivalent to an idea that has control over you

>> No.11957889

In control over you and any other person that follows it. This is good for the majority of cases and allows for nice things to happen instead of raw crypto-like scamfests running 24/7.

>> No.11957900

Blockchain consensus rules = morality creating something grander than the sum of its parts.
prove me wrong.

>> No.11957924

Civilization as a whole is made up, we are nothing more than apes with sophisticated behaviours, morality is a part of this "made up" and if people don't follow it we can all just go back in trees because otherwise it won't work.

>> No.11957927

Questioning what happend to 4chan and then using lonely as an insult?

eternal summer it seems

>> No.11958005


>> No.11958112

absolutely everything you could ever want to know, if you delve deep enough
simple example: men lean action oriented while women lean people oriented. in speech this reflects with frequent first person use and feeling talk for women, whereas men tend to use more outwardly descriptive language even when they're really talking about their feelings
if you look at findom accounts, you will see a trend of action-talk over feel-talk. some are just women acting the men's fetish very well, and that will show because they "slip" back to feelings-based discussion every now and then. those who never slip? man at the wheel
look at OP pic for example
>more action-oriented (lawyer makes contract, cuck takes second job, cuck has been serving)
>less feel-oriented ("he's amazing", "he has wanted for a while"), and not enough about her own feelings
>too number-oriented (100k, 3 years, second job, 6+ years. overinterest in numbers is a man tell, expressions like "+" compounds that too)
while you can't tell for sure from a couple tweets, you already have elements to suspect certain things, and digging further can let you know with reasonable certainty

>> No.11958148

LARPing sex workers are my favourite breed of mental illness exhibitionists.

>> No.11958244
File: 44 KB, 400x204, gunpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit mang, just e-date a girl that you play actual games with and then meet up with her (she's gonna be about as ugly and out of shape as you are) but you don't give a fuck because you have vetted her character already so now you can have a healthy fucking relationship with another human being.

There are women who play videogames right now out there and you guys are just sitting on your pc complaining instead of sitting on your pc fragging gamercunts and asking them out after that

Fuck off from biz and come back when you have found someone to share your crypto gains with. I swear some of you fuckless virgins will straight up be miserable when you finally make it on a moon rocket and realize you don't have anyone to share your crazy gains with

You are really making me have a bad time with this miserable shit I'm reading from some of you shitheads, I can't believe the world's greatest autists are having trouble deconstructing and understanding the world's most basic fucking game. It is literally made for actual plebs you fucking dunces, get mad and start fucking winning already

>> No.11958294

Check me newfags, the good gets require no script, they happen organically when you pour some actual feeling into this shit. Read the post with the gif playing.

Back in my day, pimplefaced neckbeards with chains hanging from their oversized jeans were proud of their nerdiness and seen in fucking couples with chicks with purple hair and stuff.

I used to think they were lame plebs, but I have an aspie brother like some of you fucks here and it breaks my heart that back in my day even the neckbeards could get laid, and my peeps today can't.

If you try, you can all make it. But you have to fucking try even a little bit and nothing worthwhile comes easy. Seriously, go play some fluffybear MMOs and get in a clan or get on fucking twitter or something I don't care. But fucking do something that has a slight chance of putting you in touch with the other sex, cause you ain't gona get laid in here.

>> No.11958309

If I was american, I would do this full time as a neet

>> No.11958316

The traditional western norms about women were fine before XX century.
Feminism/Jews (most prominent feminists were Jews) destroyed it all.
I agree that sharia would be way better than the current state of things, at least as long as it's about women

>> No.11958336

what makes incels think they are moral arbiters? you are complete failures in almost every way imaginable way, yet you have a superiority complex toward these people

I can't bring myself to give a fuck about some clown who gets pleasure out of draining his bank account to some roastie; you would do exactly what the roastie is doing given the opportunity, you just can't and now you're bitter about it

>> No.11958416

Based on my limited knowledge of law, for a contract to be enforceable, both sides need to offer consideration (ie each side has to give something of value to the contract, however low this value is). So, if the woman gives the cuck sub a used biro and he agrees to pay 100k for it over 3 years, the woman could make a decent case of it in court if the sub refuses to pay

I can’t wait to read about this shit when something like this eventually goes to trial. Also, findom smart contracts when?

>> No.11958447

Wtf is a subby? Is this in America?
It feels like the world is ending

>> No.11958509

that's not how it works... the person gifting the money pays taxes, the recipient is not responsible for thise taxes. the limit applies to the person who is gifting the money

>> No.11958782

I'm a bro, not a fag tho. I'll findom you, you pathetic shrimp dick 5'6 manlet.

>> No.11958858

Who cares about morals, she should pay her taxes like I pay mine. The irony is that women vote for socialism but skip out on the bill.

>> No.11958861


>> No.11958941

who says she doesn't, you?

>> No.11959111

you'd have to put up security for the loan in the first place. they'd then probably try tracing the money to your parents

>> No.11959277

Do you have a Discord?

>> No.11959309
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I don't know, but they look cool.

>> No.11959312
File: 39 KB, 600x568, 1535248477935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw anons are probably reporting my fake findom twitter accounts to the IRS right now

In a way I'm happy that this bullshit is being clamped down on, but it was an easy way to make money from retards,while it lasted.

>> No.11959357
File: 33 KB, 581x319, 1543486437370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling me an incel
Kek. I'm basically a Chad and I can literally get a fuck on tinder at any time or just pay 20 bucks for a hooker because I live abroad.
I'm Christian and looking for a wife not a roastie like you.
The whole point of what u said is that these cunts should be purged too you fucking nigger iq retardo.

>> No.11959375
File: 61 KB, 582x435, 1543463918435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*point of what I said

>> No.11959390


>> No.11959396

>I'm basically a Chad
Sure thing sweetie :)

>> No.11959455
File: 107 KB, 1024x509, 1543529802523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either a retarded whore with a nigger iq or a retarded beta male with a nigger iq.
No one cares what you think, you won't produce much offspring if any.
You are a genetic dead failure.

>> No.11959496

>It's a win-win for all. Lucky sub.

I lost.

>> No.11959500

>both sides need to offer consideration
nah, consideration needs to be of similar value as well

>> No.11959503

Anyone else see stuff like this and thots on twitch streaming and making tons of cash from betas and think "I bet I could get a bunch of recordings of a thot and scam a bunch of betas out of a lot of money"?

>> No.11959534

Can I run like an escort service where multiple girls milk multiple pigs?
I could skim a percentage of the top and provide the infrastructure, like camera's and webcams.
I'd be like a findom pimp

>> No.11959539

Just find beta fags who will submit to guys.

>> No.11959540

No because anything that isn't earned won't be appreciated.

>> No.11959546

>that's not how it works... the person gifting the money pays taxes, the recipient is not responsible for thise taxes. the limit applies to the person who is gifting the money

so when this fin-dom guy goes to pay his taxes he gets to cum again months after shelling out that money? thats a pretty good deal.

>> No.11959565

Look up Thomas vs Thomas (1842): “Consideration need only be legally not economically adequate.”

>> No.11959571

why are you larping chad when you make it so painfully obvious you are incel, lmao

>> No.11959616
File: 300 KB, 309x461, 1543239702326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you larping as a human when you clearly are a nigger iq genetic dead end?

>> No.11959624

are u srs?
is this legit how it works in the US?
you can receive millions of dollars as 'gift' and not have to pay any income tax?
that's super weird

>> No.11959664
File: 231 KB, 512x422, 1543225686292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No obviously not. Any income is taxable. If gifting money to strangers wasn't taxed people would exploit that in every day life not just findom.
Uncle Sam wants his. I'm sure a gift of 5 bucks one time isn't taxable but tens of thousands? Come on. Get real.

>> No.11959671

Nothing will happen because reporting someone to the IRS takes considerably more effort than simply sending an email with a name.

>> No.11959716

meh you re right. Although for this case it could easily be argued that this is a ''gift'' and not an actual contract.

>> No.11959749

what are these subs you guys are talking about???????

>> No.11959794

I don’t think that argument would go over well - especially if the contract was signed in front of witnesses. Also, there is 1. Offer 2. Consideration 3. Acceptance which makes it pretty difficult to argue that this situation is anything other than a contract.

I am laughing right now imagining some cuck with buyers remorse 1 year into a findom contract desperately trying to get out of a contract he’s legally bound by and willingly agreed to. It’s such a weird case with (I imagine) no precedent. You can get out of a contract if it’s entered under duress (ie someone forced you) so maybe you could make a case along those lines? Perhaps if this was the first time such a case was brought before court the judge could create an entirely new precedent altogether. I doubt it though...

>> No.11959809

Don't underestimate the power of autism and how vindictive neets can be.

>> No.11959865

Actually, if I were the cucks lawyer I would make a case along the lines of mental incapacity. You can’t enforce a contract if you entered into it when drunk so I would make a case along those lines (but replace drunk with horny)

>> No.11959884

we all know what's happening right now, kek

>> No.11959941

>Thomas vs Thomas (1842): “Consideration need only be legally not economically adequate
Consideration has to be something of value to the party, right? The dom here has not exchanged anything of value. I'm sure you'd get a good swing at a mental incapacity angle too, giving 100k to (in all likelihood) some greasy dude larping as a woman.

>> No.11960085

I said here >>11958416
>if the woman gives the cuck sub a used biro and he agrees to pay 100k for it
Maybe not used biro but some form of legally recognisable but low value consideration

>> No.11960446

All parties involved are gay

>> No.11960577

>anime poster

>> No.11960629

I don't normally call people incels but how fucking pathetic and lonely do you have to be to give a shit about what these women are doing to their paypigs.
If I was a woman I'd probably do the same. Money is money. If someone offered to give me free money I'd fucking take it and so would you.
Why bother yourself over someone else's transactions

>> No.11960635

What would his consideration be in such a contract? I don't think it would stand in court.

>> No.11960648

Psychopathic behavior needs to be actively halted, otherwise it just spreads making life of everyone hell.

>> No.11960679

Yet you're fine with all the psychopathic edgelords on this site?
Nice hypocrisy

>> No.11960700

I feel the same way and have threesomes quite regularly. I never touch virgins, and try to guide them to good men when I see them. All this unnecessary money flow is bad for the economy and these men need to stop capitulating to whores as well, it's double sided.

>> No.11960846

Yeah but this is a contract for services and not a gift, a gift has to be from detached and disinterested generosity. So it doesn’t qualify as a gift.

t. a lawyer who took tax law.

>> No.11960915

You can’t have made a loan within 6 months of declaring bankruptcy. You would have to put up some kind of collateral on that loan that you will lose. If your parents gave you the loan money back no matter when they I’ve it back to you would give that money to your creditors.

t. Lawyer, who also took bankruptcy in law school

>> No.11960916
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>Account deleted

>> No.11960946

This is completely wrong. Neither party pays taxes under the gift exclusion. And if you exceed the gift exclusion the party receiving is the one who pays the taxes, the person who is sending already paid when they made that money. Don’t give tax advice if you have no idea what you’re talking about.

>> No.11961013

End your life cocksucker

>> No.11961071
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, ratt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could have had this and interstellar spaceships

but instead we got findom

>> No.11961121

People are weird

>> No.11961360

What's that slot for?

>> No.11961471

That looks like bomber bait, how the hell would you use that thing in europoor flatlands?

>> No.11961623

>not naking it air-wrecka

>> No.11961680

Front: Torpedo loading
Sail: Probably an escape trunk

>> No.11961694

Why don't they load the torpedoes through the tubes?

>> No.11961696

The fact he is paying that, fucks the rest of us up as women will start to expect this from all men

>> No.11961738

Why do you morons assume that she isn't paying taxes? If she paid for a lawyer she's going to pay for accounting too. Not everyone's as retarded as /biz/ bitcoin "investors"

>> No.11961743

Some faggots are bugchasers. Some faggots are thotchasers. It's all mental illness.

>> No.11963099

I know right, who gives a shit if they are paying taxes, let's LARP as a dominatrix and get paid.

>> No.11963500

Step 1: report thots to IRS
Step 2: create more panic
Step 3: offer the thots a cryptocurrency so they use that instead of paypal
Ste 4: dump on them

>> No.11963540

BAT in a nutshell

>> No.11963852

Why do you fucking care?. It's not like your money. Let that stupid beta fuck pay her, go broke and die childless. Let the free market sort itself out.

>> No.11963889

These pig corn fucking slags are profitting off the misery of men and the disgusting jewish propaganda called feminism. WRECK THE WHORES who rob from hurt men and Punish the jews

>> No.11964685

They are both willing participants

>> No.11964750

demented old man lmao

>> No.11964809

I should do this
I just need a gf
>tfw no gf

>> No.11964851

yes, same as alcoholics who drink til their liver fails and drug addicts and people in abusive relationships and disabled people who work as slaves and gamblers who go til theyre heavily in debt and elderly who send all their money to indians pretending to be IRS scammers to boomers who send all their kids inheritance away in romance scams. society has to at least try to protect the retards of the world.

>> No.11965030


>eternal summer

Sure is eternal September in here.

>> No.11965380

Ah, the free market in action. Beautiful, isn't it?
And all these little snowflake commies-in-denial whining and shrilly begging for the government to step in and interfere... They don't want to admit that they want communism because it's not the cool kind of edgy these days. Pathetic.

>> No.11965847
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>calling others newfags
>reddit spacing

>> No.11965976

Oh shit..

>> No.11966873

>implying that you can't hate both.

>> No.11966907

Sexy in the sense it gives the impression of female insect hierarchy.

>> No.11966918
File: 118 KB, 500x482, 1510859032027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it begins...

>> No.11966936

Wake me up when September ends

>> No.11967052

this was my thought when I first saw this posted, similar to twitch streamers posting massive "donations" just to get the pot cooking. At best she hooks some desperate betas who think they're getting in on a real queen, at worst she made up some creative tweets.

>> No.11967076

well high altitude bombers weren't so good back then at hitting such a small target that moves also, dive bombers would have to face the 2 full fledged ship aa battery on the back side.

>> No.11967227
File: 68 KB, 520x806, FB_IMG_1539445387916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is a fair system that rewards hard work ethics.

>> No.11968342

How do I find a sub girl?

>> No.11968615
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 156156156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11968638


I'm a guy and I agree with this.

Yes these women are whore trash, but if these idiots want to hand them their money in some retarded fantasy, then how can you blame the women for taking the cash.

You could probably even do it as a guy, with gay men.

>> No.11969038
File: 117 KB, 958x628, 1542447788973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes when I fap thinking about this stuff turns me on. How do I avoid turning into one of these people? None of that nofap bs either it makes my fetishes worse.

>> No.11969467

>Also, findom smart contracts when?
There's a jewish (yes kek) findom that calls herself TechDomme and actually blackmails guys by hacking their phones (willingly of course). I feel like findom smart contracts is actually gonna be a use case one day, as retarded as that sounds.