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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12421411 No.12421411 [Reply] [Original]

Is 110k a year enough?

>> No.12421418

Depends entirely on where you live and how many people you support retard

>> No.12421435

Was this a subtle bragging thread ? Kek kys

>> No.12422212

befor or after tax?

>> No.12422228

How about 5k per year? Will i make it?

>> No.12422231

Dollars or real money?

>> No.12422252
File: 1.51 MB, 2320x3088, 7CF22096-2C3B-4175-86A0-875ED674E62A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one male adult with no gf and no children...absolutely.

>> No.12422254

I'm living off 4.5k so yes.

>> No.12422273

I spend that on my habits no

>> No.12422333

It's not how much you earn it's how much you save.
But earning more certainly helps god dammit

>> No.12422335

This. based and frugal pilled

>> No.12422340

To be middle class? Yes.

>> No.12422398

Middle class stay middle class because they have most of their net worth tied up in possessions, cars and house.
The rich have most of their net worth in assets.

>> No.12422430

It's enough to buy my car.

>> No.12422452

Sure, but a good salary like that takes decades to build up into a non-negligible amount of income generating assets. Live like a monk, save 2/3 of your take home, and you only get like $500k/decade.

>> No.12422474

People on normal salaries still find a way to get new cars, every new iphone when it comes out, new TVs, eat out all the time.
You don't need to live like a monk if you live in America.

I'm in bongland, the pay is shit, taxes suck ass, FTSE goes nowhere, cost of living is high.

>> No.12422487

This. 110k in OKC as a single guy youre living the high life. 110k in NYC with kids? You’re fucking poor.

>> No.12422492

>Is 110k a year enough?

In Cousinfuck, Alabama you're a king.

In SF or NYC you're living in the ghetto.

>> No.12422528

>I'm in bongland
You have my sincere condolences.

>> No.12422530

>the middle class have their worth in possessions
>the wealthy have it in assets

possessions are assets you mongoloid.

>> No.12422546
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>possessions are assets you mongoloid.
An asset is something that gives you a return.

Most of the time you don't own a possession it owns you, they get old and need replacing, or they break. Your shitty possessions don't give you a return they're a liability.

>> No.12422562
File: 100 KB, 900x600, kisspng-american-psycho-christian-bale-patrick-bateman-bat-5aea99b2a2b8c1.3960101215253242106665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dubs having been unchecked this long

>> No.12422569

appreciable asset he meant

>> No.12422573

I make that much
I'm rich you faggots

>> No.12422583

Have you ever even seen this movie? The main character's salary was far more than that, and he only did the job to "fit in". He was so rich that he didn't even need to work.

>> No.12422604

Your iPhone is not an asset. And the moment you drove your sedan off the lot, it wasnt either.

>> No.12422612

Depends on how much you are losing to taxes. If you are smart, you would start a LLC and have your wages go into that LLC and get it taxed as a S-corp.

>> No.12422626

I'm in Ireland earning 115k and it's not enough due to tax. It'd be years before I retired so crypto unironically is my way out.

>> No.12422639

Apologies brother. Consider moving to Canada, it beats the homeland by a mile. The weather won't make you want to kill yourself anyway

>> No.12422690

£130k in the UK
Do not fel rich, live modestly, save about 40% after tax for investing into shit to hopefully retire before 50.

>> No.12422962

But they have snow 6 months a year!

>> No.12422987

I hear snow is cold, too.

>> No.12423225

Not comfy unless you live something where it is cheap and taxes aren't that big.

>> No.12423360


Apologies for derailing, but what's /biz/'s consensus on this movie? New here and I rewatched it a week ago since I (barely) understand it now, it's breddy gud imo.

>> No.12423434

>Is 110k a year enough?
no, need at least 200k

>> No.12423577

If you're single, you'll live like a king

If family in NY, CA, good luck

>> No.12423581

How do I 111K a year ?

>> No.12423651

What's the fucking point in that situation? I make $150k in Atlanta but I'm lonely af.

>> No.12423712

how old was /biz/ when they first made 100k a year. I feel like im behind

>> No.12423722


>> No.12423735

first job out of school at 22

bay area is a helluva drug

>> No.12423742

18 to 26 - still in school
26 - $60k
27 - $138k
28 - $149k
29 - $152k

>> No.12423848

24 self employed

>> No.12424016

Fuck off were full