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12634543 No.12634543 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your guilty/degenerate spending habits?

I'll start:

I blow $100-300 on drugs every month
$400 on a hooker once every 4-5 months and I'm also addicted to buying computer parts/accessories even though I don't game anymore and have no use for them.

>> No.12634546 [DELETED] 

Masturbate to furry cub hentai

>> No.12634560

Reminds me of the discord devs banning loli, but allowing furry cub hentai which is more degenerate since all furries are dog fuckers

>> No.12634566

bitmex trading

>> No.12634582

You're correct, they all need the noose desu

>> No.12634590

My cousin was into loli and probabaly hot his hands on the real stuff because he was on the news in a cp bust and I havent seen him since
That stuff is fucking bullshit and should be a real red flag

>> No.12634606

I'm addicted to clothes. I'm always buying expensive designer shit and it makes me feel good when buying and then like a faggot whilst wearing.

>> No.12634620
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>> No.12634625

Yes all furries should unironically euthanized since they like to play pretend as animals so much >>12634590
I don’t like loli but that furry cub shit is 100x worse

>> No.12634626

>tfw I'm currently in a pony/cub server that allows loli and it's been up for several years
I'm sure the Discord devs don't allow loli and shota for legal reasons. Otherwise I'm sure most cub fuckers are into that too.

>> No.12634627
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>> No.12634636
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>> No.12634640

I give a girl in Belarus $1000/month to talk to me after work and pretend to be my gf

>> No.12634649
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>> No.12634656
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>> No.12634672

So pleasure = bad?

>> No.12634686

brainlet, read the whole thing again

>> No.12634688

this shit and like OP buying computer parts even though i dont game is what kills my account

>> No.12634700

Sometimes I buy $60 worth of pizza to eat over the weekend.
I lost my virginity to a hooker that cost $120

>> No.12634704

I keep buying sex toys on Otonojp using ethereum as payment.

>> No.12634709

Satisfaction =\= pleasure?

>> No.12634718
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I can't afford to have addictions. I only spend money on food.

>> No.12634738

Board game kickstarters but I don't have any friends to play with.

Computer parts even though I only emulate PS2 games at this point

Designer clothes

>> No.12634837

I wish I could try this, its probably the best feeling in the world

>> No.12634955

I spend $100 or more on comic books every month, most of which I never read, just because I watch Diversity and Comics or whatever he calls his channel now on JewTube.

>> No.12634992
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me too. other than getting an uber sometimes instead of the bus i cannot afford to have any bad spending habits.

>> No.12634995

I spend 2000 a week on cocaine.

>> No.12635013

I spend $300 a month on star wars collectibles, funko pop figures, yoshi and mario collectibles, and dvds and blu rays. This started after i was robbed now I'm trying to rebuild all my collections from the bottom.

>> No.12635023

I buy one bottle of expensive scotch a month and drink it all month.

>> No.12635035

I play poker and spend too much money on food.

>> No.12635036


chaturbate accepting crypto payments for tipping tokens has damaged my porfolio beyond repair

The greedy whores will mutilate themselves for tips

>> No.12635116


>> No.12635123

Steroids 80$ a month. Once a year extra 800 for a big cycle.
Nicotine 100 a month
1-2 times a year go on a 2-3 week pussy crusade vacation

Mega Jew on everything else. Buy 6$ t-shirts and rotate them out every 3 months. 2 jeans I had over a year, 5-6 shorts I got for 5$ each at Ross or similar. Spend 4$ a day on food, seldom get a 5$ sub or 7$ chicken plate at raisin Cain's. Charge everything to a 3 percent cash back card. Chinese unlocked oppo phone that ripped off Samsung for 1/3 the price

>> No.12635173

I just eat out a lot. My wife is particular, and with us both working and having 2 kids it’s hard to prepare certain things timely.. so like today spent $50 on Buffalo Wild Wings. She doesn’t blow tons of money on clothes like other women though so it’s ok

>> No.12635192

>be niggers
>decide to a house
>break into poor saps home
>find nothing valuable
>grab the yoshi and mario figurines on your way out
>go to pawn shop
>get 20$

fucking weebs man

>> No.12635612
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>star wars collectibles, funko pop figures, yoshi and mario collectibles

>> No.12635627
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Same here fren, sucks to be poor

>> No.12635732
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So in one year, you spend $1,200 to $3,600 on drugs, and $800 - $1000 on hookers.

I pay maybe $120/year for my drugs and have a girlfriend sometimes and a fleshlight always and no desire to catch HIV.

I think its hard to believe you're having 30 times as much fun from drugs every year than I do. But you could be having 10x as much fun for $100/mo. I consider you a junkie, desu. I guess you have to ask if you are getting an extra $2,400 worth of high for the amount spent.

On the sex side, you're taking big risks in my view, but to each their own. Basically, there is a big difference between a 1x/yr $1000 hooker and a $100 hooker 12x a year. If you're taking the gamble of the downsides you can at least minimize those by going for a higher quality with lower frequency.

>> No.12635739

ive spent a few hundred dollars on porn in my lifetime. got myself to pretty much stop though, ive spent about 8 dollars on porn in the past 2 years

>> No.12635761

I spend about 70 a week on cheap booze and smoke a pack a day

>> No.12635783

Yeah, what the fuck OP. You can find much more cost-effective ways to accomplish these things. For example, a sex doll.

>> No.12635785

supreme off white and bape mainly sometimes LV and versace, spend anywhere from 10-50k a month.

>> No.12635790

i spend about 1k a month on an escort. I can pull women without money but its just so much easier to pay and get to do whatever you want for an hour. Rather than play the game and try to pull a bitch for free.

>> No.12635793

Burning Man and traveling. I spend about $2k every year going to burning man and about $10k on traveling to foreign countries.

>> No.12635809

thats the saddest thing i ever heard

im guessing this is nofap bro science? Nofap is great and all until you become a depressed premie

>> No.12635817

>burning man

jesus christ.

>> No.12635825

jesus christ, thats like a dozen bottles of vodka

>> No.12635847

cant even comprehend how based and redpilled this anon is

>> No.12635848


$130/mo coffee.

don't care either, the $4.64/day brings me a little bit of joy in my shitty life.

>> No.12635994

I am such a fucking cheapskate honestly. I make 120k a year, have a paid off house and spend less than $1500 a month. I just dump everything into 401k, after tax brokerage and now crypto. My biggest expense is probably food since I eat out almost every meal. Second biggest is probably alcohol at around $150-$200 a month.

>> No.12636008

Imagine how retired you could be if you quit drinking, mealprepped, and put the savings into crypto for a few years. God damn.

>> No.12636037

Just tallied up how much I spent last month on discord qt that isn't even *officially* my gf. I stopped counting at 2.4k USD. Feels fucking beta. She lives 12 hours away too so who knows when I would be able to, much less actually go through with it and give. Shit adds up quick when she likes stuff like Stella McCartney, Agent Provocateur, chanel, etc.. Don't even matter if it's on sale, still gonna put a dent. I could have lost so much more on crypto if not for her.
I just want her to love me ;_;

>> No.12636083

WTF? Save yourself some money and go buy Mount Hagen freeze dried single serve packet on amazon. It is so good that you can't even tell you are drinking instant coffee.

>> No.12636248

Sounds like you're going out to a coffee shop. You're burning money. Just buy bulk whole coffee beans, a grinder and a coffee maker.
Don Pablo beans are pretty good. You get fucking 5lbs of organic coffee for $34. This will last you an entire year.

>> No.12636264

i moved off of vodka, but i used to down nearly a fifth a day of burnetts

>> No.12636270

I could probably retire now based on the trinity study. I am too conservative to pull the trigger yet, though.

>> No.12636711

Lige is too short to drink bad coffee. 5# would last me one week.

>> No.12636727

Organic coffee isn't bad, it's very good. Honestly probably better than what your coffee shop serves.
Also there's no way 5lbs will last you a week, you'd probably be dead if you're drinking that much.

>> No.12636735

used to buy lots of booze, switched to cash for all discretionary purchases and now I'm living like a monk.

>> No.12636749

It's free, I do it for a living.

>> No.12636822

>He hasn't heard of the snake diet
Dude, food is an addiction

>> No.12636836

I pay for sex and also buy expensive LEGO sets every now and again

>> No.12636847

Anon, save yourself the pain. She will never be your gf. Go to your local college and hit on alt girls. Until you find your oneitis. It'll be hard at first but you'll come out better for it.

>> No.12636912


>> No.12636950

I remember when people used to ironically complain that 4chan had become like Reddit.

Now it really is.

>> No.12636956

What the fuck are you doing? Jesus man. Could've spent that money on a fucking sex doll and you would've gotten laid more.