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13050969 No.13050969 [Reply] [Original]

How did you explain it to your friends and family?

>> No.13050973

I don't

>> No.13051022

You don't

>> No.13051039

You can’t

You buy a little extra in their name and surprise them with it the day of the singularity. God speed my brothers.

>> No.13051066
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Gay, fat, scam, philosopher, toilet.

>> No.13051078

What do you mean, I left my friends and family because of it.

>> No.13051083

I asked my parents for $1000 to buy BTC when it was $10 and they blew me off. Then I begged them to buy some when it spiked down to $160 before going back to $300, so I didn't have to do much explaining this time.

>> No.13051118

I'm one of the few that was brought up in a loving family.

I simply explained it in technical detail. How Blockchain is inoperable without meaningful data. How none of this will have any good use cases without making smart contracts from that data.

They had no fucking clue what I was talking about.

But they said anon, we don't understand this stuff, but we trust you do, we didn't listen to you when you said buy bitcoin at $100 each so I hope your right this time.

They have 15k link that I basically have control over. But of course I'd never fk them over, it is the families link.

>> No.13051123

What's the point in being rich if everyone else in your life isn't poor

>> No.13051125
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>> No.13051129
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I have pretty much only one friend left now. I tried shilling it to him, but he wasn't interested.

>> No.13051141

this - it would cause more problems than it solves

>> No.13051143

wait what, thats mean you should be old enough now faggot.

>> No.13051150

you start with big ideas that the person can relate to

For example the last person I shilled to is a devout christian and generally cares about social issues, so you start from the god protocol, explain how it could minimize corruption/manipulation and make the world more 'just', and proceed to explain how chainlink could be part of what the protocol needs. Only then you can start going into what DLT/smart contracts are and their usecases

>> No.13051158

some people are just too braindead though and best for you to leave them alone. 90% of the time those type of people are secretly evil and will fuck you over out of jealously once link moons

>> No.13051178

How is it that even people balls deep in crypto aren't obsessed with oracles

>> No.13051194

I’m a wagie ragie, I’ve tried telling coworkers about it, nobody cares.

I did better for them than people did for me when BTC was a hundred bucks. Guy I knew in highschool is constantly traveling the world, I’m sure that what happened, never gave me a heads up.

To be fair, with my experience of trying to talk to people, I know why he didn’t. At best you’ll get confusion, usually ridicule.

Only my dad knows about LINK, haven’t told my wife, I’ll tell her when singilarity hits by paying off our mortgage.

>> No.13051214

Even within crypto, there is a bell curve of knowledge. Top 10% of the most intelligent within crypto understand and see the value of oracles. The middle 80% have a grasp of crypto and it’s future. The bottom 10% are moon boys.

>> No.13051249

im balls deep in LINK and all I know is it has something to do with oracles... don't know anything else about it

>> No.13051305


It makes sense when you realize just how early we are.

Only 35 million or so Americans own any crypto, a vast majority of that - think 80%, is BTC. 1% of population owns ANY altcoins.

When you consider that $1000 LINK becomes less of a meme, but does stretch out the timetable. We’re on bleeding edge, normies haven’t even gotten to last gen crypto awareness.

>> No.13051407

I don't. I tried shilling BTC to my normie friends but it's no use. Their brains just aren't equipped for it.

>> No.13051417


>> No.13051441

They have no fucking idea of the oracle problem and that there's an actual solution to it

>> No.13051467

>be 45
>beg with parents
the average linktard right here

>> No.13051478

where does it say his age you coping nolinker

>> No.13051535

I took the approach of saying I'm investing in smart contracts (and then I give a quick run down on smart contracts) and that they're the next big thing in law and finance. I then explain that I know of a company that's on the bleeding edge of smart contracts and I try to get some hopium going: "look man I'll be straight, this could fall through, I'm not asking you to throw a bunch of money around, this is like a put $100 in and in 5 - 10 years you'll be glad you did, I'll set up all your accounts and passwords for you"

Out of 5 friends/family I've told, nobody will part with a cent. I was at lunch at a high end sushi place when I told one of my friends, he literally said "look that's cool and all, but I can't afford to just blow $100 on something that might not pan out" as he was signing his fucking receipt for the sushi that came to $103.

I won't loan anybody money if the singularity occurs. I won't help my parents with their mortgage, none of that.

>> No.13051589
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LINK is for frens.
LINK is for family.

>> No.13051616

Am i coping with my financial gains? Or what am i coping with exactly?

>> No.13052633

I didnt. They simply trust me.

>> No.13053833

I'm sure you are a complete joke of a person irl, cope with that.

>> No.13053859


In simplest terms, it allows crypto world to connect/communicate with real world. It's middleware aka a bridge for data. 4th industrial revolution/automation etc. Obviously it's more complicated than that but it's a good place to start.

>> No.13053884

Same, he will be so jealous after singularity. Wont be friends after that probably.

>> No.13053911

>"oh cool. Doesn't seem like anything special though, but you seem passionate so good on you"

>> No.13053938

I'm not a cuck.
Also I don't own any atm.

>> No.13054080

> immediately imagines 45 year olds begging their parents for money
You totally aren't projecting at all.

>> No.13054095

Chainlink is best.

>> No.13055493
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B-but I'm already pretty JUST