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File: 49 KB, 701x438, satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13319096 No.13319096 [Reply] [Original]


Craig is Satoshi.

Don't like it? STIFF!

>> No.13319134


>> No.13319148
File: 999 KB, 500x267, 325A8912-3C6E-4DC6-B63B-C746BF7A730A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you’re an idiot. A narcissist like that would never have for even a moment hid his achievement if he did create something like BTC. Also if he did, why fork from his own creation...doesn’t matter what evidence he counterfeits and puts forward. Look at the personality...people don’t change and the motivations for everything don’t add up. Egomaniacs are not hard to read...or catch in lies. They may not pay any consequences for them but doesn’t mean they didn’t lie in the first place.

>> No.13319158


>> No.13319171


>> No.13319177

Donald Trump is Satoshi

>> No.13319184


>> No.13319192


>> No.13319194

Actually believing this psychopath is satoshi?

You guys are so fucking dumb. This is why I can still make money in crypto, dumbasses

He uses every smoke and mirror angle he can to prove satoshi.

How about shut the fuck up and sign a genesis transaction?

Oh he cant????

>> No.13319196
File: 75 KB, 601x601, 1502045829518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13319199

i am your god
>confirmed because i said so

>> No.13319207

I don't get it. So ok, you're stupid enough to believe that this narcissist sociopath with an entirely different writing style is actually satoshi (maybe he had a stroke or something) but doesn't it bother you how the price falls and falls everyday? I feel like the last thing I'd do is come to /biz/ to brag about my stupidity.

>> No.13319232

He isn't. Imagine thinking he is.
Why do you worship a deluded egomaniac? Is that seriously who you wish you were? Embarrassing.

>> No.13319255


>Donald Trump will never be president

>> No.13319275


Maybe the team that made Bitcoin, destroyed their access to the wallet so they wouldn't be tempted to sell and ruin it.

>> No.13319283


Hahahah bsv is literally crashing and burning


>> No.13319288

A good analogy would be a cult of people believing Donald Trump and Michael Jordan are the same person.

>> No.13319294

i would believe that before i believe creg is sanjay
it's not nearly as far fetched

>> No.13319310


Terrible analogy

>> No.13319315
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1528338961814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're one good troll. lol, mixing Trump and Wright on a /Biz board in the same post? you forgot to add the new star wars and feminism on there and you would have hit alot of peoples soar points.

>> No.13319332


If he's a fraud, why are you so mad?

>> No.13319338

The only thing missing from the analogy is Donald Trump claiming that he is Michael Jordan. Everything else is equivalent.
>but look, they're the same height!
yes, anon, I see

>> No.13319356

I did add an "lol" in there.

>> No.13319360

It's all about emotional investment and not wanting to admit choosing wrong. Admit he's wrong would be admitting he's a brainlet

>> No.13319361


Yeah idk man, good luck with that lol

>> No.13319376

Well, I sure am enjoying the circus... Nothing more darwinian than the markets, after all.

>> No.13319385
File: 40 KB, 574x574, 1553645314405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made all that effort to post that he still no real proof


>> No.13319411


His point is actually valid if you read this article. Signing anything doesn't actually prove he is Satoshi, it just proves that he has the keys to X.

I haven't done much research on CW or even given half a shit. I don't know why I actually decided to read this post. However, after reading it I am certain he is not the sole creator of Bitcoin.

in summary, it is pretty obvious that Bitcoin wasn't created by a single entity. Satoshi Nakamoto is simply a handle on a message board, nothing more. Bitcoin is a creation of a collective, CW may or may not have been a part of.

>> No.13319430
File: 25 KB, 618x324, Banker-smoking-cigar-dollar-USD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bingo. The ego death that will occur as BSV flips each shitcoin one by one on its way to the top is going to be of historical proportions.
Time to get comfy for the crypto lolocaust.

>> No.13319447

All I read from his article is "Maybe I can find a legal loophole to prove what I can't actually prove". Good luck with that, Creg.

>> No.13319453

>The ego death that will occur as BSV plummets to the abyss
you mean right?

>> No.13319464

>Signing anything doesn't actually prove he is Satoshi, it just proves that he has the keys to X
exactly, which is why he would sign if he could he would have plausible deniability in court but in the public eye he would be the king of crypto.

>> No.13319474

Learn basic English idiom before embarrassing yourself further, Santosh

>> No.13319500

my only excuse is i'm hungarian, learned english from programming guides and pascal help libraries in the 90's.

>> No.13319506
File: 99 KB, 720x720, 0fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, so this is what triggers you, eh? You are terrified of being wrong. Your constant posting on here oozes desperation.
Here's the reality, brainlet: Craig is indeed a conman, but you're the one who got conned. He played you and the rest of the groupthink herd like a fucking fiddle and now he's going to bring your entire fragile world crashing down.
Stay mad and scared, faggot.

>> No.13319514

No wonder you are such a validation-seeking brainlet.

>> No.13319529

yeah I'm sure he's desperate watching your coin sink ever lower...

>> No.13319540

>price price price

>> No.13319549

>You are terrified of being wrong.
not really no, when i'm wrong i'm pretty quick to admit it, it's just every passing day convinces me i'm right about this faketoshi retard.
>he's going to bring your entire fragile world crashing down
you will end up like merle waiting for that nigga
10/10 arguments btw no fallacies whatsoever absolutely relevant to the subject

>> No.13319551

ok, that explains a lot

>> No.13319567
File: 382 KB, 310x315, eat this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 posts of nothing but NPC script output.
Leave this board and kys immediately. You have to have a human soul to post here.
You are not an NPC, but you are still human trash. Feels good to know that people like you will never make it.

>> No.13319570

>i'm hungarian
If this is true I owe you an apology for being so hard on you. It's not your fault you're born a retard

>> No.13319586

Where did the "seething" meme come from?

>> No.13319609

Who's this Craig guy?

>> No.13319629

yeah look at monero flippening and watch closely

>> No.13319763

i want to argue that hungary is pretty well place in nobel laureates and academic achievements per capita even before the us, but hell this country is full of retards.

>> No.13319796

Why is our approval so important for you? Did you not have your parents growing up? Just asking, because the way you behave on here is not normal or healthy.

>> No.13319812

you mean CONFIRMED faggot

>> No.13319820

i don't want your approval nigger not sure where you got that. it feels nice when people appreciate what you post but not a requirement.

>> No.13319866
File: 59 KB, 650x874, 1551874827410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The truth of the matter is that I don’t particularly like the individual. He has no honour and less integrity. He has basically written a false concept and misled people into believing that he could be Satoshi. It is me. More importantly, he has done so to obtain financial gain. He sought people to invest in his boondoggle plan. He knows enough of law to know that doing so alone is fraud."


>> No.13319901

where can i sign up to get paid to shill satoj?

>> No.13319954
File: 26 KB, 637x476, 1534392975490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right....I could use some free monies.

>> No.13319969

Craig murdered the real satoshi by crashing Malaysian flight 370 with satoshi on it
he didn't he on the plane with him
this is why Craig can spew this shit without the real one calling him out cause he knows he's dead, he killed him
that's why he is trying to prove it was him without actually doing the one thing that would prove he is. satoshi, sign a genesis transaction

>> No.13320034
File: 75 KB, 448x538, 153829578893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13320075

You just need to buy a big stack of BSV, then you'll feel obligated to do it to justify your awful decision.

>> No.13320125

true but he was definitely the main part of the team using the Satoshi Nakamoto alias at the time

>> No.13320289

this anon is absolutely right. Creg likes to brag and hes a cringe ego maniac (also a criminal) but the one thing he would never do after creating BTC would be to hide his identity. he isnt satoshi and i look forward to a court proving what all of us know to be legally true.

>> No.13320294

Hal Finney was Satoshi. He's dead now. And it was only after his death that Creg started claiming to be Satoshi, it was literally just a few months after Hal died that Creg first said he was Satoshi.

>> No.13320313
File: 106 KB, 292x257, 40chuckles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW a bunch of retards on the Internet have nothing insightful to say so they resort to armchair diagnosis.
"Muh sociopath, muh egomaniac, muh schizophrenia, muh, muh, muh..."
You morons deserve to lose everything for your stupidity.

>> No.13320345

Those BSV bags must be getting awfully heavy, anon. Hang in there.

>> No.13320733

Dude satoshi has shitloads of addresses. If craig signs from a bunch of them then its overwhelming that he is actually satoshi because how else would he have that many of his keys? Of course this idiot can't even sign from 1, let alone 10 or more different addresses

>> No.13320807

Why was SV necessary, what was wrong with bch?

Also all of this is great and all and maybe hes right about proof, but why not just sign the key anyway?

>> No.13320814


>> No.13320823

End of discussion for anyone reasonable.

>> No.13320919

Exactly, pretty funny how he popped up after it mooned to the sky also.

This fag wouldn't be able to keep quiet for two minutes after creating something like BTC, especially not create it, give it to the WORLD, then lay low for many many years.

As I said before, he's probably a paid for fucktard with the goal of luring out the REAL Satoshi (especially if innocents start getting legally harmed), so some waterboarding can be administered.

A personality like his would NOT benevolently give something to the world, then intentionally stay anonymous and fade into obscurity, only to pop up later being a massive bellend about it all.

>> No.13320943

Indeed but it would at least prove that he had something to do with it's creation (or was gifted the keys somehow), rather than just some random bragging fucktard.

Why not show Keys + signing AND credit card payments or whatever fucking evidence he's apparently going to use, rather than just the card? Why would you not want to back up your story as much as possible if you're SO desperate to prove it to be true?

As the guy said, he can't, cause he's just a random fuckwit.

>> No.13320962


>> No.13320970

Why, because he says he was?

Bullshit. No proof.

>> No.13321001
File: 236 KB, 808x805, 1497577838188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13321060

How did someone hack satoshi's email? The "hacker" doxxed csw to gizmodo and wired but now im starting to think it was craig who was the "hacker" and purposefully doxxed himself

>> No.13321069

It's always funny when outsiders pretend to be one of us.

It's like the one asperg kid in a group that stands to the side, copying everything that the "cool" kid says.

>> No.13321070
File: 9 KB, 314x161, realsatoj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creg = satoj confirmed sirs

>> No.13321091

now im starting to think dave was mostly satoshi and craig cant access his coins without legal proceedings. ive read too much bitcointalk

>> No.13321125

>Signing anything doesn't actually prove he is Satoshi, it just proves that he has the keys to X.

hello newfag and/or shill. cryptographic proof via signing with keys that only satoshi would have was what craig said he would provide when he presented himself to the media as satoshi, (you can verify this by reading the satoshi affair by andrew o’hagan). by telling him to sign we are holding him up to his own standard and it is very telling that he cannot even prove ownership of the aforementioned keys by signing with them, let alone prove he is in fact satoshi.

>> No.13321132

This is true because in order for bitcoin to be anonymous, you have to use different wallets everytime you mine, which miners were able to using the bitcoin client. Hal Finney and Nick Szabo you dumb fucks made Bitcoin.

>> No.13321179

>why fork from his own creation
segwit was the fork

>> No.13321376
File: 17 KB, 272x115, seething-lane-sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13321405

>forks aren't forks

>> No.13321425
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the market is wrong to value BTC as the main chain

>> No.13321430

I didn't say that. They have the primary trading pair, tard.

>> No.13321462
File: 790 KB, 1500x1000, its_simple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine, if BTC had just increased the max blocksize to a measly 2 MB bitcoin cash would never have happened, all that adoption that BTC have been bleeding would have stayed and faith wouldn't have been lost in its future viability. roger ver would still be out there promoting BTC and every developer would have kept building on BTC.

plus they wouldn't have felt the need to rush out a broken lightning network that just ruins the project's reputation. it clearly needs at least 5 more years of development and 2 MB blocks on BTC would have provided that.

everything happening is nobody's fault but the people supporting BTC.

>> No.13321473

Possibly, Core removed a bunch of features and basically stifled all development for years. Also bch needed to fork because of segwit.

>> No.13321545


>> No.13321589
File: 1.87 MB, 1274x960, stormy waters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of jerking off to random ratios instead imagine how high the BTC price COULD have been if no adoption, devs or supporters had left BTC, if bitcoin was still united

>> No.13321601

sorry for hurt feels m8

>> No.13321641

>if bitcoin was still united
yeah that would have been nice cashie scum just keep rubbing it in!

>> No.13321740

>hi, my name is namefag
>I love cancer and high fees

>> No.13321843

So hilarious. Even if courts dubbed him Satoshi that doesn't mean he was the Satoshi who posted bitcoin or even controls his wallet. Crying and paying corrupt judges to dub you someone without proof is pathetic.

>> No.13322042

you post this same image inevery thread like this. why greg? weak and pathetic - yess you are

>> No.13322052

>open up 100 legal cases that go nowhere
>only has to find 1 retarded judge that doesn't understand all of this so rules in his favor
>he can then try to use that as both precedent and lord it over the media and people he threatens suing
interesting game

>> No.13322064

dunno but to me it represents the sv cashie state perfectly. alcoholism hopelessness unable to escape painful death but still got the strength for one last defiant shitpost
i unironically love that image.

>> No.13322309


>> No.13322363

>pic related
>computes self-adjoint transformations
>computes differential manifolds
>computes vector fields
What a beautiful mind he has!

>> No.13323247
File: 675 KB, 1401x1120, Liz-Katz-Radical-Edward-Cosplay-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. Real Nakomotto now. BTC was a good thing. Was. Greed has ruined it. There is a real problem with solving greed besides functionality. Philosophy is definitely required for this issue. I mean, how can you verify true intentions or not. Perhaps someone could solve this problem. Data. It's the answer. I've done my part. Now we wait on the next big name, and no, it isnt vitalik, it's not Craig, it's not the fucking millions of other copycats, keep your eyes peeled brothers. I have to get back to rewatching NGE to understand the human psyche and help the next great thonker, in his mission. Thank you all

>> No.13323360

This guy's a fucking fraud and anyone in STEM can pick out his bullshit in a moment

God you people piss me off

>> No.13323370

End of discussion for anyone who understands the math. These clowns don't even understand what signing means.

>> No.13323385

>I told you to be careful in what you wanted and what you wished for, because you’re going to get it. I am the person behind the moniker Satoshi Nakamoto, and as a result of all the trolls and haters, I’m going to provide evidence. Not in a way that anonymous cowards would do. I’m going to use courts and law.

>Welcome to law.

This guy is a fucking clown, he's so transparent that it can't be viewed as anything but the ramblings of a narcissistic hack

>> No.13323415
File: 85 KB, 520x311, 44C5486E-0D86-4633-8379-3346BA5D4BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13323511

>be cryptographer
>invent cryptography based coin
>one of the most advanced systems on the planet
>coded by 1 person
>somehow this person has lost the keys that provide proof of ownership
lol imagine being you and believing satoshi naka fucking moto would just lose his keys looool

>> No.13323698

If he is Satoshi then why is fake fakebitcoin some literal who unusable shitcoin that's not even listed on binance?

>> No.13323727

i’ve been thinking about this lately and came to the conclusion that either satoshi the individual or satoshi the team decided to actually throw the key away once it was generated, it’s the price that had to be paid as bitcoin wasnt birthed ex nihilo as satoshi (the team or the person) had to mine the first blocks.

>> No.13323813

Satoshi put a newspaper headline timestamp into the first block. What are you trying to say

>> No.13324391

>The scribblings on that glass pane make no sense, and suggest that he does not know even what limits and derivatives are.

>> No.13324411

What do you mean? It's listed there as "Bitcoin Cash SV"

>> No.13324485

i’m saying that bitcoin was only a psuedo ‘sovereign’ protocol in its very early days, satoshi had to make sure that it was him (or them) that mined the first blocks, and (perhaps) more importantly that the rewards for these blocks remained untouched. On the first point of Satoshi mining the first blocks; It had to be him (or them) otherwise there was a serious risk of a 51% attack. That part is simple. On the second point of the block rewards remaining untouched; the block rewards must remain untouched because otherwise it reveals or helps contextualise the idea that the immutable authority of bitcoin is actually not a nontemporal attribute. it’s because bitcoin was not birthed ex nihilo, there had to be a trade off, it must have been a really painful compromise for Satoshi to mine the first blocks. An argument could also be made that none of the original block rewards can ever be redeemed for fiat because it would inevitably reveal the identity of the one or many people who are behind the creation of the bitcoin project. I havent thought much about why Satoshi included the real world time stamp in the first block, it of course lends itself readily to a politcal or social narrative, he could have also easily used a URL, is there significance to utilising real world printed media? It strikes me as an expression of dissent, as if one group split into two, but i think there is probably something very essential hidden within that use of a real world timestamp, perhaps something only a few people are able to understand due to their association with certain closed groups, or perhaps something we are all able to figure out if we just ponder it for a while.

>> No.13324547

Hal is the most likely candidate. They even put him in cryogenic storage. Talk about a long term HODL.

>> No.13324551

jesus I don't understand shit

can someone explain me how bitcoin actually works? brainlet here

>> No.13324558

no. fuck off

>> No.13324777
File: 1.55 MB, 600x338, bch trick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

direct that hatred towards those responsible for holding BTC back and implementing stupid things like SegWit, forcing BCH into existance.

>> No.13324905

The real Satoshi(s) would and has done everything in their power to conceal his or her identity because it would paint a big fat target on their backs for everything from the most malicious of actors to the most adoring well-meaning fans and beggars.