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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13552384 No.13552384 [Reply] [Original]


nice one. wouldn't have guessed. i guess it was my turn for mt gox 2.0.

how much you lost?

i lost 1BTC only...

>> No.13552391
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nice try schlomo

>> No.13552399

None, I withdrew everything after the BNB pump and the tether news.

>> No.13552410


Binance can’t really be hacked because all their wallets are under such heavy scrutiny and they keep everyone in the loop with unusual withdrawals, wallet swaps, etc.

>> No.13552412

withdrawals are suspended, eery single one of them

"unsuspected maintenance " is the reason why.

>> No.13552413


You know it's true

>> No.13552418

except for... t-this time

>> No.13552427

We'll now see if what you say is true

>> No.13552434

funds are safu you idiot

>> No.13552442

all my ZIL so nothing of any consequence

>> No.13552450


>> No.13552527

I withdrew everything from Binance few weeks ago because I got tired of CZ delisting shit left and right.

>> No.13552544
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>> No.13552550

Guise I think it's real. 7000 BTC left the Binance hot wallet

>> No.13552558

lost 6,000 USD

shoulda never trusted the chink

meh, i can get it back in a few months,

fuck cz

>> No.13552568

I just saw cz at the airport heading to north korea with bag full of bitcoins. It's happening

>> No.13552571

Even if they lost $40mil, isn't that like a weeks profit for Binance?

>> No.13552579
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>> No.13552580

You guys got chinese hustled hahaha.

>> No.13552596

Binance has no profit at all. they spent all their profit on faking volumes and pumps since their only goal is money laundering

>> No.13552627

didn't they just liquidate like a billion dollars worth of tether yesterday?

>> No.13552651

Cz just flew over my house

>> No.13552717

kek which crpto was it where the devs exit scammed and and apparently ran off to north korea?

>> No.13552748

Timo is a nocoiner now

>> No.13552785

I lost a bunch of XLM and ADA so basically nothing.

>> No.13552795

Then why are there 3k btc still in one of the wallets? There was probably a glitch in the code. At worst case binance lost 42 million dollars and will bite the loss.

>> No.13552818

Unironically lost 100k linkies. Just

>> No.13552844

I hope this makes a good internet historian video

>> No.13552857

They have confirmed 450mil in profits in 2018.

>> No.13552875

>bite the loss

>> No.13552908
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nothing personal kid

>> No.13552932

you understand that the more “profit” they declare - the more money can be laundered, right?

>> No.13552951
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https:// coinmetro. com/? ref=metro 9000

>> No.13552974

>how much you lost?
1 million btc
i just transfurred to sell
fuck me
shoudve bitmexed but i rather chink than nigger

>> No.13552978

Where are you from and why is it America? Absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.13553007

He's worth billions of dollars. He's make back the loss in a few weeks.

>> No.13553015
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>He's worth billions of dollars

>> No.13553017

So withdrawals for all coins are no longer allowed?

>> No.13553038
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>> No.13553062

I lost all my money in the January 2018 crash already, all that stock is worth like $15 or so nowadays.

>> No.13553066


Having "a billion" in crypto is not the same as having a billion in real money.

>> No.13553097

Settle down, it's just the continued (((maintenance)))

>> No.13553105

I really don't know what your point is. $42 million is not a big enough loss to shut down or ruin their reputation.

>> No.13553133


Really? Would you trust your dollars to a bank that keeps getting robbed, even if it IS "only" $42 million?

And what if, after that robbery, the bank said "sorry, but we're not going to let ANY of our customers withdraw their money"?

If it WAS a hack, the only reason for preventing people from withdrawing their funds is if they have a liquidity problem that no one knows about. This assumes, of course, that their "unscheduled maintenance" is BS

>> No.13553180

First off. Banks get robbed all the time. People still use them. Banks do halt withdrawals for a day or two seldomly for unscheduled maintenance. That's why you use more than one bank. People don't care. It doesn't hurt to shut down operations to check what caused the loss to fix it and prevent it from happening again.

>> No.13553313


But we're not talking about a bank, are we? If a bank is robbed, depositors funds are protected up to $250k, and that guarantee is backed up by the full faith and credit of a government.

What we have here is like the private banks of the 1800's; where , if they were robbed, your money was just gone and you're shit out of luck.

This whole shitstorm is the result of that whole "no regulation" thing that everyone seemed so happy about a while ago. Well, you've got your lack of regulation, and someone else now has your money.

>> No.13553325

Banks are insured.
Customer deposits are insured.

>> No.13553327

something is really wrong now.

CZ said couple of hours not fucking FIVE HOURS.

only good thing why this takes time is that binance announces something great to pump their BNB coin.

>> No.13553340
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I hope he at least remembers to thank his investors for the BBQ sauce

>> No.13553361

do u really think they got "hacked" like bitfinex did in 2015? NO, they will use this as an excuse to issue their stablecoin so they can "pay back" the people who lost money!!!

>> No.13553925


not going to lie, I almost fainted

>> No.13553931

i knew it before none of you


>> No.13553934


>> No.13553941
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this thread age very well.

>> No.13553943

MtGox Two: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.13553948

To add to this, I hope they get their funds back. I actually like using binance. It seems it might have been a user side problem and not so much the exchange itself.

>> No.13553975

Binance its exitscaming this its not a drill mtgox All over again

>> No.13553998
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>> No.13554007
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its fucking over.

>> No.13554037

$40 million aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.13554216

jesus, what is this? The golden bullrun of 2019/2020 or something? we get a 1.5 year bearmarket with no FUD/exchange hacks/China bans and as soon as the first green candle appears, shit's about to go full scale bullrun movie script/groundhog day mode. I don't know about you guys, but i'm buying. If there's something i've learned from 2017, always buy when FUD/HACKS/BANS are popping up

>> No.13554232

I've lost everything if this is Mt.GOX 2.0 or he's exit scamming.

>> No.13554270

i was about to say: when the Tether fud is starting to reappear, go all in, but we already got that shekel trick last week... i forgot. So next trick: Banks banning bitcoin 2019 edition.

>> No.13554283


>> No.13554288

yep, this is a learning opportunity even if it was $42 million. They have the resources to account for it in the worse case and the resources to secure against it in the future. I'm longing binance with all fiat reserves, hopefully I time the bottom.

BTW full disclosure, I am already all in (100% of crypto networth) into BNB.


>> No.13554298

kek this.

>> No.13554311

yeah one problem with that, deposits are suspended you retard

>> No.13554347

I'm all inning binance coin with fiat soon, it's going to be a tremendous opportunity. They straight up admitted everything that happened. This transparency in a crisis is rare. Smart money longs BNB

>> No.13554350

i knew it mahwhahahahahah, fucking chinknance.

>> No.13554363

wait a minute...you where ACTUALLY using binance?

>> No.13554378

If you believe they were really ((((((hacked))))) then you are an irredeemable retard

>> No.13554393

buying bitcoins and suspended deposits on binance. I don't see the connection

>> No.13554458

or do you REALLY use an exchange as wallet? And did you chose binance over poloniex to do so? Anon..i....

>> No.13554675


>> No.13554707

The exchange will use its Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU fund) to cover the loss, which won’t impact users, according to the notice.

The fund consists of 10 percent of all trading fees absorbed by the exchange, and was initially launched to protect Binance’s users “in extreme cases,” according to a previous notice. It is stored in its own cold wallet.

“In this difficult time, we strive to maintain transparency and would be appreciative of your support,” Zhao said Tuesday.

He concluded the note by saying he would participate in a previously scheduled Twitter “ask-me-anything.”

Fuck off racists all is fine. The price is recovering as we speak.

>> No.13554719

The exchange will use its Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU fund) to cover the loss, which won’t impact users, according to the notice.

The fund consists of 10 percent of all trading fees absorbed by the exchange, and was initially launched to protect Binance’s users “in extreme cases,” according to a previous notice. It is stored in its own cold wallet.

“In this difficult time, we strive to maintain transparency and would be appreciative of your support,” Zhao said Tuesday.

He concluded the note by saying he would participate in a previously scheduled Twitter “ask-me-anything.”

Fuck off bobo all is fine. The price is recovering as we speak.

>> No.13554754

>be under investigation
>let's just insider hack ourself
>lost the coins in a hacking accident officers

>> No.13554849

knew it i kneew it...

>> No.13554857

They only lost 7000btc and this is why SAFU was put in place for moments exactly like this.

>> No.13554879

this aged well lol

>> No.13555217


>> No.13555241

more cheapies. cool.

>> No.13555242


No land for white men.

>> No.13555253

Stablecoin printing days are over, anon.

>> No.13555283

>Binance is literally pulling a Trayvon James

>> No.13555297

Ultra chinked

>> No.13555323

Stage 1: denial

>> No.13555431

You idiotic trolls are the reason people think crypto is a joke. Shut the fuck up and stop causing a commotion over nothing. In less than a week things will be back to normal. You idiots really are pathetic m.

No lifer syndrome is strong with this thread

>> No.13555446

Sergey here, just wanted to come and remind everyone to NEVER trust a chink. Only invest in white supremacist coins like Chainlink.

>> No.13555471

Stage 2: anger

>> No.13555504


>> No.13555511
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tether court hearing on monday, it's over

>> No.13555543

Except this is not 2017 anymore.

>> No.13555570

I thought it was just an unscheduled wallet maintenance and not to spread ze fud.

>> No.13555635

>smart money longs a premined ERC 20 utility token that grants no rights, no stake and whose fee rebates can be changed at anytime by the issuer.

Yeah, no. Smart money doesn’t do that, retards with a couple hundred dollars do that.

>> No.13555682

>You idiotic trolls are the reason people think crypto is a joke
>there's nothing shady about Justin Sun offering to pump $40m of tether onto binance
>there's nothing shady about withdrawals being disabled before the tether heaing

weq lad

>> No.13555852
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LINK trading on Coinbase fucking WHEN

>> No.13556399

Forehead will rob the exchange blind as soon as they get 80k volume lool

>> No.13556654

>how much you lost
>be me
>fire cokehead off of team for literally never doing anything and not responding in weeks, months if you exclude "I'll be free later"
>have investor get pissed off and demand refund, because cokehead was his bud
>next day, binance hack, all funds locked up
>can't gibs funds even if wanted to.

>> No.13556749

how weird is it that this happens on the day someone bought 40 LINK for 9999 PAX each?

>> No.13556750


>> No.13556814
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Thank you, thank you anon.

>> No.13557015

The absolute state of Derolets
Dero DEX gonna be insanely massive

>> No.13557044

The govt isnt supposed to back the banks....why do you think we have all these pump and dumps boom bust cycles where the taxpayers pay for the gambling losses of wall street?

If the govt didnt back the banks we'd actually have real capitalism. FDIC insurance is communist.

If the govt wasnt insuring bank accounts then people would actually give a shit what kind of loans there banks are making, and it would be impossible for them to make bad loans otherwise they would get no depositers.