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14038850 No.14038850 [Reply] [Original]

Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming all have no state income tax. Which would be the best to move to and why?

>> No.14038877

Moved from Boston to Austin TX. Can’t complain so far and am saving more money

>> No.14038895


Austin is based.

>> No.14038925

Alaska if you can tolerate the cold. South Dakota is awesome looking, Nevada would be my choice, it's got desert and nice mountain terrain to the north, would love to get lost outdoors there. Florida is a trap filled with subhumans with no real economy. Hot as fuck and scary hurricanes. Only worth it if you are on the water with a nice boat.
t. native fl anon

>> No.14038926

You forgot New Hampshire

>> No.14038966 [DELETED] 
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They all have strengths and weaknesses. I think I'll order these from worst to best according to my opinion.

Cold, few people. little job opportunity, lots of natural beauty.

>South Dakota
Red state, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, few people and little opportunity. This is probably the least pleasant state to live in IMO.

Another middle of nowhere state similiar to South Dakota. I think more natural beauty. Yellowstone etc.…

HOT, big, bbq, large housing for little money, mexicans and cartels.

Temperate rainforest, lots of tech jobs, hipsters, and natural beauty.

Hot & Humid, gators, beautiful beaches, hurricanes.

I like Florida. You live where everyone goes to vacation. So its like vacation every day.

>> No.14038975

Fuck off. They're all full.

>> No.14039000 [DELETED] 
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Cold, few people. little job opportunity, lots of natural beauty

>South Dakota
Red state, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, few people and little opportunity. This is probably the least pleasant state to live in IMO

Another middle of nowhere state similiar to South Dakota. I think more natural beauty. Yellowstone etc.…

HOT, big, bbq, large housing for little money, mexicans and cartels.

Hot, little water, nice cities, lots of gambling and prostitutes.

Temperate rainforest, lots of tech jobs, hipsters, and natural beauty.

Hot & Humid, gators, beautiful beaches, hurricanes

I like Florida. You live where everyone goes to vacation. So its like vacation every day.

>> No.14039093

Nevada is a god tier state. Legal weed, legal brothels, our bars don't close, and mostly a libertarian "don't fuck with my shit I won't fuck with yours attitude. Vegas to LA and Reno to SF are roughly a 4 hour drive each. Real estate is still "reasonable", but renting could be a fucking nightmare depending on location and what state you're coming from.

>> No.14039150

Ever been to Elko? What's it like. Looks like a cool little town.

>> No.14039165

don't come to fucking Florida
all you faggot transplants come here and shit everything up. come here and then complain its not like where you came from and how your fucking state did it so much better. fuck off, if it was better then why the fuck did you come here
we're full

>> No.14039181

I live in Nevada. We’re building our own blockchain city.

>> No.14039189

I live in alaska. Only worth if you have enough money to snowbird. Winters are cruel. Pitch black at 9 am when you go to work, pitch black when you go home at 5pm. Only industries to work are healthcare, fish and oilfield. Just don’t

>> No.14039191

I have never had to deal with drug addicts in my MA suburb counties, I couldn't imagine moving to Nevada or FL or coastal CA (or Boston).

>> No.14039202


>> No.14039228

New hampshire, best boring state to live in.

>> No.14039239

Texas and New Hampshire have very high property tax (For those wanting to own their own home).

>> No.14039245

Fuck off. We're full

>> No.14039253

probably texas. more whites need to move there and gentrify it to keep it from turning into mexico.

>> No.14039258

Florida is fucking terrible. Keep it

>> No.14039270

Sure have. Spent most of my time in NV in Carson City, in a lot of ways Elko feels like a smaller Carson City. It's a nice little place.

>> No.14039272

Western Washington has unparalleled aesthetics but you have to choose between natural splendor and employment opportunities. If you're crypto-retired and just looking for gorgeous scenery, Bellingham or Port Angeles/Sequim areas are fabulous and not too congested. Plus you have easy access to Vancouver and Victoria, respectively.

>> No.14039276

WA bro here. I would vote against My home state if you're into crypto trading. In addition to all of the crypto services that are banned in the US (anything that offers margin or lending) we have a few extra ones that are banned (poloniex, etc.).

If that doesn't bother you, just make sure and avoid Seattle. I hate it here so much.

>> No.14039294

Living in a smaller house is better then. I have lived in a relatively large house compared to others in the same area all of my life and nobody uses it fully. You tend to be in one or two rooms all day. Big houses are to show off wealth.

>> No.14039308

Lots of sagebrush. Move to Reno, it's got the best of both city and nature. Blockchain city too, no brainer.
t. born and raised

>> No.14039371

Ok born and raised in reno. Elko is a mining town. maybe after some growth itll be cool but right now the only thing to do there is drink and drugs. Reno, carson city, vegas, fernley, gardnerville, and fallon if youre serious

>> No.14039403

I thought MA is one of the states most heavily fucked up by the opioid epidemic?

>> No.14039441

Not to mention how fucking horrible this place has become, and how the homeless are like a non stop plague. Yeah, we don't have an income tax, but that's probably not too far off.

>> No.14039477

how do the homeless even survive in that cold

>> No.14039523

In the city I live in, Anchorage, the winters aren't that bad. It's still a cold and long winter, but it's not like the interior, where it's like -50 all winter. The bums here have several shelters to sleep in, and they're drunk all day. The city is trying to construct more shelters. We'll be seattle/Frisco status in like a year. Its fucking sad. This place was pretty fucking comfy just a few years ago.

>> No.14039550


Yeah no, half of South Dakota is awesome looking. The other half is completely flat farmland and looks exactly the same as Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, North Dakota, etc.

>> No.14039601

kek, austin is 60% beaners and 40% tattooed feminist whores and soibeards
fuck that shithole. there is no good place to live in the jewnited states anymore.

>> No.14039743

I drove through Gardnerville-Minden. Really nice little towns.

>> No.14039762

Austin is where all the Californians migrating in run to because they hear it's 'liberal', which it is. Fucking hellhole. Now not only are wetbacks jumping the border and voting in Democrats for hopes of free money, we got the god damn Commiefornians running into Texas because they ruined their home state. They never learn and will do the same to Texas soon enough.

>> No.14039786

Which country can you move to

>> No.14039800


>comfy as fuk
>plenty of land
>no noise pollution

>> No.14039801

True that. The Badlands are one of the most beautiful places in the US

>> No.14039822

California is being overrun with homeless. I shit you not, not only have they infested ALL coastal cities, but they are now moving to the central valley in mass, to the point it is becoming a noticeable problem. California is dead, and it's rotten corpse has become nothing but a maggot infested skeleton. Stay away if you know what's good for you.

>> No.14039826

i had a business trip to sioux falls for about 24 hours. i asked the cab driver what are the good restaurants in town and he said wendy's was his favorite.

>> No.14039844

I'm moving there from california anon. Sorry.

>> No.14039946

Washington is good, rest are dogshit

>> No.14039968

>Living in the US
>Wanting to get ransacked in the next civil war

>> No.14040038
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No offense but fuck off with your psyop faggotry, WA is the best state in the USA. Maybe you should fuck off to Texas

>> No.14040120
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I agree, it's based but the libtards in Seattle are getting cancerous. Rest of the state is 10/10 though.
>mfw everytime I see a sunset with Rainer in the background

>> No.14040127

Based and redpilled

>> No.14040146

We're incredibly segregated. I honestly cant think of any place in the USA that actually acts like the American dream than a few MA and PA counties

>> No.14040148

Former Alaskanon here.

Great place. Very libertarian. Almost equal mix of lefty and right libertarian.

Would say ethos is mainly just leave me alone and don’t tell me how to live.

I miss the ease with which you could find yourself in the middle of no where. Hard to beat the views there too.

Take this as you will

>> No.14040280

left OR for TX ages ago. It's ugly here but it's been good to me. DFW metro has things to do but no trees

>> No.14040305

goyim dont be so mean we need to send more muslim refugees into your nice quiet communities

>> No.14040341

If you establish an LLC in Florida and have your income forwarded to it, could you evade income taxes in the state you reside?

>> No.14041001
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WA is comfy as fuck no state income tax and then you just go to OR for no sales tax to dub the sweetness

>> No.14041027
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Fucking based.

>> No.14041030

Absolutely based Raindawg.

>> No.14041290

That’s what a boom and a bust will do. We had sooo many young guys with pockets full of money from the oilfield. Price per barrel crashed and so did all the new jobs. My town was about to be in a housing shortage. Now all the people that are left are just hoping for the 3k dividend. It’s tough here, lots of money to make in summer, but once winters come the jobs disappear. If you have a year round job, you can’t make as much as summer jobs per hour, so you take the year round security instead of a higher paying job. It sucks.