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14162103 No.14162103 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become an high energy person. Seems like a prerequisite to being successful in anything. Low energy people can just aspire to be wage-earners

>> No.14162125

browse biz 24/7

>> No.14162128

Super Male Vitaltiy + Gorilla Mind

>> No.14162139


>> No.14162144


>> No.14162148

Sleep well, eat healthy, and drink coffee.

>> No.14162167

Is this a even possible? I think it would make you too alpha

>> No.14162680

The only way to do that without hardcore drugs is eat healthy, no added sugar, workout hard almost daily and have a lot of social contact. Picking up smoking helps too.

>> No.14162725

>workout hard almost daily
overtraining is real and this definitely won't help you in the long run

t. did this for years and had the bloodwork to prove it tanked my test to nothing after a while and it recovered after I dialed it back to something reasonable

>> No.14162754

Dont cum

>> No.14162779


just dropped in to say that's a fantastic pepe. i rarely dl meemees, but this one is for teh folder.

>> No.14162795

I really believe that low energy and brooding personality types are born, not made.

It can be countered with socializing and making yourself go out, but it will never feel like the natural thing you want to do, even if you get seemingly better at it than extraverts. I am seen as a good conversationalist and humorous, more so than extroverts who have exceedingly bland thoughts.

But I have always been unusually drained from social activity. I was on a personal improvement push to socialize better and I look to the outside world perfectly capable.

I have used coffee and tobacco all my life and still barely get through the day. I tried cocaine and Adderall as well but those I built a tolerance for also.... uppers are a very slippery slope for the types that I think OP is.

I can't answer the riddle other than saying the outside world doesn't see your low energy if you can keep up a good show

>> No.14162801


Make it easy to do the right thing. Eat 12 grams of salt (the rock shit, most available is that pink stuff) for libido and low level depression, practice fasting, eat 1x meal a day at most but make it high fat low carb, weight-lift 2-3x a week (if you do your set 'till failure, you'll need a couple of days rest from gym), walk at least 4 miles a day, and take cold showers.

The easiest item to do is a cold shower in the morning. You'll get used to it.

2nd easiest is 12 grams of salt. You will be less thirsty funny enough but libido and hunger goes up. Mammals, at least, use salt to break down fat to make water. Think the camel.

>> No.14162834
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>Picking up smoking helps too


>> No.14162904


But probably most importantly...have a fucking reason to wake up. We're in a sandbox game and you have to learn how to harness emotions, even negative ones, for motivation.

Always remember, "there is no price too high for the privilege that of owning yourself". You own your life. Suicide baffles me because you can always leave. You might go through starvation and poverty but you can always jusy say fuck this and leave.

>> No.14162963



Another thing that is ignored in our society of comfort: We are evolved to go through daily effort and hardship. You will drive yourself insane if you try to beat the hedonic treadmill with more "hedonism". The irony is that the most dedicated hedonists...are ascetics. Fasting unlocks a world of flavor in meals that is divine. No fap unlocks worlds of desire and eroticism that are divine. Stopping the daily headphone music habit allows your brain to be possessed by a rhythm (a better/good version of the earworm).

>> No.14162980

I know it seems counter intuitive but the extra dopamine and MAOI's really do help.

>> No.14162993

I know what you mean.

>> No.14163038

for a few months until your body adjusts and you need to keep smoking just to perform at base level of a non-smoker

>> No.14163429

Do you care about your life?
Do you have a hobby?

Why would you have energy to do anything if you have no passion. you need to find that something and it will give you energy and drive.

>> No.14163769

I have a lot to say about this but I'll keep it as brief as I can because:

1) less screen time, less forums and charts and choppy YT vids and social media. This shit fries your dopamine or some crap and makes you a zombie, srs.

2) you will probably never be effortlessly energetic, but you may well be able to improve

3) your path is going to be very personal, you may need more of something that someone else needs less of

4) for example, exercise. I was MASSIVELY overtraining and it left me in a constant state of fatigue and inflammation, for years and years on end. "Exercise more" would not have worked for me. I had to essentially stop all dedicated exercise (still was quite active)

5) lo and behold, the year I did that, I fucked 2x as many girls than I had in my entire life up to that date. The point of this paragraph is that markers of your "energy" may best come from hard evidence about what you DO, not how you feel. I didn't feel *that* different, but I was just unthinkingly behaving differently. Interesting one.

6) sleep, obviously. We probably have terrible sleep quality. People who can sleep anywhere, deeply, for few hours, have excellent sleep and have more energy for longer days. You may need to accept that 12hrs in bed (especially if sleep is broken) is required. I attempt naps whenever possible. You lose some hours, but are 100x more productive in the ones you have left.


>> No.14163879

7) diet - this will vary a lot. Not sure about eating 12g of salt per day, kek... but find what you need. I have, by chance and by trial and error. One thing that really REALLY works for me is fucking seaweed, man. Ate some one day just by chance and the next day had a great deal of motivation and "go". Took me a while to link the two but I tried some on/off with it and it makes a big difference. I buy this dried shit from a gook stall at a market and it works wonders, just like a small handful per day or whatever.

As for normal diet stuff, I wouldn't recommend anything extreme like 800g of fat per day or keto shit. Normies eat normally, just eat fucking normie food. Avoid large meals in one sitting, that will put you in a stupor that can last all day and if you make a habit of it, days turn to weeks, etc etc etc.
Mainstream dietary advice is sufficient, I would say. You know the stuff.

8) drugs - stimulants like caffeine for special occasions only, not every day and not habitually. Will backfire big time.

9) smoking - based posted above, not sure if he was joking but since I took up smoking (weekends only) I have felt better quite consistently. Looking into this further, as you can imagine it's a controversial topic and there's almost 100% bad press on tobacco right now. But I think there's something to it.
I'm old so can't get addicted, also.

>> No.14163979

bump cause interesting

>> No.14163984

>12hrs sleep required
Are you a fucking bear?

>> No.14163988

10) I like the post above about struggle and meaning, this is a complex topic but quite true. If you are NEET you need some projects. I've had such a comfy life that I ended up just doing NOTHING for years and years and years because I was kind of just "fine". During times that I had to work harder and have more of a slaveschedule, THEN I ended up doing lots more with my free time, as it was more valuable.

11) accept that you are not high-energy and NEVER will be, unfortunately. You're right that we can't be captains of industry or politicians and shit like that. You can maybe do better than wage slaving, though.

>> No.14163996

This is classic introvert behavior. Many introverts can be stellar socializers, but the life skill is learning how to deploy it.
Young fags often blow their load and will be "super super charming" in a given situation...often among people who don't warrant it. Now our young introvert suddenly is dealing with some bland normies who are constantly harassing him 'hey dude, why dont you come hang out with us tonight!!?!"

This stresses out our young introvert, because this alone-time is when he works on himself, perfects his thoughts, and generally lives in the fantasy of his creations.

They key as you get older is learning how to deploy these skills strategically.

>> No.14164049

Really the true game is persistence, not energy.
As you get older you realize that those who succeed long term are really just those who outlast everyone else....

>> No.14164089

What you quoted:
>>12hrs sleep required

What I wrote:
>12hrs in bed (especially if sleep is broken)

spot the difference.

>> No.14164106

>9) smoking - based posted above, not sure if he was joking but since I took up smoking (weekends only) I have felt better quite consistently. Looking into this further, as you can imagine it's a controversial topic and there's almost 100% bad press on tobacco right now. But I think there's something to it.
>I'm old so can't get addicted, also.

you will fug up big time...i started same weekly once more energetic..then two then 3 then pack,,you fucked up.

>> No.14164401

Very true about introverts being the best socializers. We spend all our time in our own heads so when we put our mind to it, we generally have interesting things to say. But it is a drain and yes it is easy to blow my wad dazzling others who don't deserve it.

I honestly have a problem where I make too good of a first impression with people. I pull out all the stops and I am emotive, I talk about interesting things, I ask questions, I listen, all the good shit. Most people come away with a first impression of me that I'm a amazing social creature, fun to have at parties, etc. What they don't see is that I'll go home after that first interaction and essentially be comatose the rest of the day because I have overspent all my energy for the day. And they always end up disappointed in me because it turns out my day-to-day self is mostly reclusive and not interested in socializing. So they get this amazing first impression that can't live up to the reality of what I can sustainably produce, socially.

>> No.14164449

Supplement thyroid hormone(T3)

>> No.14164485

this but unironically

>> No.14164486

I am seeing this also in my 30 year old boomer years. Most of the success comes from being more patient than average and not dying

>> No.14164503

based rare pepe

>> No.14164522
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Nofap helps a lot in retaining energy, start with that.

>> No.14164565

..with iodine

>> No.14164602

>counter all these good things by picking up smoking

Fucking retarded.

>> No.14164659

This acts no different than an upper drug if you have no medical reason for it. It also stops an otherwise healthy thyroid from producing T3 normally

>> No.14164683

right in the feels

>> No.14164824


>> No.14165103
File: 153 KB, 820x1024, cdhvUSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are u me ?

Lol i bet we'd get along anon
Not saying i really want to hang out that much, just that wed prob def get along.
Welp im beat. Nap time!