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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 615x450, 1561746038576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14455287 No.14455287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have more than 100k link, came from /pol/ in 2016. straight white male, racist as fuck. how does this make you feel?

>> No.14455329

post pic with folio and swastika on your forehead or it didn't happen

>> No.14455354

one of us. Well done fren

>> No.14455356

if you are being unironic you should probably kys

>> No.14455366

Happy if true. Hope to meet up with you guys when we're all multimillionaires and start setting up the ethnostate.

>> No.14455396
File: 748 KB, 1920x846, samurai-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the club brother, fuck jews and niggers

>> No.14455398
File: 94 KB, 363x363, 1557971997830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 5'000+ people with a similar background. how does THIS make you feel, cuck?

>> No.14455400

Came from /pol/ too. Much better off on the blue boards

>> No.14455411

kike seethe is the best seethe

>> No.14455413
File: 15 KB, 211x273, thUOL11PH1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you lots of funds for rope day

>> No.14455432
File: 78 KB, 500x690, 1559141353382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you'll do great things anon

>> No.14455449

Great! Same here, only exception, no linker, because I thought it was a meme.................

>> No.14455454

based, same as you but a salty nolinker now :(

>> No.14455455

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14455467

Seethe more kike

>> No.14455480

Jew here, have 600k LINK. Stay mad.

>> No.14455489
File: 343 KB, 736x1048, 1561544686434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das ist sehr gut mein fren

>> No.14455506

1488 my friend
See you in the ethnostate

>> No.14455521

Stfu fag

>> No.14455527


>> No.14455530

post folio or else its larp. white people larp all the time,

>> No.14455541

Lmao nice LARP kike

>> No.14455548

No Linker here but Im also a straight white male and pro white. If Brendan "Enable the Reich" Eich could get his shit together then I will be joining you in the wealth to build our nation.

>> No.14455550
File: 933 KB, 960x829, 1561581468062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

der Endsieg wird unser sein, Kamerad

>> No.14455568

Same. How could I doubt the meme?

>> No.14455592

like it didn't happen.

>> No.14455593

welcome fren

>> No.14455594


>> No.14455611

Non where here that supports whites. I’d like to get out of the USA one day to start my own ethnostate in the Middle East.

>> No.14455616

When is fuck white people going to become a meme

>> No.14455642

It doesn’t. I browse /pol/ from time to time and I’m Mexican. You think we’re all stupid? The majority but not all.

>> No.14455643
File: 72 KB, 989x658, 1B3F5D04-D74E-4389-8646-A1A066454E70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 400 link but knowing a racist straight white male has over 100k makes me feel a little more comfy

>> No.14455672

Buy link right now and stop being a faggot.

>> No.14455697

Based and red pilled
Cringe and yikes

>> No.14455730

I am a racist and I hold Chainlink. And I know I'm not the only one. I first heard of this smartcontract middleware project when posting in Stormfront. We were brain-STORMING (pun intended) some ideas that we nazis could use to undermine women and minorities and some intelligent anon brought up investing in the project and became the most upvoted idea. What does Chainlink have to do, at all, with opressing women and minorities you may ask? Well, I will explain to you in a way even a pathetic, weak and stupid female would understand, so you better be grateful here:

Because of the inefficiency of modern day contract enforcement, generally dominated by slow and inefficient government owned courts, in the last decades modern society has seen a huge explosion in the number of people employed as white collar workers. The stereotypes about white collar workers, all of them, are absolutely true. They are lazy pieces of shit, doing non-essential make-work while browsing their phones, maybe doing an hour or two at most or real work in the entire day. This is the context in which women entered the "work"force in masse. Women can't do real jobs. Well, maybe 10% can do something useful, but most of you only strut around in air conditioned offices like you're the hottest shit in the world, while men still do 95% of the work.

So... what is going to happen to all that unnecessary administrative bloat? Thanks to our man Sergey Nazarov the days of you paper pushers, lawyers and other parasites are numbered. Within a decade all these jobs will almost be gone. Smart contracts will make all of you go back into the kitchen, where you should have always been because there won't be a Jew megacorp willing to waste its money in hiring you when NEET nodes will do it for a fraction of the price.

Chainlink, the currency for a bright future where women will be oppressed and niggers curb stomped into extermination!


>> No.14455771

>being a right wing retard in 2019.
Yeah. Edgy boy. Projecting your self hatred.

>> No.14455774

Yeah ist Pretty obvious you came from reddit you bitch
>Guys look Facebookfrog do i fit in xD

>> No.14455842

>have more than 100k link, came from /pol/ in 2016. straight white male, racist as fuck. how does this make you feel?
Literally are you me topkek

>> No.14455852


>> No.14455899

Do we have a bald white guy who can do a seig heil while wearing a chainlink shirt? This is excellent fud

>> No.14455906

Hide and report these FUD threads, link marines

>> No.14456042

That's a life changing amount of money Anon. Please sell me some! My residence is in NYC so I can't buy!!!!!

>> No.14456114
File: 1.26 MB, 2943x2448, shuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've got your man.

>> No.14456136

Feels pretty good fren. I'll see you at the meetup. There's a lot of us and we'll have a warchest. We could be the generation that finally solves the question. The group of men who finally do what so many have tried and failed before. We will go down in history as liberators, the bards will write songs about us.

Keep your mental health clean and work on your fitness. We'll all need to be fit for the wars to come.

>> No.14456204


>> No.14456230
File: 93 KB, 596x650, 1554256816965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, but IF THERE IS A MEETUP, DON'T GO THERE. NO YACHT PARTY, NO MEETUP. we'll work out of the shadows

>> No.14456256

unironically sad
racism is a mental illness. you will never be happy in life. you will never make it mentally.

>> No.14456257

if dubs sergey become fuhrer of the world by 2025

>> No.14456302



50K here. pol refugee 2017.

>> No.14456304

and also

>> No.14456305

this but if I get dubs

>> No.14456306
File: 44 KB, 680x757, 4BEB65CC-9537-4F7D-A5E6-4BD317B27270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im happy to see newfags come to /biz/ and bend the knee. They will soon be redpilled and learn the mistakes of ((((their)))) ways.

>> No.14456351

No amount of link will bring back your foreskin.

>> No.14456356

>Now I won’t be able to kill all those racists and steal their Linkies like the no good nigger I am
Pls meet up sirs buy mobius sirs

>> No.14456375

imagine being this retarded because some caucasian stacy didn't pick you over some rando foreigner not knowing about this all being a simulation to gauge your ability to heal and move on through situations as training for the next step

>imagine not knowing that this entire life and reality is the tutorial mode for what's to come

>imagine thinking you're the ratio of pigments in your dermal organ and creating an entire identity based on that


>imagine not thinking this is scripted and planned from the start

>imagine not realizing they imagined all variables

anon, why do you larp being smart and avoid working on your intelligence?

>> No.14456411
File: 1.04 MB, 508x500, 1537834711196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 12k here, but I'm probably more rayciss than you.

>> No.14456426

Imagine baiting this hard. You’re digging yourself a hole man.

>> No.14456440

can someone post the deutsch link cube thanc

>> No.14456504

Damn this is cringe.

>> No.14456508


>> No.14456540

In crypto since 2012
Shadow funded a lot of nazis, right wing groups and parties over the years
1.6 Million stack
Goal, make the Holocaust a reality