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14929839 No.14929839 [Reply] [Original]

i truly dont understand how people can stay sober, enjoy sex sober, eat out sober, talk with females sober, enjoy talking with females sober or even be on biz sober

im on day 6 without cocaine and alcohol and this shit is truly disgusting. all i can think about is relapsing into some whore being nuked out of my mine. fuck this gay earth

>> No.14929856

Yeah that’s exactly how addiction works regardless
Now you wait it out until you no longer feel that way. Christ, zoomers should really get off the board

>> No.14929861

That's easy, we don't talk to females or have sex.

>> No.14929867
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>> No.14929869

You are suffering from depersonalization and crankiness from sobering up off drugs. Get help fag.

Stay longer than a 2 months and come back

>> No.14929877
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oof. fuck off beta apu.

>> No.14929878

It takes 6-12 months sober for your brain chemicals to balance. 4 months sober now. Started running, makes me feel good.

>> No.14929891

>12 months
u fucking what lad

>> No.14929906

No idea about cocaine but I took about 4 weeks off weed for me to start feeling good while sober
Also coffee helps, it’s basically a legal stimulant

>> No.14929939

I don't understand why pathetic faggots need to constantly sedate themselves. Are you running from your own gay thoughts or something?

>> No.14929940

>12 months
>u fucking what lad

If you're lucky. My brain never recovered. I've have permanent brain fog and anhedonia for about 3 years now.

>> No.14929983

have sex.

what did you consume for how long?

>> No.14929987

Tried running?

>> No.14929995
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>you will never find Angela White and put babies in her before she became a pornstar
Why do I even hold linkies? just to get rich?

>> No.14930061

been sober for 6 months now. everything is so boring, i dont want to live

>> No.14930079

What level of whore walks around like that?

>> No.14930088

shes fully clothed nigga

>> No.14930245

>how can you enjoy the same things people did for the past 100 000 years un-intoxicated while being un-intoxicated?

>> No.14930371

>ancient peoples were straight edge nerds

People have been getting fucked up on everything they possibly can since as far back as we can date.

>> No.14930377

haven't been sober for 24 years.

>> No.14930387

yeah, being sober is overrated. you remember how fucked we all are when you're sober.

>> No.14930419

Checked and Every fucking pill pilled!

>> No.14930428

Man, i just got some bud after a 5 month break, being sober all the time fucking blows.

>> No.14930432


>> No.14930622

Angela White

>> No.14930637

>Every fucking pill pilled!
legit. it's 7am and i've had:

2 shots of gin.
2 x 5mg diazepam.
8 x 50mg tramadol.
~5ml of thc vape juice. soon to be 30ml+

by the time i go to bed i'll have drunk 1.4L of gin, i'll have been popping valium like smarties and i'll have vaped maybe 40 quid's worth of thc.
40 years old, have legitimately not been sober for longer than 7 months (14 years ago), in 24 years. feelsgoodman.

>> No.14930642

well, for a few hours a day anyway. better than nothing.

>> No.14930648

I do it out of boredom

>> No.14930649


>> No.14930693
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ikr. so cosy.
soon to run out though. again. why are the drugs always gone?

>> No.14930727

>what you would call, withdrawals.
There’s a reason why you feel this way you idiot. You went from beating your brain will substances and are confused why you feel like shit 6 days later. Give it 3-6 months and you’ll see why people are fine being sober.

t. Ex drug addict

>> No.14930754

>6 months
psh. try never. look into PAWS; post-acute withdrawal symptoms. also look into neurological kindling, brain lesions, psychosis and delirium. i'm blind in one eye because of addiction. that happened in 2012, and still haven't been sober 1 day since.

>> No.14930765

smoke some weed and shut up

>> No.14930782

>i'm blind in one eye because of addiction.
so uhm yeah, how did that happen?

>> No.14930801

brain lesions dude. was averaging 4 new lesions every six months back in 2012 when i bothered going to doctors. the bit of my brain which lets me see, has holes in it. guess it's still happening now, because since stopping going to appointments i've in no way changed my habits.

>> No.14930827

Sounds like hell.

>> No.14930840

you are a puss-e, lol @ your coke withdrawals and define your daily alcohol consumption so i can laugh again
basically youre a queer

you need rehab

its all psychological even heroin but 2bh

what you really need is jesus

>> No.14930852

as soon as i'm rekt, it's fine. but yes, the majority of my life is actual hell.
still, if i was sober it'd be 100% hell. this way i get to feel good for at least few hours per day.

>> No.14930859

It's simple really
Drugs are for faggots
And I'm not a faggot

>> No.14930864

You’re preaching to the choir.
>hurrrr I did drugs now need to do them more because I did them in the first place
Man the fuck up and get over it.

>> No.14930871

>Man the fuck up and get over it.
get over what? i'm doing what i want to do. i HATE being sober, so i never am, and i accept the consequences.
>hurrrr I did drugs now need to do them more because I did them in the first place
i get rekt because i want to get rekt.

>> No.14930888
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Of course I'm not nigger. Why aren't you at least drinking beer?

>> No.14930889

>take your Soma

>> No.14930906

why the tramadol? surely you take it for pain? lmao who gets high off tramadol, also it appears you are not prescribed to the dizeapam SNAKKEEEE SNAAAAAAKKKEEEEEEEE@@@@!!!!!

is that dropper a test kit or gay vape juice, that bag has a lot of powder residue which is indicative of pressed pills, and knowing your region, chinese/indian fake pills is very common. i drink a lot too. but if i would advise you to do anything i would quit the pills and switch to medical marijuana

>> No.14930923

You’re not sober when you think you are, at that point you’re just withdrawing which makes you think being sober sucks.

>> No.14930943

>medical mj
i fucking wish. 7 years in prison in the uk. the government is making too much money from weed, so it's illegal. this is the fucking DRUG MINISTER, lol. she's massively anti-weed. and here's the reason why...
tramadol gets me rekt, son. nah i don't use it for pain relief.
>clandestine lab
yeah they're not pharma grade. they do the trick though.

>> No.14930944

Kek's blessings upon you anon. Enjoy the time you have, whichever way you want.

>> No.14930948

hope things get better for you bud... what a suicide combo

>> No.14930952

first of all, 3-4 somas plus weed is one of the best combos ever
2nd, are you taking the soma as intended, if not stop getting high on soma and switch to high grade weed to save money health

>> No.14930955

half right. if i was sober, i'd feel nothing but sobriety. and i hate it. i had 7 months off everything like a decade and a half ago, and it was unbearable.
thanks anon. godspeed.

>> No.14931007

yeah fuck them and their prohibition

>> No.14931025

>0 lower body curves
She is not breeding material. Just a wet nurse

>> No.14931032

yeah totally. i meanif it stopped drug use, then fair enough. it doesn't though. it just forces people to use the black market. prohibition makes regulation impossible, so the whole situation is made more toxic. instead of taking something made my pharmacorp, i'm taking something a criminal made in his bedroom. either way i will not be sober.

>> No.14931033

I don't know how anyone can do trading half ass seriously for any length of time without being a habitual user of something or other.

>> No.14931503


...well, except the LINK holders. poor bastards.

>> No.14931522

I'm drinking a lot more lately. Starting to wrestle with my communication skills a bit more. I'm improving but I feel like it will take years to climb out of this much autism and I'm already 26

>> No.14931530

It will take some serious time to get well again, if you were really addicted.

>> No.14931535

Uhhhhh you might just have clinical depression?
Mental illness and addiction/drug abuse go hand in hand.

>> No.14931558

cool larp of an 80's businessman on biz. does your coworker have a nicer business than you as well?

>> No.14931576
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>Mental illness and addiction/drug abuse go hand in hand.
yeah seriously. and the gov response is to punish. wow, that'll help.
what's worse is that they know it, and they choose to perpetuate the hell. they're sadists.

>> No.14931675
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Wow this heroin addict keeps robbing people at knifepoint to feed his habit
We definitely shouldn't arrest him as we might ruin his life

>> No.14931685

Unironically, a lot of the blame can be placed on the Raegan administration's instensification of the war on drugs, as well as their deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill.

We now have such poor treatment and such a homelessness epidemic.

>> No.14931726

prohibition yields violence and toxicity. blame the junkies all you like, it's a failed approach. this 'addiction' issue is reliant on many components, not least the prohibition whereby the savage toxicity of these eternal, unbreakable markets means that it will persevere regardless of any legislation. it's about time we grew up and tried something which works. punishment does not, it makes everything worse. you cannot punish the unhappy into being happy.

>> No.14931741

wait till you get older, the hangovers are so fucking brutal you wanna kys, thats when you slow down.

>> No.14931752

psh. just never sober up and there's no hangover. after a while you'll leave hangovers behind and delve into the infinite resources of suffering by way of withdrawal, but as soon as you're wrecked again it's all gone and life is once again worthwhile.

>> No.14931753

were you speedballing directly in your brain?

>> No.14931760

I never get hangovers but I've never been a binging loser because I can always feel the toll a night of drugs takes on my body and I prefer not feeling sick/tired/strung out
Never understood anyone who could do drugs for more than 20 hours

>> No.14931771

i overdosed like 3 times a day in 2011. intentionally. not to kill myself, but to push all drugs to their absolute limit. to explore them as fully as possible before dismissing them as a failed solution. i've used a lot of drugs. a lot, like, really a lot. and weed aside, perhaps LSD too, precisely none of them were conducive to the level of cosiness i sought.

>> No.14931797

but if we stop arresting teenagers for weed who's gonna pay my private prison dividends?

>> No.14931803

How was that? always wanted to try but dunno where to get them

>> No.14931818

Prohibition hasn't been tried, you retard. The west has pseudo-legal drugs, every faggot is going DUDE WEED LMAO.

Prohibition 100% works, we have Japan and Singapore as proof. They don't fuck around and kill or imprison you for having any amount of any drug you shouldn't.

>> No.14931822

it changes your perspective on your subjective problems. like, all of the 'ruts' in which you find yourself trapped, suddenly feel trivial. it's a crime that LSD isn't allowed to be used even in a clinial setting by pro psychologists. that stuff has immense potential.

>> No.14931834

>Prohibition hasn't been tried, you retard.
yes yes thanks peter hitchens. it has been tried to the fullest of extents and persists regardless, as it always will.
look at duterte's war. literally his position is that drug dealer or users should be shot on site without trial.
drug use continues. and once he's gone, due to all the suffering he has caused, it will increase. screenshot this post.

>> No.14931863


> me

>> No.14931882

Why are you talking about the Philippines instead of Singapore or Japan which was my argument? Oh, that's right, because you're wrong and have no real argument.

And just fyi, drug use plummeted under Duterte and there's no reason to think that trend reversed after they stopped releasing statistics because the west got all butthurt. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it's definitely the right direction, shooting people on site isn't ideal but hey the Philippines is a total shit hole so it's understandable.

>> No.14931905

I agree.nothing for me.

>> No.14931930

drug use plummeted under duterte because he killed thousands of drug users. it's hardly a perfect solution anon.
>rome wasn't built in a day
and drug use wasn't stopped in a day, a month, a year or a century. prohibition is a failure, people will always continue to use, but these desperate people will not only endure a toxic, unregulated market, but they'll face illegality too. this is not conducive to a bunch of messed up druggies becoming productive members of society. you're trying to make people feel better, by way of punishing them and making them feel worse. it is not helpful, you are harming not just them but society as a whole, and even your self. try something which actually fucking works as opposed to forever spawning recidivism by way of your deluded fairytale that beating up already beaten people, will help them,

>> No.14931945

>prohibition is a failure,
It's been a tremendous success where it was tried, in Japan and Singapore. It has never been tried in the west. You're an ideologue who refuses to acknowledge this.

>> No.14931969

>It has never been tried in the west.
what would you suggest anon?
how far should we take this?
death penalty for smoking a joint? family punished too perhaps?

you spread nothing but misery. you are in part the cause of drug abuse. grow up, stop pretending you're helping when all you want to do is punish. the stats are out, countries in which penalties are less severe, yield fewer drug deaths.

you are the cause of the problems about which you complain. fucking do something which actually helps for a change, i.e fucking kill yourself. cunt.

>> No.14931987

I suggest people take responsibility for themselves. And those that refuse shouldn't be allowed within civil society. Certainly there's no incentive for people not to be druggie fuckups like yourself currently in the West, which is an obvious problem.

>> No.14931993

red pill me on american alcohol prohibition from the Peter Hitchens perspective

>> No.14932009

I used to have these thoughts when I was addicted too. It's better sober.

>> No.14932022

No idea, I don't care or know what Hitchens thinks, it's just a fact that Japan and Singapore have incredibly low rates of drug abuse and very strict laws against them. It's also a fact places like the US criminalize drugs but then do very little to enforce this. Guess which states have more crime and mental illness and a lower quality of life?

>> No.14932026
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i knew this guy in 2016. he's a homeless, poly-drug-addicted moron. he can't read or write, he has never had internet access and he has no qualifications.
approximately which steps should he take upon waking in his jail cell or on the street, other than to mitigate the HELL he's enduring by way of getting so rekt that reality dissipates into a cosy indifference?
this man has no chance. none. to screech at him to achieve the impossible is not helpful.

carl horth. google him. impossible mess. literally impossible. what is he to do?

>> No.14932029

so this is why rape is a thing

>> No.14932044

well then; in your opinion, was american prohibition only prohibition de jure, with no enforcement de facto?

>> No.14932053

He has as much chance as anyone, stop making excuses for yourself and others. There's no end to government programs to support fuck ups, too. What should he do? Whatever he wants, provided it's within the bounds of the law.

>> No.14932079

oh anon i can't be bothered to counter this post.
>he should do whatever he wants
he wants what we all want. it's just that for him, such a thing is inaccessible. society deems it so. as such he does his druggie thing, because it's the only option on the table. shouting at him and making him feel awful is not going to help.
but you already know that deep down. truth is that you just hate people like him and ache to make his life worse, because it makes you feel better about how shit your own life is.

spend a month in his shoes, and you'll be fucking 6ft under. he is in many ways your superior. he copes with situations wherein you'd collapse.

>> No.14932089
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I don't know. What I will say about alcohol prohibition in America is...it's stupid to compare it to other drugs. Alcohol is/was commonly consumed by almost the entire population, it has cultural, traditional, and religious roles all throughout American society. Is that true of cannabis, methyl amphetamine, cocaine, or other illicit substances? Obviously not, a very small fraction of the population uses these drugs, and it is in the interest of society to prevent that number from growing, and to get it as low as possible. What do you get instead? Everywhere people encourage these things because they're profitable or counter culture or some stupid shit. These people need to be defeated, they enable the destruction of civil society. I'd ban alcohol if I could, it's just not realistic to do so in the west. That is not true of other drugs, much how alcohol is effectively banned in other parts of the world.

>> No.14932107

>literally nothing resembling an argument or even a coherent thought
>just a mess of meaningless outrage and personal appeals
It's shocking that you advocate mind altering (ruining) substances. Shocking!

>> No.14932143

I'll also say this, insisting someone is worthless isn't helping them. That seems to be your base line here. Which is strange because I'd bet anything you have your causation mixed up, this guy is likely a "homeless moron" (your words not mine, but I hate him according to you, while you're his friend in spirit) because of drugs, while you insist and seethe the reverse is true.

Now, I'm not saying anyone can just be fixed or something like that. But that's all the more reason to ensure people don't end up broken.

>> No.14932147

oh sod off anon. hide behind your curtain of 'it all being their fault', but you're ultimately just a fucking bigot, utterly unhelpful and in fact, just determined to do more damage on condition that it makes you feel good.

>> No.14932161

Why don't you try and make something of yourself instead of raging at me in lowercase with these imagined personal attacks of yours.

>> No.14932207

checked, it really is a shame I have heard nothing but great things about it

>> No.14932223


>> No.14932243

the combination of being extremely bored and the inability to deal with my emotions

>> No.14932251

> ..well, except the LINK holders. poor bastards.

nice to see that even after being smashed whole life you're still more bright then 90% of this board desu. take care fren

>> No.14932371
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Mark Hamill is that you?

>> No.14932376

Stop damaging your body pointlessly with that shit and do a steroid cycle.
>Less toxic to liver
>Doesn’t show on drug test so can drive or work without worry
>Female attention is not artificial
>Confidence and feel good like a mellow cocaine high
>No comedown
>No anxiety
>Keep it quiet and not perceived as a scumbag

>> No.14932379

>more bright

>> No.14932413

you have my attention. is 750mg test a week all you need or do i need more stuff?

>> No.14932584

replace physical satisfaction with the satisfaction of mental strength, meditation has helped me stay sober for 6 months now, i just realized that the more i keep indulging the worse I'm making myself feel

>> No.14932604

is that what you tell yourself to justify your lifestyle? 40 years old and still getting fucked like a kid.. grow up faggot

>> No.14932881

damn life is truly cruel out there

>> No.14932916

I've never felt that way about any drugs. Weed I get tired of, I hate feeling like that as often as my friends smoke. Alcohol is more fun but time and place. Plus it makes you an idiot. Only addictions I've struggled with is vidya and porn.

>> No.14932932

if you take test only enjoy your gyno

>> No.14932981

The only thing nice about her is the tits. All the rest, including her face, naah.

>> No.14933008
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>> No.14933047

This is the part of addiction your mommy and daddy don't tell you about... and I think it is what causes most people to relapse.

You lose temporarily the ability to enjoy anything. You could win the lottery and get blown by a hundred models and it would still feel numb.

You have to wait a long time before you can feel good from normal people life. Don't be a pussy

>> No.14933090
File: 1.84 MB, 1221x4000, B587E879-B788-4D2D-8C4E-6176460448E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

750mg is overkill imo.
Do 500mg, test cyp or enanthate
Arimadex at 0.5mg on injection days, will most likely need more once reach peak saturation around the 4 week mark.
I currently do 0.25mg Mon, tues, thurs, fri and saturday at midnight.
Works well for me.
Inject 250mg mon/Thurs.
25g needle 1” needle to shoot, its scary at first but completely painless.
Warm the oil in warm water to get it viscous and to flow better.
Keep nolva on hand and use 40mg/day for 5 days if nipples get itchy and adjust Arimadex dosage upwards.

Was literally an alcoholic before starting test cycle, bottle of rum A day and recreational drugs.
some of us are destined to be addicts, just choose something worthwhile to be addicted to.
Havent drank or done drugs in 2 months, dont feel depressed or frustrated or like i need an escape.
Life has never been so good, plus first time in my life i have visible abs, and no longer have social anxiety.

>> No.14933177

>if i was sober it'd be 100% hell
This is what all druggies tell themselves.

>> No.14933191

Do SARMs instead if you want to live past your 30's.

>> No.14933302

getting high is fun in the beginning until it's not anymore and you're starting to ruin your life, even still defending your degenerative lifestyle
fuck drugs and useless junkies

>> No.14933346
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why do you have this picture of this white child saved sir?

OP you are like a walking anti drug informercial
In fact are you sure you aren't some government shill trying to prevent addiction by acting like a retard online to educate young zoomers on the dangers of drugs. Because if you are its working.

>> No.14933567

You post on /fraud/?

>> No.14933625

2-3 years for me. but you sound like a retard so I really dont care. the world needs more fat 30-40 year olds who wear backwards baseball hats and hang out at bars acting smug.

>> No.14933975

Why don't we just prohibit guns and knives and crime so that bad stuff never happens?

>> No.14934282
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>> No.14934377

The best thing about people like you is faster expiration.

>> No.14935319

hi Craig

>> No.14935377

Never sober, buy functioning, today is an acute day so currently on c.50ugs

>> No.14935922

I'm over 2 years off coke, almost 2 years off booze. It's a fucking hard journey but get yourself something in life to make it worth it. I'd be dead if I didn't stop so I just remind myself that.
Also start smoking pot. It makes everything easier.

>> No.14935945


>> No.14935985

Do you by chance live in Southeast Asia?
I remember when I was there all the local convenient stores sold trams and Valium no prescription required. Good times, chilling on the beach getting fucking wrecked on pills and cheap beer

>> No.14936018
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probably doesn't count but I quit nicotine like a month ago after smoking for a year. easiest thing in the universe to quit, the withdrawals peaked after only 3 days... i literally thought "that's it? wow smokers are pussies"

but I can't quit weed, i look forward to that dime bag every weekend to take the edge off, wage slaving is hell

>> No.14936102

I do it because being sober is healthier for your body and your mind. It makes it easier to sleep, your workouts add more muscle mass, and the look of your skin improves. Why would you choose to look and feel like shit when the alternative is better and cheaper. That is extra money you could add to your stacks.

>> No.14936147

When you get older you'll relish in the clean feeling of being sober, that is if your junkie ass doesn't OD by then. People who take drugs to deal with the easiest time to be alive in human history are worthless cowards.

>> No.14936190

Coke is based

>> No.14936239

>the easiest time to be alive in human history
Easiest time physically. Mentally, we’re being fucked with hardcore

>> No.14936282

I'm going on 4 weeks sober, quit for a year straight 2016-2017 and then fell off the wagon for 2 years. I have serious substance abuse problems. Fuck alcohol and fuck cocaine both are absolute scams. Fuck cigarettes too I need to quit these for good soon.

>> No.14936300

Fucking hell that's a lot for one day. Are you overweight or do you basically not eat food

>> No.14936319

Kys reddit fag

>> No.14936479

sober for two years now
weed saved my life, I'm a functional and successful wageslave, but I gotta hit the pipe every night otherwise I would go insane

>> No.14936522

a literal pornstar

>> No.14936533

That's not what sobriety is but if it keeps you off harder drugs then more power to you.

>> No.14936697

im pretty much sober nowadays, I used to smoke cannabis every night before bed and frequently microdose lsd in the morning until I started getting severe anxiety and depersonalization

I used to have to do technical presentations for prospective clients at work and a few times I would space out and think "is my life even fucking real right now". Pretty sure they noticed. It's been slow going but my mental state is starting to return to normal but I still feel pretty weird quite often.

I'm sure staring at a screen all day every day does not help either.

>> No.14936988

>oh anon
kys you braindead whore