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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15043318 No.15043318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.15043363

they fucking deserve their money but compare for once how much more they earned in the 50s compared to a normal wagie and how much more they earn nowadays.

has nothing to do with envy or communism

>> No.15043379

damn pajeets!!! taking er jobbrs!

>> No.15043679

>they fucking deserve their money but compare for once how much more they earned in the 50s compared to a normal wagie and how much more they earn nowadays.
>has nothing to do with envy or communism
Okay libfag

>> No.15043698

Keep crying it makes the upcoming socialist utopia all the more sweet

>> No.15043724

Mm gommunibism

>> No.15043735

economic intervention is the opposite of liberalism, brainlet

>> No.15044406

CEOs are employees like everyone else, and often times not even the highest paid employee.
You meant to say owner/shareholder?

>> No.15044557

>executive wages have vastly outperformed stagnating worker wages which means the executive have paid themselves every bit of profit for the last 50 years but I support this because hierarchies of authority scare me and i think if i lick their boots enough and pretend to have a "CEO mindset" they'll let me in

Why are conservacucks such pathetic corporate bootlickers? We're supposed to be on the same fucking team, you idiots, we're all getting fucked by the executive class.

>> No.15044574
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Imagine not joining said class

>> No.15044599

>imagine being 17 and thinking you'll be an astronaut and a CEO and a bodybuilder

>> No.15044607
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>> No.15044677
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also this >>15044607
every one of you dumb American Chinks is going to get absolutely butt hammered when Artificial Intelligence begins taking every last human job over the next 25 years.
The people who own Automation (Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple) are going to become exorbitantly wealthy as 99.99% of the population fails to re-train themselves as a computer programmer with AI experience and will literally starve to death on the streets without an Automation Tax and Government intevervention.

Vote Andrew Yang for U.S. President 2020 and suck on my fucking nuts every teenage /pol/tard bootlicker on this board

>> No.15044694
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tard I was unironically being ironical
I didn't expect the NANO brigade to leak from their containment thread

>> No.15044699

if you divide ceo salaries among all employees it doesn’t make a dent. there’s not enough to go around fags

>> No.15044701
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I know you were. I was making fun of you

>> No.15044720
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yeah real fucking fun to out yourself as a retard

>> No.15044755
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>> No.15044804

Its not a socialism thread without AI doom and gloom. You know, you're kind of like climate change cultists using people's lack of understanding to scare them into doing what you want them to do. Just another manipulative kike.

>> No.15044820

Are you scared, /pol/tard? You may be useless now but you still have a chance at making something out of your life. When the robots come, you will be completely hopeless

>> No.15044835
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mmmm gobbunizm is cummin

>> No.15044851
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>> No.15044873

Cope. Just cause you’re a loser doesn’t mean everyone else is

>> No.15044880

Unfortunately for you machine learning is used quite a bit at my job so I'm pretty familiar with this area. You watched irobot once and assumed that was based in reality somehow. Cope, neet. Your lifestyle is a result of your own retardation. AI is nothing like you think it is

>> No.15044931

Oh, what's your executive position? Are you in the 8 figure or 9 figure club? Do you work or do you "manage a portfolio"? Is your dad connected to lots of names that everyone that reads Forbes would know?

Or are you one of literally millions of delusional aspirational faggots slaving at some white collar bullshit and dreaming of the day (which is literally never coming) where you magically get accepted into the 0.00001%?

>> No.15044963

Be nice Anon he has autism

>> No.15045006


> I'm a failure who gave up to my dreams so now I want to drag everyone down with me.

>> No.15045041
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>He probably makes around the median income (if not lower, given the demographics of this board)
>STILL bootlicks the fuck out of the rich because he imagines himself as one of them one day

Lmaoooo you might as well be a cuck licking your bull's ass imagining yourself as the bull one day

>> No.15045103


I'm fucking sick of explaining to normie retards how AI is nothing like what they imagine. I saw a joe rogan podcast where he starts screeching about AI like an autist and never watched him again. And fuck elon musk too, FUD AI and then start his own AI company promoting "good AI" top fucking kek.

For all you brainlets who know nothing of AI, please STFU and go pick up a book or two and turn off the TV,

>> No.15045192

No I literally just want people to consider policies in light of where they actually are in society instead of wild fantasies about the "sort of billionaire I'll be when I grow up"

>> No.15045195

>gave up dreams
17 year old confirmed

>> No.15045210 [DELETED] 

Did I say Machine Learning or AI?
Machine learning is glorified math/statistics, calling it AI is laughable and pathetic. I’m talking about real AI, and it will be unlike anything you’ve seen before

>> No.15045277

If you are so confident that this will be the future invest every dollar you make into one of those tech giants and join the 1%.
You won’t though you’d rather bitch and complain mean corporations making life better for everyone.
>if people are starving and dieting on the streets there literately won’t be any one to buy the corps products and keep them going...... but hey fuck your right we’re all going to die because muh evil corporations.

>> No.15045308
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machine learning is barely AI. It's glorified math and statistics, come back when you have experience in symbolic reasoning

I do invest every single dollar in those companies (except for my crypto). The advancements COULD make life better for everyone. The current capitalist economic system is not designed for it to benefit everyone - in fact, it is designed completely the opposite. It is designed to give every citizen a mindset of resource scarcity and competition.

>> No.15045339
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CEOs of companies that intentionally fuck over their consumers and the country as a whole while making millions are spiritual Marxists and should be treated as such prove me wrong.

>> No.15045369

CEO’s that intentionally fuck with consumer and shareholders can get the rope.

>> No.15045598

>has nothing to do with envy or communism
This. Conservatives and specially libertarians simply close their ears to anything wrong the system does, and I don't even support communism.

Believing that your wife is flawless is not truly loving her. Therefore, believing that capitalism is flawless...

>> No.15045600

it's not bootlicking. it's called having the highest GDP per capita in the world outside of a few white-only countries, with tens of millions of migrants from socialist countries trying to escape the hell they voted themselves into.
median income in the west is has bare minimum 5 times more purchasing power than socialist utopias. and no europe is not socialist because they have social healthcare. it's like 10% socialist 90% capitalist.

>> No.15045733

>nO eUroPe iS nOt sOciAliSt
>bUt vEnEzUeLa iS

France has more people working in the public sector than Venezuela percentage wise. Also France's GDP portion related to the public sector is much higher than of Venezuela, where most of the revenue.

And yes, it's bootlicking. You are unironically shilling for people that are have made more money in a single than your entire bloodline has made in countless generations. And why? Because you unironically believe that you'll be one of them one day. Just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire huh?

>> No.15045758

where most of the revenue comes from foreign oil companies*
that have made more in a single year*

Excuse my English.

>> No.15045812

>picking one indicator of hundreds used to measure free market vs commie
France rank 71
venuzuela rank 179
only 10 years ago Venuzuela was being heralded as why socialism is so great and now lefties are pretending that its not socialist and they had nothing to do with it.

also don't put words in my mouth shitskin. I know I won't be a mega millionaire, I don't need to be. I'm happy with median wages that an average person can produce in the free market, which are literally 10x higher than I'd make in any socialist country, and about 30% higher than anything I'd make in europe. if my wages don't even improve I will be a millionaire before retirement, which is a lot more than most shitskin socialists can say.

>> No.15045919

When robots take all the dull, dirty, difficult and dangerous jobs, other opportunities for humans will open up. Also, the economy will boom.


>> No.15045940

Since the 50s, and despite inflation frofrom government fiat (counterfeit) money, the economy still outpaced inflation.
CEOs pay is "way up" because companies are bigger, moving more money and that is why commies can bitch about capitalism on their $3k apple crap-puters.


>> No.15045962

First of all, cut the communism bullshit. Only literal (and I mean literal) retards believe any country is communist. The site you've chosen is wrong in nearly every metric, and is a political website.


>Venezuela’s modern democratic era lasted from the end of military rule in 1959 until the election of Hugo Chávez in 1999. His handpicked successor, President Nicolás Maduro, completed the destruction of democratic institutions and established a repressive authoritarian dictatorship in 2017.

Which is something straight out of CNN.

Now listen here you delusional subhuman. The statistics speak for themselves,



See that? I'm pretty sure you define "socialism" by how present the government is in the economy, and would you look at that, Western European countries, the countries with the highest standards of living on the planet, mostly have a higher percentage of their GDP and workforce attributed to the public sector than Venezuela does.

Secondly, who do you think you're fooling you delusional subhuman? Of course you believe that one day you'll be a billionaire or trillionaire, it's the only reason why literal retards like you even bother shilling for others with an extra 6 0's in their net worth. You live in a literal shithole with high crime rates, low standards of living, daily mass shootings, and think you're better off than Europeans? Funny. You keep repeating the word "free market" without having any idea what it means as well, which is funny too.

Anyway, you need to drop the bullshit. Shilling against fellow wagieslaves doesn't help you. You will not be making 30% more than Europeans. Don't let the artificially-deflated USD fool you otherwise. Your chances of ever becoming a millionaire are effectively 0%.

>> No.15046018

Also, the website you linked is made by the Heritage Foundation. Here is some information about it :


>The Heritage Foundation currently receives funding through individual donations as well as grants from conservative organizations such as the Koch Family Foundations, Marlboro cigarette manufacture’s parent company Altria and the Bradley Foundation.

Christ. It fucking BLOWS MY MIND that people living on minimum wage would shill for billionaires. Why?? Fucking why? I've also seen Americans in midwest states screaming for tax cuts for billionaires. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you more pre-occupied with the net worth of billionaires than your own standards of living? I wish somebody could explain this to me. Reagan proposes a trickle down economy and Americans rejoice. Yang proposes a trickle up economy and Americans scream in anger at him. Why do Americans love having the boot over their throats so much? No other country does this.

>> No.15046076


>better off than Europeans

Lmao. Mississipi is richer than Britain in PPP terms.


>> No.15046101

Yes, and China is richer than the US in PPP terms. Your point? So the socialist slash communist Chinese are richer than Americans, and by a big margin!

>> No.15046112


It's immoral and theft to give something I've earned to someone else by force.

End of motherfucking story.

This is not how to successfully live life and prosper. If you have to be spoonfed as an adult, you deserve to die off.

>> No.15046123

literally every single problem we have economically can be traced back to the federal reserve and fiat money, change my mind

>> No.15046144

>Capitalist Shills point to the Horse and Buggy as an example of how man can overcome technological change
>Before the automobile there were about 27 million horses and mules in America
>Now theres under 9 million.

We're the fucking horses this time boys.

>> No.15046146
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Pick one and only one

>> No.15046148
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>In the future the corporations will be so powerful that they will own all the wealth in the world!!!
>so we just gotta ask them nicely to hand over their money to us. I'm sure the government will respect the wants and needs of the powerless masses and not the god-corps

>> No.15046179

>It's immoral and theft to give something I've earned to someone else by force.

It's fine to take away trillions of dollars from the middle class to fund pointless wars and bail out Wall Street, but it's wrong to take some of the profits of corporations to improve the living standards of the 99%? Again, you're still not making any sense. Where does this worship of billionaires come from? Is it the delusion that you'll be joining their ranks one day?

Trump gives a permanent tax cut to billionaires saving them trillions, while only giving a temporary tax cut to the middle class folks and Americans rejoice with all their might. Why? 2 years from now your tax cuts expire while billionaires keep theirs. So why are you rejoicing? America's religion is the worship of wealth, even if its not in ones own hands. So sad.

>> No.15046195

>median wage is minimum wage
improve your English niglet
>letting liberal "fact checkers" to tell you your opinion
>tax cuts for billionaires
its tax cuts for everyone, dummy. stop shilling media talking points. trumps tax cuts nets me an extra grand this year. liberals want to increase my taxes to pay for more niglet welfare
>Reagan proposes a trickle down economy
again you're a moron. don't listen to the left about what the right believes. Trickle down is a strawman. no one actually believes everyone is going to be a billionaire. you are the only one preoccupied with hating success. Wealth comes from farming, sunlight, innovation, it's not handed down from government.
you're a troll, right? please tell me you're trolling. it's supply and demand. if you give out free money to everyone the currency will inflate rapidly, without any value to back it. If everyone stops working because they have money, then there is no food because no one is working to create it. Zimbabwe went bankrupt because they're lazy and killed all the white farmers thinking it would make them rich.

"Socialist" high government spending can only exist if it has a well functioning capitalist economy supporting it. Well functioning economies do not sprout from socialism, you're mixing cause and effect. High taxes slow things down, even if they don't completely cripple the economy.
I'm not shilling for billionaires, I'm shilling for keeping my own wealth, which is OBJECTIVELY higher than any <$100 net worth shitskin commie who is telling me how to be rich. LOL.
also most of the rich just own a few homes and businesses, they don't liquidate their entire stock holdings and prevent others from owning food and housing. it doesnt even hurt you.

>> No.15046201 [DELETED] 

>goy cope
Stay mad and poor fag. One day I'll own a bank.

>> No.15046244
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>> No.15046258

you're a fucking dumbass. it's the democrats blocking further tax cuts for the middle class, just like they tried to block funding for the wall. It's like saying vote for democrats if you want a wall because they blocked funding for it.
cgpgrey is a moron and this is a dumb analogy. this argument has been made for decades yet where is a car factory with no workers? Not even close to existing. Fast food chains with no workers? doesn't exist. cell phone manufacturers automated? nope.
If it was possible it would happen as fast as it could.

and it wouldn't be a problem because goods would be soooo insanely cheap because they're easy to produce.
Either they're easy to produce, and they're cheap, or they're not and they're expensive. But things like rare earth metals and scarcity exist. If robots really were as advanced as you're saying, you could just steal one and build your own factory, then make cell phones free.
they're not even fucking close.

>> No.15046285

>median wage is minimum wage

By the time you get a stable job, wages will have stagnated so much that minimum wages catches up to them. That's your future.

>its tax cuts for everyone,

Yes, but yours end in a couple of years, while those of billionaires like Trump last forever. You get thrown a bone that you get to chew on a few seconds and you think it's the same as another dog getting that bone forever? Christ, not only are you a delusional subhuman, but you also have no notion of long term benefit.

>again you're a moron

Oh right, that never happened huh? Reagan never shilled about trickle down economics eh?


Do remove that article with all the information inside, will you?

And yes, you do believe that one day you'll be a billionaire. Because there's quite literally no other explanation for why somebody like you would shill for them. Well, there's severe mental retardation but not so sure.

>it's supply and demand.

Correct. And just as Yang said, when you give 1000$ to everybody, they'll finally be afford to buy the things they need that they've been pushing off. Things like groceries, car fix, buying meat from local butcher, etc. The local economy would explode overnight.

>"Socialist" high government spending can only exist if it has a well functioning capitalist economy supporting it.

Yes but no. I see a lot of Americans saying this in order to justify their lack of universal healthcare, affordable education, public services, etc, but it's wrong. And you're going to learn that the hard way when the EU turns to China.

>> No.15046306

>It's immoral and theft to give something I've earned to someone else by force.
But you want to give the best possible life to your descendants and extended family. That's the traditional European cultural norm at least. This instinct is suppressed in a multicultural hyper competitive shithole like America. In a place like that governance is about filling your own pockets while you can. Thinking local is the key which is why the only form of governance that works is ethnic nationalism. With modern technology there is no longer any efficiency gained through large scale central governance. People need to form self governing cooperatives with other people they trust and care for. These cooperatives used to take the form of nations before we killed all the kings and let the jews win.

>> No.15046310

i already explained, I make a shit ton more money than socialist countries, and even more than european countries for my occupation.
Why would I trade that away when I'm literally in the best position I could be?
Tell me, not even going to read your other bullshit until you answer that.

>> No.15046313


The retardation of your comment is unparalelled. Three major errors in a single line!

1. Mississippi is richer PER CAPITA and it's the poorest US state. It obviously isn't richer in total, not with a population of 3M.
2. China is richer in total, because it's population is higher, it certainly isn't per capita
3. China isn't fucking communist. That should be pretty fucking obvious, given their growth rates since Deng's reforms.

>> No.15046328

It's because they think that they're gonna be in the ceo chair eventually. Don't ever ask them how they're gonna do it though, they usually don't have a plan

or they're like this guy and just don't understand what's being discussed

>> No.15046360


You'd have vast inflation overnight. All a UBI will do is send people back to McDonalds, now their rent is 40% higher, because the landlords have to pay higher taxes.

All this does is inflate prices and ruin people who save. I thought we learnt this lesson in the 70s.

Economic solutions must be supply-side, not demand-side. Build more houses, build more urban centers, encourage tele-commuting, create meaningful, worthwhile jobs. Fix education. Real change requires serious micro-economic reform, not bread-and-circuses.

>> No.15046365

>all the wealth is going to teh CEOs
>but that's not what we're talking about.
mcdonalds employees pay 3 cents an hour to their CEO. $1.20 per paycheck would not make any meaningful difference to them if the CEO didn't exist. but CEOs can have a huge impact on future revenues, you have to be competent to lead.
the wealth isn't being stolen to the top to muh CEOs, the "make everyone a billionaire with socialism" is childish thinking.

>> No.15046370

they deserve the money but i also deserve to be a ceo

>> No.15046416

Nice strawman, boomer. Here are some accessible videos that break down capitalist myths:
>Is Capitalism Voluntary?

>Capitalist Entitlement

>Calculating Capitalism's Death Toll

>> No.15046426

Thats exactly what im doing. But by all means, have fun starving to death when the time comes.

>> No.15046450

>$1.20 per paycheck would not make any meaningful difference
which is why almost no one except for hardcore tankies are asking for wealth redistribution along those lines. What we want, or at least what i want, is essentially a new deal for the american people. Attack the leeches on our system (banks and shit), stronger unions, closing tax loopholes, blah blah blah. 1.20 a paycheck isn't anything, but an additional 1.20 an hour is something else entirely

>> No.15046449

Do you think that increasing productivity means an increase in jobs?

>> No.15046483

Tbh all of you should read barren metal by Michael Jones

>> No.15046494

>muh tax loopholes.
you don't understand. It's not dollar bills that are valuable. Those can be printed infinitely. If we confiscate them from the bankers or whatever boogeyman you're whining about, it changes nothing.

It doesn't change the fact that building a modern house is labor intensive if you want a first world electrical, plumbing, concrete, wooden framing by skilled contractors, roofing...
do you get the point? Even if there is a slight excess in housing supply, its only like 10 million houses, not 300 million extra homes sitting around collecting dust that everyone could use for free.

the important economic principle is cutting costs and increasing productivity through efficiency and innovation brought by free trade of ideas and labor. build smaller homes, make the process more efficient, whatever. changing numbers in bank accounts does nothing in the medium to long term. in the short term you can incredibly fuck up incentives, if you steal from the builders to feed the lazy.

>> No.15046517

you ain't doing shit dog

>> No.15046528

>It's glorified math and statistics
have you seen lisp programming at least?
the very basic coding of AI

>> No.15046541


You sound like someone who is perpetually poor.

It's always "give me, give me give me" and not "I've earned this, I've earned this, I've earned this"

Contribute to society or KYS

>> No.15046565

In peter schiff we trust
Free gibs/free stuff is the death of entire species, perhaps even more cancerous then feminism.
Libfags, bernouts, and yanggangs need to be tortured for a year and then burned at the stake

>> No.15046579

>resource scarcity and competition.

but this is true, retard. Resources ARE scarce and competition is the natural order of things

>> No.15046580

All policies are redistributive. This is the fundamental mistake that working-class apologists of capitalism and the status quo make. They claim that there is a 'default', 'fair' model of distribution of resources, and any attempts to modify that model are anathema to the idea of fairness. In reality there is no default, and interested parties are constantly vying for slices of a pie that are not set in stone. All policies act to shift the slice distribution towards various parties, there is no 'default' or 'fair' distribution model.

All interested parties are exercising their powers in such a way as to apportion the biggest possible slice of the pie towards themselves, at all times. The elite, the proles, whomever. Anyone who defends a certain model of distribution as 'the default' way of doing things has essentially given up their power and their stake in this neverending competition.

>> No.15046631
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>Neets and jewcucks defending CEOs

idk why I only see this kind of shit during U.S prime time...

>> No.15046648

>and often times not even the highest paid employee
give me one instance of this.

>> No.15046664

life isn't fair, get over it. The alternative is putting your faith in a central power to give you gibs to satisify your vain hope that you don't need to contribute to society. 19 of the last 23 times that was tried ended in famine and mass genocide.
Some of us have history books to look at. Ignore at your own peril.

>> No.15046673
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>> No.15046678

not him
Rov operators in seabed harvesting could be like 300 pounds per hour

>> No.15046687

It works great in small communities of like minded, culturally and ethnically similar Christian people.

>> No.15046695

socialists/democrats do a great job of dehumanizing themselves. Nobody will miss them when they hang

>> No.15046709

and breaks in communities of over 50 people. go live in a hippie commune, no one is stopping you

>> No.15046749

50-200 is the tribal limit but with Christianity and homogeneity you can have hundreds of thousands cooperating.

>> No.15046760

>steal from the builders to feed the lazy.
well that's a false dichotomy. there's more than two kinds of people. moreover, the private sector owes much of its "innovation" to publicly funded research.

>if we confiscate....
again, this isn't about confiscation. It's about allocating tax revenue. Going beyond that though, you're just wrong on economics. Yeah productivity matters, but productivity =/= high standard of living or fair wages or low unemployment or any of the shit that matters to people who aren't reptilian faggots

>> No.15046851
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Idk I just don't want to be a wageslave man

>> No.15046859

Communism gives meaning and hope to people's lives, so in that respect, I think it's good.

>> No.15046965

We will never have utopia as long as niggers exist.

>> No.15046970

idk senpai, the first thing commies usually do is make it illegal to be antisemitic then they go and kill as many christians as possible

>> No.15047191
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Establish maximum wage? No, eliminates wealth and decentivizes too many other important things.
Establish dank minimum wage? Yee

>> No.15047462

came back after dinner and it shocks me how many wagecucks love tacking sheckleberg's cock deep in their rectum so they can avoid become called the S-word. People like >>15046709
seriously, one too many Steven Crowder vids. kill you're self

>> No.15047468

tacking --> taking*

>> No.15047761

Lv.100 wagie

>> No.15047806

Based Bernie will win 2020. The socialist utopia will soon happen, kick and cry as much as you want drumpf tards

>> No.15047834



hilarious. go along now, play your video games and tell mommy you love her before bedtime sweetie. Dad's probably so proud of his little champ.

>> No.15047858

Trust Verse will secure the socialist wealth

>> No.15048079
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D. Lusional

>> No.15048109

This. Its closer than you fags think

>> No.15048119


>> No.15048120
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who cares if they deserve it.

>> No.15048125

They will win 2020 though. Socialism is hot

>> No.15048133

I love these threads.

>> No.15048134

Who cares about your opinions

>> No.15048142

He is right, you know.

>> No.15048149


>> No.15048151

Become a capital owner then

>> No.15048170
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>throw ball in hoop
>eight figure salary
>millions in endorsements
>totally fine

>assume responsibility for half the lives of potentially tens or even hundreds of thousands of people
>take all the heat working 100 hour weeks
>make gut wrenching decisions all day that can change the course of humankind
>get paid millions in stock options that could collapse if you fuck up
>this is bad