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File: 123 KB, 600x600, gold-coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15135970 No.15135970 [Reply] [Original]

Peter Schiff is totally right, you cant debunk what he says here.

Central Banks Will Unleash Inflation and Gold is Headed Above $5,000 Says Peter Schiff


>> No.15136028

his videos come off as FUD boomer bullshit but yeah, he's essentially correct. Dunno about seeing gold at 5K anytime soon but PMs in general are undervalued right now, especially silver.

>> No.15136074


> Dunno about seeing gold at 5K anytime soon

go and ask people how many know nothing about central banks monetary policy and how its affect gold

unfortunately you may find out that about 97 % or 99 % of people are totally clueless about these things

they wake up perhaps when one big mac costs $ 20, to ask, what is going on

>> No.15136103


is this how average american people know about precious metals?

People Choose Free Candy Bar over Free 10 oz Silver Bar (Worth $150) in Experiment


>> No.15136141



>> No.15136161

They're actually pretty smart. You cant eat silver in a crisis. Food like candy bars and ammo are way more valuable when times are tough which is why nobody will want silver

>> No.15136173

wow, pleb tier gains. i'll stick with RFR, thanks.

>> No.15136175

this. gold is the only valuable PM. bullets and food are only valuable if you think we are heading for a complete societal collapse.

>> No.15136183

Bitcoin and Gold arent competitors, they are like friends

both are hedge against inflated fiat currencies

both BTC and Gold dont lose value, but for example US dollar lose value every year 2 %. that is official FED policy, and other central banks policy that fiat currency should lose value 2 % every year

>> No.15136195

I agree with you but the way you post makes it so obvious you're a boomer, how old are you ? and what is your stack at ?

>> No.15136197

>gold shill says gold will go up
colour my dick and call me santa, who would have thought

>> No.15136198


financial crisis, one silver bar you can buy about half year of food

>> No.15136199

Gold isn't valuable either. Nobody is going to want gold when times are tough sorry to say.

>> No.15136200

Shit the fuck up. God damn you retards piss me off

We aren’t going to enter a fucking doomsday scenario overnight. What will happen is japan on steroids. Everyone holding PMs will get rich way before they have to stock up on ammo. Stay poor faggot retard

>> No.15136209

How will a silver bar buy a half year of food when there literally is none because the destroyed economy put farmers out of business?

>> No.15136214

Uh yeah actually they will...take a look at Venezuela. Honestly I hope you don’t buy any so I can watch your beg threass offering you to stick a marker up your ass for money

>> No.15136218

>Everyone holding PMs will get rich

Umm sweetie you guys have been saying this for a century and it literally hasn't happened yet LOL

>> No.15136220

times have been tougher and gold held its value all through the great depression. for PMs to be worthless would take a complete system breakdown.

>> No.15136223

goldbugs are literally more delusional than bitcoiners

>> No.15136226

>Be Venezuelan
>Go take your store of value to the grocery store and exchange it for food
>The shelves are empty

Not one person has ever provided a source that virginzuelans have been purchasing food with gold because it's not happening

>> No.15136234

when SHTF do you think it's going to be like a post-apoc video game where 75% of the worlds population is gone and its just you, your family and your stock piled food ? look at the history of every fiat currency that has failed and what immediately follows: gold standard.

>> No.15136235
File: 75 KB, 967x442, SchiffGold_article_cover1_Bitcoinist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fiat is a scam only gold is valuable!"
>*sells you his gold in exchange for your fiat*

>> No.15136241

There will be no great depression you libertarian retard. The great depression was the result of wall street and no regulations and the federal reserve not printing stimulus money and letting the economy go bust.

>> No.15136249

Umm except that's what SHTF means. You think those Eastern European fighting in bloody post Soviet civil wars were looking for gold or were they looking for food? Umm yeah, I'm gonna say they wanted clean water and could not care less about muh shiny rocks LOL

>> No.15136251

Except I haven’t, I’ve been calling for this October for QE4 to begin since 2016.

Go ahead tho keep your bitcoin and expect that to save you...I’m sure banks and central banks will just let bitcoin head to $1million and replace them overnight

>> No.15136255

Gold will easily reach $5,000 and keep most of its gains
>as the price of gold rises silver moons to $50 and then falls back to $15 again as usual

>> No.15136263
File: 37 KB, 473x512, A15B73D4-1DE1-46BD-90D4-543A631E79C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is a good point, wtf schiff

See pic related (it’s you!)

>> No.15136266

And just like your buddy Peter Schiff you will be wrong five hundred dozen times.

>> No.15136272


Gold has been money and store of value for thousands of years

Bitcoin is 10 years old

>> No.15136279

Just like the banking system will let muh shiny rocks replace what they have going? Lmfao. I'm not even a bitcuck, you've created a strawman as a position to attack from. I invest in mutual funds like an adult.

>> No.15136293


and Silver too has bee money and store of value for thousands of years

>> No.15136301

>that guy that claimed Venezuelans were buying food with gold still hasn't provided a source that proves his claim

Lmfao. I thought gold was infallible???? What's wrong??

>> No.15136307

then go back in time and use your silver lmao

>> No.15136309

Will someone please tell me what a PM is and how I can buy it to get rich?

>> No.15136331
File: 300 KB, 406x472, 1564256595053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>longest economic expansion in history
>lowest average growth rate in history
>collapse in yield curve
>housing bubble, credit card bubble, auto lending bubble
but yeah everything is fine anon, ignore the hyperinflation that's been visible to those of us actually paying attention. you're right gold and silver have never shot up in value during crisis.

>> No.15136333


Silver was already $ 50 year 2011, until banks manipulated its price back down by paper markets

now world economy is about ten time worst at least what is was year 2011, because central banks have printed so much more money from 2011, so silver price should be much more higher now what it was 2011

>> No.15136345

Yeah they will because they’ve cornered all the shiny rock markets retard. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if the US implements a silver standard with jpm’s silver board. On the other hand They haven’t even begun getting the same level of control over crypto

>> No.15136358
File: 70 KB, 600x306, 53B35DA6-0FBB-4F05-ACA2-B741EA4A39EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time my man... this time is different

Schiff May have been wrong hundreds of times...but you don’t understand the nature of fat tailed risk. The nature of fat tailed risk is that he may lose a bit of money when he’s wrong, but the moment he’s right...he becomes rich as fuck and you have to suck cock on the street for rent money

>> No.15136360

What's the point in buying gold when I can't even afford rent and food

>> No.15136395

Like I said, that could happen but nobody is going to give a shit about gold when global finance collapses

>> No.15136414

>He actually believes JP Morgan actually holds physical silver

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. They don't have shiny rocks cornered. All they do is manipulate it to fuck with you losers

>> No.15136432


then why are rich people have been hoarding gold long time

Jim Rickards and Egon von Greyerz discuss $10,000 gold


>> No.15136461

Consider that rich people don't need to chase high returns.

>> No.15136480


in world history, every fiat currency is been going to zero

Gold and silver has been store of value of thousands of years

>> No.15136498

Wow you've got the sales pitch memorized word for word.

>> No.15136503

Iq of a watermelon. That’s probably why they have over 300mil oz at comex, which is literally a matter of public record. Stay poor

>> No.15136578
File: 319 KB, 840x853, 1563298550507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on my stack of gold and silver coins watching them sweet sweet gains.

>> No.15136622

looks like FED is going to continue doing interest rate cuts, that is going to weakening US dollar more and that is bullish for gold and silver price

>> No.15136706

This can't be real...

>> No.15137042

I don't believe this.

>> No.15137258

He would be right in an un-manipulated market. Problem is price can be manipulated down forever.

>> No.15137500

PM = Precious Metal
Buy the cheapest silver coins you can find and strap in for the ride.

>> No.15137533

Gold, stocks, and real estate are going to explode when the US devalues the dollar to compete with China, while everyone around you gets more and more poor.

>> No.15137550
File: 7 KB, 88x122, 6B88D823-F188-4AF3-9E8B-EF3214906055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold hits $5k
>bread is now $50/loaf

>> No.15137628

Why would I buy Gold now? Look what 2007-2008 happened to gold.

>> No.15137679

It's because candy bars have a higher intrinsic value than Silver.

>> No.15137700

I'm hoarding gold, silver, btc and walnuts.

>> No.15137799
File: 49 KB, 658x495, ruby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is such a meme scheme.

Gold is litterally billionaire bags.
They convince goy to buy gold when its shooting up.
The at peek gold when poor fags liquidare their shit they learn this gold selling is like that rick from pawn stars becuase
Buyers have to make a profit too.

fuck precisious metals.
Rubies and gems are wheres its at.

Your gold can shield you from radiation.
But can it cut through anything to get to the gold inside?
Thought not.
get rekt goldfags

>> No.15137816

A gold suit will protect you from radiation.
Colliodal gold,is probably the key to immortality.

>> No.15137964

When shit hit the fan, my grandfather was robbed of his silver when he tried to flee the old country. Nick Szabo also talked about how German submarines sunk British ships with gold causing the collapse of the Gold Standard. Physical wealth just sucks in times of real crisis and make you a target. You also have to rely on third parties and physical protection.

>> No.15138085

>nobody is going to give a shit about gold when global finance collapses
When currencies go crazy physical assets is king. Whether that be land, houses, factories, or pm.

>> No.15138091
File: 168 KB, 375x375, 04A64924-52B9-4A82-B676-46AAEB27289C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?

>> No.15138335
File: 121 KB, 768x1003, pics1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck you are all absolutely retarded and need to be slaughtered so you stop giving the fruit of your labor to the literal jewish devil

>> No.15138347

If gold goes to 5k bitcoin will be 100k because it’s not a fake news piece of worthless minerals that’s have more abundance that dirt

>> No.15138743

Sounds like your grandfather revealed his powerlevel to some normies and paid the price for it

>> No.15139309
File: 71 KB, 750x863, 44838A32-FB77-47DC-A304-D6F16C9590FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15139382

>"get a load of this fucking retard"
>posts ross from friends meme
the pot calling the kettle black

>> No.15139720


>> No.15139897

>The at peek gold when poor fags liquidare their shit they learn this gold selling is like that rick from pawn stars becuase
>Buyers have to make a profit too.
if you want someone to buy your shit they get a discount
if someone wants to buy your shit, you can charge them more

>stop giving the fruit of your labor to the literal jewish devil
we all gotta pay taxes for the most part bro

>> No.15140095

(((public record)))

>> No.15140131

Tell people what crypto you hold so they can immediately dump them.

>> No.15140152

They will print infinity money to short gold. It will devalue everything and free shit up for stocks.

>> No.15140161

What happens when you buy shit to buy shit though

Which is the main argument for gold.

>> No.15140167

its all out there to look at. stay ignorant at your own convenience

>> No.15140513
File: 68 KB, 491x491, behind_this_post2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm sweetie if they were actually saying that for a century, they would in fact be very rich.

>> No.15140543

Holy shit lmao. ultimate warrior brainlet, the post.

>> No.15140689

Pic related

And what are those central banks hoarding? Fiat? No, they are hoarding PMs like crazy

>> No.15140706

Link is headed above 5K. That being said I wouldn’t mind snagging a sexy mole like that.

>> No.15140714
File: 1.42 MB, 1504x2964, Surviving_war_in_Bosnia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15140779

$5k gold means $500k btc

>> No.15140951


Gold and Bitcoin, there is absolutly no correlation with their price

Bitcoin could go to zero, and that affect no gold price, or probably would be bullish for gold price because Bitcoin is now alternative to gold

but Bitcoin is 10 years old, it could go to zero, that doesnt affect gold price

Gold is thousands of years old, it has always had value, gold is always worth of something, because its rare metal, and you must do hard work to mine gold in earth

>> No.15141038

>What happens when you buy shit to buy shit though
>Which is the main argument for gold.
this post is retarded. you dont buy gold because a dollar is burning a hole in your pocket. you buy it to make sure you can still buy a dollars worth of goods in the future

>> No.15141108 [DELETED] 


yes, its official that if you hold for example US dollar, you lose every year at least 2 % value of your US dollar stack, because its FED and others central banks official guideline, that inflation should be every year around 2 %, i.e. 2 % inflation

Gold is store of value and hedge against inflation, history shows that it keeps better your purchasing power than fiat currencies

>> No.15141132

We are living in a world were electronics is becoming king, and you devaluate gold?

>> No.15141192
File: 552 KB, 1175x831, 1ppb pilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons need to get their stacks up so then we can move to exotic metals
if theres more than 1 part per billion im not interested

>> No.15141555

The forex market is retarded.

No one is going to buy shit "at market value".
Its a scamola.

You are buying something to buy something.

You are buying currency using a different form of currency.

You ever notice wheat niggas or iron niggas dont come bustin on to the scene.
Buy up some iron
buy up some wheat
prices are sky rocketing.

gold gets pushed onto the masses
and only fucking gold
not even oil
becuase rich fags want to feel good about themselves and start inflating price.
Or maybe its some bullshit trade war stuff.

Or maybe you been hearing me spouting that gold is the secret to immortality.

>> No.15141625

>not even oil
youre 10 years late to that bubble
there are reasons why the leaders of world institutions are buying it. if you dont wanna take heed, thats up to you man. keep pushing that real jew shit in gem stones fool

>> No.15141768
File: 119 KB, 749x751, 1562517327088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /silverchad/ here?

>> No.15141821

hah no, bitcoin will flip gold market cap within a year or two.

>> No.15141836

tungsten and osmium in the right ratio has golds exact specific weight. just saying...

>> No.15142039

Hey man you the one pushing bullshit
"Economy tokens" when shtf.

Gem stones can focus and split light.
Gold can only refract.
But all the other useful properties gold dont matter to you.

No clearly it must be the guy telling you about the applications for gold beyond


Get fucked luster and sheen shill
I hope your wife leaves you for a sapphire mine.

>> No.15142197

this is some next level autism

>> No.15142352
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>> No.15142357

holy brainlet

he is a BROKER, he attaches a commission to each buy and sell of gold that he carries out via schiff gold

and then use that profit to add to his portfolio of GOLD, GOLD STOCKS AND EMERGING MARKETS/ENERGY STOCKS

we are reaching brainlet levels that should not be possible

>> No.15142467

He's a broker not a banker

>> No.15143098

to be honest, buying a few 1oz rare metals just for the lulz sounds interesting

>> No.15143404
File: 62 KB, 1164x1164, 1564721994523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The great depression was the result of the federal reserve not printing stimulus money

>> No.15143416

all this can be a bit too stressful and you wont even get the best return so try telecoin , this should work the best currently

>> No.15143428

all this can be a bit too stressful and you wont even get the best return so try telecoin , this should work the best currently

>> No.15143606
File: 138 KB, 500x485, the-goyim-cant-know-if-you-shut-it-down-20586760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe a Jew who is literally trying to sell you gold. He's been saying the same thing for the past 20 years, and his father said the same thing for 50 years before him.

True value of gold is $700-$900, which means you should buy it when it's oversold at $500-600.

>> No.15143609

You know the Sh *t

>> No.15143641
File: 21 KB, 480x273, 4ed0df50eab8ea7e63000018-480-273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History proves Schiff wrong. EVERYTHING goes up during hyperinflation. The German stock market BOOMED during the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.

>> No.15143779

So the real trick to hyperinflation is just the same as now. Borrow as much money as you can to buy gold or goods and then just default on the loan and keep the goods.

>> No.15143799

he shorted dot coms
he was telling people to buy gold at $300
he shorted sub prime

the money he made in 2000-2011 is off the scale- makes up for his losses this decade by a mile

and when he is correct once again next decade, he will ascend to billionaire status ( he is currently in the $ hundreds of millions) and you will still be poor

>> No.15143841

Ask me how I know your net worth is under 10k

>> No.15143876
File: 566 KB, 2048x1536, homeless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask me how I know your net worth is under 10k
Because I'm a worthless fucking loser?

>> No.15143918

someone give me the run down o ntaking loans out for crypto

>> No.15144097

>have good goy score
>be pre-qualified
>tell them it's for a vacation or something
buy cones
>repeat process for other bank and cc company until good goy points exhausted.

>> No.15144159

Well people thought there would be hyperinflation in the 80s, but Volcker raised interest rates to 18% and there wasn't. Stocks also rallied because he raised interest rates!

>> No.15144202

I need precious metals to go up in value but like without the inflation part. Like I need (in a relative way where there's still inflation and everything costs way too much numbers) 900 dollar silver where a case of beer is still 20-50 bucks. Do you think there will be a reset in the precious metals market or a revaluation after an economic crash/reset anons? Is Trump going to save me? I need money so I can be with my gf she lives in another country

>> No.15144211
File: 133 KB, 900x643, Fed_Chairmen_cartoon_02.03.2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15144468
File: 1.70 MB, 3000x2400, CD1E3EBD-B824-409C-B027-83517E10990E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tall Paul. RIP in peace big guy.

>> No.15144806

precious metals are an excellent choice - worst case scenario you store your value, best case scenario we have a global depression and your PMs go up 10-100x

btc is also a great speculative hold

we are running 105% debt to gdp levels, some of the highest we have had in our history alongside near zero interest rates, so the markets are inflated and inefficient

>> No.15144947

>global depression hits
>start using gold to buy shit
>two weeks into collapse some ruffians rape me leave me for dead and take my gold.

Holy shit.
you fear shilling gold now
You materialist cuck
gold wont save you from the fires of hell
or the tortures of the commisar.

You fucking so out of ideas.
Meh meh ehhhh .....mhhhhhee
Bbbbbuuuutttt gold sempai.
Im so sick of boomer logic holy shit.
I do hope the civil comes and when it happens it will be all the old people against the young people.
becuase this some gay ass shill cope

>> No.15145052

you forgot one important fact
boomers don't own gold or silver

>> No.15145119

Gold is God's money.

>> No.15145231

Well yeah, that's the problem with permabears, they will give you shitty advice for the most time when you need money the most and when they're right you're already penniless to take advantage of the situation.

>> No.15145308

Maybe if you are a pagan.
We all know that notredamn and alk the great cathedrals.
the vatican is built more on stone and marble than fucking gold.
Quit your materialist cope.
Anon your eyes.
They are so very closed.
Get the gunk out if your eyes.

>> No.15145327

You dont understand the concept of store of value. You only see utility.

>> No.15145335

Rhenium is the rarest mineable metal and extremely cheap. Better buy now before it hikes when jet engine industry expands.

>> No.15145344

>Maybe if you are a pagan.
OOF someone needs to read their bible and stop letting paid lairs in funny hats and long robes tell them what to believe

Haggai 2:
6 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;

7 And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts.

>8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

>> No.15145362

Looking forward to stocks outperforming gold just as they have for the past 100 years

>> No.15145394

do you have any idea what raising interest rates even to 10% would do to the world economy?

industries would collapse. they would have to re-engineer the economy, and society, at gunpoint, which they just don't have the power to do, yet.

>> No.15145413

No dumbass, gold and silver were placed on this earth by God, (or whatever creater you believe in) specifically to be used by humans as a medium of exchange. Gold and silver are perfect for being used as money because its scarce enough to be valuable but still attainable. The luster of the metal itself triggers some kind of ancient attraction to humans, instantly labeling itself as valuable to anyone bears witness no matter how primitive the humanoid. Silver naturally tarnishes to regulate it's luster to make it a perfect and easier attainable alternative to gold, otherwise it might have naturally been valued higher than gold through the ages because it is brighter. And money and gold aren't evil themselves, it's the evil that uses gold as a vehicle that pulls one away from God.

>> No.15145468

No one hates gold more than boomers.

>> No.15145498

And you taking that as an invitation not as warning?
And you thinking well
Whats gods is mine
what the fuck is the haggai?
quit your materialist cope.
All this shit you pull all stupid jewish antipapal bullshit.
Yeah so go make your statues and base all your fucking works off of gold.

Becuase if all gold is gods like this schmo says^^^^ then we should give it do god.
so go and pay god his gold and silver.
not just some
ALL the fuckin gold and silver.

But you dont you see.
You call yourselves gods and accept payment in gold and silver.

You have been so deluded.
Materialistically corrupted.
Trying to invoke the name of your god saying its okay to oppress the rest of humanity just to keep your coffers full of shiny shit.

Tell me fuck face
who was the fart bar who took us off the gold standard huh.
When did that happen huh?

Shut the fuck up .

>> No.15145513

Except gold is intrinsically valuable because it has actual uses in the world.

Cryptocurrency is just that and has intrinsic value of zero

>> No.15145541

gold is a giant middle finger to the fed - once their little experiment ends and we come back to reality your assets will be more valuable

>> No.15145560

based and rothpilled

>> No.15145569

There hasn’t been a world wide case of hyper inflation yet. Till maybe soon

>> No.15145586

Richard Nixon, 1971
Why have we not gone back to the gold standard?
Oh that's right, because the boomers did nothing and if you mention gold to them they throw a fucking fit.

>> No.15145587

No, you fucking ape, God put it here for US to use as a transaction medium, also knowing the commerce will bring community with it and God will receive his temple through that.

>> No.15145608

Physical gold had big spread

>> No.15145653
File: 52 KB, 480x437, 7a733d6f26224e51d7f407cd01701a08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jewish antipapal bullshit

>calls themselves "christian"
>does everything the bible tells them exactly NOT to do
please tell me how a corrupt organization such as the vatican can possibly be of Jesus, when they do everything He tells you not to
>call no man father
>don't pray to dead people or statues/paintings/images of them
>pagan rituals

and i'm the reprobate? and you don't even know what the book of haggai is?
top kek m8 God have mercy on your soul

>> No.15145656

>the boomers did nothing and if you mention gold to them they throw a fucking fit.

All the more reason to buy gold and watch the boomers lose all their value through their own shit system of currency. Ask yourself how many people you know that you value the opions of, and how many of those people would say fuck the boomers and every system they implemented that have sucked the value of the nation completely dry? That is why I buy PMs.

>> No.15145695

Gold is just another scam.
Its just ohhhh so pretty.
Its better used in electronics , medical applications and space exploration and radiation shielding.

Using it as some fast pass to the economy ride at disney world is absolute bullshif. The only people that still want that are the fucking bag holders which are all the old money fagets and materialst "christians" that thought glenn fucking beck was being geniune when he told you to buy gold, or when the 700 club told you to buy gold.
When it wasnt jesus fucking christ who told them that.
Whatever they may say.
It was their investors that told them to do it.
Go use gold as a medium in your market schlomo. Dont push it on goy if its "gods".

Where the fuck does he say to use gold
where does jesus say to use gold
what does mohamnad huh?
gengis khan made the kings swallow their molten gold.
What does karl marx and mao ze dong hanve against.

I know your a whale trying to inflate the price of gold .
But listen
the only faggots that like to buy gold are fucking pawn shops and they will rip you off.

>> No.15145712

RIP tall guy?
Dude today is still giving interviews to Ray Dalio.

>> No.15145746

The preach the gospels of matt mark luke and john.
that all you can really expect.
And thats all you should read into.

>> No.15145757

The boomers have no idea they are about to be devastated financially. They think they're fine because they paid into social security. I'd feel bad if they weren't such a selfish generation.

>> No.15145805

They seem very oblivious the the rules of finance and management of funds in general, because they always had money and buying power available. That's why their kids all had to learn finances the hard way. Boomers, at least the ones I know, seem to be very ignorant to facts and history in general. They think they will continue to ride the high tide all the way until their death. I feel they will be sorely disappointed long before their deaths.

>> No.15145811

unironically this

>> No.15145841

Be Venezuelan simply go to the black market (usually some corrupt gov official or someone with connections who buys shit dirt cheap straight from the gov to resell)
Give him the silver since he wants to have things like the elite and needs luxury goods that can't be acquired with colourful papers.
You get a lot of food/get killed in the exchange.
(I do know virginzuelans sell gold and shit like that because colombia is flooded with Venezuelan coins and old heirlooms from hungry venezuelan selling it and corrupt officials getting goods across the border paying with it or dollaridoos)

>> No.15145906
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Yeah well what about platnium huh?

Or tungsten?

Theres so many more "pecious shiny metals" that are "rare enough".
Gold was ment to help us.
Not subjugate us or rule us.
to value gold over blood.
And to build our way of life of one over the other?

And you wonder why so many fuckin people angry and confused when all these dopey shitheads shoot up the place.
Please anon..
for the sake of humanity.
Get a fuckin clue.

>> No.15145919
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Well I’ll be damned, 91 and still going strong.

>> No.15145953

No others feature the same malleability, abundance and visual characteristics of gold, this is why gold was selected as money to begin with, unironically mostly in civilizations that worshiped God.

>> No.15145969

>And thats all you should read into.
Maybe starting out, but to truly understand who God is the whole bible is needed
that's why there's an old and new testament
Catholicism is evil and idolatrous, run by mobsters and pedophiles who kill, steal, and destroy to keep their power
uh oh, who steals, kills, and destroys?
John 10:10
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Jesus is the way, not some man-made organization who blatantly corrupts scriptures to push their blasphemous heretical agenda

>> No.15145996

>I feel they will be sorely disappointed long before their deaths.
Yeah I don't think they're going to make it out of this life without experiencing some pain but that's what happens when you allow millions of foreigners to flood your nation all to prop-up a failing ponzi scheme.

>> No.15145998

All civilizations worship god or gods in some fashion. How this relates to gold having value escapes me, other than perhaps the somewhat infantile notion that gold is somehow favoured by said god or gods.
/tips fedora

>> No.15146070
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>All civilizations worship god or gods in some fashion. How this relates to gold having value escapes me, other than perhaps the somewhat infantile notion that gold is somehow favoured by said god or gods.
>How this relates to gold having value escapes me
You can't spell GOlD without god

>> No.15146101
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And dog is god spelled backwards. Really made me think.

>> No.15146103

Bronze is an alloy
suprise suprise
just as fuckin malleable as gold.
And that wasca mix of copper and tin.
Around during the same time.

Quit your theist materialistic cope,
quit justifying gold as having "economic" value.
Civs did back in the day becuuse,chief likes the shiny things so ended up diversifying their labor force to start getting it. We have grown such much more then.
Man can be his own master and king more than ever.
Generate his own power.
Virtue is the only way .
and not virtue imposed on object
or even virtue extracted from object.
We must start working toward an economy of intrinsic virtue.
Gold just supports the ancient heirarchical structures that gave been in place since before fucking herod. which becuase of advancements in technology and psychospiritual technologies people have been waking up to the demiurge of ancient sydtemitizdd bullshit.

Which is even kind of funnier now becuase since people are so woke, the oppressors and rulers are trying more than ever to control society when thats just going to pressurize the situation even more.
My suggestion:accept it with mindful caution.

>> No.15146114

I'm sure they will be treated justly by the immigrant nursing home workers during a time where racial tensions will be at their all time high.

You're making this too much about religion. It is valuable because for some reason humans are prone to value shiny shit, also colors that resemble the sun which they subconciously relate to God or some higher being. It is wired into your DNA and will trigger something in you when you actually hold physical gold and feel the weight of it. It's the best form of money and we've been off on the paper trail for far too long in a time that going paperless is an everyday thing in our lives. Also the spreading knowledge of the fact that all of your paper money, and net worth based on it, is backed by absolutely NOTHING. Crypto is a symptom of this.

>> No.15146175

Man needs to know gods mercy and grace
his wrath will come regardless.
The gospels are really the only ones that are important, everything gets bogged down in contradiction and grandstanding with the rest of the abrahamic cannon desu.

>> No.15146200

I’m actually doing my best to try and move the discussion away from religion. Gold is valuable because it’s rare, requires effort to find and extract, is shiny and because bitches get wet over it.

>> No.15146207
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All civilizations that valued dogs also valued gold,goD and Logs to build out of wood ...it does go deeper (not much more though)

>> No.15146281
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>We must start working toward an economy of intrinsic virtue.

>> No.15146323

one day you might understand.
but then it will be too late.
And the boot will be already placed upon your neck.

Status quo nigger.
Rape the land more
use more cyanide to get gold
destroy the amazon
its okay

>> No.15146379

the only way to get virtue out of society is to have sound money otherwise you'll get what we already have which is societal rot

>> No.15146409

Bullshit you cunt

Go tell that to all the monastaries and convents.

Ask them how much the world of money is more of a hinderance than something that helps.

Are you just an argument bot.
Spouting out bullshit arguments based off of semantic algorithms.
Becuase holy shit, im picking up some serious npc shill o matic vibes.

>> No.15146455

I've been hanging around /biz/ on and off since 2015 now. I remember
>are you really Chinese?
I bought ETH at $2 when this board was going full sperg over it

This is hands down one of the stupidest single posts I can ever remember reading.

>> No.15146458

see this kids, stay in school and dont do drugs

>> No.15146476

I like you
such a faggot rhetorician
I bet you secretly worship satan.
Let me suck your dick faggot

>> No.15146494

are there more school shooters or schizo posters these days?

>> No.15146535

you're confusing money with fiat currency
fiat currency is the problem

>> No.15146552

And you gonna delineate the two for me you fucking faggot hiding vehind a thesaurus

>> No.15146621

maybe look into it instead of being a psycho

>> No.15146647

You fear of a global currency is what keeps you cucked to gold.
Fuck gold
and fuck anyone who supports the gold trade just to hold up a shitty materIalistic system of bougie fags and dumbfuck proles.

But wait youll say
gold can be a global currency.
And to that i say.
Fuck the system that brought us here.
fuck this gay ass faggy dick shit post world war 2 post 9-11 elistist fuckscape.
You support the constant buttfucking by the same ass old bucketheads,thats fine.
I dont, and its why i dont support gold as a faggy system of economics.

Im trying to point out to you fuckwads that you are all to cucked to jewish dick to even consider a place where transcations and work is done becuase it was the right thing to do rather than trying to get as much shiny shit until you die then let you children squabble over your shiny shit after you die or just get buried with it to have some friggin street rat tomb raider take your shit a millenia later.

>> No.15146672

Maybe you should uncuck your life.
I aint playing the faggy ass game of witches vs wiccans
another faggy rhetorical trick.
Holy shit you peter shiff shills are shit at your job.

I hope the late night coke and shit covered dick parties were worth it when getting your BA in communications.

>> No.15146680

are you on meth?

>> No.15146694

You on gold man?
I heard it gets youFUCKED Up
more than adrenochrome maaaaaaaaaaan

>> No.15146724

youre on meth

>> No.15146734
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>a place where transcations and work is done becuase it was the right thing to do

>> No.15146736

Silver is for industrial use. China will not let is explode exponentially. Gold, however, take up 1/90th the amount of storage space as silver, and is hoarded during currency shifts as seen ongoing since 2015, when China, and Russia stepped up Gold purchases. Gold is the ultimate power play during economic crisis. The same people who tell you its worthless are the ones buying it from you in scraps and pieces. Gold will touch 2k by Christmas then correct back to 1600 where it will remain for quite some time. Schiff is a fag who sells gold obviously he will say it goes up; just the same as those stinky linkie fags never shut up about the magic json parser. BTC then AG then AU all day all night. But only after youve maxed out your TFSA and RRSP for now.

>> No.15146766

I like how you guys have nothing more to say and yoi gotta post weak ass memes and with canned ass green texting.

You shills are learning, but can still lick my dingleberries after wiping .
Sage this thread you faggy ass shills and start a new one.

>> No.15146768

No. Bronze it's harder and stronger than gold. Bronze age included swords. I thought gold was valuable because of 1. Scarcity 2. Non tarnishing 3. Proof of work

>> No.15146775

>Silver is for industrial use. China will not let is explode exponentially.
they won't really have choice when the free market inevitably overwhelms it

>> No.15146790

I'm laughing because you're a psychotic idealist and probably a communist

>> No.15146849

Im not contesting that.
Im contest the continuation of such a practise. The fact that the world is in economic crisis and the other option is crypto.
Big niggers want you
To go back
to using gold.
Becuase they are lazy and already have gold.
It still perpetuates the status quo.
and does nothing to address any current corruption or power imbalaces.
And thats what the system wants.

You have a chance at real fucking change.
making a real fuckin impact
And heres you
getting all wrapped up in you monkey mind
getting attracted to shiny things.

>he doesnt like money he must be a communist.

>> No.15146864

Also kinda funny how idealsts only tend to suck AFTER they sell out.

>> No.15146876


Imagine spending 1k on osmium instead of an AR.

>> No.15146887

I mean, you want people to work "because it's the right thing to do" and called people "bougie fags and dumbfuck proles". Yeah, I'd say you're probably a communist.

>> No.15146900


>> No.15146932

>Im trying to point out to you fuckwads that you are all to cucked to jewish dick to even consider a place where transcations and work is done becuase it was the right thing to do rather than trying to get as much shiny shit until you die then let you children squabble over your shiny shit after you die or just get buried with it to have some friggin street rat tomb raider take your shit a millenia later.


>> No.15146957

I think these people are being gracious or they don't want to deal with saving or selling the silver.

>> No.15146967

Communists rely on material values just as much as capitalists.
we must escape materialism and examine our values at heart.
if i identify as anything i would call my self a syncretic transendentalist

>> No.15147009

Not just thieves, kings of thieves.

>> No.15147084
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>> No.15147110

This post inspired me to make a folder for absolute fucking retards such as yourself, to keep myself motivated to read books on a daily basis. Thanks, I guess

>> No.15147129
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>i would call my self a syncretic transendentalist

>> No.15147197

You are just drowning
Downing in memes
and downing in this thread

>> No.15147618

and you're drowning in meth

>> No.15147867

>syncretic transendentalist
Go back to /lit/ you faggot and argue about philosophical minutia and die broke

>> No.15148837


Instead of saying

>you gold cucks are cucks

Why not give solutions you fucking retard. I own some gold i own some silver and i own some crypto and i own my home (mortgage). What the problem? There is probably going to be a crash and i hope to protect the fruits of my labour with these different investments. Now tell me YOUR solution you buttknuckle.