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15456474 No.15456474 [Reply] [Original]

why did drunk anon lie again?

>> No.15456502


>> No.15456512

September is just getting started. I expect we’ll learn a lot.

>> No.15456521

They are all lying larpers.
Link 42 cents eoy

>> No.15456542

What part of "AUGUST and september" did you read wrong?

>> No.15456548

They’re all full of bullshit, whales, or insiders trying to shill. Nothing has come close to what was “promised” since google and Coinbase

>> No.15456588

Because he's always been a larp..

>> No.15456599
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>> No.15456606

What is your point? That because there were no fireworks in August that there won’t be in September?

>> No.15456631

LINK will stagnates at $2 for 3 years.

>> No.15456639

he called the LP marketplace

>> No.15456642

do you even realize what events are happening in september?
Invest Asia sept 11, then sept 14-16 there's a blockchain conference in shanghai that Adelyn is speaking at
plus Ari's oracle project announcement on tuesday will be extremely bullish for chainlink

>> No.15456645

Good job buddy you did it!

>> No.15456658
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>> No.15456670

Yeah, exactly. OP is a faggot.

>> No.15456684

nice avatar reditfag

>> No.15456690

wtf does that have to do with anything?

>> No.15456720

He was never really accurate with time. But he is in the know.

>> No.15456763

fireworks can be red. you should have bought SNTVT.

>> No.15456778

Dude if you got a problem then why don’t you sell and quit making these weak pussy ass threads?

>> No.15456798


>> No.15456805

Either 1000 or 0. Nothing has changed

>> No.15456807

this thread is about drunkanon not me

>> No.15456815

Sergey and Vitalik on panel together in October. This is unironically about to play out exactly like 2017. Anyone with at least 50k link will be a millionaire by 2020.

>> No.15456816

how is this bait? i quoted a larper wtf?

>> No.15456825

>chainlink thread
>chainlink related post
>wtf does that have to do with anything?

>> No.15456827

just like we learned a lot in august right?

>> No.15456844

yo bro youre not making any sense stop changing the subject and get help...WHY DID DRUNKANON LIE AGAIN?

>> No.15456852

If you rely on biz larps, get a life faggot. Be thankful for the autists that creates all these faggot larps by picking out the best crypto investment yet. $25 EOY guaranteed.

No one gives a fuck about you or your linklet stack. You’re not going to make it because you’re a dependent sack of shit that can’t do anything for himself.

>> No.15456863
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oh yeah baby I'm seeing fireworks hnnnnnnnnng

>> No.15456871


>> No.15456874

Larps are liars by definition. If you’re going to trust info from biz that you can’t prove yourself, that means you’re an idiot.

>> No.15456880


Buy the dip in August,
Watch gains in September

>> No.15456892
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>> No.15456894

I sold at $4 thanks for assuming i didnt

>> No.15456904

web3 was a 3 day chainlink conference and you think your pic related will do anything? Get real

>> No.15456959

Dude, fuck off...ChainLink fudding is a disease at this point. Go get help. We know you all hold or held ChainLink and it’s not our fault you didn’t buy under 20c. If you’re one of the faggots that did buy under 20c and still fuds, just get help. 2018 is over.

>> No.15456979

Damn, you really know your shit!
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning.

>> No.15456982

why do you faggots fall for any avatarfag with really specific prices for shitcoine on really specific dates?

>> No.15456983
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I expect to learn that I'm financially independently ruined. Very fucking excited.

>> No.15456994

Also, if you didn’t see this correction coming, you’re one of the retards that bought late. Trade in a vacuum dipshit. Lots of retards like you just got shaken out of a great position. Let’s see how you feel when millions of wealthy Chinese investors learn more about ChainLink. Because that’s about to happen...in addition to huge financial entities.

Just screen shot these posts for yourself and look at them to remind yourself what a faggot you are in 6 months.

>> No.15457044


You all are contributing the the death of biz. Once ChainLink goes past $20 and people come here to gloat (yourselves included because we know you hold link), no one is coming back here because of insufferable faggots like you all. There are already new forums where anons early to ChainLink are discussing the developments and good investments for the next few years and most of it won’t leak to biz until all you losers finally get bored of coming here because you made this such a useless place.

>> No.15457059


>> No.15457062


>> No.15457080

Insider here.

>> No.15457123

Is this images message true?

>> No.15457149

Well said. Really no reason to come on biz anymore this place is total shit now.

>> No.15457176

It’s just a stupid picture of shrek. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15457267
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>> No.15457496


Song and Arie, is coming out with an announcement this coming tuesday, IC3

>> No.15457541

His point is that drunk was another piece of shit know-nothing larper.
"[Something] will happen in [span of iterally months]"
Does not constitute a legitimate prediction.

>> No.15457550

>that lineup
holy guacamole

>> No.15457568

kek no one believes this after web3 bombed, the entire mood of the board has gone straight off a cliff when it comes to link

>> No.15457635

Finally someone who isnt literal fucking cancer on biz

>> No.15457641

I'm thrilled to see you took my advice and decided to stay poor and un-potty trained.

>> No.15457678


>> No.15457690

Sergey, a bunch of literal whos and vitalik the fag skeleton who dresses as a fury and badger badgers.

>> No.15457702

he meant reverse fireworks, like 4 hrs after eating a crunchwrap supreme

>> No.15457711



>> No.15457717
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>> No.15457785
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I mean he wasn't lying

>> No.15457800


Delusion is Real.

>> No.15457829

Basically I've tried to find those other places with little luck. I mostly come here now to find out dates and times for upcoming events. Just even 2 yeasr ago I often had 4 to 5 tabs open at a time all discussing different avenues, prospects, and info about LINK. The FUD is so bad its just all garbage. Honestly, Now that LINK is dead threads etc This should probably be my last post for awhile yet this place is damn hard to leave sometimes

>> No.15457891


Linklet here with 1.2k link. Should I drop another grand before the 15th, then hodl?

>> No.15457939

Make sure if you are going to be dropping any money in, that you won't be needing that money any time soon. That means 6+ months at least. You don't want to be dropping $1k in and then having to sell when the price drops cuz you have some other expenses. Same applies to when the price goes up a lot. Sell 10% of stack just in case.

>> No.15457955

It's September though? September 16-18.

>> No.15458080
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Thanks for the advice and quick response, anon. Would 1.2k+ linkies be enough to make it/never wageslave? It's wishful thinking on my end to never have to give up my livelihood to kikes for mere shekels, but I really hope we all make it. All I want is a family and a comfy little farm that is mostly self sustaining. Is it possible with that amount of linkies in the longterm?

>> No.15458105

ho lee fuck ppl are still buying this shit i cant even..

this cant be real, this is all coordinated hopium from desperate discords tokeep the price afloat no one is seriously retarded enough to keep buying this shit

>> No.15458113
File: 180 KB, 658x627, BF8EC9A9-EC5F-4E36-AC05-8A8C43B2E1F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is more than enough.
>pic related to why

>> No.15458117

Are you seriously asking strangers for financial advice on shitcoins? Are you retarded nigger?

>> No.15458146

>There are already new forums where anons early to ChainLink are discussing the developments and good investments for the next few years
This is the shitcoin cycle, the shills flee to their safe spaces and subreddits where they can get high on hopium because nobody takes them serious anymore

>> No.15458199


>> No.15458302

>But he is in the know
How do we know? I've honestly forgotten. There's been so many larps since 2017.

>> No.15458336

> "just miss your one chance at making it bro! Lookin' out for ya"

>> No.15458338

Lol, I'm bullish on link, but this is the worst way of creating hopium. China's GDP has grown by like 45 trillion in the past few years and most of it is complete nonsense. A large portion of "derivatives" value is complete paper money nonsense that will disappear in an instant...Furthermore, thinking that Chainlink will garner 1% of the world's GDP is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.15458412

I read one of his last posts as a warning good was coming for us but we would be tested and he wished us luck. Many have sold and taken their profits, to them I say congrats. For the rest of us that have held, remember to give 10% back for worthy causes. Feeling comfy here.

>> No.15458424

>muh September who conference / whatever announcement

Literally nothing of importance will happen

>> No.15458614
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All I'm saying is for him not to hope making 2x in a month. Basically if he won't be needing that money any time soon, then he should go ahead and dump it into LINK now since it won't be going down much more unless some serious shit happens. Last thing he needs is to dump it into LINK, LINK dumps even more, some expense comes up and he ends up with less linkies than he had before

Idk how old you are. If you are young you should be looking for ways to wageslave at a nice job while saving money. 1.2k LINK isn't much desu. You need about $500 per LINK to make it. I'm 19 and got 20k linkies. I live in a nice small white country where high end salary is €5k a month which means 600k invested with about 8% roi would be making it for me. That requires €30 per LINK. But as far as I have researched, $1k LINK could happen. It's all about the derivatives. I suggest you research more about derivatives and try making more money and don't plan to make it in the next 3 years at least. Start your life now. That's what I'm doing at least. Hitting the gym, starting uni etc.

>> No.15458692

>posts a picture that was made in some shitheads word.
>takes it as fact

>> No.15458713

You boys have no idea how huge the digits are in my post. Read 1Peter 4:12, Acts 4:12, Phillipians 4:12... We are very blessed, remember to give back and honor God with your blessing.

>> No.15458743

C U Next Tuesday!

>> No.15458750

Saw post five dollars
Six dollars
one hundred percent chance ten dollars by now

Yet the price is tanking

>> No.15458777

I sold at one seventy bought in at one sixty. Im not getting bogged and memed for this shit to crash to the ground.

>> No.15458863


>> No.15459072

All the breadcrumb faggots are gone. Only those holding the bag remain. Sad. All glory be to Bitcoin!

>> No.15459236

Link is blessed brother, and so are you if you are hodling. It is all about the 412.

>> No.15459359
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I'm in my last year of my chem degree. I plan to look into being a lab monkey after using connections, which I'm fine with for now until I come across something better for my own personal interests or open a business or go into research if possible. I'm currently waging at a shitty job and it has been tempting me to go full NEET/monkmode soon as well. Mental illness with sprinkles of autism runs very deep in my family unfortunately, but its only silver lining is that I can potentially go full NEET if I could commit 100% to Uncle Remus' guide. I don't want to risk my chem degree or my rights/record so I'm still unsure. I live in North America, so its getting worse here as more niggers are being funneled to every city and small town, and more kikery than ever.

I bought LINK when it was 0.50 cents and I wish that I spent more at that time, because I had the funds to do so and I do have faith in assblaster, the technology of LINK and the meme magic. I forgot about link for a while due to school until it started pumping in the summer, and I've been lurking here ever since. I've been tempted to shell out a fraction of my savings on LINK now for the long term while it's dumping hard and that is why I asked you earlier.

I'm very sick and tired with dealing with boomers, subhumans, and kikes as well as pretending to put on a smile for less than a handful of shekels when I know deep down inside everything isn't okay and that we are heading for dark times. Lifting has helped me cope for a long time thankfully and I have been living as frugal as possible.

I know I'm just letting out my feelings to strangers on this cambodian hopscotch enthusiast board, but I have faith that LINK serves a higher purpose, and that LINKhodlers have a higher purpose in life with what they would invest in compared to degenerate kikes, shabbos goyim or any richfag. I've read about their plans. I hope good things come to us all. Thank you.

>> No.15460268
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I like the cut of your giblets. May the Halcyon Fields find you soon, brother.

>> No.15460280

Wow is this the fabled OC I've heard so much about?

>> No.15460320

1700 LINK
Will I make it?

>> No.15460485

Maybe we're all the same person

>> No.15460842

Welp. That's a pasta I haven't seen in a while. You probably bought on etherdelta

>> No.15460885

Im just here for laffs

>> No.15460941


>> No.15460956
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>> No.15461102
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Don't put faith in Chainlink or anyone aside from yourself to get anything done for you. Putting faith in others is a form of cuckholdery. A comfy farm is achievable by the sweat of your own brow. Take active steps to change your reality. Having said that, 2k links will get your comfy farm in 1-3 years and a very nice farm in 6-10. Good luck fren

>> No.15461112

How do I get in these other forums. Been in since 2017, but never saw the exudos location discussed

>> No.15461401

the absolute state of linkies

>> No.15461567
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Thank you anon. I agree with you on the fact that to get things done your way, you must do it yourself. No exceptions. Despite my shit hand, I am trying to make it with my chem degree and advance from there into a more in-depth profession. If LINK doesn't turn into the bullride of a lifetime, I know I will take myself there with my own hard work through advancing. It will just take longer. I guess LINK in a way is just another happier alternative for myself, and other anons too I bet. I would very likely still continue my interest in chem (masters or PhD eventually) with or without LINK mooning. It's the only thing I've proven to be good at so far and what I have been continuously interested in. Regardless, I really appreciate your advice fren. You are correct with the cuccoldry part. Thank you. Stay comfy fren.

>> No.15461584
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Thank you anon, I wish the same for you too. I didn't see your post because I had tunnel vision and I'm phonefagging atm. Take good care of yourself fren.

>> No.15461737

They’re all namefags on twitter now

>> No.15461827

found the discord faggot

>> No.15461988
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I refuse to believe that. Some of those anons were based as fuck for all the digging but we must admit they were either huge tech nerds or literal autists. I doubt they would try to become twitter figures.

>> No.15462271

You can make me a ham sandwich nulinker linklet.