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15492645 No.15492645 [Reply] [Original]

I've been out of the loop for a fair while, just HODLing everything into hardware wallets because #longgame and I don't wanna have a heart attack through rapid trading, but I'm curious what most people these days are using.
I'm old guard, and wayback when, it seemed the only options for 100$ security were hardware airgapped wallets and manually signing transfers offline then shifting them to an online machine to broadcast
Then there was running a full node because fuckit why not, then thin clients that kept all your keys locally, then web wallets.
I'm wondering how thing's have changed.
Looking around, Exodus caught my eye. Sure your keys are local, but it's partially closed source, has integrated trading, and the old rule of "If your computer's compromised, you're fucked" seems to be their fucking slogan for brushing off security concerns.
I know I'm basically a crypto boomer, but does anyone use this stuff? If I was gonna have a machine with a net connected wallet, I'd go out and buy a laptop for that job and that job only, and never use it for anything else.
I'm thinking of shifting around assets, and it's really bringing into question the security of my devices.

Fuck, is there an easy solution for someone like me? Just use a shittywallet with one of them new fangdangled hardware wallets for security?

>> No.15492667

just use a fucking hardwallet u heathen

>> No.15492715

An Arduino with some SPI flash I nigger rigged together back in 2014 is my hardware wallet. It's damn near fucking unusable though, I'm looking how to modernise.
Is something like a Trezor T a nice way to full-retard proof a wallet like Exodus? Anything that physically connects the hardware wallet to a networked machine seems iffy in my books, but again, boomer. I'm sure taking a look at the hardware should show me it's all through a serial port and it should be impossible to load bad firmware, but I'd still prefer an airgap.

Another question is how easy is it to shitcan a client these days? In the good 'ol days anything would take your wallet.dat and you'd be fine, I don't wanna fuck around if the shit with one client hits the fan if I can't get shit over to a new client, or I can move to the new client but the hardware wallet acts like a cunt.
...I'm guessing everyone just uses hardware wallets and nothing's ever really gone wrong, so no-one gives a shit?

>> No.15492732

God damn I'm a fucking moron, Trezor has a fucking companion wallet officially.
Thread over, everyone go home, OP's just a fuckwit as usual

>> No.15492843


>> No.15492866
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i love how the call shitcoins "assets"

>> No.15492922
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I thought about using old devices as a hardware wallet, except there isn't a single old device I own that I trust the firmware integrity on.

>> No.15492942

In 2014 they bought me not just my first car, but a brand new car straight from the dealership.
It's no different to me than my stack of gold. Maybe it'll be worth something when society goes full fuck, maybe not.
Diversify. Bic lighters.

>> No.15493075
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Monitoring this bread as an autist who doesn’t feel safe without an airgapped, FSF librebooted thinkpad running Linux. Set me free bros.

>> No.15493325

Nah nigga I'm worse. A1534 12" MacBook. Took an exacto knife to the flex cable of its only USB port so only power can get through. No data for PD, I charge it off two wires connected to a USB PD plug. 5V2A is all it needs.
No drive to remove, nothing to unsolder, if anyone broke into my house they couldn't load fucking shit onto it. No badUSB for me
Wait sorry was I supposed to be making you feel better?
Don't worry anon, I mean, having USB ports isn't THAT bad. It's not like you've got an expresscard slot or anything.

Seriosuly tho, I'm looking around for easy solutions, and https://airgap.it has probably the only thing I think works for a total airgap with convenience: Two devices that generate and scan QR codes. Your hot device generates a transaction request in the form of a QR code, the cold device scans it, generates an authorisation in the form of a QR code, and the hot device scans and broadcasts it.
I was trying to think of how to do it with a TrezorGotchi but it'd require having a camera on the Trezor.

I like the principle of these apps, I just don't fucking trust the developers
Wait a sec fuck that, it's on github! Now I trust it 100%

Funny anon, I bet you trust your firmware just because it's open source too, don't you?

>> No.15493329

Shit, this got a bit long

Jokes aside, I'm friends with the intelligence community, and it's funny as fuck seeing 99% of everyone with an iPhone with the lightning port filled with glue and all using MacBooks with a T2 chip because that's what the security guys say is absolutely fucking necessary for everyone, you get a secure enclave! YOU get a secure enclave! EVERYONE GETS A SECURE FUCKING ENCLAVE etc, however, those in charge of security, those who have the most secure shit in the fucking country, are all using either libreboot thinkpads or custom RISCV rigs built on FPGA's for their daily work. They still all use iPhones though, once I heard someone ask about android, followed by 30 seconds of everyone in the room laughing, followed by that person being instantly fired for suggesting potentially compromising security practices.

At first I assumed everyone had iPhones all the way up, I was surprised as fuck to learn the guys at the very top were not only not using them, but lax as fuck with security.
>"How can someone write a virus for my system when it's running on an architecture I wrote? Nothing in the world could compile and run on this, and the system doesn't have a single interpreter"
That motherfucker was hardcore.

>> No.15493569

There's also zelcore.
I use Atomic Wallet primarily. Still waiting for the atomic swaps to be integrated.

>> No.15493757

So it looks like everyone is doing in-wallet exchanges these days?

Another question: Does anyone verify they can use a second wallet to access their coins if they need to? Keeping a backup of your keys is fine and all, but when the server a wallet depends on to operate shits the bed, what then?
In the old days, you can switch wallets all you want with no fuss. These days, with every wallet handling hundreds of coins, I'd hope it keeps your keys nice and organised.

>> No.15493768

>Does anyone verify they can use a second wallet to access their coins if they need to?
Yea, you can access the private keys for each wallet.
There is no server afaik. It's all stored locally.

>In the old days, you can switch wallets all you want with no fuss. These days, with every wallet handling hundreds of coins, I'd hope it keeps your keys nice and organised.
Just create another wallet and send all your coins to the addresses it has.

I'm waiting for the XSN Wallet to be complete if they're going to support other coins as well.

>> No.15493817

>There is no server afaik. It's all stored locally.
The keys are, and if they weren't I'd have a fit, but they do depend on talking to someone else who has a copy of the blockchain and politely asking them if they can give you a summary of all transactions pertaining to an address yada yada.

>Just create another wallet and send all your coins to the addresses it has.
Server with the blockchain I mentioned above dies. You take your wallet.dat and try loading it into a different client only to find it doesn't accept the format of keys. You're fucked.
I mean, I could just manually test it myself before transferring anything important, but bleh.

>> No.15494368

No they're not hosted on a server
Show me proof.

To recover the wallet you need the mnemonic phrase/private key for the main one.
The other wallets are generated using that wallet as a seed of some sort most likely

>> No.15494377

>trusting any device with cellular baseband hardware
All right boomer, if you don't want to go the Trezor route
1. buy a brand new iPod touch from your local Apple store, assuming you're not in Chicom land
2. setup and download the required apps on a guest wifi network you disable afterwards
3. disable wifi and bluetooth
4. put perpetual flight mode
5. niggerrig a case that blocks RF signals just in case

>> No.15494383

Yeah same sit as you OP, old boy but definitely can't go wrong Trezor + Exodus. Flawless and the exchange feature is actually super convenient although they prolly rape you on fees.