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15540482 No.15540482 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw recession comes and I'm all in in BTC

>> No.15540596

C o m f y

>> No.15540644


Yes I’m sure everyone will put their money into a highly volatile speculative asset with no practical use when their 401k is blowing up and the company is threatening layoffs.

>> No.15540787

You didn't invest any money with Elon Musk??

>> No.15540803

Come up with a better fortunate. Hurr Durr "speculative asset" is getting old.

>> No.15540804

someone will have to pay the citadels and it's surely not wagecucks with their fiat money

>> No.15540807
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>Yes I’m sure everyone will put their money into a highly volatile speculative asset with no practical use when their 401k is blowing up and the company is threatening layoffs.

>> No.15540815

When the panic started bitcoin was tanking. Truth is the promises made by the crypto community failed to live up to the test.

>> No.15540837

Okay fair enough but "your criticism is old" doesn't debunk or address the guys criticism, all you're really saying is that you haven't been able to answer to it for a long time.

>> No.15540868
File: 93 KB, 400x399, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an asset that moons when the rest of the economy crashes?

>> No.15540881

Greece, Venezuela, Argentina, and Yuan de valuation

>> No.15540890

Doesn't recession normally bring deflation ? Looking at 2008 if you held cash you were doing fine. Not USD though , EUR did really well against USD in 2008. Although not sure what might happen to it this time , maybe CHF would be a better safe haven since there are a lot of problematic events happening in EU

>> No.15540906

Yes, clutch to the same bullshit that the boomers teach you. Or go all in on BTC

>> No.15540937

All in on btc or all in on real estate?

>> No.15540948

Charts literally show you everything. Check it yourself if you don't believe me.

>> No.15540973

I have. Your idea of "panic" sounds awfully narrow minded. Like you judge the value of anything by us stocks, and you come to the graphs with a lot of bias.

>> No.15540989

Every time the stock market has dipped in the past year btc has followed

You moonbabies are in for a brutal awakening. Only PM brahs are going to make it through this unscathed

>> No.15540993

No deny math

>> No.15541003

I'm glad this is still the tune. Good luck, anons

>> No.15541034

>Available 24 hours everyday
Use this when the recession hits the crypto marketcap

>> No.15541043

My philosophy behind value is based on buying power.
If at this moment fiat is better to hold I will hold fiat if it's BTC I will happily switch to BTC. I am not emotionally attached to any asset hence don't mind switching to something else that might bring me more wealth. I was just point out that during 2008 USD went down in value against Euro and Swiss Franc. And wanted to share my piece of mind regarding the next recession , the fact that Europe itself is not in the best state right now hence doubting that Euro will do as well as it did before.

>> No.15541688

>0.6% dip

>> No.15541696

Why would be people invest in "imaginary money" while "real money" tanks?

>> No.15541807

All the zoomers here that have never even been through a recession. I wish you the best luck in getting through with little trouble.

>> No.15541817

I don't see the problem NEET bux will sustain me.

It's not like I have any commitments. No house, no kids.

The recession will come and wipe out the boomers property market.

>> No.15541837

BTC will rise during a global recession because all of the rich chinks will dump into it while trying to flee with their gains. China is a dumpster fire waiting to happen and when the money stops following in their streets will run red with bourgie blood.

>> No.15541946

>The recession will come and wipe out the boomers property market.
lmao no it won't.

>> No.15542036

Depends on the kind of recession, OP. Not all recessions are equal. As long as USD is considered a safe bet BTC won't moon. It might get you close to 100k but that's it. Good if you're looking into 10X gains though.

>> No.15542058

Is there actually? Please explain- i am dumb autist

>> No.15542084

I don't see realestate collapsing this time. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15542097

Corporate bonds.

>> No.15542207

thats literally what it is though

>> No.15542214
File: 724 KB, 1000x1000, GEStock1986o2401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a boomer rock is worth more than LINK

>> No.15542518

so many youngsters will drop those bags

the average time of long term stock hold is around 3.8 years

i can only imagine how much worse crypto is

>> No.15542587

Short positions

>> No.15542999

Gold, SIlver, Bitcoin this time around as everybody is flocking in droves away from the US dollar

>> No.15543020
File: 167 KB, 500x382, Zorak Hitting Brainlet Wojak with a Chair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of going down 40%, i choose to go down 98%
>that'll show those dumb boomers

>> No.15543025

You're gay and literally every religion says that being a fag is wrong.

>> No.15543102

What are you talking about? USD did much better than EUR

>> No.15543131

Bitcoin drops 80% only after it went at least 10x
Your math or reading skills need work
keep larping the GE and GM stock are better investment than Bitcoin.
Have you ever did better than 50% on a year in stocks? That would be remarkable. I bought BTC at $600 in 2016 you retard

>> No.15543149

People make 1000%'s on options all the time.

>> No.15543160

Logic doesn't work on boomers, they'll just ignore you or cherrypick from the ATH again because everyone buys the absolute top like they do so everyone else must have too.

Obviously this means anyone who's ever bought BTC is currently still down 50%. I myself certainly didn't buy at $5K and take profits at 9K to go all in link at 1.20. That would mean a higher return than professional stock boomers which we all know is a get rich quick ponzi and impossible to do.

>> No.15543164

high end real estate might get pinched if a dem wins office but most real estate won't crash much. Millienials are waiting to buy they'll be the floor, boomers are breaking records for retirements every year, moving to smaller homes, People are waiting longer to have kids and having smaller families. The bottom of the market won't dip at all in some places.
Everyone thinks recessions crash housing because last time the housing market crash sparked the recession. They can, but don't have to happen with each other.
the only thing worse than a fag is a religious person

>> No.15543191

yeah but they don't hold that value over time. BTC never goes down to the last cycles high when it crashes
I tried explaining btc to boomers and they act like its the stock market or against the govt.
It's a fucking computer network and they think it's like amazon, with a CEO and owner

>> No.15543235

>yeah but
Ok so you were wrong. Just stop there.

>> No.15543267

My boss asked me what I invested in once and I told him some obscure crypto currency and a little bitcoin. Everytime he asks me now he referred to it as "stocks" somehow. I've since stopped informing him it in fact isn't stocks but cryptocurrency and just go with it. Yea my chainlink stocks are doing just fine lmao

Every time I try to explain the actual tech behind it everyone's eyes glaze over. One of my co-workers in his 40s claims "crypto is all bullshit" and when asked if he knows anything about it he flat out says he doesn't know anything. It amazes me how people can be proud of being stupid but yet here we are. I've since given up and I FUD IRL now. Chainlink? Yea I heard it's a scam whoops guess I lost all my money, yea bitcoin is definitely a ponzi.

>> No.15543298

Cool story. I'm a blockchain developer and I know for a fact it's all bullshit. Even btc is bullshit at this point.

I'll keep making money working on the bullshit, but don't delude yourself into thinking it's anything but another tech fad being exploited like a mlm scam.

>> No.15543320

shares in the rope manufacturing industry

>> No.15543330

>t. he builds on EOS or Tron

>> No.15543341

As long as I'm making money off it and sell to these boomers down the road I don't really give a shit, nice LARP though

>> No.15543358

i have read that bitcoin is the least corelating assets to classical markets. according to that logic bitcoin will follow its own path, just like asuka foretold

>> No.15543374

That's the other thing. This dumbass at work told me "no if the stock market goes down everything goes down!". I calmly explained BTC is not a stock and not correlated to the US stock exchange, it's an international virtual currency. It's like these concepts go in one ear and out the other because he repeated himself "no if stocks go down everything goes down that's how it works!". This """man""" is 20 years older than me

>> No.15543381

Nice job comparing gold which has been around for thousands of years to a json parser token thats been around for two. Im laughing so hard right now.

>> No.15543432

I wasn't wrong I said stocks option trading isn't the same and acting like it's a safe investment makes you look dumb.
I'm also not interested in lotto ticket gambling like options it's worse than crypto.
If i wanted to trade options I'd go trade fake volume coins
we're tired of hearing BTC is a scam without you giving any reason. You think BTC is a scam because it's rare? Because it's sold? comparing mlm's to BTC is idiotic. BTC doesn't give a fuck.
how many years are you guys going to say scam scam scam?
How the fuck is BTC a scam and who is the scammer?
makes sense, btc is the least likely to fail and he calls it a scam
I yeah people who have never invested $ tell me crypto's a scam and I should buy stock.
I buy weed, tech and REIT stocks and I tell these guys all the time your best stock won't beat BTC over the long term. They never have any reason why BTC is a scam. They need years of BTC shoved in their face before the get it. They love inflation

>> No.15543444


>> No.15543456

I'm not sure who's the stupid one of you two

>> No.15543465

>not FUDing buttcorn on purpose
The longer BTC stays down, the longer i can accumulate.
You don't even have to lie, the average cattle is completely retarded, you can simply go by "bitcoin CRASHED 80%!!! don't you think it's a scam"
The last part is very important, for two reasons : you're not lying, and let the cattle thinks it arrived to the conclusion itself, creating a little self-sufficient FUD generator.

My favourite line is "no one is overseeing bitcoin. Not the banks, not the government... No one can give you your bitcoins back if someone else get to them!" because anyone thinking that's a negative deserves to be financially ruined and to kill themselves as a destitute.

>> No.15544058

>the all-assets bubble bursts
>tards think they will escape into the most speculative asset available currently

>> No.15544061

guns and ammo

>> No.15544370

Food, water, salt

>> No.15544404

Bitcoin was created because of a financial crisis. It is designed for this exact reason.
Smart money has already got their position in bitcoin ready for the next crash, we all saw the stock market taking a shit just before Bitcoin started making good movements.

>> No.15545086

yeah because bitcoin sure is worthless even in Venezuela right folks?

>> No.15545343

Bonds unironically

>> No.15545511

Deutche bank sold 30 year bonds for less that they were bought for. Oh dear.

>> No.15546106

But this time we have a 10 year iteration window closing, which we need to correct, just like we've done for the last few decades. Gulf War, Iraq War, Bank bailouts, etc.
I wish more people would see this coming. It's like walking on glass. On one hand, they'll think I'm crazy and that lasts an unknown amount of time until I'm proven right, or I watch my friends and family all become poor because they can't recognize that I've put in time and effort to discover these things.
I've been trying to tell people that hedging against inflation and ultimately a recession is a great way to not have to work the rest of their lives by buying silver, bitcoin and gold. It's like they just can't process what I tell them.

>> No.15546111

*cuts your house's power line*

>> No.15546120

jokes on you btc will crash in a recession

>> No.15546206


>> No.15546213

cope nocoiner

>> No.15546455

Of course they can't, cattle gonna cattle.

>> No.15546468

bitcoin is totally worthless in Argentina

>> No.15547010

They are using bitcoin to replace their shit currency and get around laws. This would never happen with the USD

>> No.15547048
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>> No.15547123

drugs and hookers

>> No.15548014

The future is in $XRP.

>> No.15548482

That mans name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.15548542

>don't speak hard truths about bitcoin

>> No.15548583

>real money
the stupidity of this board