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File: 9 KB, 259x194, beee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15577723 No.15577723 [Reply] [Original]

It was delicious, perfectly balanced meat, i advice all of you to eat beef.

>> No.15577727

I did, your mom tasted great

>> No.15577739

Congrats u went to a restaurant

>> No.15577741

India deserves to be nuked by pakistan

>> No.15577744

fuck off kike beef is full of carcinogens

>> No.15577757

yikes. humans have been eating beef for hundreds of thousands of years mongo

>> No.15577777

the average lifespan of humans was less than 30 for those hundreds of thousands of years you braindead retard

>> No.15577784

Fuckin checked

>> No.15577802

> falls for the high child mortality average meme and thinks actually people died at 30 by aging
Retard spotted

>> No.15577829

babies were dying and humans were getting murdered early, thats why the life span was so low. humans werent dying of old age at 30 you idiot

>> No.15577837

>died at 30 by aging
they died from diseases and wars you moron. learn some actual history instead of repeating fake conspiracies you read from a dumb fad keto blog

thats the point I was making you sub 40 IQ subhuman. They died from diseases and murdering, cancer takes years to develop at late age, they were dying long before cancer had a chance to kill them

>> No.15577843

Do people still believe the meme that people where old raisins with shaky voices at 30 in the old times? I bet you believe Craig is not Satoshi too, and that BTC is Bitcoin

>> No.15577850

>people can only die from old age
imagine someone actually being this retarded

>> No.15577856

> the average lifespan of humans was less than 30 for those hundreds of thousands of years you braindead retard
> tries to relate meat eating to lower lifespan
> refutes himself
> accuses others to be conspirationists and ignorant
Did you vote for Hillary Clinton?

>> No.15577864

Chicken > Beef

>> No.15577874

Because of dinosaurs, idiot.

>> No.15577876

This is a thread to make indians go away from the board

>> No.15577882
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You must be a manlet because the point seems to go over your head all the time

>> No.15577898

I was relating meat eating to cancer you braindead morons. ancient people were dying from wars and infections long before cancer had a chance to kill them. I wouldn't expect sub 40 IQ fatasses getting a complex argument though

>> No.15577905
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Epic keks

>> No.15577908

> knows definitely logic
Did you vote for Hillary Clinton, did you?

>> No.15577924

>ancient people were dying from wars and infections long before cancer had a chance to kill them.
good boy

>> No.15577935

women are not people

>> No.15577939

Ok, but your argument doesn't prove that beef causes cancer, (which it doesn't).

>> No.15577952
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you fat fuck was eating anything else other than cheeseburgers you wouldn't be a disgusting fat incel now

>> No.15577960
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>meat is bad! go eat your wworms now goyim

>> No.15577969

no my argument doesn't prove it, science and statistics do
who said anything about meat in general you braindead strawmanning retard? I said beef is unhealthy, not chicken or fish

>> No.15577979

Tell me what is unhealthy about grass fed locally farmed beef. Go.

>> No.15577991

they contain carcinogens, tell me why carcinogens are good. go.

>> No.15577992
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An avrage lifespan of 30 does not mean no one got older than 30. You know that, yet you fail to apply it to you logic. A lot of people got as old as 60-80 years and even older. If meat cause cancer, why don't Inuits drop dead en mass? If you read the research papers yourself and not just a journalists interpretation of it you will see that PROCESSED mead cause cancer, just like all other processed food. Meat without additives does not cause cancer

>> No.15577996

news flash: not a single person on this earth gives a fuck about what you think. you are irrelevant

>> No.15578002

It's full of people whose diet was almost only meat, for centuries, those cancer bullshit are memes for soiboi.

>> No.15578005
File: 31 KB, 312x470, fat-man-eating-fast-food-hamberger-stock-images_csp48888757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop dead on mass
because thats not how cancer works you retard. not everyone will get cancer and yes I am pretty sure inuits will have much higher cancer rate than others. And yes processed meat causes cancer too, that doesn't mean fresh beef doesn't either
t. seething fat fuck

>> No.15578010

Every time you eat a steak, a malnourished vegan loses another tooth. :)

>> No.15578025

>no my argument doesn't prove it, science and statistics do
Nope. "Science and statistics" have been manipulated to prove anything, including the idea that fat is bad for you, or that processed seed oils like canola oil should be consumed.

>> No.15578031

>science is wrong!! but i knwo da real truth i heard from that utub channel!!
this is your brain on cancer

>> No.15578033

There are zero carcinogens in raw meat. It all depends on how it's cooked, and this goes for all foods.

>> No.15578038

so how are you enjoying that raw uncooked steak you are eating buddy?

>> No.15578043

Go on a low fat diet and consume plenty of processed seed oils then.
People eat raw or blue steak all the time. It's safe if it comes from a clean facility.
Use logic. There is nothing unsafe in meat unless the animal is unhealthy or it's contaminated.

>> No.15578056
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> thinks "science" is some article on normie zines coming from some random commission
> eats ogm vegs full of healthy pesticides

>> No.15578068

who said anything about low fat diet? I eat a lot of fat, but most if it is healthy fat from olive oil not cancerous beef fat
so you eat only raw beef?
nice strawman. I only said about beef not other meat. I bet you are gonna call me a vegan too soon because you are too dumb to make any argument

>> No.15578075

> reads about strawman on the same retard zines
How's going your wired subscription, mongoloid?

>> No.15578076

>who said anything about low fat diet? I eat a lot of fat, but most if it is healthy fat from olive oil not cancerous beef fat
Prove that beef fat contains any carcinogens.
>so you eat only raw beef?
So you don't use olive oil to fry foods?

>> No.15578082
File: 1.82 MB, 640x480, manlet doing neck hangs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are actually stupid

>> No.15578087

>gets triggered for telling him being fat is unhealthy
how is your motorized cart doing ugly fat incel?
>prove it
how can I prove it with words? go read the research yourself
>So you don't use olive oil to fry foods?
olive oil has low smoking point so no its not good for frying
you are actually a coping obese retard

>> No.15578101

Science told me that drinking directly a shot of roundup, instead of eating poisonous meat, improves memory and the ability to vote for Hillary Clinton.

>> No.15578112
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t.seething fat fuck. being fat is ugly and unhealthy buddy, thats why everyone hates you

>> No.15578121

Sorry, i'm slim.
Did Obama manage to prove his USA citizenship?

>> No.15578127

no you aren't fatty, you are a disgusting fat fuck that eats cheeseburger everyday and copes by thinking cheeseburgers are actually healthy and everyone that tells him otherwise is part of a conspiracy. all that fat made your brain rotten

>> No.15578133

I'm european, you mongoloid.

>> No.15578149
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The fact that you were throwing buzzwords like "hillary" and "obama" without anyone even mentioning politics proves you are just a disgusting fat fuck amerimutt

>> No.15578153

>how can I prove it with words? go read the research yourself
Because you don't understand the research.
The research indicates, at worst, a 6% greater risk of cancer from eating shitty factory farmed beef which has a bad omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.
In comparison, smoking creates a 2500% greater risk of cancer.

>> No.15578160

>other things cause more cancer than beef, so that means beef doesn't cause cancer!
wow, thanks for disproving yourself buddy, now I don't have to

>> No.15578165

You're at greater risk of dying in a car accident than getting cancer from red meat.
Stop driving cars pussy

>> No.15578167

How's Angela managing to avoid deutschebank collapse and liberism being exposed as a fault ideology?

>> No.15578175

Thank you for keeping this thread bumped, this makes indian shills go away from the board

>> No.15578179

>changing goalposts
thanks for admitting you lost
dunno try asking a fat germ

>> No.15578186

>thanks for admitting you lost
Thanks for admitting that red meat doesn't cause cancer.

>> No.15578193

How are the refugees managing their human right to have their own legit social cared running cities into western world?

>> No.15578195

you literally said yourself that the research proved beef causes cancer. you literally disproved yourself

>> No.15578204

shouldn't you be worried about jamal and pedro raping you in the trailer park ghetto with the rest obese fucks?

>> No.15578205

There is no evidence that beef causes cancer, the research indicates that people who ate factory farmed beef had a 6% greater risk.
All causal evidence points to cooking method and factory farmed beef being unhealthy.

>> No.15578211

How you soibois managing the amazon burning to allow more soi fag rainbow fields to be created?

>> No.15578217

>there is no evidence that beef causes cancer
>except for that evidence that proves that beef causes cancer
are you fat fuck gonna larp for every country until you get it? you aren't gonna get it

>> No.15578234

As a b-cucked low test libtard you suffer at every word i say.
You can't tell where's the pain coming from, because you recently had an anal waxing.

>> No.15578241 [DELETED] 

>>there is no evidence that beef causes cancer
>>except for that evidence that proves that beef causes cancer
You have no idea how to read studies. Probability does not prove causation. Nor is a 6% increase very statistically significant, the cutoff is generally 5% or less.
That's why we have causal mechanisms, like burnt meat on the grill, or eating it in cheeseburgers alongside carcinogenic processed bread, or unhealthy omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in factory farmed beef.

>> No.15578282

>>there is no evidence that beef causes cancer
>>except for that evidence that proves that beef causes cancer
You have no idea how to read studies. Probability does not prove causation.
That's why we have causal mechanisms, like burnt meat on the grill, or eating it in cheeseburgers alongside carcinogenic processed bread, or unhealthy omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in factory farmed beef.

>> No.15578288

I can tell you are a fat obese fuck addicted to cheeseburgers, so you have to convince yourself they are healthy so you don't feel bad for yourself. everytime someone calls you out on your bullshit you feel a pain in your chest, but thats probably the heart attack coming

and you are focused on just research. multiple researches already count and remove variables like bread and cooking method. even when boiled, the safest cooking method possible, it still contained carcinogens

>> No.15578326

>and you are focused on just research. multiple researches already count and remove variables like bread and cooking method. even when boiled, the safest cooking method possible, it still contained carcinogens
There has never been a study proving the existence of carcinogens in uncooked meat.
Nor has there ever been a study done showing the health outcomes of people who consume exclusively grassfed beef, which is beef in its natural form.

>> No.15578355

I feel so hurt by your mean words, what do

>> No.15578358

mutton > beef

>> No.15578372

again I didn't even mention uncooked so why you keep bringing that up? almost nobody eats raw meat unless you are mongolian
you gonna feel more hurt when you get hospitalized for being an obese fuck

>> No.15578376

yes and fuck all pajeets

>> No.15578386


What level of cope is this?

>> No.15578425
File: 18 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.coping fat fuck

>> No.15578462

>again I didn't even mention uncooked so why you keep bringing that up? almost nobody eats raw meat unless you are mongolian
Your claim was that red meat causes cancer, which it doesn't. Red meat is not carcinogenic.
Grilling red meat increases carcinogens by a minuscule amount, so small that it's not even worth worrying about.
But you don't have to grill it, you can use a slow cooker or pan fry it on low heat.

How about you change your argument to: Large amounts of grainfed beef cooked over high heat increases relative cancer risk by a max of 6%, increasing the absolute lifetime cancer risk from 12.5% to 13.25%. A whopping difference of less than one percent. (Relative risk is different from absolute risk.)
Then stop starving yourself.

>> No.15578471

I'm almost certainly in better shape than you, go eat some plant some

>> No.15578483

> bcucked low test soiboi
> 150kg even if he doesn't eat meat
> found out he got fully functional tits because of soi

>> No.15578489

it is carcinogenic, just because its less carcinogenic if you cook it properly doesn't mean its not. if you eat small amounts and cook it properly you probably wont get cancer, but it still contains carcinogens
nice strawman fat fuck. white meats are healthy and good for you. trying eating something other than a cheeseburger once in a while fat turd

>> No.15578495

>it is carcinogenic, just because its less carcinogenic if you cook it properly doesn't mean its not. if you eat small amounts and cook it properly you probably wont get cancer, but it still contains carcinogens
Name a carcinogen that is in uncooked red meat and you win.

>> No.15578500

>keeps repeating uncooked
try again

>> No.15578512

Good game.

>> No.15578517

at least you finally admitted you lost

>> No.15578552

You lost, by your same argument, grilling vegetables causes cancer.

>> No.15578570

nice false analogy
the carcinogens from grilled beef are much much more than in grilled vegetables. try again

>> No.15578596

No, they both produce the same amount of carcinogens. Anything burned will produce the same amount.

>> No.15578612

>anything burned produces the same amount
oh ok then , then I guess burned plastic will have the same carcinogens as burned asparagus right dumbass?

>> No.15578620

Invalid argument, plastic is not food. Try again

>> No.15578627

and beef is not vegetable. invalid argument. try again