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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15599280 No.15599280 [Reply] [Original]

This place became hardcore psyops central lately

>> No.15599287

Is it really a psyop if you are just saying bullshit to literal retards and they believe you?

>> No.15599292

what do you mean?

>> No.15599295

Nobody knows what you're talking about unless you say it, faggot

>> No.15599302


>> No.15599303

It is if repeated incessantly in ways you can hardly argue against if you don't know what's happening.

Listen to self-hypnosis track. This is the tier we are operating on now

>> No.15599323

It's a fucking disgrace yet we're still here.
Looks like the indian squads fudding LINK are now ramping up the QNT shilling.

>> No.15599324

It used to be pol was psyops central but now (((they))) have found biz.

>> No.15599337

Departed to /pol/ two months ago after browsing this place for two years. /pol/ is a cakewalk in comparison to this hellhole - which is understandable given that money is at stake.

>> No.15599657

What have you got against psyops?

>> No.15599711

anybody who has spent any reasonable amount of time on /pol/ and hasn't killed themselves knows who's behind the insane FUD and psyops. the rat has no self-awareness.

>> No.15600337
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thats what makes it fun. like mental chess

>> No.15600456

N I g g e r, the moment you’re logged on this site you enter a CIA/FBI list and the targeting brainwashing begins

>> No.15600481


>> No.15600493
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well yeah, why do you think most of the oldfags left to places like crypto twitter. discussion is impossible on biz.

>> No.15600521

One of you is a psyop and the other of you just wants us to think that.

>> No.15600532

The IQ of SAFEX supporters is low

>> No.15601109
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>> No.15601291

that's it guys, i sold everything, i have a bad feeling about this crypto thing and advise that you exit all markets

>> No.15602130
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>> No.15602169

Always has been. But it is killing the board lately. User engagment is in the shitter and it is atm just pure demographic research because whoever does his antro field experiments on here is getting more inaccurate data than on /pol/ and seems to think the reason is a wrong assumption on demographic.

>> No.15602180

bullshit the psyops started as early as late 2016 and really amped up in 2018.

>> No.15602196


>> No.15602228

>User engagment is in the shitter
Because of the captchas. No non-shill can be fucked solving 4 puzzles to post a comment it took them 4 seconds to write.

My rule is, if there's more than one captcha or if I get the stupid disappearing ones I just close the page. And FUCK NO I won't buy a pass.

>> No.15602250

Captchas are an IQ filter.

>> No.15602251
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>> No.15602297

>Captchas are an IQ filter.
Definitely. If you're willing to do them, you've failed.

>> No.15602318

The disappearing captcha only happens on two occassions, either (you) have been posting like a madman all day long or there is a board wide spam raid. My opinion on user engagement in the shitter is that is not just one entity trying to research the board demographic but multiple and they do it all methodologically wrong; spam as much automatically repeating stupid question off topic shit threads as possible while sliding each other off the board. This is not just boring for users but also defeats the purpose and gets them worthless data which by their methodological illogic requires more spam.

If they were clever they would let the native users make the threads and just scrap and filter the data afterwards. This would result in more accurate data and make it less obvious, but hell rather freezes than a social scientist showing creativity

>> No.15602986

>The disappearing captcha only happens on two occassions
I'm sure they think it works fine. It doesn't. I don't know what the exact criteria are and as an end user I don't care.
Honestly it doesn't bother me. Now that stinklink larps are all debunked this board has literally nothing to offer. The less time I spend here the better.

>> No.15603162

That is how craptcha works on every site that uses this shit. If the disappearing craptchas appear during a non spike in overall traffick getting on a new IP gets one again the non disappearing craptcha.
>debunked larps
Every larp is bullshit. There has been no "insider" thread for years on 4chan. Taking anything written by a pseudo anonymous user serious is in 99% of the cases not very clever anyway.