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15749005 No.15749005 [Reply] [Original]

Why is reddit braindead

>> No.15749019


>n-n-n-no. n-not even a l-l-little.

>lawyer cuck who graduated in the past few years

>> No.15749041

Except he is right. If you cannot read or understand the contract, it's not enforceable.

>> No.15749070


Well your problem friend is that you cant conceptualize smart contracts. You can only picture some literal shit on a computer like we have now.

What makes you think when Smart contracts are normal and part of the average day to day life that these wont be standard and as automated as a phone call or transaction purchase over the internet?

What makes you think they will NEED to be understood by the average joe on an intimate technical level rather than just an explanation and agreement signed like a ToS?

If i cant reach this chink websites TOS does that make it legally unenforceable?
Your logic is so full of holes its retarded. I suggest you learn what a smart contract is and how it could be used

>> No.15749094

>its not enforceable
good thing it executes automatically and claiming ignorance will not get you out of your commitments

>> No.15749095

>what is backend vs frontend
You really think customers will handle SALES through software? They can't even understand the programming language, retard. No judge would let that sale be legally binding.

>> No.15749103

It doesn’t have to be enforceable. Because it’s automatic and immutable. What are gonna do? Go to court and say “I didn’t understand the contract, shut down ethereum”? One the smart contract is launched the courts can’t do shit, the government can’t do shit, the lawyers can’t do shit. That’s the whole point.

>> No.15749147

The blockchain technology that will replace lawyers. That was the premise, you retards. Why are you talking about sales and etherum and terms of service. Are you going to have a prenup in a smart contract?

>> No.15749154
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>> No.15749165
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>says tech can't replace lawyers
>get shown how tech replaced sales and he'd look so stupid for saying it couldn't
>doesn't get the point

>> No.15749166


>> No.15749177

Not to mention what if the "backend" of the smart contract shows something completely different than the "front end"? Smart contract is immutable and will execute automatically. Sounds great and not ripe for scams at all. That's two layers. Paper only has one: Whatever is printed on the piece of paper.

>> No.15749182

>Are you going to have a prenup in a smart contract?
If my net worth is on the blockchain, yes. The bitch cheats - she gets locked out of family wallets and there isn't a lwayer or a government on earth that can do shit about it.

>> No.15749191

Paper is worth nothing if there is no one to enforce it.

>> No.15749207

Lol what?
You can literally just explain in layman terms to both parties what the conditions of a certain smartcontract implies without the need for both parties to understand the code

>> No.15749210


How are you going to turn your money into fiat? If you get a divorce, laywers can and will go after your wallet or tarnish your wages or see how much money you have when you have to file for taxes.

It's called laywers and judges. Who can put you to jail and enforce you to pay for damages. That's your customer support, if you will. Who will you complain to if you get scammed through a smart contract on the blockchain?

>> No.15749213


>> No.15749222

>automation only gets rid of blue collar jobs

>> No.15749230

>My horse works fine why do I need a car?
>Telephone? I use letters
>Computers? I can write out everything.
Only visionaries become rich, the rest stay in their offices while an industrial revolution unfolds in front of their eyes.

>> No.15749237

>You can literally just explain in layman terms to both parties what the conditions of a certain smartcontract implies without the need for both parties to understand the code
Who is going to do the explanation? The person that wrote the smart contract? How do we verify that what he was saying in layman terms was actually in the contract? Who will you complain to if a statement turned out to be illegal/unenforcable in the smart contract?

>> No.15749244

Nowhere did I say that automation only gets rid of blue collar jobs. Companies that deal with billions of dollars will want paper contract and lawyers involved. You just lost the argument. Now shoo.

>> No.15749271

>companies dont fire people to save money

>> No.15749284

Can you read legal documents and understand everything? There's a reason we need lawyers, in the future they'll read code instead of legalese.

>> No.15749289

dude you are right i dont know why people here are sperging out

>> No.15749309

>Pay $10,000 for a lawyer to ensure the five billion dollar deal is legitimate and has no loopholes or stipulations that can fuck you over.
>Save $10,000 and get fucked over because no one has read and verified the smart contract in detail.
Who do you think is going to be tasked with reading the smart contract, you absolute fucking retard. It's only budget low money idiots that would be concerned about saving a few hundred dollars. Lawyers aren't needed 24/7, unlike blue collar employees, and at the most they're on a retainer. You sound like you hold a few shitcoins that will "revolutionize" the world.

>> No.15749344

Based caps lock poster, also nice trips

>> No.15749375

>dude imagine being so retarded you thinm you need a lawyer to read and understand smart contracts

>> No.15749390

I hope you lose all your crypto in a shitcoin.

>> No.15749408

>automatically enforced
>not enforceable

>> No.15749409

Yo same dawg I hope you die getting raped by a pack of niggers for how retarded you are.

>> No.15749416

I won't. I will have lawyers and won't go to prison.

>> No.15749422

>Implying a "land sale" can be automatically enforced and you won't meet resistance

>> No.15749442

>It's called laywers and judges. Who can put you to jail and enforce you to pay for damages.
That's the point. With blockchain they can't force me to do anything. The whole world can shit itself trying, but they won't get a single satoshi out of my wallet, because no one can control blockchain.

And that's exactly why smart contracts will prevail. Judges, lawyers and governments won't exist in 15 years. It will be a corporate oligarchy.

>> No.15749467
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>Judges, lawyers and governments won't exist in 15 years. It will be a corporate oligarchy.

>> No.15749475



>> No.15749476

>because no one can control blockchain.
Except your internet provider.

>> No.15749482

What the fuck is wrong with you? We've been talking about OpenLaw and the Accord Project for like two years. Not to mention DAML from Digital Asset. These are made to be readable and precise. Lmao it's funny. I forget how unknowledgeable people can be. I'm gonna be rich

>> No.15749487




>> No.15749496

US is on the brink of a civil war. There won't be any government in 5 years and all lawyers will be dead.

>> No.15749503

Biz is so fucking braindead. Crypto in real estate is an absolute joke. Too many variables. The process has to unfold with human decision.

>> No.15749506

Are you having a stroke? Coombrain.

>> No.15749521

You think people will just yield the power that way? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? Blockchain can say whatever the shit it wants, but people are not robots and will not do or refrain from doing shit just because an "immmutable distributed ledger" says so.

>> No.15749528

>The bitch cheats - she gets locked out of family wallets and there isn't a lwayer or a government on earth that can do shit about it.
"give your ex your stuff or you're going to jail" - a judge

>> No.15749558
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You guys do realize that lawyers won't have to literally read solidity code, right? There are templates, easily identifiable (think how etherscan can tell similar contracts even if many of their variables are different and the code wasn't uploaded), with customizable variables. And if they want to do something really funky they'll just have to get a coder-lawyer to transcribe solidity into human text, there'll probably be tools and standard practices that make this simpler. So lawyers will be looking at a written document in English, that represents smart contract <some hashcode>, can easily be checked that they're the same.

Chainlink is trash btw, in case this is a subtle chainlink shill thread. With how things are it makes more sense to just move traditionally off chain data to eth2.0 shards than use chainshit.

>> No.15749575

>But Mr. Judge, let me pull up my laptop and show you what this smart contract states on this blockchain. Pajeets, NEETS, and the Chinese told me that it's going to protect all of my assets! THIS IS NOT FAIR! SOON WE'RE OVERTHROWING YOU AND WILL CEASE TO EXIST!

>And if they want to do something really funky they'll just have to get a coder-lawyer to transcribe solidity into human text, there'll probably be tools and standard practices that make this simpler. So lawyers will be looking at a written document in English, that represents smart contract <some hashcode>, can easily be checked that they're the same.
So how will smart contracts replace lawyers, again?

>> No.15749581

Imagine being this braindead

>> No.15749583

Hey guise let's use an unstable internet currency to transact your $1m real estate transaction. Whoops lost your funds in a hack oh no

>> No.15749604

Imagine being this brainwashed

>holds link
>unironically uses reddit
>literally upvotes posts
you're pathetic
I spit on you

>> No.15749618

Now we know how some of you fall for /biz/ pump and dumps on the regular. Zero knowledge of the real world.

>> No.15749647


>> No.15749648

No less braindead than here. You(collectively) and your use of "normies" to generalize about everyone else to validate your pathetic, valueless lives (and your racist misogyny)

>> No.15749673
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It took this long to see those words. Scary how pajiggers or absolute lazy fucking zooms are the only thing left.

I've only been here since mainnet and I know all this shit from basic research.

Contract verbage and implementation standards are further along in development than the actual tech behind it. Are you people retarded?

>> No.15749744

tits or gtfo

>> No.15749800

Shit up cunt and show us your tits or you can fuck off back to tumblr or /soc/

>> No.15749840

If an adult decides to throw his money into a smart contract he agreed to the terms of that contract. No paper lawyer nor judge can help him, especially if he did it out of greed with a company in another jurisdiction. Sure one can waste his money to hear that a lawyer will ask the company and the legal authorities of that country to comply, but the US military will certainly not send a aircraft carrier because John lost his shekel in a defi. Lawyers are worth shit and smart contracts will replace the majority of them. Just a matter of time before mister activist judge and his golf collegue who is another mid level public employee will be rationalized away as well. And supposing the legislator tries to stop it, John will still not get his shekel back.

But taking responsibility is something Boomer minds never were good at.

>> No.15749941

>Blockchain can say whatever the shit it wants, but people are not robots and will not do or refrain from doing shit just because an "immmutable distributed ledger" says so.

Well, we are going cashless and digital. In 10 years, if an immutable smart contract says you're homeless and broke, it means you are homeless and broke,

>> No.15749984

>Who is going to do the explanation?
Decentralized oracles but your smart contract platform should use old school OO component logic that can be translated to understandable human language.

>> No.15750016

>If an adult decides to throw his money into a smart contract he agreed to the terms of that contract.
What if they are considered mentally impaired by the state? What if they're in a coma and heartless family members want to sell his or her home?

Lawyers will always be around, as will judges. The OP and Reddit post says "The blockchain technology that will replace laywers" when a better argument for you all would be to say "Contracts will be on the blockchain so they cannot be tampered with". That one is at least more realistic.

>> No.15750045

>What if they are considered mentally impaired by the state?
If the contract involves the state it can check the state database if everything validates without actually knowing the content of the data. The contract that among other things requires people not to be retarded would fail without the issuer knowing the guy was retarded. He would get his money back automatically minus the transaction fees.

>> No.15750065

The role of the state will fade over time until eventually much more accurate decentralized oracles instead of the state decide if you're retarded.

>> No.15750075

Face it Boomer mind. The last generation ruined trust in institutions with their voting behavior and economic decisions. This world is going straight to social and biological darwinism. In addition the demographic shift will just worsen the ability to enforce centralized law, mostly protection of virtual minorities. Sure there might be lawyers and judges and the classic state institutions, but without trust and means to enforce rulings thry are worth shit. An immutable piece of code has more worth than a lawyet with a harvard phd and 40 years experience, mostly thanks to the last 60 years of political and economic fuck ups by a generation of irresponsible cowardish foolish treasonous back stabbing pussies

>> No.15750093

/pol/ is that way

>> No.15750113

Watch what you say online. The decentralized oracles may decide you're a subversive and initiate a gassing contract.

>> No.15750171


Plenty of online shit is legally enforceable, like emails which in many cases count as legally binding contracts. For instance when you outsource a job via email.

>> No.15750173

>make smart contract for land deeds
>buy landcoin
>20 years later, authoritarion gov takes power
>men with guns take your land "for the country"
>muh code is law

The redditor is absolutely correct, incels. Smart contracts are just a fancy name for business logic.

>> No.15750178

Haven't been on that board since St. Tarrant defined live streaming new. Nevertheless, bet you see yourself as progressive and world open advocating for the protection of virtual minorities, centralization of power and conserving of classic social roles. The ironic thing is you are not, you are a conservative, you are afraid of change, afraid that what you view as reality might change and tamper with your perception of the future. Entropy can't be stopped. Adapt and progress or die.

>> No.15750186
File: 77 KB, 508x504, 96B7877F-4B4B-4E3E-8EE1-0D0916F2EAA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cryptocucks unironically think their online fart coins will replace lawyers


>> No.15750212


This may sound smart and cute on the internet, but the judge and the IRS are not amused by this kind of thing. They're basically going to order you to pay up, they don't care how, or go to jail. It really is that simple. It's why smart contract bullshit is just an incel circle jerk

>> No.15750224

>shitposting like a discord trap
It will redefine what a lawyer is and in the end it will make a majority of todays lawyers obsolete.

>> No.15750235

Buy guncoin.
>the judge and the IRS
Nobody cares about braindead boomers.

>> No.15750237
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>muh discord trannies
>new paradigm!

Yea ok faggot

>> No.15750244

You seem afraid plebbit. Better call for the state to protect your irresponsible wesk ass. Btw Show us where the evil smart contract touched you

>> No.15750278

Who talks about new paradigms strawman? Smart contracts make the majority of law fags obsolete by lowering cost. The ironic thing is that it will be the law fags themselves that will tie the nooses for there branch, simply because they can save resources that would else be wasted on human resources and lower risk by reducing the probability of human errors

>> No.15750284

>Plenty of online shit is legally enforceable, like emails which in many cases count as legally binding contracts. For instance when you outsource a job via email.
You will need a lawyer to get the other party take you seriously, in case of outsourced work.

These anons are running on the same level of delusion as sovereign citizens.

>> No.15750316

>you still need a lawyer
Ftsfy you conservative nazi

>> No.15750318

>t. lawyer (pretty decent one)

You are right in the sense that smart contracts will absolutely not replace ALL lawyers in the near future (maybe ever in certain areas), but from day one they will absolutely kill off the need for certain lawyers and eliminate a number of disputes that lawyers get hired to resolve. I don’t know why everyone here is freaking the fuck out on you.

>> No.15750358
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>gets btfo

doubles down

>goes full retard

Hi, R.eddit!

>> No.15750360

Lawyers won’t be replaced they will just be helping make law smart contracts as opposed to traditional lawyer work.

>> No.15750397

They will be called cyber arbitration oracles and be accessible via smart contracts. The idea of relying on only one experts opinion will be a joke.

>> No.15750416
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>I'm bout ta end a million peoples' whole career.

>> No.15750420

>I don’t know why everyone here is freaking the fuck out on you.
It's /biz/. Black and white thinking. It's either is or isn't, either a full-on scam or not, no room for nuance.

>> No.15750442

yee they are braindead

>> No.15750584

This is robbery. Not legally forced to turn over his wallet access, which is his point.

>> No.15750611

I don't understand. A contract is a text which 2 parties agree to respect. It doesn't matter if the text is on paper, on the computer, or in the blockchain.

The lawyer is the one writing the text. Why wouldn't you still need someone to write the text of the contract?

>> No.15750671

what an uncreative blockhead you are. No need to pay a laywer if a contract can be written by using a drop down menue. You don't even get the core issue. You are that kind of fag that would have wondered in the 1920's how the demand for horse shoe makers can decline. Do the world a favor and kys. You are a waste of oxygene

>> No.15750703


says the faggot who took "the blockchain technology that will replace lawyers" clickbait headline and utterly shat himself about it.


>> No.15750715


Also this

>> No.15750728


Plebbit is due to be nuked off the internet

>> No.15750777

I'm mad that most of you are this retarded. I thought more of you.

>> No.15750837

No sirs, please listen to me sirs. I do not understand the molecular integrity of the paper that this contract is written on. Therefore, this contract os not enforcable sirs. I KNOW MY RIGHTS SIRS

>> No.15750868

And you are still here kwetching about how moshe with his master in law can't be replaced because he has to exist to write a contract, you are nit even close to the issue WHY lawyers are being replaced with immutable code. Fuck I write contracts since I'm 16 and I'm obviously no trained suit monkey. Just fuck off plebbit you are wasting space

>> No.15750887

>It doesn't matter if the text is on paper, on the computer, or in the blockchain.
It matters. A smart contract can fulfill obligations automatically when conditions are met. A paper contract needs external enforcement like a justice system provides.

>> No.15750978

Ok, how would you write a smart contract enforcing that tenants in a rental property cannot own pets?

>> No.15751236

The landlord pushes a button to claim that the tenant has pets which triggers cyber arbitrage oracles in the area to knock on her door for an automated payment. If the oracles in the area are compromised he can pay for an audit. All from the comfort of your basement without the hassle of human interaction. It can trigger automatically if the tenant registers a pet with the government.

>> No.15751348

>You will need a lawyer to get the other party take you seriously, in case of outsourced work.
Not really.
If the case is about the client denying having given the assignment, and the email proves otherwise, then it's a done deal.

>> No.15751383


No, the question was how do you do it without any 3rd party governance?

>> No.15751402

How would you get your company to even respond to your e-mails if they keep dodging you on payment? Usually an e-mail from a lawyer + inconvenience fee would take care of it.

>> No.15751489

There's no third party governance. All the possible outcomes are written in the contract. When there's doubt or conflict about real world data like the existence of a pet multiple independent reviewers will be automatically paid to check. It needs working internet and money as incentive, not a government as such.

>> No.15751528

What if the real lawyers were the friends we made along the way?

>> No.15751552

Not retarded, but there are at least a couple people who clearly have their meal ticket in the legal sector.

>> No.15751563

One of the first use-cases for smart contracts was to demonstrate how a smart contract could hold payment within itself in order to prevent employers dodging payment.

>> No.15751575

i've downvoted you

>> No.15752037

How does a smart contract confirm when the job is done with creative work?

This is why I love 4chan. By now my post would have been hidden as 500 redditors furiously downvoted it.

>> No.15752065

No one is forcing you to sign a Smart Contract. If you WILLINGLY sign a contract that is SMART then kek wtf do you mean enforcable? That's the point, the contract governs itself. Lawyers are btfo.

>> No.15752073

In theory? when the oracle feed for it confirms the creative work is done. But we're still a decade away from that sort of smart contract being handled. Doesn't change the value inherent in self-executing contracts, just changes which contracts will first make the shift to self-execution. Finance and especially things like credit default swaps and derivatives are much easier to automate into smart contracts.

>> No.15752079

If nothing else, this shows that lawyers will lobby hard against smart contracts

>> No.15752104

imagine being this stupid

>> No.15752115

>computers will never take off because people don’t understand binary
This is how stupid you sound.

>> No.15752119


>> No.15752151

Give it a few years and startups could emerge that would serve as "smart contract courts". They would analyze the claims and serve their input to the smart contract. Better companies would get more popular eventually and in time you could have lots of these companies serving their input in a voting system to any kind of smart contract which would pay out accordingly. Kind of like how courts already work, but decentralized and not dependant on an expensive police force to achieve whatever the contract stipulates.
It's going to take a long time, but eventually it might be much better than whatever we have today (with people having to call judges "your excellency" or whatever because of the huge amount of power they have).

>> No.15752165

And this is how I know I'm correct. It's all "imagine selling Chainlink at $4" shit-tier arguments.

Only anon that makes sense here is >>15752073 and I can see smart contracts being more widely used in finance and things that can be automated and don't require decision making with various nuances.

>> No.15752173

Makes sense. As long as there is a company you can contact in case of a dispute or fraud.

>> No.15752184

They would only be not enforceable in the current regime of police state + rule of law. Things change, bucko.
Remember that the world we currently consider "normal" has only existed for a small fraction of mankind's lifespan. Prior to that most european civilizations were as barbaric as ISIS.

>> No.15752189

How does anyone even post on reddit anymore? Every "reddit" coin has lost 99% of it's value. How hasn't every person over there hung themselves in embarrassment yet.

>> No.15752193

And how are you going to write an oracle with the AI to answer the question "does this person have pets"?

>> No.15752200


>> No.15752216

Not exactly sure it would play out like that because of how smart contracts work (autonomously), but there could be some form of staking for when things go wrong.
Many "smart contract companies" competing for reputation and a staking system for safety would be something much better than one court deciding things on their own without anyone being able to operate outside of that.
Like Hans Hermann-Hoppe says: "nowadays contracts are non-contracts and non-contracts are contracts". It's absurdistan.

>> No.15752256

Independent investigation companies (more than one, preferably) hired for human input, selected through reputation on a free market. X number of votes out of Y = this person has a pet.
Many contracts nowadays don't need it, but some will.

>> No.15752299

So you're just replacing the court system with "independent companies" to enact judgment. "Smart contracts" and "blockchains" have nothing to do with it. And how will a reputation system work when the loser of a judgement can always give a negative review? There's a reason why the court system exists you know.

>> No.15752363

>make regular contract for land deeds
>buy land
>20 years later, authoritarion gov takes power
>men with guns take your land "for the country"
>muh paper contract is law
Nothing new under the sun. This doesn't invalidate smart contracts, it just proves we should have guns and preferably avoid authoritarian governments.

>> No.15752394

Yes, it would be a decentralized court system. The blockchain would be the method of enforcing the court's decision (instead of a police force pointing a gun at a person and demanding payment).
The loser of the judgement can give a negative review but word gets around. A good company would like to be transparent and release these "legal" documents for everyone to see the loser is in the wrong.

>> No.15752418

better to make a dumb af post and move on rather than defend a ridiculous premise.

>> No.15752422

Do you think most people understand the massive amount of legalize in normal contracts? No... they get a fucking unbiased third party to explain it to them. How would that be any different from a code auditor?

>> No.15752443

If it's so ridiculous, defend your point. Should be easy for such a big-brained boy such as yourself.

I'm thinking long-term here, retard. Thanks for the (You)s

>> No.15752461


>> No.15752517

So you're replacing lawyers with code auditors? Lawyers also know the country's laws, smart contract creators probably not. Do you think if this scenario came to fruition, you could willy-nillly create a smart contract that says "you have to submit payment by september 28, 11:00PM otherwise we will charge you one million dollars" and get away with it?

>> No.15752554

I'm that anon, and I think that if you accept that Chainlink's first customers will be finance, the "$1000 EOY is FUD" position makes eminent sense.

>> No.15752565

These oracles are just people who registered that they want to get paid for checking on things like if a pet exists. The process doesn't have to depend on any authority or expert. No one oracle can decide anything and collusion will cost everyone involved their reputation which directly impacts how much they make. The entire system of verified data works together so that you would never be accepted as an oracle with any weight because multiple independently verified psychologists already registered verified tests that evaluated you as retarded.

>> No.15752566

I’m sorry but aren’t we talking about prenups here?? If there’s a prenup, the bitch gets nothing. Be it crypto or fiat.

>> No.15752576

>If there’s a prenup, the bitch gets nothing. Be it crypto or fiat.
Prenups are thrown out all the time and there are nuances to it. If she cheats, she gets nothing. If you cheat, it might get thrown out. Same goes if you go legitimately insane and abusive versus if she does.

>> No.15752581

>you have to submit payment by september 28, 11:00PM otherwise we will charge you one million dollars
I can create that contract right now. What you don't understand is you would have to deposit one million dollars to sign it. When assets like your car and house are tokenized you can use those as leverage if you want instead of depositing an actual million.

>> No.15752583

Also, if she feels like she was forced or manipulated into signing the prenup, it also gets thrown out.

>> No.15752621

>I can create that contract right now.
You can, but only because smart contracts aren't regulated. You do need regulations in the world, because without it you get scammers, schemers, and people getting taken advantage of.

So what you're saying is if you do need to deposit one million dollars to sign the contract, that means you would never be able to tie a smart contract with a bank account?

>> No.15752674
File: 128 KB, 500x397, blade-runner-2049-28230464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the leddit tard expect machines and electronic devices of all kinds to resolve conflicts, automatically per smart contracts, or will they hire human lawyers to resolve any issues between them. Stay tuned for the reveal in the next iteration of the universe and the objective reality.

>> No.15752682

This was a great fucking movie

>> No.15752721

>that means you would never be able to tie a smart contract with a bank account?
You can do whatever you want and augment it all with traditional systems until they're phased out. A bank account means a third party holds your money anyway which defeats the main benefit for you as a user but you can do it if you want. The contract just needs an endpoint which can be something like a court order to pay someone money using the traditional system but that's a slow and unreliable waste of money when you can set it up in a mathematically infallible and automatic way if you give the contract direct control over tokens with value. As more aspects of your life are tokenized everything can be leveraged and insured left and right so for example some contract that includes a million dollar clause in some remote possibility is given direct access to your insurers tokens instead of yours.

>> No.15752749


He just said you need to need the tenant to register his pet with the government who will tell an oracle this.

If you get rid of the government aspect then you suddenly have no intensive for tenants to register their pets.

>> No.15752785

>You do need regulations in the world, because without it you get scammers, schemers, and people getting taken advantage of.
That still happens and regulators are some of the biggest scammers of all.
In the first scenario the landlord pushes a button to trigger an investigation. In the second scenario the investigation is triggered automatically because accessible data suggests the tenant has a pet.

>> No.15752820

>That still happens and regulators are some of the biggest scammers of all.
This guy gets it. Judges caught selling sentences in my country are retired with full benefits instead of going to jail, because the laws on that are made by judges themselves. It's all rigged and the only way out is decentralization.
Boomer institutions will be phased out, it'll take a long time and this is why people can't see it happening yet. Try explaining democracy to a peasant in the middle ages and you'd have the same reaction.

>> No.15753674
File: 44 KB, 490x586, 1536526093835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. retarded boomer

>> No.15753687

Thank you for all the (you) good sire. 34 in a thread with 139 posts. Not bad.

>> No.15753956

Agree with this anon. Currently at law school rn, double majored in Literature and CompSci. I very much doubt lawyers will go out of practice, that's stupid. There's just as much deviation in practice between the various fields of law as there is between a pharmacist and a neurosurgeon, but there will definitely be a shift in standard practice. Knowing at least Python is gonna give you a leg up when the shift comes.

>> No.15754262

>not legally enforceable
Does he just not get the concept? The law isn't enforcing it, blockchain is.

>> No.15754302

>How would you get your company to even respond to your e-mails if they keep dodging you on payment?
I'm talking specifically about the email in which they OK'd your assignment.

>> No.15754312

Some fucking boomer argues with a bunch of zillenials for eight hours

>> No.15754319

>implying the average Joe actually understands the lawyerspeak used in contracts to trick him out of his wealth
Please, we all know contracts are written in ways to make it impossible to fully understand them unless you're a lawyer yourself and even then some things might not be 100% clear.

>> No.15754334

You got a degree in comp sci, saw ai and robotics, then decided to go into law?

>> No.15754709

The law overrides the blockchain.
Any transaction can be manually reversed if men with guns order the recipient to do so.

>> No.15754718


shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.15754732


>paying taxes
>being able to even find out how much of what I have
>let alone lay claim to it

Hahahaha C U C K, I'll just quit my job so she has to pay ME alimoney

>> No.15754733

The law has to be enforced. Currently those institutions that are tasked with enforcing the law have a three fold problem, they lack qualified personal, they lack loyal personal and the supply is overall drying up. The "law" is fucked

>> No.15754736
File: 43 KB, 960x960, 1558382331768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29 posts by this ID

>> No.15754749


Lawyers are literally the least imaginative people on earth, this has been scientifically measured. That's probably why they are okay with solving their disputes through threats, violence and other forms of government coercion. They simply have no souls, they are like a walking conventration of asperger syndrome, unable to let go of any rules lest the robot breaks down without orders from its masters to follow.

>> No.15754751

>If you cannot read or understand the contract, it's not enforceable.
Cite thine sources filthy peasant

>> No.15754759

If the law can't be enforced, then you live in a failed state (e.g. Somalia or Libya).
Instead of the law, you'll have to deal with some warlord who also commands lots of men with guns.

>> No.15754765


There are robots that can learn parkour nowadays, AI specializes in if/else constructions. Lawyers and doctors will be AI assisted at the very least, drastically reducing the number needed.

>> No.15754811

>Failed state
Yes, that is more and more the case. The only difference in the west is currently that the warlords are corrupt local and regional "representatives" of what they call the law, but in reality is just their interpretation of the texts and subjective execution of those, mostly for their own profit. The amount of dismissed cases when it comes to get an examination of arbitrary decisions from police force to judges is just one indicator. Another is the closing of police stations do to lack of personal, the refusal to act against open drug markets, the attempt of politicians to doctor with legislation to make it legal to not have it look like state failure. All this are just indicators, that the legislators have lost total control.

I could go right now into the nearest park and put a bullet in one of the dealers heads, the least of my problem would be the police, and this is western Europe.

>> No.15755281

>How can you put me in jail if...
>*throws down smoke bomb*
>I'm already gone
>*vanishes with a dazzling flourish*

>> No.15755285

All law is robbery and violence.

>> No.15755622

Just joining in

>> No.15755939


>> No.15755959

> Misunderstood what the natural evolved form of smart contracts will be.

Anything which is or is not 'enforceable' won't be a smart contract. It'll be a digital contract backed up by paper documents. A smart contract will be automatic.

Fundamentally the issue is semantic and this poster is demolishing a strawman of what he mistakenly thinks smart contracts are.

>> No.15756131

Imagine thinking that a fucking glorified escrow service is going to take over lawyers LOL! Sorry zoomers, you probably never heard of this thing called "escrow service" before. But let me assure you, it has nothing to do with prostitution.

>> No.15756156

Lawyer here.
You are all 20yo zoomers cluless about life and legal system some ideas how "lawyers are printing money writing contracts" and "law is made by judges" are mindblowing.
For extra 16 yo zoomers from moms basment:
What lawyer does is represent one party during disputes -party vs party (civil law) or party vs state (wich represents all people) (criminal law).

Anyone can write contract.
If you reside in a western world/common law jurisdiction , the general rule is that an adult of sound mind can write his or her own contract. There are exceptions. In some regulated fields, for example, there are prescribed contract forms that must be adopted.
Also Freedom of Contract Law is the doctrine which states that people have the right to legally bind them is known as freedom of contract. Freedom of contract is a judicial concept which holds that contracts are based on mutual agreement and free choice. Therefore, contracts are not be hampered by external control such as governmental interference. This is the principle which supports that people are able to fashion their relations by private agreements, when opposed to the assigned roles of the feudal system.
Freedom of contract embraces two closely connected, but two different concepts. Firstly, it indicates that contracts were based on mutual agreement. Secondly, it emphasizes that the creation of a contract was the result of a free choice unhampered by external control including the government or the legislature.
So sc is not much diferent is it only diference is its more efficient and resolved by code so you dont have to thrust third party to do his part of contractual agreement, yet again both can be argued on and enforced by court of law you juts expert opinions (coders in case of sc?).

Also smartcontracts will be huge, but not in way you imagine and not soon as you think (think removing corrupted ledgers, undeniable proofs and commerce automation) so no get rich quick train for you sorry.

>> No.15756172

>Also smartcontracts will be huge
Nah, there's no real use for them and after a few years, it's proven no one even gives a shit. LMAO

>> No.15756194

Also when judge sentences you to give back money gl arguing code is law

Also arguing smartcontracts will kill lawyers or legal system is like arguing robotic surgery will kill doctors and medicine...it can only make it better and more efficient.

Also crypto is so crynge

>> No.15756214

Absolutely pathetic cope. The legal system is already obsolete it will just take decades for delusional boomers to stop going through the motions out of habit. You can't enforce shit and don't do anything that can't be done faster and better by cutting you out of the picture.
>when judge sentences you to give back money gl arguing code is law
Gl forcing that Uzbek hacker using 7 proxies to do anything you say.

>> No.15756236

Legal system is already obsolete it will just take decades for delusional boomers to stop going through the motions out of habit

Anon legal system is not perfect by any mean (like medicine for example) bit it is reason you can paly your vidia and shitpsot today from mom basment instead of having nice working sunday in labor camp while your sister is raped by kozaks or some shit.


>> No.15756238

>Cite thine sources filthy peasant
Did you think you can get someone intentionally drunk then put a contract in their face at 3AM? Or get children to sign anything? Or have someone with an IQ of 52 sign up for your shark lending services? LOL!

>Gl forcing that Uzbek hacker using 7 proxies to do anything you say.
This is why cryptocurrency never going to replace real money.

>> No.15756249

>the world is my failed country full of kikes and niggers.

>> No.15756252

some of you are way too emotionally invested on either side of the argument (but it's obvious the anti-crypto are being more retarded)
there's no functional reason we couldn't handle all residential estate deals through smart contracts right now
obviously there's a lot of inertia to wade through. hell, notary fees haven't been justified since digital is a thing, but a lot of powerful people make a lot of money in this racket
still, eventually you can't fight technological improvements. lawyers will always be there for non-trivial disputes and high ticket items, but it's likely there will be less lawyers and less government-locked monopolies in the profession
all forward-looking lawyers i know are big on ethereum, namely the automation of the drudgery part of their jobs so they can focus on client outreach and important cases

>> No.15756293

No-one understood what code eBay ran on either in 2001, retard

>> No.15756294

>it is reason you can paly your vidia and shitpsot today from mom basment instead of having nice working sunday in labor camp while your sister is raped by kozaks or some shit.
This post is a great demonstration of the razor sharp intellect of the average lawyer, a profession all about mastery of language. The legal system was always an expensive mess that almost never got anything right, even calling it a system is being very generous. Now we can replace it with a real system that works so that's what will happen.
>This is why cryptocurrency never going to replace real money.
This is why crypto has access to markets no other methods can allow and that's why crypto will outcompete them all. If the US bans crypto that just means the US will be left behind.

>> No.15756305


This is correct view of reality.

Shit I would be happy if my btc/eth/link stack made me enough I dont have to work ever again lol but ill take free time from checking low value clauses and bureaucracy (especally notarising shit 24/7) any day.

>> No.15756373

Wait a second. If contracts are non enforceable when one party cant read, how do lawyers form enforceable contracts with their illiterate clients in the first place? The end result of a contract signed by the illiterate would be a contract that they cannot read or understand, and that they have to trust their lawyer is actually good at translating legalese, which they might not be. Also how do courts rule over cases where an illiterate person breaks a law that they could not have known existed?

>> No.15756478


They dont in western world you need legal guardian (who is liable for his deeds as guardian) to represent illiterate.
How do you sign contract if you cant rad and write?

Also Ignorantia juris non excusa (google it) but are illiterate liable and do they need legal guardian is hot topic and it is different in every country still today..