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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16390783 No.16390783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off instagram attention looking hots?

>> No.16390811

I'm sure she could suck the bend out of a river

>> No.16390816

Start porn site retard

>> No.16390818

here's one way:

manufacture a bunch of high margin lifestyle crap in china, pay some low end thots to promote it and drop ship directly to the customer

>> No.16390819

>phone strategically blocking view of (((nose)))

Prolly a cohencidence.

>> No.16390887

Short social media and women, long masculinity. Women are in a bubble right now due to social media. But the only thing backing them is poor white knight incels. It’s only a matter of time before this shit pops.

>> No.16390890
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>> No.16390946

>I'm fantastic with words
Is literally horrible with words

>> No.16390994
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>you'll never have a based father who realized life is too gay to live through even if you have a son/daughter, the desire for which is just a meme implanted in your brain through millions of years of evolution

>> No.16391800

Women always do this sort of thing with things they are insecure with. They directly assert that they are superior in exactly the dimension that they are insecure about their inferiority in. Reject a woman and she will whore herself out to prove she's hotter than you, and will talk about the sex she has as if that will win your affection. Outsmart her and she will state outright that she is smarter than you. Let her read her own shitty writing and she will claim that she is great at it. It's incredibly embarrassing to see. If they actually had the aptitude they proclaim, it would go without saying.

>> No.16391825

under fucking rated

>> No.16391834


>> No.16391846

Those are tactics children use on parents

>> No.16391855
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>> No.16391875

As a caregiver I saw a man commit suicide and I kept his blanket and got an upside down cross tattoo for him on my thigh, shit’s real out here bois

>> No.16391879
File: 158 KB, 905x881, 1563420481027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad killed himself too

this angers me that she is using it for attention
what a fucking cunt

>> No.16391890
File: 225 KB, 1250x1250, 45454547855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick inverted this made me cringe so hard

>> No.16391929

If she doesn't look back on this and cringe hard, then she is mentally ill and will most likely do worse shit for attention.

>> No.16391971



>> No.16392009

I know but everybody says the word "literally" without actually meaning it so I thought here's my one chance to demonstrate the proper use of the word.

>> No.16392020

Buy their bathwater, if they begin to offer it.

>> No.16392023

literally brapper token

>> No.16392032

Link to this thots page. I want to hate on her for all Dads.

>> No.16392094
File: 214 KB, 1434x795, thots-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work out a deal with the ADL: they organize free trips to auschwitz to raise awareness, then make the thots pay a fee to take selfies in front of the wooden doors, split the money 50 50

>> No.16392104

>it was my father's and he committed suicide
even if my dick was in her when she said that and I was a second away from cumming I would pull out and run as fast as I can away from her

>> No.16392111

The Auschwitz one got me.

>> No.16392393

God I wish my deadbeat dad killed himself.

>> No.16392413

stop lying. you wouldve heard that on the first date...in one ear and out the other...

>> No.16392456

imagine the daddy issues

>> No.16392467

Why do women like larping about mental illness so much? A lot of them will now act like huge cunts just so they can blame it on some mental illness they don't actually have, and they broadcast it like this cunt here.

Is it all about attention or is it something so they can feel UnIqUe like when they get tattoos?

>> No.16392496

>or is it something so they can feel UnIqUe like when they get tattoos
pretty much this, to differentiate themselves from other girls, also (if they're hot) so they arent so much perfect, as in hey i have defects too see i got this mental illness

>> No.16392547


You don't. Simple as that.
Women make money off of men not the other way around. Sorry, just the way the world works

>> No.16392560

Everybody who says literally is a homofag. Probably a plebbitor

>> No.16392580


>> No.16392680

so that makes you a faggot plebbitor? get the fuck out of my board

>> No.16392695

jesus christ this whore needs a good beating and Im not even kidding
what the fuck is wrong with people

>> No.16392706


>> No.16393000
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imagine caring about talking onaholes

>> No.16393029

I can see why her dad offed himself

>> No.16393044


Now that ain't nice is it? Be nice

>> No.16393069

men dont make money off women? you need to go out more

>> No.16393073
File: 157 KB, 1000x800, A29B89CC-EB8A-41C7-BBCF-DE34A918C037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>16393029 (You) #

>Now that ain't nice is it? Be nice

>> No.16393085
File: 155 KB, 1158x2048, all women are whores except for my mom who is based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone committed suicide and I started thinking about myself immediately

>> No.16393091

why did u cover her username u fucking faggot piece of shit

>> No.16393129

I'd ask you to post good writing of your own, but you'd throw a tantrum if I told you to do it without irony and without insults

>> No.16393137

fuck off faggot. don't have to be a baker to know the bread is stale

>> No.16393144


I can only speak for myself of course... If I hd told my woman she needs to pay for everything, she would ask me if I am crazy... bu this might be a generational difference. So if you are smart and young, you say yes

>> No.16393156


>> No.16393169


Come on, don't shit ur pants, we will be very specific and neutral and FACTUAL

>> No.16393191
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>> No.16393207

She's probably the reason her dad killed herself.

>> No.16393283

The people who find these pics deserve to find them because they're in some capacity involved with the cesspit that is modern social media.

Like, seriously, what the fuck did you expect to see on there, other than exactly that? Also, OP's pic related may be a chop, it reads way too retarded to be real

>> No.16393290

oh and btw

>inb4 "but i jus lurk instagram to make fun of thots"

>> No.16393303

grief does funny things to people

>> No.16393384

How long is the human race sustainable at this rate? Taking pride in degeneracy and perversion. Of course many of them blame it on the state of the world today and claim this the only way to assimilate to it. Theoretically seen the dad is a genetic dead end now, but the daughter managed to adapt to the perversion and adopted it. Therefore will reproduce further ?! Such developments inevintably lead to barbaric society taking history in consideration, is it different this time now? Apathy, numbness and nihilism people having no problem with that?

>> No.16393458

The end is near so whatever. I only want to live long enough to see these degenerates starve and freeze to death in the upcoming apocalypse.

>> No.16393506

yeah no, i dont think its good to await for a doomsday kind of scenario. maybe we will adapt to a hyper capitalistic AI technocracy deleting certain moral concepts out of the building of society. this could vastly increase the progress of human kind advancements.

>> No.16393538

Nah I want materialistic fags like you to suffer and die a miserable death.

>> No.16393585

>Nah I want materialistic fags like you to suffer and die a miserable death.

posted on /BIZ/ business and finance, the irony isnt lost on me

yeah bud, its not like me as an anonymous image board browser approve a scenario like this. i am just laying out, where its possibly headed. not like am in control of anything of that

>> No.16393597

you're her brother?

>> No.16393627

We are running on the vapor of previous generations, just you until zoomers start to reproduce

>> No.16393641

Like what?

>> No.16393647


>> No.16393655

Lmao what the fuck. There's no way zoomers have gotten THIS bad.

>> No.16393677

the image I posted is from tiktok, not instagram and also not my screenshot
OP also didn't screenshot that himself
now ur posts look dumb

>> No.16393683

Who gives a fuck? All normalfag socmedia is interchangeable.

>> No.16393693

suck a shitlog out of my anus bitch

>> No.16393699

>human kind
Fuck off back to plebbit. It is, and always has been, mankind.

>> No.16393703

this is that fucking andy shit logposter from /b/ isn't it?

>> No.16393706

To be fair the person that commits suicide isn't thinking of the people that love them so fuck them

>> No.16393707

Zoomers are scarcely people. Zoomer women are literal subhumans.

>> No.16393716

is that someone interesting or just another porn thing like 90% of that board has become?

>> No.16393721

>Girl loses her father
>Instantly begins to sell her body online
Goes to show the importance of the family.

>> No.16393732

It's a survival mechanism. Women depend on men to protect them. Without her father around, she'll need to find some other man, so she basically sells her body online. Kinda sad desu.

>> No.16393790
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>> No.16393861

I thought it was winter

>> No.16393970

we're aussies m8. and go back

>> No.16394005
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>> No.16394343

poor guy finally thought about it logically

>> No.16394493 [DELETED] 

godammit anon

>> No.16394543

short the finance companies that finance iphones. most people are poor and cant even afford a $1,000 iphone. everyone is financing them. once a little bump in the economy happens they will all default.

>> No.16394552


>> No.16394659

So you admit she may be bad but still better than you? Aight also fine

>> No.16394748
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competition is very stiff

>> No.16394759

women are literally children

>> No.16394764


>> No.16394769

men are literally retards

>> No.16394777

t. roast beef

>> No.16394786

Checked and based

>> No.16394794

t. retard

>> No.16394798

She posted all those words with a picture of her tits and coochie, I'm sure he's proud.

>> No.16394826
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 1573363892307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl is clearly having a psychotic breakdown, which is no surprise. The thing /biz/lets don't realize is that a lot of these Instagram thots are literally mentally ill, and I'm not talking "I'm SO depressed!" babby-tier mental illness. They have sociopathic disorders and other depression/anxiety related disorders that propel them to seek approval and deny any shame associated with posting such self-centered cringeworthy nonsense weeks in and weeks out. Almost all of them end up deleting social media every few months/years after having mental breakdowns.

I fucked an Instagram braphog a total of 3 (three) times, didn't talk to her for months, and out of nowhere she ended up stalking my current girlfriend and trying to get her to break up with me, because Instagram braphogs are fucking mentally ill and have a distorted perception of reality. It's scary stuff.

>> No.16394846

My sister killed herself years ago. I still think this about her time and time again. She told me she was hearing sounds before she offed herself. I dont know if its fair to judge all suicide like this desu.

>> No.16394880

I can see why the poor guy committed suicide

>> No.16394917


>> No.16394922

schizophrenia most likely. it's too bad she couldn't have gotten proper medical treatment.

>> No.16394941

>T. doesn't know what fashionova and other businesses capitalizing off of media influencers are up to behind the scenes

There are WAY more than just whiteknights propping these chicks up. The whiteknights are pawns and cannon fodder, not the actual base support for the girls at the top of the social media food chain.

>> No.16394984

u mad roastie?

>> No.16395126

Yes. And how could we profit from _that_?

>> No.16395278

This goes for anyone and anything but women definitely seem to have built in inferiority complexes as you say.

>> No.16395281

Did his blanket get piss and shit on it when he died?

>> No.16395289

>business and finance
Fuck off

>> No.16395320

Literal plebbitor

>> No.16395350

Create a mental health institute

>> No.16395399

But they don't want treatment. Otherwise they could already go there.
Nah, we need to profit from them becoming even more extreme. Perhaps live-streamed challenges?

>> No.16395422

Begone coomer

>> No.16395427

Where do you think you are

>> No.16395438


>> No.16395461


>> No.16395484


>> No.16395493

the human race was a mistake and i hope our progenitors have found a better bootloader for digital intelligence since

>> No.16395544

this is sad desu and just because she's attractive people won't call her on her shit and she'll continue to live in delusion

>> No.16395554

roastie summer camp

>> No.16395579

She isn’t though

>> No.16395653
File: 1.07 MB, 150x200, 1574194356264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post in the thread and trips.

>> No.16395711

>I'm a special mentally ill scary psycho. I'm very high status also because I'm a female. I have tits and vagina. Give me attention to validate me

>> No.16395752

shes not any more mental than your average female tho tbqh. 'I' 15 times per sentence etc., this is standard issue stuff.

>> No.16395782

She a cute
Would marry desu

>> No.16395798

If I ever start a grindcore band I'm gonna call it "Auschwitz Selfie"

>> No.16395810


>> No.16395813

She'd post three months later in your sweater.