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16698487 No.16698487 [Reply] [Original]

Wish I had started doing this 10 years ago
I was always tired during the day (yet would always feel awake and energetic at night when I had to sleep) and that really killed my ambitions. Only been drinking it for a week and I'm about to start a business
If your family members have ever told you to just "get your energy naturally - lift weights, do yoga, get 8 hrs sleep, etc" it's all bullshit. We've got different genetics and some of us need this shit. If you're not on the right track, drink coffee, microdose some drugs, see if that shit doesn't change the course
Also stupid faggy mug in pic

>> No.16698495

nice fuck my ass daddy omg

>> No.16698524

Sounds like a fuck ton of cope and rationalization, desu.

That said, I've been drinking it since I was 12. First, I would inhale it when it was available at church and gatherings. Then it just escalated. The old wives tale isn't true. It didn't stunt my growth, but if it did, I guess that's a good thing because I peaked out at 6'2"

However, I feel like I have meshed as one with it. I get a near immediate migraine if I don't have it by 1pm. And I can't get out of bed if I am without it a few days...like a depression but only the deep fatigue part of it.

I wish I started later, after my brain got more of a head start in maturing.

>> No.16698530
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Imagine not brewing your own 1% coffee.

>> No.16698545

Looks like you live in your parents attic. Good job man, living the dream.

>> No.16698547

geezus, that espresso machine looks legit italian. How much did it cost? Is it mainly stainless steel?

>> No.16698549

I started 10 years later than I should have, so now I feel like I missed out on making my life better because I was always so damn tired
The first day I drank it I felt sick to my stomach
I kept drinking it because I hoped it would grow on me and finally solve my daytime sleepiness
Haven't gotten any headaches yet thankfully
How many cups do you drink per day?

>> No.16698556

Chemical dependency isnt a good thing, retards.

>> No.16698557

I don't get all the effort people put into this shit. Coffee tastes okay but I might just switch to caffeine pills instead

>> No.16698567

My office is my spare bedroom. I have a small kitchen and prefer the smells of freshly brewed a Ethiopians through my work day.
It’s a Quick Mill Alexia. Best single boiler. Great for espresso, shit for milk drinks. It’s a $1500 machine but I got it on Craigslist for $200. Had a broken bracket that was fixed with $7 of JB weld. Retail value of that gear is over $4000

>> No.16698569

Thinking in cups per day is plebian.
Eventually you cup out cream and sugar and think about cost-effectiveness and taste of black coffee.
So I do extra strong french presses and espresso shots now and then - maybe 2 shots a day.
It's hard to quanitfy the caffiene intake... I need to check. But I think it's enough to caffeine to kill a small child.

>> No.16698583

You probably never drank 1% coffee. Tastes more like tea to be honest. I buy 5lb bags. Buying coffee outside the house is a waste of money.

>> No.16698593


I've been drinking 8 black cups of Folger's classic roast a day. I've basically turned into Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

>> No.16698609

Would rather be chemically dependent than tired all day

Same kind I've been drinking, I can drink 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon and that seems to do it for me

>> No.16698619

>Thinking in cups per day is plebian.
Well I said I was new to this, so yeah I'm a coffee pleb

Sounds like drinking decaf? I'm only doing this for the energy not taste anyways

>> No.16698643

The way the coffee is brewed matters a lot in how much caffiene it has. I tiny espresso shot has about the same caffiene as 8 oz of brewed coffee.

You can make a french press very caffinated with more coffee grounds and long steeping time, also.

One thing I want to suggest since you sound like me a lot... Have you ever checked your Vitamin D levels? You can talk your doctor to throw in the D test during your physical.

Mine was extremely low in my late teens, even though I was outside whenever I was not in school and otherwise healthy. I came to find out that it runs in my family. A lot of my immediate family started finding out they had low D also.

It helped immensely with my mood. Another good sign it could be low is that you get upper respitory illness frequently -- you always catch a cold, sinus infection, or bronchitis etc.

>> No.16698661

it's fucking disgusting how proud you are of a god damn coffee machine. it's a coffee machine.... the difference between a $15 dollar french press and a $1500 Quick Mill Alexia is minimal and you know it.

>> No.16698676

Try to make that argument with a Walmart blender and a Vitamix though.

>> No.16698687
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>haha dont talk to me until I've had my morning coffee amirite guys.

>> No.16698713

Damn white people are cringe

>> No.16698736

I’m a nigger

>> No.16698770

Coffee can be nice but eventually you develop a tolerance, at which point you should take a break and reset. I drink tea more than coffee. Coffee kinda makes me feel trippy sometimes, like a very light dose of acid.

>> No.16698800

French press is imersion. Alexia is espresso. Enjoy your gains anon. Or do you have none?

>> No.16698832

Its poison will eat your stomach lining, destroy your gut biome, cause calcium to build up in your blood ect ect. Eventually you will need it just to stay awake. Best thing you can do is carnivore. Coffee basically sends a stress response to your body to pump adrenaline. If you drink it once a week then maybe you'll be alright but you wont.

>> No.16698868


>> No.16699040

I find that taking a break from coffee actually feels good and brings back a sense of clarity that somehow becomes obscured somewhere along the path of habitual coffee use.

>> No.16699056


>> No.16699089
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Quick mill is kino, this is a 20 year old machine i bought for 50 euro. Replaced the steam pipe and is working for years now. Dont have place for my grinder now so im using Illy ESE servings and they are great

>> No.16699114


aaaaand into the gaschamber you go

>> No.16699223

Nice countertop.

>> No.16699238

get an aeropress and a grinder and a scale.
enjoy better coffee

>> No.16699349

Coffee is my luxury item I indulge in. I don't use my aeropress much these days but it makes top tier coffee. Skip the blade grinders and get a high end hand grinder.

>> No.16699350

Fag \’fag\ •n

>> No.16700128

Yea I get it, like shots of vodka vs cans of beer. I don't drink alcohol, just making a comparison.
>One thing I want to suggest since you sound like me a lot... Have you ever checked your Vitamin D levels? You can talk your doctor to throw in the D test during your physical.
No but I do take a multi every day. I'll look into it. I know I have a family member with the vitamin d deficiency problem

Hope I don't get like that, but oh well

Yea I probably won't drink it on the weekends. Haven't noticed any loss of clarity, if anything it's been helping me on that end

Seems to be conflicting opinions on the effects of it all over the net. As I said I might just switch to caffeine tablets

I'm sure I have a friend that has something like that, will have to try it someday I guess to see if things are any better.

>> No.16700146

You won't notice much if its not within 4 weeks of roasting and freshly ground. Preferably ground by a decent burr grinder.

>> No.16700156
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Coffee gives you a sudden spike of energy but you crash hard later.

Tea gives you a gradual rise of energy and a gradual slowdown which is better for you.

>> No.16700164

>Why do people go to fine restaurants / cook good tasting food?
>Why do people drink good wine instead of taking shots of Everclear
>Why do people wear nice clothes instead of plain cotton shirts and pants?
>Why do people drive sports cars instead of just riding the bus?
>Why do people do anything that they enjoy instead of living life like a mindless automaton

>> No.16700196

What is that between the scale and the spoon?

>> No.16700206

>caffeine pills

Look into the chemistry of coffee sometime. There's a lot more going on then just caffeine.

I sometimes use pills but they aren't a substitute for actual coffee IMO. they don't feel quite the same.

>> No.16700208

>Why do people invest thousands of dollars into cryptocurrencies without researching, but they can't pay off their bills or student loans?

>> No.16700210

>Why do people drive sports cars instead of just riding the bus?
More like an economy car

But yeah I get your point

>> No.16700223

This is some bullshit

>> No.16700225

Very scientific graph you got there...

>> No.16700244 [DELETED] 

>fixed with $7 of JB weld.

well done

>> No.16700249

>chemical dependence has never fucked anyone up before
careful anon, you're playing a dangerous game
I like coffee too, just make sure you are using it for beneficial purposes and not just getting jacked up and browsing 4chan all day
That's how you end up sucking dick for crack

>> No.16700259

>$1500 machine but I got it on Craigslist for $200. Had a broken bracket that was fixed with $7 of JB weld.

well done

>> No.16700262

nice to see you embracing your transition to boomer, op

>> No.16700275

Wait til u get your hands on meth, Coke, crank, or even Adderall. There's a reason strong stimulants are in high demand. My fav was always ephedrine. Wish they never banned it from US, bunch of pussies

>> No.16700283

Cheap laminate countertop, it is sturdy but it blows compared to granite or composite

>> No.16700295

>faps too much
>drinks coffee
>thinks he can conquer the world now
You have so much to learn

>> No.16700319

jewish tricks
be happy with what you have
still a countertop, mate

>> No.16700359

Its a tool for WDT(Weiss distribution technique). Used to break up some clumps that come from the grinder allowing for a better, more even extraction.

>> No.16700400


yeeeeahh I've heard about that. Was huge with the rapid weight loss crowd.

>> No.16700403

Quick googling says that it's for espresso. Is that correct, or would I get use out of it with a Chemex?

>> No.16700441

Only for espresso. I utilize James Hoffmans v60 for when I brew chemex. I do stir in the beginning. Swirling does wet all ground.

v60 has a thinner filter so it has more oils. I prefer a v60 over a chemex for 80% of the coffee I brew. Chemex works well with medium-dark roasts IMO.

>> No.16700457
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>> No.16700515

You are all amazingly ignorant.
Coffee comes from a bean grown by Colombian niggers in the mountains.
It got marketed as a cash crop in South America until Coca out-shadowed it.
you are all being cucked into addiction by some natives that wanted money and claimed it had health benefits.
Tulip bulbs you fucking idiots.
If you need coffee to function you are weak.