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File: 175 KB, 1039x1353, 1529253309234[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16933406 No.16933406 [Reply] [Original]

Thought you could make bank in Germany with leveraged trading?
Well turns out that the refugees are in more need of your money then yourself!

According to a new law that was already passed the following is now active:

>At the moment it is common at the end of the year to offset wins and losses in order to pay a 25% tax on the wins or zero tax when the losses were larger than the wins.

>Now it will only be possible to offset max 10.000 EUR of losses.


Until now:

A trader has earned 1.200.000 EUR in a year of trading and accumulated 1.000.000 EUR of losses.

That means he has to pay (1.200.000-1.000.000)*0.25=50.000 EUR tax

His income will be 200.000-50.000=150.000 EUR

After the law (right now):

Tax to pay (1.200.000-10.000)*0.25=297.500 EUR

Income 200.000-297.500=-97.500 EUR

Yep, that's right that's NEGATIVE MINUS 97500 EUR which the trader has to give to the state.

Thanks Merkel voters!

>> No.16933411

source: https://www.welt.de/finanzen/article205127736/Einkommensteuergesetz-Aenderung-mit-absurden-Folgen-fuer-Sparer.html

>> No.16933412

This is what happens when you allow hitler to lose

>> No.16933418

Most retards lose money leverage trading anyway, better it go to the state than (((them)))

>> No.16933423

Someone should neck her.

She's not even a proud German. She can't stand sight of the flag.

>> No.16933427


In the past you could make money if your wins were larger than your losses, now you can't

>> No.16933438

just dont trade options and shit then you faggot whats the big deal
much more pissed that they lowered the gold limits to 2k euro soon you wont even be able to buy a single ounce without showing ID: oh well Im emmigrating to the US anyway, fuck German cucks let it all go to hell.

>> No.16933442
File: 104 KB, 300x225, yukyukyuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! Give to the state!

>> No.16933443

if you trade those large sums just move to another country

>> No.16933452

fucking paid article
can some krautfren copypaste?

>> No.16933458

Europe is so sad. I was just reading another thread by a Bulgarian guy who wants to come to America. It blows my mind that any European would want to stay in Europe instead of coming here. You guys are basically slaves to your governments, and your governments' priority is no longer improving the lives of their citizens.

>> No.16933478

I’m not a fan of the Weimar cuck tricolor either desu.

>> No.16933482

where does leverage come into the picture. It seems to me this applies to all trades, not just leveraged. What a fucking shithole. This is pouring cold water on the economy. Germany will collapse withing 10-20 years

>> No.16933490

>live in occupied nation
>the occupational force financial policies are designed to protect their owners
>wonders why they're getting fucked

>> No.16933492

Two options:
1. Leave
2. Don't pay

>> No.16933494 [DELETED] 

>imports millions of spics and niggers
>oppresses the fuck put of whites and promotes their deaths
>omg why don't euros move here?

>> No.16933504
File: 683 KB, 750x1138, H2180-L103123710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is much better off than the US, we are approaching your levels though in the next two decades

>> No.16933522

>>imports millions of spics and niggers
>>oppresses the fuck put of whites and promotes their deaths
You're talking about Europe, right?

>> No.16933534
File: 47 KB, 420x490, 1468674811103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sag a mal.
>Wasn schmarrn they decide again

>> No.16933535



>> No.16933543

>Bulgarian guy who wants to come to America
Yea but the moving to america meme is just that a meme from the king of meme nations. You guyes propaganda dept.has done a great job on the RoW, even its own citizens
>You guys are basically slaves to your governments, and your governments' priority is no longer improving the lives of their citizens.
My point about propaganda proven by this tard statement right here.
>It blows my mind that any European would want to stay in Europe instead of coming here
Willing to bet you've never left your state

>> No.16933544

degenerate gamblers BTFO
nothing wrong with this desu

>> No.16933548


>KO-Zertifikate, Optionsscheine, Optionen und Futures

It's idiotic, but stonks and the like unaffected for now.

>> No.16933552

Hitler hated traders and other money movers with a passion. He would have said get a real state approved job or go to the camps.

>> No.16933554

Usurers btfo

>> No.16933556

trust me, you are far far away from europe levels. You have a problem with socialism creeping in, but it seems that is about to turn. Europe is already full blow socialist and has been for a long time. It WILL collapse because who wants to work if they don't have to? Who wants to work when their money goes to supporting those who don't work? The mass immigration is throwing jet fuel on all this.

>> No.16933563
File: 1.15 MB, 3505x2110, ancestry2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home German man. The Midwest calls to you.

>> No.16933576
File: 73 KB, 680x507, EKy6QvpWwAEcL4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Willing to bet you've never left your state
I wasn't even born here. I'm just got American citizenship last December.

>muh propaganda department
It all boils down to this:
>average wage in the US vs. Germany
>taxes, US vs. Germany
>Illegal immigration declining in the US, while Germany welcomes millions of refugees
It's not propaganda, it's a matter of numbers.

>> No.16933578 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 849x565, 12F3CAFE-293F-4334-A439-279761FBE4B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home, white man

>> No.16933591 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 580x870, 1575694468218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future of Deutschland

>> No.16933594

Get ready for Hitler 2.0 boys. It will happen in the next 10-20 years.

>> No.16933595 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 888x499, 1574387675192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16933617
File: 42 KB, 720x603, 1578264491779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler 2

>> No.16933629

>I wasn't even born here. I'm just got American citizenship last December.
KEK, i turned that shite citizenship/passport down, its the worst passport in the world! offers the least amount of freedom unironically.
Are you >>16933458 ? Its doesn't look like it.

How long have you been there?
Where did you come from? Germany?

For Germany see

I pay way less in tax in the UK than I did in in the states, especially once you include all manner of insurance you have to pay. No clue about Germany never lived/worked there.

>> No.16933864

Anyone know how aussies hold up to the US in terms of trading and guns. If i have to leave this shithole i don't want to go to the yankees

>> No.16933899


Well, Europe is a dystopian hellhole, but not even remotely the dystopian hellhole the US is.

The only logical thing to do is to head for the tropics.

>> No.16933931


You mean South America?

>> No.16933933

Someone better tell him...

>> No.16934128

No fundamental right to guns down here. capital gains taxed as personal income unless business or sth.

>> No.16934176


>just don't trade options or leveraged instruments

HAHA its like you want to lose

>> No.16934281

you're aware hitler was a national socialist?

>> No.16934292

So what's the point of taking on risk to earn a profit at that point if it's just going to go to the state?

>> No.16934371

Some people are getting impatient with those debts. You have to find money somewhere by any means necessary.

>> No.16934387


>> No.16934402

I wish I could live in Europe.

T. American

>> No.16934417


He himself was financed the foreign capitalists from the USA

>> No.16934426

Lol imagine having a fat women as your leader


>> No.16934459

>blaming this on refugees

4chan will never disappoint

>> No.16934546
File: 136 KB, 810x523, frauenkirche_munich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europe is great. Can't talk about any European state but as far as we are talking Germany:
>Good and stable economy
>One of lowest crime rate in the world
>Healthy food and water protected by laws
>Best beer
>Good health insurance
>Good job safety
>32 paid day-offs and usually 35h working week
>good infrastructure, perfect roads

>> No.16934557

Pretty much everywhere in the West is great you just pick your poison. I like to trade though so fuck Germany

>> No.16934562

Also nothing beats taking seat in my BMW Z4 and cruise to Italy in 4 hours to have some delicious authentic pizza, coffee and a nice short nap at the lake next to some Italian chicks. Best comfy life. Wouldn't trade it away for living in the US.

>> No.16934567

there is no country in this world i would rather live in then the netherlands. perhaps maybe norway.

but the dutch bicycle roads and train sytem is amazing because it is such a small country.

>> No.16934667

Pics like that create a false impression. Sure, Munich and most European cities have some great historic old-towns, but thats basically all they have to offer.
Most big cities are very dirty. Trash, cheap buildings and ugly "graffiti" everywhere. Also full with shitskins, many public schools are less than 50% white. Plus german women are disgusting, not as bad as british tho

>> No.16934685

HA! What trash choice by typical eurotrash

>> No.16934709

Not sure what you are on about. Munich is one of the cleanest cities I've been to. Only Tokyo seems cleaner to me. Luckily, not too much graffiti here as well. If you are afraid of Turks just move to the near countryside and it's mostly German.

>Plus german women are disgusting, not as bad as british tho
You sound like an incel

It's a good car that runs fast and reliable. 60k km now without any issues. What do you drive?

>> No.16934726

Of course its clean if you only stay near the tourist attractions faggot. Take a train to "Leuchtenbergring" next time you are there

>> No.16934744

Oh yeah, can you see that piles of trash in the streets?


>> No.16934768


Dorothea "merkel" kasner is an ashkenazim jew, you could just look this up in the past.

>> No.16934772

As I said, go there in person next time you are in Munich and stay there for a while. You will see what I mean

>> No.16934773
File: 206 KB, 600x457, EM6cAXlWkAAioEV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're thinking of the Soviets, m8.

>> No.16934781

Parts of europe are pretty great, parts of the us are pretty great, but overall its better to be rich in the us than in europe while its better to be middle class or poor in europe than the us

>> No.16934894

Id rather be poor in the US and live in a trailer in the woods than in a government funded commie apartment in europe

>> No.16934913

Based also what's your favorite crypto?Want to know what coin will a freedom lover like.

>> No.16934957


I already bought my trailer anon. Gonna power my NEET battlestation with solar when I get out of this east coast shithole

>> No.16935016

Europe is pure shit, but it's better than getting shot on the street by a random nigger.

>> No.16935067

Thia will hurt anyone involved in financial (including crypto) markets. Not just leveraged traders. Losses can be used to cancel out Gains. It's not just leveraged traders making gains and losses.

>> No.16935119

the willingness to be cucked without saying anything or moving away is proof of how great it is here regardless of our commie leaders. Based euro bizbois make it work despite some political imperfections and enjoy the last bastion of western civilization, while the US is a shithole corporatist dystopia. I say this with extensive experience from traveling in most US states and European countries, and living in many.

>> No.16935685

Sören, lying is a sin.

>> No.16935716

Hitler was a hypocrite

>> No.16935722


>> No.16935742

You don't seem to grasp the rapid pace of which European quality of life is worsening. We're not just laughing at you for where you are, we're mourning you for where you're going. FIVE years ago there was none of this in Europe.

>> No.16935852

europe has fallen hard over the last 50 years but it has always been and still is about 10 times better than america. I don't say this with malice I've lived in both. EU gov is very bureaucratic and incompetent, everything is decided by 12 committees. this saves you and gives you some lead time to adapt to draconian measures they enact. US gov has treated its people as disposable slaves since 1913. your standard of living has been eroded gradually over time so you didn't notice. college and healthcare are at least obtainable in europe. in the US they are straight scams that ruin people. it's topsy turvy world, a mason's wet dream.

>> No.16935887

>You don't seem to grasp the rapid pace of which American quality of life is worsening. We're not just laughing at you for where you are, we're mourning you for where you're going. FIVE years ago there was none of this in America.

>> No.16935965

America is bad if you just want to be a low wage worker.
If you got a degree its better than europe.
>but muh healthcare
Your employer will pay for your healthcare. Which has been rated the best in the world btw.
>but da non whites
Theres a bunch of non whites in europe too.
>but da student loans
its not a problem if you already went to college and can get an h1b1 visa

>> No.16936016

>Your employer will pay for your healthcare
uh this isnt 1967 boomer. More and more employers are priced out.

>> No.16936062


That sounds great of you want to be a cog in the machine. We are talking about conditions for those who want to start their own business or want to make it on their own. Europe sucks in that regard. It's why they killed all their startup industry scene 10 years ago

>> No.16936258

Möchte Deutschland im geheimen die USA wirtschaft vernichten? Ich kann mir sonst nicht erklären warum man so etwas einführen würde.

>> No.16937085

>Which has been rated the best in the world btw.
it's not. USA is the shittiest of western countries when it comes to healthcare