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18040817 No.18040817 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18040855
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>> No.18041098


>> No.18041365

wat do it mean

>> No.18041389

>XRP cultist spam this shitty ms paint mountain images for months now
>no one knows what the fuck its supposed to mean
>it all of a sudden appears on the president of korea's shit

>> No.18041466

The brand insignia is called translated from Korean “ triangle colored three times”

Been around since the early 90s sorry Xrp faggots

>> No.18041472

alright thanks anon

>> No.18041567
File: 42 KB, 540x530, 298708238t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two things
1. the blue mountain is usually not the tallest
2. why the fuck would the XRP riddler choose such a specific out of nowhere reference?

>> No.18041691
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>> No.18042320
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How can linkie girls possibly compete?

>> No.18042354


Please don't use my waifu in your sub-100 IQ threads.

>> No.18042539

Ripple holders are the gift that keeps giving

>> No.18042682

Green mountain = USD
Blue Mountain = XRP
Yellow mountain = Gold

>> No.18042916
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>> No.18042928
File: 269 KB, 1200x843, bearableguyfireplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18042958
File: 315 KB, 521x353, bearableguycorona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There happens to be a corona around him in this one. Remember how last year the CEO of R3 said all of the banks in Italy would be migrating to their Corda settler system in March 2020 and the country coincidentally goes into lockdown.

>> No.18043549
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i just think the three mountains and president moon is too much of coincidence. Hes definitely some type of insider

>> No.18043744
File: 369 KB, 945x745, 1582956021152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is to to good wheres the reference source from bb?

>> No.18043798

#Tachyon system help to improve fundamental internet infrastructure technologies.

>> No.18043905

all the ripple cartoon bear riddles came true, because they never predicted anything

>> No.18044036

only 200+ IQ can interpret what the bear is predicting

>> No.18044150

XRP is 15 cents.

Just admit you got scammed by some Jews.

>> No.18044269

he never predicted XRP becoming a 15 cent shitcoin AFAIK, so not much of a prophet

>> No.18044300

XRP never gradually rises. Its always a pump. In fact, XRP moons the most after long period decay in sats.
Why would he tell people that XRP would reach 15 cents? then everyone would sell in advance and mess up the prophecy

>> No.18044317

so the prohecy was they were all going to dump on bagholders in perpetuity, but don't tell the bagholders that otherwise it will not work

some prophecy that, literally nobody could have figured that one out without riddles and cartoon bears

>> No.18044404

look, the prophecy is just for the big one. For the big day that shit hits the fan. All these tiny 5% days mean nothing really in the end. A lot 2017 fags are craving for the days of 400% moons in a day. And XRP is prepped the most for it.

>> No.18044435

So yeah, total bullshit as expected. Don't worry about the devs and everyone involved with Ripple dumping on you for years, literally nothing, just wait for some day in the future where something may or may not happen, meanwhile buy some more XRP which we are dumping daily.

What a bunch of fuckwits you rippletards are.

>> No.18044468
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They dont really dump as much as people think. The lawsuit Jeb has to follow is very complex, he cant dump whenever, not even monthly dumps. And no one knows for sure how dumps.
All the XRP thats unlocked from Escrow goes immediately back in, but articles make it look like all thats taken out its dumped

XRP wallets have growing exponential as of late; the 8 million dollars ones have just spiked today

>> No.18044499

>trusting a centralized pump & dump scheme

>> No.18044683

with the market books being so thin as they are they simply can't dump any more if they don't want to crash it through the floor. They always sell the MAXIMUM the market allows them to sell. Everyone and their dog who is involved with Ripple does this, even fucking MGI admitted yesterday that they dump ALL the XRP Ripple gives them. Now it is not a stretch of imagination to say that the devs and partners know a lot more about Ripple and XRP than anyone else, why on Earth would they dump everything they possbily can right before XRP was supposed to become a world reserve currency or something of that sort? Are they retarded? Or do they simply know that all of those predictions and prohecies are pure dogshit thumbsucks and they are trying to make as much bank as possible while retards lap the so called prophecies up and keep buying their shitcoin?

Also, those big wallets are 100% just ripple shuffling shit around obscuring their holdings and subsequent dumps, cause even their faithful community is getting restless about the incessent dumping.

It's all pure delusion to think this is anyhthing else than a big shitcoin dump scheme. It may have started off as something else, but it is now become just another devs money printer, just like hunders of other shitcoin projects out there. They may be bigger and more sophisticated about it, but at the end of the day it is all the same.

>> No.18044724

Moneygram doesnt "dump" there XRP, its used for ODL.
>why would ripple dump XRP on the market. no one has any proof of this. No one knows where the XRP goes, no one knows what Ripple would be using to fund it with.
Some people dont even think Jed has cut ties with ripple fully, but thats probably too much of conspiracy for people to handle

>shuffling accounts around
thats literally cope.
>weve never shuffled accounts around once in the 3 years XRP has dumped

>> No.18044811

yeah right, Moneygram doesn't sell XRP, Ripple doesn't sell XRP, Jed doesn;t sell XRP, nobody sells XRP

so much bullshit cope from Rippletards, it is painful

MGI admitted themselves that they sell ALL XRP Ripple gives them, simple google search will find you multiple source on that

Fucking Gralinghouse himself admitted that they wouldn't be profitable without selling XRP, again a simple google search fins that for you.

Now you can choose if you are going to believe cartoon bears, vague consipracies and twitter gurus like babacugs or if you take the information stratight from people involved with Ripple.

Maybe look up Hitchens razor while you are at it, nah, let me to do this one for you - anything that can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

And just FYI, cartoon bears and twitter bullshit posts are not evidence.

>> No.18044900

You mean the contra-expense? that just means Ripple payed MGI in XRP rather than cash. If we came at a point where people accept crypto as payment for things thats a good thing. And they needed to sell it, because setting up corridors isnt free.
all youve said could be true. but thats what makes people an early investor. All the selling could be for something bigger. people have to look past the surface level of what google tells them and picture what is really going on.
The fact that a bear chose a specific three mountain symbol that shows up on the presidents of koreas shirt and is the defense logo is not some coincidence. I dont think he randomly drew those three mountains with no reference at all.

And on the ODL utility scan, weve been seeing a lot more KRW to currency pairs occuring as of now

again, if XRP had just gradually gone up 5% every day and brad and schwartz told the public they were hording everything, then everyone would be an early adopter to XRP because its so obvious.

>> No.18045024


>Get told literally everyone on the inside is dumping on him
>"It's a good thing"

Absolutely delusional.

>> No.18045055

>XRP moons 4000% percent
you'd be dumping too if you knew the implications of holding a bunch of stock before something huge happens

>> No.18045927


seriously I buy xrp rn because it’s so damn cheap and with their bank connections and financial uncertainty how it is I do believe they can be successful, but holy fuck stop with the schizo shit anyone who believes this shit unironically should not be investing money

>> No.18045953

Also I bought most of my 25k or so xrp around 22 cents. If I had bought in 2017 above a dollar I probably wouldn’t feel the same way

>> No.18046100

i dont think you understand the signifance of the mountains desu. Those mountains were known by everyone deep in the XRP community

>> No.18046847


Those mountains are the emblem of koreas defense service. Have nothing to do with xrp. The fraud riddler just stole them and posted them for no reason.

>> No.18047052

But babacuck told me its true! You dont know nothing!1!
And RippleXrpie says boooom everyone will use xrp

Just check them on twitter. Good knowledgeable accounts for xrpeepee community cocksuckers.
These fucking liars have no shame in exploiting the pure retardness of the cripplecommunity

>> No.18047145
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Meanwhile cripplecoin has no power to move above 16 FUCKING CENTS
Tell me cripplecommunity who is deeper up your ass?
Brad lyinghouse pushing around with his fist up your ass to see if you have money left OR
The cripplecommunity cucks lying on every occasion only to lose you money.
Find out next episode of the 'Ripple Drop' where a useless piece of shit like rheinhardt cat interviews the best liar in the cryptosphere

>> No.18047221


>> No.18047585

You = Take your meds

>> No.18047719


>> No.18047806

china korea japan has been a thing forever you stupid fucking moron, just shut the fuck up already.

>> No.18047827
