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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 1024x1024, 1585069465176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18177805 No.18177805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

holy shit roasties are literally going crazy stuck in the house all day. it's fucking hilarious. everyone i know who lives with a woman, no matter the age, is driving their husband or boyfriend up the fucking wall.

the guys are all playing video games and enjoying it though, even the normies.

is this the roastiecaust?

>> No.18177824

bullish for link

>> No.18177825

>is this the roastiecaust?
this is chaos

>> No.18177837

Women are ngmi

>> No.18177864
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imagine having a woman at the house during this confinus
lmaoing @ your life except the guys that found the girl that fucks and don't make them mad (pretty rare)

>> No.18177881

Really glad im not a woman

>> No.18177887

That’s a man.

>> No.18177888

>Thinking normies don't usually play videogames

It seems that you're the normie now, incel weeb.

>> No.18177901
File: 283 KB, 640x1268, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18177910

i said normie GUYS do. learn to read. normie girls can only play mariokart for like 20 minutes and then get bored

>> No.18177919

That’s a man

>> No.18177926

then im gay

>> No.18177938

and women think they will survive the apocalypse, women will be roaming the street looking to suck cock during societal collapse for a can of beans because that's all women are good for. All women are good for is sucking dick, making babies and having a warm fleshhole.

>> No.18177947
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you're gonna make it

>> No.18177963

always was destined to, oh look at the time, have to go heat up some hamburger helper beef stroganoff with sweet tea and play some kenshi for tonight.

>> No.18177968

gf went to see her mom then a day later they cut down travel where I live, so i'm larping like i miss her but i'm enjoying the shit out of working from home, cooming between skype meetings, wow, my dusty ps4 and series, i only have capped phone data because i'm cheap to buy more shitcoins but when i'm short on series I just go to work and larp like i'm being a good employee but download a few seasons of some series there then work the 3 next days from home, i hope they don't fire me though because i've been doing nothing this past few months (when link pumped)

>> No.18177974

i aspire to be you

>> No.18178009

>i did a basic task, heres my ass

muslims are right to behead these people

>> No.18178040

Killing roasties is a waste of pussy. Women are weaker than men for a reason, just enslave them.

>> No.18178042

holy based

>> No.18178085

My girl just bought some Suterusu and called her Japanese friends to come over. Great way to die if it happens.

>> No.18178104

>140 000 like
We need Sharia

>> No.18178114

That's a man.

>> No.18178143

Didn't know I was on /r9k/. Anyway have sex.

>> No.18178149

Why do skinny women have sasquatch feet?

>> No.18178158

Dial 8

>> No.18178191

Holy Mother of based

>> No.18178197

whats wrong can't use your buzzword in full?

>> No.18178253
File: 844 KB, 808x604, imagine marrying this control freak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this control freak lmao. imagine knocking her up

>> No.18178256

My mom is fine actually, she hates people just as much as I do

>> No.18178268

>our boyfriend
What did she mean by this?

>> No.18178291

She's a retard from Quebec so she can't speak English properly. She probably meant to say "our boyfriend's".

>> No.18178303

Ah that's probably it

>> No.18178333

I'm a woman (male) and I'm doing just fine, I'm actually reading and learning a lot since I got laid off from my job.

>> No.18178346

i broke up with my gf right around the quarantine starting for this very reason. just imagine living with some woman during this... hell on earth

>> No.18178379
File: 15 KB, 410x357, 84E3EEEC-7BDB-447C-9761-FD37094C1273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my roommates is exactly this. She’s so god damn irresponsible going to hang out with her friends every day, collectively they’ve probably killed 10’s of people (at least) without even know it bc I cAnT SiT sTiLl w mY oWn ThoUgHts LoL

She will literally pace up and down our street like an insane person, then drive to local clinic to “hang out” bc she’s bored.

>> No.18178384

Her feet are fucking HUGE

>> No.18178531

Landlords are pathetic leeches

>> No.18178553

anon you should be trying to line up the next wagie job not wasting time.

>> No.18178580

too many of these posts recently, go fuck yourself muslim lovers, /biz/ is haram for you

>> No.18178598


>> No.18178608

absolutely based.

>> No.18178622

Omae wa mou basedeiru

>> No.18178631

>One of your roommates
good luck with Coronachan or did you already have it

>> No.18178682

What's a healthy amount of coffee?

>> No.18178700

I may have had it in January (corona sxs, tested neg for flu) but can’t know without antibody testing. I’m probably fucked desu and she’s not even hot

>> No.18178742

Islam was founded by a wealthy merchant who married a post-wall woman for money and loves cunny tho

>> No.18178758


>> No.18178802

Who is staying at home? I literally was at a packed park all day. Corona isn't real you morons. Stop believing delusions and realize this virus is a ploy to bring about one world rule under the UN as prophesied in Revelations

>> No.18178827

based post

>> No.18178843

RIP best of luck to you anon if your young your probably fine

>> No.18178901

Making us all stay inside is going to bring about one world order please explain I’m retarded

>> No.18178937

Sir, do you have a license for those based posts?

>> No.18178944

Rfid chip id2020

>> No.18178973

can confirm. Mom is literally actually going insane

>> No.18178992



>> No.18179008

How did men keep women entertained before there was technology like smartphones and computers, I'm sure women had at least a little free time in between her duties, were they singing in their gardens or something?

>> No.18179033

Playing with the kids. Babbling about nonsense with the other women (from the same harem or neighbor's wives). Being brainwashed by television to hate men while their husband is at work. Handcrafts, knitting, taking care of pets, reading books...

>> No.18179071
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>> No.18179083
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>> No.18179118
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Man. We needed this virus badly, long overdue. If dubs it will mutate and kill 50% of normies.

>> No.18179127
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Fugging my Asian wife every day while roasties are killing themselves. What a wonderful time to be alive.

>> No.18179134


>> No.18179142
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Simps like stronk independent womyn I see

>> No.18179155

Based n redpilled

>> No.18179167
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>> No.18179800

That's a man

>> No.18179828

Nothingburger confirmed


>> No.18180025

Mine is driving me insane and we're not even in the same house.
She sits around all day waiting for me to entertain her via text even though she has nothing to converse about

>> No.18180036

You're joking

>> No.18180049

No. She starts acting like a passive aggressive bitch if we havent been texting a lot.

>> No.18180091

way too based

>> No.18180108
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>> No.18180204

>Women are the problem
>Addiction to constant stimulus via smart phones
Literally don't give a fuck about the lockdown but if I hear 1 more copy/pasta Facebook feel good repost I'll choke a bitch unconscious then molest them