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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 500x500, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18612452 No.18612452 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 25 black and have a net worth of 2 million dollars. AMA.

>> No.18612459


>> No.18612464

Congrats, you must have actually done something somewhat productive or something that required a modicum of intelligence to acquire that wealth. Now get your brethren to do the same.

>> No.18612465


>> No.18612474

assuming this isnt a larp, what pressurized piece of plastic do you throw around?

>> No.18612475

Lil Uzi vert doesn't use 4chan

>> No.18612478

This impressed us nig

>> No.18612516
File: 1.29 MB, 480x270, __azuki_azusa_and_yokodera_youto_hentai_ouji_to_warawanai_neko__fc3e718f27611ce0daebd9f96f8d9faf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get more pussy than u

>> No.18612522


>> No.18612555

Thank you. I been trying.
Sports fashion businessman
Doubt it

>> No.18612575

PLEASE impregnate a white girl

>> No.18612611

why are you black

>> No.18612618

ok so you comment on people throwing around inflated pieces of plastic

>> No.18612633

I just fuck em I aint tryna do all that
Yee and I make bank

>> No.18613626

retail arbitrage, replica/knock offs, or personal line?

>> No.18613743
File: 23 KB, 476x348, 1586952185570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A male thot. Congrats found a new way out of the hood without handegg or rhythm words.

>>sports fashion business man.
No ur a Instagram fgt. U do understand ur pathetic nigger culture uses shoes as currency...

>> No.18613825
File: 289 KB, 720x911, matrix-nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will always be a nigger.

>> No.18613835
File: 154 KB, 1054x698, nigger btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No amount of money will rid you of your shit tier genetics. The propensity of the nigger to become adipose and estrogen laden sacks of cells is too high. I would call you a nigger faggot but that's redundant at this point.

You only need to look at this thread to see much of what I speak of. An inbred, braindead nigger comes on an anonymous board to larp, attention whore and seek validation for its worthless existence.

>> No.18613847


>> No.18613849
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>> No.18613858

why do you come here to bait

>> No.18613883

that's cool my nigga
few questions:
1) >>18613626
2) how you promoted it
3) for how long you've been to 4chan and which boards you like?

>> No.18613890

retail and replica
still got more money then you white trash
and you will always be poor while im fucking your beautiful white women
blacks are superior physically and mentally. why are you so mad white boy?

>> No.18613910

The amount of seethe in one post made in response to a larping bait post

>> No.18613916

Mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

>> No.18613965
File: 217 KB, 534x548, muh dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers have an average IQ in the 50s in many countries, which is below the level for defective. Not just retarded, but defective. Youre broken headed apeface subhumans with ape blood and you will never be white.

>> No.18613977
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>> No.18613981


>> No.18613989
File: 126 KB, 857x1046, fight rape stop black people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape is black.

>> No.18614045
File: 438 KB, 1752x903, zimbabwe-banknote-200-million-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 million in Zimbabwe bux doesn't mean ahit over here

>> No.18614047

speak english
but why i got more money and hoes then you and got a degree what do you have white trash?

>> No.18614093

>anime poster
my toilet seat gets more pussy than you, lmao, who do you thibk you're fooling?

When you say "net worth" what do you mean? did you create a company worth 2mil, or do you have 2 mil in assets personnaly?
Employee, freelance, or di you create a company?
Do you have an exit plan/amount? 2 million seems like more than enough to never work again, (at 6% ROI, it's a 120k income per annum, without touching your millions) I'm curious as to what keeps you motivated to deal with the retardation of the business world instead of letting your money work you.

>> No.18614141

2mil in assets from my sports fashion business. I'm currently trying to have my money work for me. Any investments to suggest?

>> No.18614159

Good for you, man. Props.
What you looking to do next?

>> No.18614206

Literally the only people who made a presentable amount of money in the 2017-2018 crypto bullrun are all either black or pajeet. I don't know why stating this fact causes this board to have a mental breakdown.

>> No.18614209

What is "Sports Fashion Business"? What do you sell? Bonus: how's Corona affecting your business?

>> No.18614277

Imagine larping as a nigger on 4chan lol

>> No.18614386

Buy 25,000 Chainlink from Coinbase.

>> No.18614402

2 mil is a lot for one person, who's not a specialist, to actively manage, especially if they are working at the same time.
It's also enough to be spread between real estate/stocks/crypto

What I would do:
If you're only 25 and have never manged wealth professionally, I would start digging for a good reliable family offic/bank/wealth manager.
It'll cost you at least 10k per year, depending on how much you have him do, but you are bound to lose at least the double without him.

When reaching this type of money, half the battle is keeping it. Again solid, reliable counsel will litteraly save you thousands..

Aside from that, I wouldn' recommend a specific type of investment. If it's your business, you don't have the money unless you sell right?. If your copany is that profitable, then it's probably your best investment, get someone to do your current job and take a step back. Other than that, I would start by setting a yearly income. Let's say you 100k per year. You are now working every year to get 5% on your capital. Not an insane target.
Most real estate comes out a 4%ROI net per year, but you can get better. I have a rental that sits at over 10% gross per year, 7% net roughlly (after taxes, maintenance, etc...)
More than a few cryptos offer over 5 ù on staking. If you are a confident than one of these will at worst crab, it's a guranteed return.

The first thing is my opinion is to get professional counsel. Offer them a try out. They mange half your wealth for a year, you mange the other half. Only f they do better than you should you consider long-term partnership.

>> No.18614423

>blacks larp about having 2 million
the absolute state

>> No.18614492

How new are you? A spaghetti headed black twitter personality was literally one of the first crypto millionaires. He also managed to be the only person to cash out of bitconnect by pulling in a bunch of rubes.

>> No.18614527

why are you visiting a white supremacist basket weaving forum?

>> No.18614561


>> No.18614589


>one of the first crypto millionaires
>calls other people new

based retard

>> No.18614628

Kek no.
This is what you do OP.

You put 10% in gold, no chainz n diamonds, in bullion. You dont wear it around your neck ok. You just get 4 nice 1 kilo slabs and haul them to your bank where you put it in a vault.
You do the same with platinum, here you're gonna get a nice amount op maple leaf coins. Again, cant stress this enough, no bling, no diamonds.
You put another 100k in silver, store whatever you can in whats left in vault space. Put the rest in a hole in your garden or smth. Or next to your uzi under the bed.

Alright, then you get a stock broker account you transfer half a millie there, you buy airbus stock, exxon mobike and spotify for at least 50k each and you follow /smg/ on biz for other fine advice. Try to get up to 5-10 stonks.

Ok then you go to kraken.com you set up an account there, transfer half a mil. Buy Ethereum.
Then go to IDEX.com use 10% of the ethereum to buy LIT.

Keep the other half million cash, start looking for a place to own and live below 1 million (you arent made yet, so dont squander) Get a loan for whatever your dream place costs in excess of .5 million.

>> No.18614651

sorry tyrone, a bounty is not net worth

>> No.18614671


fake and gay
at least make your larps interesting, retard

>> No.18614977


>> No.18615055

fuck niggers


>> No.18615121
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>> No.18615137
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>> No.18615143

>low effort, niggery answers
it checks out

>> No.18615164

>sports fashion
LMFFFFAO my nigga im black too but come on mang wtf

>> No.18615174

wat is yo bitch ass doin to help out da community dawg?

>> No.18615188

my nigga how many people do you rob or kill?

>> No.18615190

How much for a gram

>> No.18615250


>> No.18615258
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>> No.18615294

give it back jamal

>> No.18615305

How much PNK do you hodl?

>> No.18615313

black capitalism won't save you from systemic racism. just ask miles davis. when the system you live in goes full fascist, you won't be save.

move your senpai from chatham to zambia

>> No.18615322

t. poor cracker buying link in 2020

>> No.18615335

Sounds based

>> No.18615352

t. literal rhesus monkey blood/ neanderthal blood subhuman calling the original man, the only real human, the being created in God's image, a monkey. Kek. Enjoy hell soulless ghoul.

>> No.18615417

how much chainlink do you hold? is it a lot?

>> No.18615422

How much of it is in ARPA?

>> No.18615485

how did you get out with out your parents or your nigger neighborhood robing you

>> No.18615496

I'm also black, and aspire to be in your position, with 2 mill i'd be living off passive income coming in each month.

>> No.18615495
File: 227 KB, 1200x1200, C2a6daaUkAADens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18615511

>rhesus monkey

lmao, the only white monkey out of all the other ones

>> No.18615624

How many Chainlinks do you own?

>> No.18615838
File: 56 KB, 293x503, nigger-nose-apes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got lots of this shit, youre closer to a bonobo than human, you have no neanderthal DNA which everyone else does, you mixed with apes 700k years ago making you a hybrid, etc. Not human.

>> No.18615880

Nigga please

>> No.18615953

Can a nigga lend me a pencil?

>> No.18616272

disgusting nigger, will you finally go back to where you came from?

>> No.18617237

Answer this question OP. I need to know if you will make it or not? Only ARPA holders will survive the financial apocalypse

>> No.18617268

Can I get a copy of your mixtape?