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18708134 No.18708134 [Reply] [Original]

I know I'm gonna get called a scammer. But I checked out the Zenon shit and I can't for the life of me debunk it. I think I am gonna have to buy some.

>> No.18708352
File: 289 KB, 720x911, 1587530151090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocksuckers pajeets scammers just found this on bitcointalk :


"- zmnscpxj (squarecrypto confirmed account working on lightning network) confirms that Squarecrypto has nothing to do with Zenon Network. he even posts a weekly log that that can be verified
- Team lies about non-ICO, isn't transparent about how much money they raised in ICO
- calls premine -"personal investment"
- bans people that ask non welcomed questions
- has an explorer with no rich list
- has a roadmap full of wallet updates
- coin is listed on some exchanges known for listing shady coins


Why wont they provide full details about the two hacks? 1. Minting 2.5 million ZNN out of thin air. 2. Staking exploit that made the hacker an undisclosed number of coins.
- Exploits used
- addresses involved and coins blocked
- how many coins did the hacker managed to sell on exchanges and OTC before they blocked his coins from the second hack. In the first hack the hacker sent the coins to the team's addresses. I wonder why he would do that ? Did he got payed to do that? He says he got 30k ZNN as shown in the evidence above. Seems that some people in the zenon tg want others to believe that they made an update for the first hack and this is how they blocked the coins. Clearly a lie and the team bans you if you ask the right questions as shown above in this thread."

>> No.18708424

I checked all the fud. It's all incorrect or half truths. Somone really wants this fudded to death is my guess.

>> No.18708446

I don't think anyone on earth would be convinced by this reply

>> No.18708451

FUCK TWITTER AND FUCK JACK DORSEY WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND. Twitter literally protects pedophiles and commies on its platform

>> No.18708568

I'm investing not virtue signalling.

>> No.18708640

It's a long list of stuff. Ask me a specific one. I'm not gonna type out a 20 point fud list reply to some anonnso they can can fuck off faggot. Ask me one. I will debunk it.

>> No.18708651

Why should this pump? Because NPCs see twitter and buy?

>> No.18708690


Really? Twitter creates a decentralized platform and no one would care. Now who is talking like a lying scammer?

>> No.18708706

Jack Dorsey was literally just on a podcast talking for 2 hours about Bitcoin and crypto.
Why the fuck would he not mention an active project if he had one?

>> No.18708716

>Twitter creates a decentralized platform and no one would care
So in other words... NPCs see twitter and buy

>> No.18708722
File: 90 KB, 1024x1024, 944ACFF2-D747-494F-9E56-13B5F28A262D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Not to mention Zenon’s logo/ graphic design work is literally Pajeet tier. If you actually fell for this scam, you’re an idiot

>> No.18708730
File: 165 KB, 860x559, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a scam; go check their telegram; people are complaining for the buggy wallet.

>> No.18708789

Best website I have seen for a long time. No cut and paste. Seems all custom coded. Someone is funding this.

>> No.18708799

The wallet is a pivx wallet just for distribution before mainnet. Is this fud? Does anyone want a real conversation here?

>> No.18708817

You know we are on the board that regularly wets its panties over hints and rumours of partnerships with big tech like FB and Google.