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File: 162 KB, 884x716, DemVP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18806932 No.18806932 [Reply] [Original]

Alright boys, time to make some political money.

Who ya'll got ?

>> No.18806960

More like Joe Biden Presidential pick

>> No.18806963

the most clown world pick is stacey abrams

>> No.18806989

>literally all women
Based pandering

>> No.18807035


>> No.18807047
File: 94 KB, 800x450, doublehonked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From now on, the Democratic ticket will have a minimum of 1 woman.
It's literally clownworld.

>> No.18807102

Joe said he was gonna pick a woman

>> No.18807140

losing bet
BIDEN will drop out

>> No.18807186

kamala's great grandparents were very prominent slave owners and she put a lot of blacks in jail over marijuana charges as ag. It won't be her

>> No.18807199

No, he will act as a sockpuppet until he resignes in favour of his VP: Stacey Abrams

>> No.18807233

He needs a younger black man.

Black women are automatic dem. He needs to win black some of the black guys that were lost to trumpbux.

>> No.18807244


>> No.18807253

Check my dubs and also screencap

>> No.18807460

wtf im voting for kamala now

>> No.18807667

you think joe wants to finger a man?

>> No.18807713

>he needs a younger black man
Joe already has the black vote, just because he was Obama's VP.

>> No.18807753


>> No.18807880

A lot of white people don't know this, but black men and black women are frequently on a different page. Imagine all the problems between feminism and mgtow, and magnify that by the number of dollars the federal government is willing to dump on black women's heads times the amount any given state is willing to pay per prisoner/year.

>> No.18807890
File: 16 KB, 460x613, 1587489284114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this lady

>> No.18807942

>Timeline where Biden ends up raping the first female Vice President of the United States

>> No.18807957

HRC will run again
screenshot this

>> No.18808345

heck id do it