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18968112 No.18968112 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18968119

Based and redpilled

>> No.18968144

I technically lost 100 k in chainlink (though still in the green). I could hire a team of lawyers and file and civil court case on Chainlink right now. It would definetely surpress the price and aeeing how LINK fails the howley test, i have a huge advantage. Though i am not desperate enough to do that yet since i still got lots of money

but the point is a civil court case is a lot kore damaging then a SEC investigstion. A civil court case could surpress the price potentially for years

>> No.18968153

>In the green
Even the FUD is bullish.

>> No.18968159


>> No.18968183

Lmao. I sold my link for a reason kiddo. Link is fairly new in crypto. All it would take is just one. Just. One. disgruntled investor to file a civil court case against LINK and cause it to crash and burn. LINK fails the howey test on every level. Nothing about LINK shows its anything else but a security.

>> No.18968195
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>> No.18968227

based. But what really needs to happen is bringing this to twitter. Its so easy to reach out to normies there. All you would need to do is reply to every chainlink teams tweet with this image, look up #LINK hash tag and reply to every tweet with this image.
That will start a snowball effect of people talking more and more about a SEC investigation

>> No.18968235


>> No.18968243

this is now a BAT board

>> No.18968246
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>> No.18968261
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>> No.18968268
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fun fact. Linkies report threada like these because theyre in bed with the jannies

>> No.18968303
File: 22 KB, 220x229, 1580427953444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone from the SEC even read these messages?

>> No.18968321

they would if we had 5 people dedicated to doing this >>18968227


>> No.18968332

Don't worry I'll sort this shitcoin out soon. No one knows how bad things really are, or have been.

>> No.18968335

You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.

>> No.18968342

Such old FUD it’s all so tiresome. @all you newfags and nulinkers Coinbase isn’t competition they’re basically just a high quality dataset that will be integrated into Chainlink

>> No.18968345

Post a Ethereum address anon I wish to reward your community service

>> No.18968354

Ops have to get a new trip lolol

>> No.18968369

false. I even got one of you linkers to admit its a "secure JSON parser". It quint essentially does everything Link does now; tokenlessly and kyc'lessly. LINK is nothing more than a web scraper right now.
>no staking
>no t sigs
>no mixicles
>no collateral system
>no technical whitepaper
you have NOTHING over open oracle

>> No.18968376

is 500 link enough to make it?

>> No.18968389

The SEC has took a look at Chainlink. After 5 minutes of briefing we decided to “go all in”

>> No.18968400

>has took a look at Chainlink
You have to go back pajeet

>> No.18968401

Bro you forgot the red lambo Sergey's dad got caught in was re wrapped with chainlink shit and used to larp as lambo anon

>> No.18968413

I do this once a week

>> No.18968501

The only reason Chainlink would get reported to the SEC is because the community (you 4chan fuckers) launch every project they partner with into the fucking stratosphere. I mean look at Aave. They would be shit without link. they basically marketed them to 50M in deposits. Look at FutureSwap 10M in futures deposits in 3 days. Why? Chainlink. Its a fucking powerhouse.

>> No.18968502
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>> No.18968617
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I tip my hat to you good sir

>> No.18968652

The SEC has no jurisdiction over Chainlink. That's what you get for "muh decentralized crypto coins headquartered in the Cayman Islands." The only jurisdiction the SEC has is over US based exchanges, who are not liable for whatever damages you think you incurred betting on online crypto crap games.

>> No.18968704

>I could hire a team of lawyers and file and civil court case on Chainlink right now.
No, you couldn't. Linkchain is in the Caymans, outside of the jurisdiction of the US courts. You'd have to serve suit in the Caymans - and good luck with that, you have no standing for a lawsuit, and Linkchain, or any crypto, never sold you a guarantee on price, up or down.
Any first year law student could tell you that. An actual lawyer would take an hour's fee to tell you the same thing.

Feel free to show the terms of service that you think Chainlink violated, because that's what you'd need a lawyer to argue to a judge. And the judge would smack you both in the dick with his gavel and go tell you to stop being idiots and stop thinking there are guarantees in investing - of any kind. And then he'd have the bailiff throw your ass out of the court while everyone laughs at you.

>> No.18968725

I unironically DM the biggest bears and chainlink haters with the SEC link and text to copy paste and asked them to spread the word. Expect big news from SEC.
@mdudas (he never replied)
+ 8 traders with 25K+ followers

>> No.18968742

LOL, you sank your own fucking argument in your insipid little screed. "Did not offer coins to US citizens" - case over. "Resold by traders/exchanges" - case over, the SEC is now passing your complaint around the office to laugh at it.

And if that isn't bad enough, your sperging about conventions and marketing and how you're too stupid to understand it - this fucker is getting pinned to the bulletin board in the break rooms at the SEC for sure. This is pure comedy gold.

TL;DR - dummy, the nanosecond Chainlink sold a coin, all of their liabilities transferred with it. The SEC has no fucks to give for a cryptocoin company that operates outside of the US. Learn what "jurisdiction" means. You child.

>> No.18968759


>> No.18968769
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>> No.18968781

>The SEC has no fucks to give for a cryptocoin company that operates outside of the US. Learn what "jurisdiction" means. You child.
Brainletism in action
If company A was to sell securities to US citizens without said security being registered with the SEC, company A is under US jurisdiction, regarless of where it was registered.

>> No.18968816

Absolutely based and red pilled. I just submitted by complaint too.

>> No.18968825

You wish, incel. I don't have a dime in crypto, and I'm waiting for companies like Linkchain to crash and burn so I can laugh at the ocean of tears from fuckers like you. But this "report them to the SEC" is just pure fucking comedy, because you managed to be dumber than Linkchain itself. Grats. You're the stupidest part of cryptocurrency.

>> No.18968843

Hey guys Rory here. Look stop reporting us because we have to keep answering the phone calls from the SEC and they're really hard to understand since they outsourced to Pakistan.

>> No.18968852

Ow wow, I'm so wrong, a company who did something completely different than Linkchain, so they must be exactly the same!

I mean, if you're just trying to scare the linktards, you're failing even that. Try harder, dummy. If you're serious - stick to eating grayons.

>> No.18968868


>> No.18968891
File: 60 KB, 360x346, 573995F3-7DE0-4316-9128-10A6193F133B_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a single screenshot making a brainlet seethe this much over an asset he doesn't own


>> No.18968925

You should have a basic idea of the topics you're discussing before posting.

>> No.18969036

Ah bloo bloo bloo bloo. I was shitposting, but this is hilarious - you're serious, lol.

>> No.18969612

HAHAHA shaking over a screenshot the ABSOLUTE STATE

>> No.18969660

Did my part. Thanks for heads up good sir.

>> No.18969685

>I don't have a dime in crypto
based poorfag retard boomer