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19120061 No.19120061 [Reply] [Original]

>Social Security and Medicare will go bankrupt in the 2020s.

Wtf is our generation going to do??

>> No.19120084

Start shooting

>> No.19120105

Should I buy a gun? I've unironically never even touched one

>> No.19120166

Entry lever AR-15, decent iron sights, as many magazines and ammo as you can afford

>> No.19120183


>> No.19120243

The US is going to be fucked without social security. I used to work in the retirement industry and people don't save enough

>> No.19120348

get you a Sig Tread, its a nice package for the money

>> No.19120353

Make sure you dont buy solid jacketed amuniton either hollow point or ballistic tip is the way to go.

>> No.19120359

Every man dies, but not every man truly lives

>> No.19120362

Wait you mean you guys don’t have the 5 million required to make it through retirement?

Suicide booths will soon be the new reality

>> No.19120380

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords and look forward to servicing them domestically, if you get my meaning

>> No.19120379
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Dance the Charleston, obviously.

>> No.19120436

It will just get bailed out by a president/Congress when the time comes so they can gather votes. It's literally been going bankrupt since its inception and it happens every time.

>> No.19120474

Go take a hunter safety course first so you can familiarize yourself with handling and safety and then yeah, go crazy. Entry level AR, 9mm handgun, 12 gauge shotgun. You'll have a tool for any job.

>> No.19120512

Empires collapse, nothing lasts forever. We will do what the citizens of every fallen Empire have done since time immemorial: hide, get raped, defend the shit out of either a rump state or shitty successor statelet, perish, then spend centuries rebuilding and NEVER return to our former glory.

>> No.19120532

just keep a tight grip and don't put your hand where the bullets and parts go in and out

>> No.19120580

This. Put your wiener there instead

>> No.19121607
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Buy healthcare on the free market that is both cheaper and more widely available thanks finally being free of government intervention.

>> No.19121650

Privatise everything and abolish social security


>> No.19121651

HAIL Trump
He shall protect us with his shining light!

>> No.19121663

Enlist to fight the Chinese menace.

>> No.19121685

Be rich from shitcoins or die in poverty of course.

>> No.19121872

It's not going bankrupt. It's running out of reserves. Social Security can still be paid through the payroll taxes we pay, but that'll only cover ~75% of benefits meaning boomers will lose a quarter of their month checks kek

>> No.19121889

Alternatively you could not rely on the government for anything because they have been shown to be incompetent time after time. Just save and invest for your own retirement and don't count on the government for anything.

>> No.19121977

>wat do
Die broke.

>> No.19121996

I tried that before Obamacare. It didn't work. Premiums were increasing exponentially.

>> No.19122581
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>He thinks health insurance is free market

News flash, if it's paying for a regular medical service including preventative care, it's not 'insurance', literally by definition. Imagine having "grocery insurance" in the same vain.
>Uh yes, I will take a cut of wagyu beef, 2 bottles of Dom Perignon, and a large order of tuna sushi
>That will be a copay of $5 with your super-silver-pleb plus grocery coverage

It's all fucked because there is no direct pricing mechanism left anymore, so nobody is trying to save money by shopping, thus making everything ludicrously expensive.

>> No.19122599

Will never happen, OP.

>> No.19122656

theyll just print more money

>> No.19122679

People cant save. Inflation tax, sales tax. Income tax. Car tax. Ever rising rents

>> No.19122797

It is and will always be impossible for healthcare to be completely free market because consumers would need to all have medical degrees before they could actually shop for medical care

>> No.19122838

We cant have a free market. Just give up control to the government, goylem

>> No.19122898

For healthcare? Yes. The best healthcare systems in the world are all run by governments (e.g. South Korea)

Free markets work well for smartphones, cars, fridges and McChickens, but healthcare just doesn't work

>> No.19122934
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Utterly false. People shop for elective plastic surgery and elective eye surgery all the time, places develope reputations very quick. Did you study mechanical engineering so you could shop for places to change the brakes on your shitbox car?

>> No.19122952

well id be a lot richer if i didnt have to pay ss, medicare, and welfare.

so id say the 2020s are looking good

>> No.19123041

False comparison. Healthcare is literally about my life and my health and doctor's can ruin my life if they smell money. Why do you think plastic surgeons are so loaded? They fill up young girls with silicone and Botox and charge them as much as they can. Not ethical at all, and surely not healthy.

And I don't need a mechanical engineering degree to buy a new gearbox because it doesn't affect my health and my life.

>> No.19123172
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So by your logic, food, clothing and shelter should also all be run by the government given their absolute necessity in sustaining your health and well being? If the government can run something as important as healthcare, why not take over the food system and ensure nurishment? Surely that hasn't been tried before with disastrous results.