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1925308 No.1925308 [Reply] [Original]

My friend and I are in the works of creating the next eBay in app-form for iOS. We are doing everything correctly: NDA's for the designers and developers, forming an LLC, and possibly patenting our idea. This is an original idea and has never been done before. So, we don't want copycats.

Both of us have connections to Instagram and Twitter influencers, we also know the manager of a YouTuber with 5M+ subscribers. All of the people we have connections to target our age audience of male and females between the age of 18-35.
How can we make our app explode and remain active? I think we have some great connections, but those will only get us so far. Will we need to go so far as to attend events, YouTuber parties, etc? Or, could we grow it from home? I would love to hear ideas and I would greatly appreciate them. Feel free to ask questions, but there's only so much I can tell you as our project isn't finished.

>> No.1925313

>the next eBay

That's like saying your making the next Facebook ,details?

>> No.1925321


>> No.1925327
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>the next eBay in app-form for iOS
>Nda's for the designers and developers
>This is an original idea and has never been done before

You know why eBay works? It's where everyone already is. Buyers want to buy something? Go to eBay. China man want to sell cheap goods? Go to eBay. Find some trash in your grandma's house? Sell it on eBay. Do you really have billions of dollars to spend on advertising to get people to use your shit instead of eBay?

No one wants to use an app on their phone to sell shit. China man doesn't want to deal with an app. eBay app exists for buyers. Grandma barely knows how to use a computer let alone a phone. Restricting your customers to a tiny percentage is retarded. You fell for the "make an app" meme.

>But it's not eBay. It's like Craigslist but filters by proximity to your location.
See above retard. Those still apply.

>> No.1925334

Ebay already has an app.

>> No.1925337

so depop?

>> No.1925340

OP here, switched devices, not sure if my ID will change. Anyways, it was definitely an over exaggeration, we'll never be as big as eBay as our target age and niche wouldn't allow it to grow that large. Our niche is fashion. I've seen the companies that eBay purchases on angel.co and other website and we have the potential to be one of those purchases, which is our target.
>grow the app to a selling point
>live off of that money

The pic? Got it from /b/

As I was saying, it was an over exaggeration. Did you even see our target audience? Everyone in that age group uses multiple apps daily.

>> No.1925356

BitBay will beat you to it, and probably charge way less fees than your jew ass desu

>> No.1925367

We'll be sure to keep our fees low as we want to be bought out buy a bigger company, they can charge whatever they want.

>> No.1925391

Op if you use these connections to shill my new app you and said friend can take 25% each if it gets big and I sell it

>> No.1925395


fucking Kek you don't even have an argument against me?

Christ BAY really is the future isn't it

Nobody's going to pay your 10% jew fees so you can get free money for providing (((infrastructure))) buddy, there's going to be a paradigm shift very soon

>> No.1925397

What's your email?

>> No.1925402

The only way to compete with ebay is to figure out a way around paypal. Maybe use bitcoin or something.

>> No.1925407
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>> No.1925408

Not even sure as to why you would mention a crypto site. I don't see how Bitbay is relevant to what I'm doing. Normies don't use crypto and normies are my target. And like I said, our fees will be substantially lower than our competitors. Probably by half (5%), just to get things going.

An idea that I also had is to get my promoters to set up shops on my site and not charge them a fee, so we can gather a userbase.

Can't desu. Not even gonna try to compete with eBay.

>> No.1925413

Why are all of you obsessed with crypto? Crypto isn't the future, it's a meme and used to buy drugs and carded shit. Rarely anyone uses crypto to make normal purchases. Bitbay isn't a competitor.

>> No.1925423


OP your idea is already taken see grailed.com

>> No.1925427

so its just grailed/depop

>> No.1925432

wtf these prices are insane.

>> No.1925433


I know about Grailed and have used it quite a few times. Grailed is also for men only and we'll have less fees. We'll also be quite different from Grailed. Can't explain how, don't want my idea stolen. Maybe I should just come back when the app is finished, but I just wanted some ideas on how to further promote the app.

>> No.1925434

Holy shit that looks terrible. Why did but Bay design they shit to look like eBay in 2005

The technology is cool as fuck. The problem is it's hard to use. I love crypto besides all the pump n dumps

>> No.1925435

Preemptive no bully,

>> No.1925437


> Scared to compete with eBay
> 10-15% of all the prices on eBay are comprised of eBay's godless commission and listing fees

Buddy BitBay has 2% transaction fees and NO OTHER FEES. As soon as it has a better GUI and normies like you pull their heads out of their ass it will be a competitor. Why do you think your precious petrodollar USD is the end all be all of currency? fucking Americans


Just lol. No, Crypto is used to bypass bloodsuckers like OP who wish to put a little transaction fee on every step of every process from transferring money to your grandma in Bosnia to selling a used dildo on Amazon.

Why do you think Venezuelans are investing so heavy in digital currency? Because A.) they're super smart nerds or B.) Crypto holds value better than most fiat inflationary piggu paper

>> No.1925446

Have you seen depop though, it's mostly female and has emergent social aspects to it

>> No.1925451
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Actual location Craigslist. Pick location for shop (where you meet the buyer). Set available times. When you get there, you store becomes online. People can come and buy trash. When you leave location, you store is offline. People can view what you sell and save your store or setup a meeting to buy junk. It's like eBay/Craiglist for normies that live in coffeshops.

Profit off of "featured" stores and creating stores. Can't do transactions in app with fees because people will just do out of app to avoid fees.

>> No.1925454

I'll agree with you. I'm actually a big fan of crypto, but it will never be used for normal purchases, let's be honest. It will always be used mainly for illegal activities. Here's what I've ever used crypto for: Sell Instagram accounts, buy drugs, gamble, and exchange it to PayPal. All of which are illegal or against ToS. Crypto is actually pretty easy to use and access as long as you have money to buy it and the ability to copy and paste. It will still never be used for normal purchases.

Just going to ignore your posts, you're delusional. We aren't even talking about the same niche, but you keep bringing up BitBay. Crypto is only used to buy cracked accounts, stolen digital goods, drugs, and other illegal activities.

Yes, I've seen it. They did an awful job with their promotions. Looks like they even botted their social media accounts. Not worried about Depop's competition. We're still different from them in many ways.

>> No.1925465

That's actually a pretty cool idea, but not what I'm going for with this project.

>> No.1925468

You always say you're (superior) different from any other platform out there, why so confident?
eBay acquired "Twice" and "PhiSix Fashion Lab" to boost their online fashion section which was like two years ago?

>w8 m8, i can't tell you the b8

>> No.1925469


He does sound like a schizophrenic but he's not really wrong. We will live to see the day coins take over. You must not have much experience transferring money overseas and the various hurdles of doing such. One practical example I can think of - do you think Mexicans are going to pay fees on their remittances (above and beyond the ones that already exist) if Trump passes his laws? No, they'd save a metric fuckton just exchanging for BTC and then exchanging that for USD.

Also, all your complaints about coins being used for illicit purposes apply more so to USD than BTC.

>> No.1925482

I'm so confident, because I've seen the mistakes Depop has made and the ones that they aren't making. I have pretty decent experience in social media promotion and they aren't doing it correctly at all. Grailed is doing pretty well, it's gonna be hard to compete with them, but that can be accomplished by having lower fees and promoting differently.

People charge outrageous rates for BTC, it's more expensive, trust me. Everyone and their mother sells BTC for 10%, check LBTC. The only places that dont really charge fees are sites like Coinbase. Majority of transactions are illegal purchases or purchases that break companies ToS. It's all logical thinking, you guys that have faith in crypto are thinking too big. Crypto still has lots of room to grow but will never be used for normal purchases.

>> No.1925490

Just for my understanding: You want to offer a fashion e-commerce platform where normal people can sell their stuff and average search joe will see the search results based on where he lives?

>> No.1925492

"but will never be used for normal purchases."

Sorry anon, this assumption is very short-seighted.

>> No.1925509

"Just trust me bro even though I'm wrong as fuck"

Okay so you're more of a shill than this BAY shitposter, good job. The fees for buying BTC are not "outrageous", you sound like an old person who can't into coins.

>> No.1925511


"Paper money is ridiculous. White man only use to rip us off. Invest and hold Plastic Beads long term, its worked for hundreds of years. You will lose all your gains playing with that garbage."

t. Native American Investors

>> No.1925545

It's not location based, although you'll have the ability to filter where you want your products from so you won't have to pay so much in shipping.

I still don't understand how crypto is relevant in my case. 99% of my target audience will never use crypto unless it gets blessed by Kek and pushes for worldwide usage. Can always add it in the future anyways. Can we not make this thread crypto-related? It's not even relevant.

>> No.1925567

Anon just put an idea up that, through using bitcoins, you could actually differentiate yourself from the rest of the market (paypal). You can argue that this is bullshit, but not totally irrelevant when asking us to boost your channel.

Overall, we're back to the cat and mouse play: You can't tell us what differentiates your business from the rest of the e-commerce fashion world out there and it is hard to believe that there is any niche for you to go that is not settled yet.

>> No.1925575


> unless it gets blessed by Kek

Check em. I believe i've made my case. Sorry for derailing your thread, i'll be on my way.

>> No.1925587

I know, but my audience doesn't use BTC like I said. It would definitely increase sales, but not for what I'm doing.

checked. 'tis okay. crypto will definitely be added in the future, but now it's not relevant for what i'm doing.

>> No.1925601

>trying to compete with Amazon, letgo, and eBay

>> No.1925621

You realize that there is this thing in economics called supply and demand, so you have a huge market with shit tons of both, and a new market with a small number of both, anyone looking to get started on something like eBay would be retarded if they think they can just hop on it and compete however if they went with the latter platform they have less competition to sell against plus just the fact that its new means people will use it just to feel hip

>> No.1925715

Not trying to compete as we'll be a different market. Looking for new people to join us.
People just overthink everything, man

>> No.1925796

> Looking for new people to join us.

That's exactly the problem: who are these "new people"? There are non, people who aren't using eBay now won't bother with it anyway (as well as with their competitors) and the following generation won't even know that your company exists.

>> No.1925849

Good luck anon. I downloaded depop but its fucking trash and haven't used it since. Most important thing is having very low barriers to entry and an extremely simple and easy on the eye interface.

This might sound ridiculous but to get your idea off the ground adverting wise, I would recommend emailing places like LadBible on facebook. Thats where most of the 'normie' or 'our' generation reside, on the wall of facebook.

You can do a classic "this amazing new app allows you to [blah blah blah]". I'm sure people pay to put their content there, they regularly get millions of views and their stuff reposted everywhere. If I had a good idea for a product, the first place I'd go is messaging big social media pages for exposure - I can't imagine its that expensive either. Check their shill videos out for proof.

Also worth checking Kim Dot Com's new BitCache isn't similar - its crypto but it could be competition.

What sort of people? I'm an anon with an econ degree about to graduate but like most, I'm not sure how I can help. London based.

>> No.1925876

OP, do you need any help with anything?

I have some experience in marketing shit like this. I work for sweat equity on projects like this.

>> No.1926330

My email is bizinquiriesbs@gmail if you are interested, OP.

>> No.1926342

>We are doing everything correctly
>forming an LLC

Should have become a Delaware C corp.

>> No.1927312

Get a real job already anon. Your parents are getting sader by the minute. Also stop wearing skinny jeans. Makes you look try hard

>> No.1927730
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I already knew what you were doing when you said IOS. It had to be Bitcoin or some other crypto. I'm guessing you're using Mercari's form of selling as well.

I'll let you know in few years I'll be doing my own version. So please feel free to start now while you have the chance.

'Cause mine

>> No.1927879

Doesn't matter if it looks terrible if it is what the community knows to use to get what they are looking for. Look at 4chan for gods sake.