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19306209 No.19306209 [Reply] [Original]

>Can't do one pull up

>> No.19306230

I can do 10 in a row, deadhang, full rom, no kipping

>> No.19306242

Fuck off, served already.

>> No.19306360

Used to be able to do 3 sets of 15, now I can do maybe 5 lol. Once you have a kid who cares about impressing bitches

>> No.19306395

This is why your ass is gonna get divorced, then you will be on here espousing incel ideology about why she left you. Weak as fuck.

>> No.19306431

I do weighted chins, and finish with a weighted dead hang well above my 1rm chinup. Hurts like fuck but nothing adds size like a deep weighted stretch. Look up dog crap stretches. I'm also on tren tho. Lifting is just like finance, there are no cheats, shortcuts, or tricks to it. You go hard and go all the way utilizing every resource to extract maximum gains with maximum efficiency. 3 days lifting max, doesn't matter how much faster roids make you recover or grow. The nervous system will always be the bottleneck except for the noobest of natties.

>> No.19306438

>he thinks lifting and getting stronger is about impressing women
Not gonna make it

>> No.19306469

>get divorced
>implying I was ever married

>> No.19306480

>Lifting is just like finance, there are no cheats, shortcuts, or tricks to it
>I'm also on tren tho

>> No.19306604

This. I lift so i can disregard women without them dismissing it as cope.

>> No.19306671

so youre still working out for women.

>> No.19306699
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>> No.19306703

>yeah you may be smarter and richer and have more experiences and opportunities but do you have big lumps of beef in these key areas?

>> No.19306717

Could do like 15 before corona, not sure now

>> No.19306875

>married man
Truly the dumbest poster on biz and I took into account Craig Wright is Satoshi posters

>> No.19306895

Eh i enjoy it but in general yeah I'd otherwise just do cardio, looking after my appearance is pretty much so i can do my own thing and not elicit any negative opinion on it.

>> No.19306906

well considering I can kick your ass and take your stinkies or your life, yeah it matters

>> No.19306921

Yeah totally, let me know how well muscles deflect bullets

>> No.19306931

If it ain't the 1911, it ain't shit

>> No.19307017
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Your autism is showing. Replace divorce with girlfriend leaving you and point stands. It happens on here all the time, anon gets girlfriend, anon goes back to gaming, anon gets fat again, girlfriend leaves anon, anon turns to incel and mgtow content as cope.

>> No.19307051

They're doing the real pullup - pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

>> No.19307112

As you age the desire for sex disappears. You become free of the need for a woman.

>> No.19307170

If you think your biological drives are just a chain then you never needed women in the first place.

>> No.19307455

I did a 30 second hang with 60kg a few years back. Pulled my bicep lol

Dip 2 reps at 60kg back in December at 83kg BW

>> No.19307483

What are they if not chains?

>> No.19307684

Pathetic faggot

>> No.19307692

what is this hang shit lads? whats the science behind just hanging addeding muscle? wouldnt pull ups just be the same but more effective?

>> No.19307717

Not to get 2deep4you, but they are just experiences. You experience being hungry and thirsty constantly, and you experience a need for sex, and you could experience the successes or failures of a social relationship with women if you wanted it. It is just what makes up life in my opinion. So if you believe that the need to eat sleep and fuck is holding you back from something, then you should also likely believe that there is nothing to be gained from a relationship with other humans other than possibly short term overcoming of limitations restricting you from reaching a state where you can have the experiences of not needing these things.

>> No.19307753

alpha male

>> No.19307781


>> No.19308056

I can do 20

>> No.19308089

have sex simp