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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19320581 No.19320581 [Reply] [Original]

anyone good at TA here? I want in but I really dont want to get dumped on.

>> No.19320654

It's too late
It's up 20 cents and rising
By the time you decide it'll be at 5/esh

>> No.19320663

If youre too much of a pussy, just wait until after airdrop and buy a bag at $5

>> No.19320668

buy is so bullish play the pump

>> No.19320693

you're a week too late for the pump, it's about to dump. do not fomo this.

TA can't help with something this manipulated and short term.

>> No.19321463

TA won't help you on this one. 2 things will both happen:
- some people who hold since early of who bought the absolute dip will "sell the news" today an dump
- people will fomo in because of the airdrop
So the summed effect of these 2? No way to know. If you're interested i getting ghost I 'd say buy early before the last minute fomo kicks in

>> No.19321470
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>I want in

>> No.19322419

I have a successful history of very in-depth crypto trading analysis, and I will provide you some for free right now. Do not take this lightly. Here is my trading analysis:

1.You post this thread on 4chan
2.You disregard what anyone says and decide to buy in because FOMO.
3.Price dumps and you lose all your money
4.You post pink wojaks

>> No.19322465

>Strong resolution, you don’t buy
>green dildo up your ass

>> No.19322789

What a perfect resume
You must be highly wanted sir.

>> No.19323208

>don't want to get dumped on

stay away brother, unless you can swing like a champ. this thing is 100% manipulated scam

>> No.19323242
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TA? are you larping anon kek

>> No.19323333

When is the airdrop?

>> No.19323372
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nobody knows

>> No.19323404
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which airdrop? lmfao you know you're going to have to wait again for the main net airdrop? this is gonna so brutal. wise up fren

>> No.19323414

are people still fomoing into new fork coins? is it even a new fork coin with mainnet running or only another useless erc20 token which "one day will start its own network"
ETH was a mistake.

>> No.19323447

it was alleged to be on the 25th, well, here we are, no tokens, oh wait, whats that? they are delaying it some more hours to generate some more hype to drum up even more suckers into their scheme.

For an ERC20 toke bahahaha, this board is hilarious.

>> No.19323485

>blatantly fake team (go see the website)
>95% of team are non western low level marketing scum
>erc20 token
>everything announced in progressive steps getting worse + more vague with each announcement
>NO MAIN NET not even test net. team just came together yesterday
>copy pasta white paper of previous pnd pajeet coin with spelling mistakes on the non copy part

this is the worst one I've ever seen. the coping is so beyond any previous pnd because they all got in at $2 + and are big boy "Hodl" "no weak hands allowed"

>> No.19323511

Managed to get rid of my bags from that last dump just before and made a couple g. Thank fuck for that took a whole afternoon of shilling

>> No.19323543

>brags about being the cancer killing this board
go lay in traffic

>> No.19323577

It literally has a countdown timer on ghostbymcaffee website.
Everyone who says there isn't one is lying, there's is about 14 hours till airdrop.
It hasn't been delayed once still the 25th.

>> No.19323587

you know for me too this is the worst one I seen too.

There are numerous points (that you can go check yourself) at where this whole project is doomed for, and people just refuse to see the writing on the wall.

During the dump following the WP scandal, switch acquire x3 companies, one of which was clearpoll which is known here for having scammed $5million from people.

Josh saying he is the lead 'dev' then following the scandal with WP says 'I am not a dev, actually I just leave them to it I have no involvement'. Pathetic statement.

Switch website is incomplete, links lead nowhere, the exchange brings up images of tokens that done match the ticker.

The fact all this hype is for an ERC20 placeholder, GHST hasnt even been built yet, and they think they can build it by 22 June.

If the product is anything like the whitepaper, its gonna be a mess.

The fact the whole marketing angle has been sooo heavily shilled without any working product or factual USP (unique selling point) just a load of buzzwords.

Reputable projects go into very good depth about how their product works to generate interest and ICO funds.

I could go on, but its all just so tiresome, go lose all your money, this board will be all pink wojaks tomorrow.

>> No.19323777

I am the most sought after crypto analyst in my whole village.
When I poo in the street, no one else even poos in the street.

>> No.19323955

literally a countdown on the website. it was always 25th 8pm cst. your gonna feel like a dumbass when you miss out on an easy 3-8x

>> No.19324011

what's the trading pair gonna be on the exchanges? ghost/btc, ghost/eth? esh/ghost?

>> No.19324042

i assume gohst/eth

>> No.19324051

I have to stay awake till fucking 3am for this drop. I don't even want it, I just want the 20x from the pump. Pure fucking dogshit I have being euro

>> No.19324091
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>heavily shilled
Geo one of the team members and paid shills on the website is toxic, unprofessional and a complete mess.

The ghost website says:
"Business development, user adoption, exchange relations, and marketing.

Yet all he does is cheerlead ghost and insult people on twitter without putting forth a good debate

One of my personal favourites is:

Dude if you would know whos behind the development of $GHOST you would shit your pants, $PIVX is biting way more than they can chew :) public info is coming soon

Then afterwards they announced Aksay the bus boy with 6 github commits that hates the ghost project as the core dev.

You couldn't make up the teams incompetence and retardation