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19415477 No.19415477 [Reply] [Original]

>Entry level job
>Bachelor's Degree (required)

>> No.19415487

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.19415493 [DELETED] 

welcome to shitmerica where jobs that don't use even 1% of what is an a bachelors within the job but ask for the degree anyways.

These are worse than IQ tests.

>> No.19415500

Pay: $11/hour

>> No.19415515

>He doesn't know what entry level job means

>> No.19415526
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Wagecucks get what they fucking deserve.

>> No.19415528

welcome to shitmerica where employers ask for a 100% useless and irrelevant degree or discriminate against you. At least you're "educated", KEK! I have 150 units. Load of bullshit. College is a place to get credentials through asinine ways, NOT to "get educated".

These are worse than IQ tests.

>> No.19415530

They want a senior with an entry level salary.

>> No.19415539

*or they will discriminate against you

I dont think YOU do

>> No.19415554
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>Salary: Competitive

>> No.19415557

Well duh. Everyone I know with a Bachelors is making 80k+ right from the start. One friend went off to do an internship and got hired for life.
Referring to STEM fields. If you're an Arts kid, then good luck kiddo

>> No.19415565
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My stocks can't afford comfy dividends if they have to pay you a "fair salary" too.

>> No.19415570

Being a employee under this economic paradigm is hell anyways.

That's why I started my own business.

>> No.19415586
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>> No.19416534

Its even funnier when you get a PhD. and you look at what those 'entry level' openings look like if you don't want to do academic research or work for the gubmint.

>> No.19416559
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>We’re looking for a manager’s nephew

>> No.19416681
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80% of jobs out there

>> No.19416731

I see absolutely nothing wrong with these two statements. Would you like them to hire people who've not completed high school or?

>> No.19416795

Not just America... what if we started saying a degree requirement for a job was discrimination? Spin it as muh poor minorities and how even with quotas universities are unfair so let’s just drop degree requirements for all work unless it specifically requires a degree In something to do the actually job,

This won’t work because the degree is the product and they need to keep selling them. The jobs are mostly made up to justify it too. It’s a racket!

>> No.19416881

Most passive aggressive, twitter bug thing going on right now

>> No.19416905
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>I see absolutely nothing wrong with these two statements. Would you like them to hire people who've not completed high school or?

>> No.19416993

Bahahahah. Babby mad he wasn’t smart enough to get into a good college, and now he sulks on the internet to cope

>> No.19417274

Says the retard without an actual argument lmao

I can also tell you are young as fuck for even thinking a "good" college matters. Good luck when you grow the fuck up and get a job :). I bet you arent even doing a stem major, kek

>> No.19417283

Yep. It's a scam for sures. It's the equivalent to FORCING people to purchase a "good". It's like me saying "here's my store. Buy my cheetos or I'll shoot you in the head".

>> No.19417360

also want to add it is pathetic that you actually didnt feel embarrassed for posting such a low effort argument. It shows me YOU are the butthurt one and because you had NO argument, you resort to going off topic just to try to gain some leverage. It's a retarded way of arguing which is highly ironic coning from a supposed "smart" person. I can easily tell you arent anywhere near as smart as you think you are just by this post alone. I wouldnt mind arguing if you had a REAL argument instead of "WHAAA, STOP CRITICIZING INEFFICIENCIES WHAA".

>> No.19417424
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>thanks for applying. We’ll get in touch with you.

>> No.19417925

As a recent Grad to Computer Science, this hits me so fucking hard...Jesus Christ.

Is there any hope, or should I just kill myself?

>> No.19417996

You'll probably be fine with that major in particular. The real problem is when a job GENUINELY doesnt NEED a bachelors (like an administrator job for instance) yet employers ask for it anyways. Its a dumbass way to screen people out. Its a bit more justified for your field in particular (usually justified in stem fields, though its still retarded as fuck that they STILL force people to take any GE classes at all).

>> No.19418029

Problem is I almost never get calls back, and I always shit the bed on the few interviews I've done because I'm an autistic faggot that choke.

>> No.19418041

Haha. Welcome to clown world faggots. Either cuck yourself with a useless degree and accept that shitty entry level wage or quit complaining about your pathetic inability to secure a job and make shit happen.

>> No.19418104

Speaking high and mighty when youre probably worse off lmfao

>> No.19418142
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Don't worry wagie I'm fucking loaded, well maybe you should worry cause I've been banging your mom sister and girlfriend all week long. Silverchads rise up.

>> No.19418198

Gets old when people are complaining about exactly what they signed up for.
Pick a decent major or quit complaining about why you cant find a job with your liberal arts degree. Learn skills that will allow you to demand a higher salary.

>> No.19418261

>Gets old when people are complaining about exactly what they signed up for.
Something this system FORCED you to do, smooth brain retard. Fucking down syndrome much?
>Pick a decent major or quit complaining about why you cant find a job with your liberal arts degree. Learn skills that will allow you to demand a higher salary.
Aka "be the best of the best or you deserve to die poor!". Youre literally clinically retarded.
1. Im willing to bet my ass youre a small fry loser bitch talking shit when you have nothing.
2. You missed the point, retard. Employers are asking for degrees NOT needed for the job, you illiterate ape. Learn to read and go back to preschool
3. A society that makes it near impossible to live without constantly being on edge is a failure. You blame the individual rather than the shit system that is PURPOSELY designed to be this way. Fucking cuck bootlickers are both hilarious and pathetic

>> No.19418602

Uh no?
>A society that makes it near impossible to live without constantly being on edge is a failure
Yes productivity = failure. This system obviously isnt perfect, however it does allow for hardwork and just a dash of intelligence to shine even for the lowest IQ brainlets such as myself. If you would direct me to a country which has pulled more people out of poverty than the Capitalist system I'd be happy to cede my entire argument. With this opportunity to shine there are inherent sacrifices, being the people who dont care to go beyond and simply choose to whine about their situations. They're liabilities. If you think employers are fucking retarded for requesting a degree that's mostly irrelevant, then go elsewhere, be your own employer. And if you choose to whine about why they get to make the rules? It's because they put in years of work to set up a company to take the risk of hiring your dumbass, so they want to ensure some sort of quality. But you'll just be someone who chooses to complain about life and lets life happen to them instead of taking control and choosing your own outcome.

>> No.19418991
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>quit complaining about your pathetic inability to secure a job and make shit happen
Good advice anon

>> No.19419026

God I really fucking hate this

>> No.19419046
File: 44 KB, 568x588, 75B50E2D-C6C6-45EE-8F1C-0EE9758CEE16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create a metric
>measure life by it

>> No.19419106

there's almost no reason to get a non STEM PhD unless you plan to teach or there is a job that you're going for where nearly everyone has one. i have a friend who got a PhD in poly sci and he didn't want to teach. like what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.19419533

uh yes, bitch. Its either that or basically guaranteed low wages for life, retarded mother fucker. Learn to fucking think. You arent given real options other than be poor or get a degree (usually a pointless one).

2. False. Making survival efficient should be the number one priority, smoothbrain, NOT just "maximizing productivity", moron

>> No.19419753

I help my employer with hiring.
There is an absolute mountain of applicants. Having some arbitrary criteria helps filter it down. If we get 1000 applicants for an entry level job, I can't possibly go through them all in detail.

So you make a big cut, like requiring a degree. That cuts out a few hundred. Then another cut like 2+ years experience. That cuts it down more. You can also cut it down to a few target universities. Now it's a little more manageable. Have you lost plenty of good applicants? Yes, but you still have way more than you need.

Businesses like it this way. They are always going to want a flood of applicants so they can be as picky as they like, and as abusive to their staff as they like. Their worst nightmare is for a horde of companies to have to compete for a very small number of applicants. So they lobby incessantly for endless mass immigration, get what they want, and we're stuck with this situation.