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19447523 No.19447523 [Reply] [Original]

>Country is on fire
>Chinese trade war
>Protests now in other countries and will probably also have riots

>> No.19447533

clown world

>> No.19447554

unironically brrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.19447587

At this point they probably have a direct backdoor into the whole system and they can just type whatever numbers into it that they want.

>> No.19447607

It never made any sense.

>> No.19447610

clown... world

>> No.19447644
File: 64 KB, 600x574, 4L_0bXHvN2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be greedy when others are fearful faggot.

>> No.19447649
File: 22 KB, 480x360, C0BB5239-DAAA-4998-AF5F-6EECEB284090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks stocks are related to irl

>> No.19447661

stick to bitcoin retard

>> No.19447671

because fed controls the stock market, they can dump 100 trillion into the market wiping out all other efforts of dumps by bears. US government and and chinese government are controlled by the same bankers, they own most of the supply of bitcoins and the feds have their hands in all major exchanges. In the future feds will control all the digital currency as well. When they release their stable coin, it will be backed by BTC, except your debt is going to be on the line from when you were using paper money. legality on the blockchain, cemeted forever, enjoy being a slave. Someone is going to have to pay for debt, and it will be the people of the world, controlled by technology. Those who hold chainlink, BTC or ETH will be free, those who do not will have even less rights than 20 years before.

>> No.19447672

nah it's "be a faggot while others are greedy"

>> No.19447693

Man I wish

>> No.19447700

it haS been priced in for a long time.

>> No.19447703

Black people don't contribute to the economy

>> No.19447709

But stocks are up you moron

>> No.19447718


>> No.19447782

All those things have happened before and will happen again.

A pandemic was a gamechanger. Most high IQ investors realized that COVID-19 was similar to MERS and SARS which made it a huge unknown. Geopolitical unrest is common and only concerns the plebs. In fact, it is making many forget about the highly more uncertain pandemic.

>> No.19447802

Stocks are a ponzi scheme for the top 1% to scam the top 90-99%. The 90% of people who own nothing or tiny positions are the people primarily affected by corona and looting. They don't own stocks. The top 1% owns 50% of all stocks are they are actually getting richer from the fed gibs. And the worse it gets for the bottom 90% the more and more free gibs the feds will give to the top 1%. That's why you get kind of get a correlation where bad economic data will lead to stocks going up because it means more free gibs for the 1% are likely. The only thing that kills the gibs is inflation. Luckily the government (run by the top 1%) defines what inflation is. They call it CPI and they just change the definition every year to make sure it says inflation is less than 2% so they can get the free gibs going and going perpetually siphoning wealth from the lower and middle classes to the top 1%. Its how modern neofeudalism works.

>> No.19447810

> those who do not will have even less rights than 20 years before.
the fact that you wrote less instead of fewer makes me disregard your entire post.

>> No.19447813

hopium and QE no one wants to pull out for the bull run.

>> No.19447833




>> No.19447896

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.19447914

The biggest threat to an economy is lethargy. Riots are bullish as long as they dont actually destroy too much productive capacity.

>> No.19447916
File: 609 KB, 638x551, 1476924770715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit off of all this mayhem?

>> No.19447923


Trump being moved into a bunker...maybe this will effect stocks?

>> No.19447953

Nvm, read the story, it happened FRIDAY night.

>> No.19447974

Infrastructure Bill and a second round of trump bucks. Only thing that will crash this is a mutated virus Second Wave or a major bankruptcy.

>> No.19447990

shorters buying everything right now making a small pump

>> No.19447997
File: 132 KB, 1500x750, 5F0A296F-F640-44AF-AA6C-F822B0F35EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuclear wAr
>7 billion dead

Algos trade time ath. Time in the market bears timing the market bitch

>> No.19448004

buy vix

>> No.19448011

That's only true when the fear isn't warranted and it is.

>> No.19448013

The riots don't hurt large corporations that much. The riots will most likely stop within 2 weeks (at most).

>> No.19448022

>coronavirus ceased to exist overnight

That’s why, lol. Possible biy green dildo tomorrow

>> No.19448041

>poor faggot

I can tell you don’t even have 2 nickels to rub together. All you’ve got are sorry ass excuses. Why don’t you try doing what my world the 1% do and put your money in the market? If it takes working extra jobs, do it and stop bitching and making excuses like a little dorito fingered little bitch ass bitch. But rookies like you always got some excuse. That’s why you’ll never amount to anything and my world walks over cockroaches like you. Keep whiny little bitch ass. The answers right in your face. Too bad you’re too JSU being a little whiny bitch to even hold your hand out and catch my dick dribble which would increase your net worth about 20000%.

>> No.19448066

Why would chimping niggers have any adverse effect on markets? They're always stealing and murdering anyway.

>> No.19448152

Bc they are going to be dumped

>> No.19448183

Aha ahahahahahaha
>thinking btc will be used as gold

>> No.19448233

have you seen the thousands of people marching and standing together? this is going to start the big corona outbreak 2.0 in 14 days

>> No.19448240

>he doesnt know its an organized leftwing revolution and last ditch effort to unseat Trump in 2020

>> No.19448247

>thinking political and economic outcomes ever made any sort of logical sense

>> No.19448256
File: 8 KB, 181x120, 1320591920368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr I wonder if China or Russia has anything to do with instigating mass protests in the middle of a pandemic

>> No.19448269

After attacking CNN headquarters the rioters have just reelected President Trump and turned a while bunch of blue pills, red.

>> No.19448334
File: 368 KB, 894x894, 3b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because you're a huge bitch lmao

>> No.19448339

Give me cummies bull, my boi Pucci is ready for your green cawk uwu

>> No.19448367

be greedful when others are feary faggot

>> No.19448538

The stock market is almost completely untethered from reality. That and the fundamentals of the American market are still solid. Pent-up demand, Federal government willing to keep industries afloat, etc.