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19971453 No.19971453 [Reply] [Original]

my dad is going to take me out of his will because I won't inflate his ego. I know for a fact that he's never filed taxes properly, has no idea how to do it, and cheated on his taxes for decades.

is it possible to pay an accountant to audit him? how much would it cost and what should I know before hand? if he ends up with too much debt he has to live on the street or go to jail right? I know he's pretty much broke right now after spending all his money on shitty cars

>> No.19971472

>daddy wont give me free stuff
>how do i make him go to jail??

>> No.19971509

that would only make him feel better about himself

>> No.19971625

You are a faggot

>> No.19971758

oh boy are my feelings hurt, you should have heard the deranged mentally destructive shit he spewed daily

so he will go to jail right? until he dies?

>> No.19971796

Inform your nations tax authority directly

>> No.19971817


What kind of job does your dad have?
How do you know he never filled taxes properly?

>> No.19971861


Op I hope this is bait but you are the worst type of person. Vengeful, ungrateful and with no fore thought to actions. Snitching on your parents is absolutely disgraceful. Earn your money and be a loyal son

>> No.19971895


Just report him to the IRS, they'll turn him inside out

>> No.19971902

is it really that simple? can i do it anonymously?

>> No.19971957



>> No.19971976

Don't listen to these cucks op you are based and red pilled the boomers will get the pillow

>> No.19971986

op, i have a dad same like you
he is the biggest asshole in the entire universe. All my life long he treated me like shit until the day i kicked his ass.
you should do it. this is the only way he will learn

>> No.19972096

holy shit and you get paid for it?

he'd pull a gun or knife

>> No.19972133

>your dad manages to get away with tax fraud
>instead of asking advices on how to look dump/stupid and make intentional mistakes to lower your taxable income, you report him to IRS
go to hell

>> No.19972152

he wasn't the one filing them, he can barely do math

>> No.19972172

The IRS won't do shit. They're so underfunded right now lol. You don't deserve a handout from anybody, so quit being tattletale bitch.

>> No.19972174


is it legal in your country to carry a gun?
are you sure he have a gun?

>> No.19972746

Your dad sounds based
You deserve to be gassed and thrown on the streets useless tranny

>> No.19973005
File: 38 KB, 388x380, 2FB4FD9E-C7FA-4F9E-AF5A-7BC82ACD36CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up, sucker
only snowflake cuckboys say bullshit like you

you probably never dealt with an abusive father in your life...

>> No.19973443

in some countries, taking a children out of one's will is illegal
you should check it out

>> No.19973542
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>> No.19973825

so be a fucking man and make something of yourself?
everybody has shitty things that happen to them in their lives that they have no control over. the thing that separates the losers from the winners is being able to stand the fuck up and overcome these obstacles
instead of whining online about your father do something with your life

>> No.19973928
File: 257 KB, 1200x630, 1566842707481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are based op, in my country people only have control over a portion of the will, the rest is distributed equally.

>> No.19974054
File: 12 KB, 300x400, 15d88dc298a64c5fa1e9341a8f39dd15_c5_300x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, enlighten us on the 'deranged mentally destructive shit' he spewed anon and we will be the judge. but i think I know someone just like you. i bet you deserve way worse than your dad gives you

>> No.19974619

this sounds about right, whoever sucks up the most gets a bonus but otherwise it's fair even if he treats one child like shit and the others like gold

>> No.19975328

btw what do you mean with „inflate his ego“?

>> No.19975630

if I don't constantly call him to tell him how amazing of a father he was and how amazing my life is going every day he gets pissy, even though he has nothing to say to me. he just wants me to fucking entertain him with stories and become a millionaire at the same time. he wants to feel like he raised superman when he only ever fucked me up with bullshit

>> No.19975823

you sound like a real little bitch

>> No.19975846

I can see why he took you out of the will

>> No.19975876

a man completely mentally fucked his bloodline, is about to economically fuck it, and I'm the bitch? you sound like you need covid

>> No.19976190

oh shit that almost sounds like my father
i can totally understand you, anon

so what does you dad do for a living?

>> No.19976200

>my dad is going to take me out of his will
>he's pretty much broke right now

Why does 1 matter if 2 is true?

>> No.19976358

you're not explaining what you did or the kind of man you are in this situation and thats telling. instead you're being vague and crying for sympathy on an anon forum. again, tell us, what exactly did you dad say these things to you? are you a tranny?

>> No.19976380


you sound like a spoiled brat

>> No.19976425

I can see what happened, he probably said get a Job your purple haired cunt you’re not my son. Men have penis woman have vagina and I’m voting for trump

Did that hurt your feelings?

>> No.19976927

not going to use this as a blog, i got the advice i was looking for. i only explained the reason he's removing me from the will; i dont call him the best dad in the world every day, for context

>> No.19977069

nobody knows you here, anon

just give us some stories

>> No.19977131

where is the failure of logic?

>> No.19977150

>be a loyal son

>> No.19977159

>Your dad sounds based
he actually doesn't

>> No.19977177

he's a phycopathic narcissistic like ALL BOOMERS are. they are niggers and you should pillow him and skip the funeral.

>> No.19977221


>> No.19977493
File: 92 KB, 291x383, AC74EBDC-C7F7-4AA9-AADC-6EAA4CFDB306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true
Same here except it was my stepdad, he was a giant prick until the day he really pissed me off, so I walked up to him and got in his face, he tried to push me, we end up on the ground, I get on him and hold his head down and bring my fist up.. but didn't actually beat the living shit out of him because I didn't need to at that point, the look of fear in his face did it all, also he was screaming for help from another on of my blood family members who just laughed at him and said well I guess u shouldn't have pissed him off.. I get off and call him a bitch then couple weeks later we get over it and literally never had a prob again infact

>> No.19977766

except they do and actively react to things i post here, but ill give you a good one.

i have a pretty clear memory of being in the 9-11 range and attempting to access the family computer after seeing the matrix, which was in the same room as his tax avoidance desk. he turned to me and said something along the lines of "I buy you all of those toys and you want to use adult work stuff? don't you love me? I buy you those expensive toys because I love you, if you don't use them you don't love me." it was just a fucking playstation, but I felt that if I worshipped it I was proving to my dad I loved him. that mentality was stuffed in my face multiple other times, except when it came to sports. my father thought only adults were allowed to learn, and the only things kids could do were play sports, so he forced me to do it even though I vocally opposed.

this was my entire life, attempting to do intelligent things and having my father make me feel guilty for it, shit on me, and then force me to run head first at my friends.

>> No.19977914

If this isn't a larp which I'm sure it is, he's a cunt but don't help the IRS fuck them.

>> No.19978021

yeah ok ill bite and assume you're not lying/exaggerating. if so this is sad, truly. a father shouldn't seek a relationship with his son based on materialism. but even so, at least he gives a shit. its better than an absentee drunken rapist father. keep it in perspective. your family is your family buddy. at times, i had anger towards my parents. but these are your PARENTS bro. they are literally punished in this society for giving you life, its a struggle. they work shitty jobs they hate and dont udnerstand why things suck because they're boomers. dont hate them for it. forgive them. you owe everything to your parents unless you are a wild exception, which it doesnt sound like ou are.

>> No.19978173

that's your birthright. take what is yours. if you can't, then deny him the opportunity to give it away to someone else.

>> No.19978512

but now they expect me to be rich after having constantly destroyed my early attempts to be successful. they don't care about what I think or feel, they care about why I'm buying renting or how I'm making money, that's it. they built our entire relationship out of materialism and now they expect something more than that. it's insane levels of vanity and thinking about it makes me go crazy with anger.

they aren't my parents, they were my zygote donors who then expected me to work my entire life for their comfort. I'll feel no regret when the irs takes him down. I should also say my mom divorced and remarried so this won't effect her. my dad has literally zero friends because nobody likes him and it's been like this forever. he only had one non-family member as a best man at his wedding.

>> No.19978881

How old are you? It sounds like you are young if you're over 18, it would be best just leaving your dad be and starting a new life somewhere else. Work any shit job to pay the rent and get an education on the side. Living with your parents is only going to create more hatred towards them, anon. GTFO and live your own life.

>> No.19979551

that's what I did a long time ago, but my father put me through multiple summers of brutal physical labor all while shitting on me for not knowing how to do things perfectly without any guidance. I had time stolen from me with nothing to show for it. that money is mine, he owes it to me for propping up his shitty lifestyle and helping spoil my sister.