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20294267 No.20294267 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>go to pickup food order
>lady says "would you do me a favor and put this mask on?"
>put it on my forehead
>she gets visibly upset
>go to gas station for a vanilla coke
>basedboy cashier can hardly talk cause im maskless

>> No.20294284


>driving home and see people out riding bikes with masks on

this has to be peak clown world

>> No.20294373

Yeah I use an SSD

>> No.20294402


>> No.20294407

I guess just being polite and doing a small gesture for people is too much to ask. It’s not like you couldn’t just immediately take it off after she leaves.

>> No.20294420

based low IQ poster

>> No.20294427

This isn't reddit loser.

>> No.20294431

Ah, Americans

A 3rd world country who thinks there 1st

>> No.20294434

Never once wore a mask, 3 soft complaints until today, first world.

>> No.20294451


Also while we're at it, let's unpack this issue that you right-wing KNUCKLEHEADS seem stuck on! If a man indentifies as a woman then you should respect her wishes and call her whatever she so desires!

>> No.20294470

good god america is a disaster. this is society on the brink of collapse, people - a populace this anti-science, utterly incapable of critical thinking and bereft of basic social decency is a society without much time left

>> No.20294484

>I guess just being polite and doing a small gesture for people is too much to ask. It’s not like you couldn’t just immediately put it on when you meet people without masks.
You try to argue infringing others rights because you feel they infringed yours is okay. Well don't be amazed if you die by being beaten to dead by a minority

>> No.20294499


>> No.20294526

nice dubs my brother

>> No.20294534
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>only wearing mask outside

>> No.20294581

>not sleeping and showering with a mask
Bonus points if you sleep underwater in the bathtub with the mask

>> No.20294611


>> No.20294633


>> No.20294687


>> No.20294712

So it's okay if stores can throw you out with no shirts no shoes no service, but asking people to cover their fucking mouths in the middle of a pandemic is a conspiracy and threat to freedom?

I unironically hope Darwin has a field day with you. There have been thousands of other dumbasses like yourself that have died by thinking they could be smug with a virus going around.

>> No.20294749

Im 6'2 and ripped I love telling little cucks to put on a mask amd watch them comply in fear as i crush their little ancap moment

>> No.20294757

>lowering your oxygen intake is the same as putting pants and shoes on

You’re retarded

>> No.20294784

Manlet. I’m 6’6” and I crush the skulls of midgets like you for even thinking about me putting on a mask

>> No.20294871

You're a fucking retard. Contractors wear masks regularly working in the field for hours at a time, wearing one while you order your McDouble is the least of your worries.


>Worried about a slight reduction in oxygen that would take years, decades, if any to show any kind of possible effect, rather than a virus that has a 1-2% chance to fucking kill you

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.20294909

this post is not funny at all

>> No.20294935

I’m 6’8 and I crush little turds like you that try to crush midgets for crushing ancaps

>> No.20294950

Also, most everyone that survives COVID that ended up with a more serious illness is shown to have an up to 30% reduction in lung function from scarring.

But you're worried about using a mask for their intended purpose for brief periods of time.

You are a laughing stock, and I hope this virus continues to purge the US.

>> No.20294993

Lmao you killed him bro, nice job

>> No.20295030

>put it on my forehead
Kek, based.

>> No.20295037

I can't understand how hard it is for some folks to just not behave like utter childish cunts

>> No.20295122

This is such a retarded leap of logic I’m shocked you were able to muster the brain cells to power on whatever device you just typed this message on.

>> No.20295132

Americans everybody
A store owner should have the right to refuse service to you for any reason. Including race.

>> No.20295241

>muh americans
>store owners can deny service
you need a loisence to deny service anywhere else m8

>> No.20295325

>A store owner should have the right to refuse service to you for any reason. Including race.

This is true.

>> No.20295357

I'm 7' and I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.

>> No.20295409

This has nothing to do with chainlink

>> No.20295466
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>> No.20295546
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I like masks. If you have one made of good materials they are comfy to wear.

It's so petty and childish how Americans made it some sort of issue.

>> No.20295566

Im not really a turbo racist like most of pol, but a store owner really should have the right to refuse anyone no matter the reason, definitely notwithstanding race and religion.

>> No.20295587

holy fugg. how'd you get a cat to dance on this thread like that?

>> No.20295795

Yep. And masks included.

>> No.20295856


>> No.20295876

Nobody cared until you took off the mask

>> No.20295900
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>> No.20296289

Yeah and it shows. Only NGMI autistic neckbeard 4channrler faggots would break the norm so hard for no reason.

>> No.20296390

Before you insult us in English you might want to properly learn it first

>> No.20296416

Just take a knee for this Negro. Just kiss this Negro’s foot. Just KYS. It’s just a small gesture!

>> No.20296466

You know what’s SUPER COOL!?

Letting China become the worlds Superpower in 20 short years.

>> No.20296521

Based faggot keep it up. You are doing gods work here anon. Don't let those libtards take away your comfort and more importantly - freedomĄ

>> No.20296577

I can. It's called the current state of Americans valuing personal freedom so much that they can't even fathom that doing something for someone else and not themselves can have a side benefit of also protecting themselves. This isn't even a moral or political discussion. Literal children can normally understand basic cause and effect.

>> No.20296610

Yes? Speak using your words instead of cringeposting pictures of wojack.

>> No.20296756


right-wingers are fucking IDIOTS

>> No.20296888

poor insecure guy maybe even started the thread to only be called "based" by his kind

>> No.20296915

> I have no link so I take out my frustration with myself on the world by not wearing a mask
> reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.20297249
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based OP. you tranny faggot nigger leftists will never win. CDC already downgrading pandemic status. have fun with that cognitive dissonance.

>> No.20297276

Cope and seethe harder for getting called out like the retard you are.

>> No.20297308

forgot to include with cognitive dissonance

>> No.20297902

Just wear the yellow star patch so goy feel comfortable around you.

>> No.20298018

Even fucking Fauci said masks are ineffective. Until he decide they were (even though they still aren't).

>> No.20298180
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>> No.20298229

when no maskers see eachother we instantly see allies now. there's even a wink and nod sometimes to let eachother know there are people still out there who aren't totally brainwashed by the zio media

>> No.20298284

I don't understand, is there anything wrong with that statement?

>> No.20298367

Imagine being some shit eating zoomer and calling anyone else basedboy, stick to pol you aimless faggot.

>> No.20298369

The mask is clearly a political thing. The only people who wear masks are these weird puritanical extremists and the people who refuse to wear masks are these weird misanthropic hilbillies.

>> No.20298429

Nigger tier IQ, I'm glad retarded subhumans like you are literally too dumb to ever amount to anything, stick to pol and don't leave your cum stinking bedroom you limp dicked faggots.

>> No.20299435

I sell masks not wear them. Imagine being that much of a coward and a pussy. Ngmi lmao. Stay scared and I'll stay wealthy.

>> No.20299477

go to a covid party bro! its just a prank!

>> No.20299617

Went for a walk yesterday and there were 5 different parties in my neighborhood with music blasting. One of those parties was in their front lawn, and no one was wearing masks. All Hispanic and definitely left wing voters since it is California. Absolutely annoying and I'm fucking done. I could understand the mask during the beginning when no one knew what this was, but the death rate is a damn joke. Just open shit back up.

>> No.20299633


>> No.20299645
File: 1.58 MB, 1125x1491, 208AB5C6-FE6E-4E73-8E0F-BBCF382AB8FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lady says "would you do me a favor and put this mask on?"
>put it on my forehead

>> No.20299674

Was it autism?