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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20380279 No.20380279 [Reply] [Original]

Why is nobody talking about this? Literally your ticket into NEETdom

>> No.20380350

Because they like being poor

>> No.20380460

price is volatile but seems based again

>> No.20380523

do you really think the people with $20 mill in compoound are going to move to another chain at this point? 50 new Eth dapps that are composable with all others come out every day..... Ethkillers are a dead meme

>> No.20380539

Relax. /biz/ is now full of jeets and poorfags who are mainly gambling on small caps, the fact Tezos still flies under the radar is extremely bullish if you're following development. It will become bigger than Ethereum in a year or two

>> No.20380658

>It will become bigger than Ethereum in a year or two
no it won't

>> No.20380745

imo Defi will fail and STOs will become enormous, Tezos is hedging itself for that future. Also, Vitalik is talking about rushing ETH 2.0 release which is bearish af. They rushed and fucked Ethereum and now they want to rush the 2.0 release??? Fuck that

>> No.20380787


>> No.20380880

defi is already a success. also, they arent rushing eth 2.0. they are just planning to release it with 2 clients as opposed to 4-5 at initial release

>> No.20381011

where the fuck did smart money poster go?

>> No.20381035

Are there any interesting projects on Tezos? DeFi? Gaming?

>> No.20381075

It's not a success so far. I bet less than 5% of speculators in crypto use defi. All I see is decentralized loans which are interesting, but fucking useless for most people - banks already do a good enough job. When the defi bubble pops it will be interesting to see the fallout though.

>> No.20381086

>top 10 coin for a very long time until like a month ago
>"nobody talking about this"

>> No.20381107

STOs. Mainly for institutions rather than small-time speculators though.

>> No.20381133

there's already 2 billion dollars locked in various defi protcols man and it's going parabolic

>> No.20381157

>fucking useless for most people
also.. how? you literally click like 5 buttons and you make interest on your crypto without having to go to a bank. most people just don't understand it yet

>> No.20381259

this. even most linkies can't appreciate the utility of it. If you have 100k link, you can go into aave and borrow against it to go farm yield on other protocols, or put your link in a balancer pool, etc. None of this is possible on tezos nor will it ever be.

>> No.20381292

2 billion from ConsenSys, ETH whales and people looking for fast money is not a "success" - it's another bubble. If it can survive and thrive for 2-3 more years then I can admit that I was wrong.

As someone who already uses many fintech options, I see nothing beyond MKR being interesting enough to engage with. MKR has had huge problems and is not really decentralized yet though.

>> No.20381646

The general consensus I’m getting here is
>I love being poor

>> No.20381707

What's an STO and why is it relevant to anything?

>t. 1700 XTZ thinking of buying more

>> No.20382010

They are tokenized securities. The reason why STOs are interesting is:

>they're legal
>they have the potential to remove trillions worth of collateral from traditional markets
>theoretically should increase the value of the product being tokenized
>allows instant access of global capital to buy the product anywhere in the world without regulations hindering the investor

>> No.20382160

>I see nothing beyond MKR being interesting enough to engage with.
if you don't see what's interesting in the defi space right now, then you either haven't tried it or are retarded. sorry

>> No.20382173

Thats not oxt

>> No.20382289

Decentralized loans are not interesting. Ethereum is dying for a use case after the ICO mania failed to produce anything substantial.

Out of all that ICO money wasted MKR, LINK and XTZ are the only things worth following. kek

>> No.20382587

>Decentralized loans are not interesting
loans scratch the surface. synthetix does derivatives, option contracts with opyn, savings accounts, decentralized exchanges, plus tons of other shit. they've literally created a parallel banking system on ethereum. and you're basically saying 'meh, not interesting'. lullllll

>> No.20382671

Plus Defi is about to branch out into off-chain assets like gold.

>> No.20382803
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>I see nothing beyond MKR being interesting enough to engage with
lol stopped reading there
>Uniswap, 1inch, Synthetix, Aave, Compound, Curve, Tornadocash, MCDex, Nexus, etc.
I use all of these regularly, you're a faggot.

>> No.20382844

I wonder if ETH 2.0 will make this obsolete. Does it have anything going for it other than staking?

>> No.20382855

And fintech already does this perfectly you moron. Why did it need to be decentralized again? You being regularly censored in your daily life?

Defi is a meme. And Ethereum needs these memes to stay relevant

>> No.20382947

>heh, you better buy my shit coin or else you're not going to make it
>sure, everything my shit coin, and every other shit coin does will have to flow through link, but I don't see why that's important to the conversation

>> No.20383178

haha what?

>Why did it need to be decentralized again?
The traditional market thread is here bro: >>20381942

>> No.20383223

>Why did it need to be decentralized again?
it increases transparency, saves time, saves money, allows individuals to make money instead of banks, and allows platforms to be open to as many assets as possible

>> No.20383287

I'm saying why should I gamble on shit coin X when I can just buy link and have a guaranteed win?

>> No.20383309

Ah, then I misread you.
In any case, all of those projects are doing great things, unironically.
Which is of course very good for Chainlink.

>> No.20383433

>Why did it need to be decentralized again
Because not everyone is an american.
I don't think you understand how shit the financial infrastructure and capital flow is in the rest of the world.
There are only a handful of hub in Northern Western Europe and Eastern Asia with real financial services.

>> No.20383458

also this

>> No.20383463

They are all memes. Decentralized currency is a great idea while these dapps and defi are not required. When the defi bubble pops you can find me in another Tezos thread, so we can all reminisce on this new boom and bust hysteria. Take care

>> No.20383482

>Decentralized currency is a great idea while these dapps and defi are not required
This is your mind as a Bitcoin maximalist lmao.

>> No.20383575

Just say you like to be bent over by the government and go

>> No.20383583

No doubt there will be great projects in the crypto world, it's just that I wouldn't invest in them simply because I feel there is more upside to investing in the pipeline everything will need to be driven through.

>> No.20383633

>I feel there is more upside to investing in the pipeline everything will need to be driven through.
As a lower-risk, more stable investment, yes.
But be aware that there are also massive gains to be made in the shorter term.
Aave for instance had a massive moon mission these past months.

>> No.20383664

this everyone, is the mind of a simpleton. take note and don't let it become you. it's fine to debate the pros and cons of the coins you own, but don't lose grasp of reality.

>> No.20383773

Crypto anarchy died with Mt. Gox. You can try live like McAfee, but I don't wana have to look over my shoulder every hour of each day.

>> No.20384031

Let's say the slow high fee piece of shit that Bitcoin is under Blockstream rule magically scales and becomes the world currency.
What is the point of having a decentralized money when all financial services are centralized and require trust?

Poorfags in SEA, ME, South America or Africa still won't be able to save for pensions, they still won't have access to microcredits, to escrow services, to insurance services, etc...

DeFi can unironically eradicate commies worldwide and curb population growth since every Pajeet and his cousins has access to a phone and internet.

>> No.20384449

>Decentralized currency is a great idea while these dapps and defi are not required
The more I read this, the funnier it gets lmao.

Yeah, fuck smart contracts and all that, just let me manually send amount X to location Y at time Z.

>> No.20384495

>What is the point of having a decentralized money when all financial services are centralized and require trust?
This, obviously.

Imagine being a Bitcoin maxipad, just for a second.

>> No.20384778

well said

>> No.20385522

God I just realized, you're actually a Tezosfag.
Imagine shilling for a smart contract platform, and saying smart contracts are useless.